Photosynthetic electron transport

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In oxygenic photosynthesis, state transitions distribute light energy between Photosystem I and Photosystem II. This regulation involves reduction of the plastoquinone pool, activation of the State Transitions 7 (STT7) protein kinase by the cytochrome b6f complex, and phosphorylation and migration of Light Harvesting Complex II (LHCII). Here, we show that in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, the C-terminus of the cyt b6 subunit PetB acts on phosphorylation of STT7 and state transitions. We used site-directed mutagenesis of the chloroplast petB gene to truncate (remove L215b6) or elongate (add G216b6) the cyt b6 subunit. Modified complexes are devoid of heme ci and degraded by FTSH protease, revealing that salt bridge formation between cyt b6 (PetB) and subunit IV (PetD) is key to the assembly of the complex. In double mutants where FTSH is inactivated, modified cyt b6f accumulated but the phosphorylation cascade was blocked. We also replaced the arginine interacting with heme ci propionate (R207Kb6). In this modified complex, heme ci is present but the kinetics of phosphorylation are slower. We show that highly phosphorylated forms of STT7 accumulated transiently after reduction of the PQ pool and represent the active forms of the protein kinase. Phosphorylation of the LHCII targets is favored at the expense of the protein kinase, and the migration of LHCII towards PSI is the limiting step for state transitions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Oxybenzone (OBZ; benzophenone-3, CAS# 131-57-7), as a new pollutant and ultraviolet absorbent, shows a significant threat to the survival of phytoplankton. This study aims to explore the acute toxic effects of OBZ on the growth of the microalga Selenastrum capricornutum, as well as the mechanisms for its damage to the primary metabolic pathways of photosynthesis and respiration. The results demonstrated that the concentrations for 50 % of maximal effect (EC50) of OBZ for S. capricornutum were 9.07 mg L-1 and 8.54 mg L-1 at 72 h and 96 h, respectively. A dosage of 4.56 mg L-1 OBZ significantly lowered the photosynthetic oxygen evolution rate of S. capricornutum in both light and dark conditions for a duration of 2 h, while it had no effect on the respiratory oxygen consumption rate under darkness. OBZ caused a significant decline in the efficiency of photosynthetic electron transport due to its damage to photosystem II (PSII), thereby decreasing the photosynthetic oxygen evolution rate. Over-accumulated H2O2 was produced under light due to the damage caused by OBZ to the donor and acceptor sides of PSII, resulting in increased peroxidation of cytomembranes and inhibition of algal respiration. OBZ\'s damage to photosynthesis and respiration will hinder the conversion and reuse of energy in algal cells, which is an important reason that OBZ has toxic effects on S. capricornutum. The present study indicated that OBZ has an acute toxic effect on the microalga S. capricornutum. In the two most important primary metabolic pathways in algae, photosynthesis is more sensitive to the toxicity of OBZ than respiration, especially in the dark.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cyclic electron transport (CET) around photosystem I (PSI) mediated by the NADH dehydrogenase-like (NDH) complex is closely related to plant salt tolerance. However, whether overexpression of a core subunit of the NDH complex affects the photosynthetic electron transport under salt stress is currently unclear. Here, we expressed the NDH complex L subunit (Ndhl) genes ZmNdhl1 and ZmNdhl2 from C4 plant maize (Zea mays) or OsNdhl from C3 plant rice (Oryza sativa) using a constitutive promoter in rice. Transgenic rice lines expressing ZmNdhl1, ZmNdhl2, or OsNdhl displayed enhanced salt tolerance, as indicated by greater plant height, dry weight, and leaf relative water content, as well as lower malondialdehyde content compared to wild-type plants under salt stress. Fluorescence parameters such as post-illumination rise (PIR), the prompt chlorophyll a fluorescence transient (OJIP), modulated 820-nm reflection (MR), and delayed chlorophyll a fluorescence (DF) remained relatively normal in transgenic plants during salt stress. These results indicate that expression of ZmNdhl1, ZmNdhl2, or OsNdhl increases cyclic electron transport activity, slows down damage to linear electron transport, alleviates oxidative damage to the PSI reaction center and plastocyanin, and reduces damage to electron transport on the receptor side of PSI in rice leaves under salt stress. Thus, expression of Ndhl genes from maize or rice improves salt tolerance by enhancing photosynthetic electron transport in rice. Maize and rice Ndhl genes played a similar role in enhancing salinity tolerance and avoiding photosynthetic damage.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Various chloroplast proteins are activated/deactivated during the light/dark cycle via the redox regulation system. Although the photosynthetic electron transport chain provides reducing power to redox-sensitive proteins via the ferredoxin (Fd)/thioredoxin (Trx) pathway for their enzymatic activity control, how the redox states of individual proteins are linked to electron transport efficiency remains uncharacterized. Here we addressed this subject with a focus on the photosynthetic induction phase. We used Arabidopsis plants, in which the amount of Fd-Trx reductase (FTR), a core component in the Fd/Trx pathway, was genetically altered. Several chloroplast proteins showed different redox shift responses toward low- and high-light treatments. The light-dependent reduction of Calvin-Benson cycle enzymes fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase (FBPase) and sedoheptulose 1,7-bisphosphatase (SBPase) was partially impaired in the FTR-knockdown ftrb mutant. Simultaneous analyses of chlorophyll fluorescence and P700 absorbance change indicated that the induction of the electron transport reactions was delayed in the ftrb mutant. FTR overexpression also mildly affected the reduction patterns of FBPase and SBPase under high-light conditions, which were accompanied by the modification of electron transport properties. Accordingly, the redox states of FBPase and SBPase were linearly correlated with electron transport rates. In contrast, ATP synthase was highly reduced even when electron transport reactions were not fully induced. Furthermore, the redox response of proton gradient regulation 5-like photosynthetic phenotype1 (PGRL1; a protein involved in cyclic electron transport) did not correlate with electron transport rates. Our results provide insights into the working dynamics of the redox regulation system and their differential associations with photosynthetic electron transport efficiency.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A mutant, Δsll1252ins, was generated to functionally characterize Sll1252. Δsll1252ins exhibited a slow-growth phenotype at 70 µmol photons m-2 s-1 and glucose sensitivity. In Δsll1252ins, the rate of PSII activity was not affected, whereas the whole chain electron transport activity was reduced by 45%. The inactivation of sll1252 led to the upregulation of genes, which were earlier reported to be induced in DBMIB-treated wild-type, suggesting that Sll1252 may be involved in electron transfer from the reduced-PQ pool to Cyt b6/f. The inhibitory effect of DCMU on PSII activity was similar in both wild-type and Δsll1252ins. However, the concentration of DBMIB for 50% inhibition of whole chain electron transport activity was 140 nM for Δsll1252ins and 300 nM for wild-type, confirming the site of action of Sll1252. Moreover, the elevated level of the reduced-PQ pool in Δsll1252ins supports that Sll1252 functions between the PQ pool and Cyt b6/f. Interestingly, we noticed that Δsll1252ins reverted to wild-type phenotype by insertion of natural transposon, ISY523, at the disruption site. Δsll1252-Ntrn, expressing only the C-terminal region of Sll1252, exhibited a slow-growth phenotype and disorganized thylakoid structure compared to wild-type and Δsll1252-Ctrn (expressing only the N-terminal region). Collectively, our data suggest that Sll1252 regulates electron transfer between the PQ pool and the Cyt b6/f complex in the linear photosynthetic electron transport chain via coordinated function of both the N- and C-terminal regions of Sll1252.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Inhibitory analysis is a useful tool for studying cytochrome b6f complex in the photosynthetic electron transport chain. Here, we examine the inhibitory efficiency of two widely used inhibitors of the plastoquinol oxidation in the cytochrome b6f complex, namely 2,4-dinitrophenyl ether of 2-iodo-4-nitrothymol (DNP-INT) and 2,5-dibromo-3-methyl-6-isopropylbenzoquinone (DBMIB). Using isolated thylakoids from pea and arabidopsis, we demonstrate that inhibitory activity of DNP-INT and DBMIB is enhanced by increasing irradiance, and this effect is due to the increase in the rate of electron transport. However, the accumulation of protons in the thylakoid lumen at low light intensity has opposite effects on the inhibitory activity of DNP-INT and DBMIB, namely increasing the activity of DNP-INT and restricting the activity of DBMIB. These results allow for the refinement of the conditions under which the use of these inhibitors leads to the complete inhibition of plastoquinol oxidation in the cytochrome b6f complex, thereby broadening our understanding of the operation of the cytochrome b6f complex under conditions of steady-state electron transport.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: The photosynthetic electron transport chain (ETC) is the bridge that links energy harvesting during the photophysical reactions at one end and energy consumption during the biochemical reactions at the other. Its functioning is thus fundamental for the proper balance between energy supply and demand in photosynthesis. Currently, there is a lack of understanding regarding how the structural properties of the ETC are affected by nutrient availability and plant developmental stages, which is a major roadblock to comprehensive modeling of photosynthesis.
    UNASSIGNED: Redox parameters reflect the structural controls of ETC on the photochemical reactions and electron transport. We conducted joint measurements of chlorophyll fluorescence (ChlF) and gas exchange under systematically varying environmental conditions and growth stages of maize and sampled foliar nutrient contents. We utilized the recently developed steady-state photochemical model to infer redox parameters of electron transport from these measurements.
    UNASSIGNED: We found that the inferred values of these photochemical redox parameters varied with leaf macronutrient content. These variations may be caused either directly by these nutrients being components of protein complexes on the ETC or indirectly by their impacts on the structural integrity of the thylakoid and feedback from the biochemical reactions. Also, the redox parameters varied with plant morphology and developmental stage, reflecting seasonal changes in the structural properties of the ETC. Our findings will facilitate the parameterization and simulation of complete models of photosynthesis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.), a crucial and widely grown forage legume, faces yield and quality challenges due to salinity stress. The defender against apoptotic death (DAD) gene, recognized initially as an apoptosis suppressor in mammals, plays a pivotal role in catalyzing N-glycosylation, acting as a positive regulator for protein folding and endoplasmic reticulum (ER) export. Here, we found that the MsDAD2 gene was specially induced in the salt-tolerant alfalfa cultivar (DL) under salinity stress, but not in the salt-sensitive cultivar (SD). Overexpression of MsDAD2 enhanced the salinity resistance of transgenic alfalfa by promoting NAD(P)H-quinone oxidoreductase (NQO1) and cytochrome b6f complex subunit (Cyt b6/f) expression, thereby mitigating reactive oxygen species (ROS) production. ChIP-qPCR analysis suggested that the differential expression of MsDAD2 in DL and SD under salinity stress may be linked to dynamic histone modifications in its promoter. Therefore, our findings elucidate a novel regulatory mechanism of MsDAD2 in alfalfa\'s response to salinity stress, underscoring its significance as a target for alfalfa breeding to enhance salt tolerance.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Rhododendron species provide excellent ornamental use worldwide, yet heat stress (HS) is one of the major threats to their cultivation. However, the intricate mechanisms underlying the photochemical and transcriptional regulations associated with the heat stress response in Rhododendron remain relatively unexplored. In this study, the analyses of morphological characteristics and chlorophyll fluorescence (ChlF) kinetics showed that HS (40 °C/35 °C) had a notable impact on both the donor\'s and acceptor\'s sides of photosystem II (PSII), resulting in reduced PSII activity and electron transfer capacity. The gradual recovery of plants observed following a 5-day period of culture under normal conditions indicates the reversible nature of the HS impact on Rhododendron × pulchrum. Analysis of transcriptome data unveiled noteworthy trends: four genes associated with photosynthesis-antenna protein synthesis (LHCb1, LHCb2 and LHCb3) and the antioxidant system (glutamate-cysteine ligase) experienced significant down-regulation in the leaves of R. × pulchrum during HS. Conversely, aseorbate peroxidase and glutathione S-transferase TAU 8 demonstrated an up-regulated pattern. Furthermore, six down-regulated genes (phos-phoenolpyruvate carboxylase 4, sedoheptulose-bisphosphatase, ribose-5-phosphate isomerase 2, high cyclic electron flow 1, beta glucosidase 32 and starch synthase 2) and two up-regulated genes (beta glucosidase 2 and UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase 2) implicated in photosynthetic carbon fixation and starch/sucrose metabolism were identified during the recovery process. To augment these insights, a weighted gene co-expression network analysis yielded a co-expression network, pinpointing the hub genes correlated with ChlF dynamics\' variation trends. The cumulative results showed that HS inhibited the synthesis of photosynthesis-antenna proteins in R. × pulchrum leaves. This disruption subsequently led to diminished photochemical activities in both PSII and PSI, albeit with PSI exhibiting heightened thermostability. Depending on the regulation of the reactive oxygen species scavenging system and heat dissipation, photoprotection sustained the recoverability of R. × pulchrum to HS.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In oxygenic photosynthetic systems, the cytochrome b6f (Cytb6f) complex (plastoquinol:plastocyanin oxidoreductase) is a heart of the hub that provides connectivity between photosystems (PS) II and I. In this review, the structure and function of the Cytb6f complex are briefly outlined, being focused on the mechanisms of a bifurcated (two-electron) oxidation of plastoquinol (PQH2). In plant chloroplasts, under a wide range of experimental conditions (pH and temperature), a diffusion of PQH2 from PSII to the Cytb6f does not limit the intersystem electron transport. The overall rate of PQH2 turnover is determined mainly by the first step of the bifurcated oxidation of PQH2 at the catalytic site Qo, i.e., the reaction of electron transfer from PQH2 to the Fe2S2 cluster of the high-potential Rieske iron-sulfur protein (ISP). This point has been supported by the quantum chemical analysis of PQH2 oxidation within the framework of a model system including the Fe2S2 cluster of the ISP and surrounding amino acids, the low-potential heme b6L, Glu78 and 2,3,5-trimethylbenzoquinol (the tail-less analog of PQH2). Other structure-function relationships and mechanisms of electron transport regulation of oxygenic photosynthesis associated with the Cytb6f complex are briefly outlined: pH-dependent control of the intersystem electron transport and the regulatory balance between the operation of linear and cyclic electron transfer chains.





