Photoreceptor development

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Two retinal transcription factors, cone-rod homeobox (CRX) and neural retina leucine zipper (NRL), cooperate functionally and physically to control photoreceptor development and homeostasis. Mutations in CRX and NRL cause severe retinal diseases. Despite the roles of NRL and CRX, insight into their functions at the molecular level is lacking. Here, we have solved the crystal structure of the CRX homeodomain in complex with its cognate response element (Ret4) from the rhodopsin proximal promoter region. The structure reveals an unexpected 2:1 stoichiometry of CRX/Ret4 and unique orientation of CRX molecules on DNA, and it explains the mechanisms of pathogenic mutations in CRX. Mutations R41Q and E42K disrupt the CRX protein-protein contacts based on the structure and reduce the CRX/Ret4 binding stoichiometry, suggesting a novel disease mechanism. Furthermore, we show that NRL alters the stoichiometry and increases affinity of CRX binding at the rhodopsin promoter, which may enhance transcription of rod-specific genes and suppress transcription of cone-specific genes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Human cone photoreceptors differ from rods and serve as the retinoblastoma cell-of-origin, yet the developmental basis for their distinct behaviors is poorly understood. Here, we used deep full-length single-cell RNA-sequencing to distinguish post-mitotic cone and rod developmental states and identify cone-specific features that contribute to retinoblastomagenesis. The analyses revealed early post-mitotic cone- and rod-directed populations characterized by higher THRB or NRL regulon activities, an immature photoreceptor precursor population with concurrent cone and rod gene and regulon expression, and distinct early and late cone and rod maturation states distinguished by maturation-associated declines in RAX regulon activity. Unexpectedly, both L/M cone and rod precursors co-expressed NRL and THRB RNAs, yet they differentially expressed functionally antagonistic NRL and THRB isoforms and prematurely terminated THRB transcripts. Early L/M cone precursors exhibited successive expression of several lncRNAs along with MYCN, which composed the seventh most L/M-cone-specific regulon, and SYK, which contributed to the early cone precursors\' proliferative response to RB1 loss. These findings reveal previously unrecognized photoreceptor precursor states and a role for early cone-precursor-intrinsic SYK expression in retinoblastoma initiation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Human stem cell-derived organoids enable both disease modeling and serve as a source of cells for transplantation. Human retinal organoids are particularly important as a source of human photoreceptors; however, the long differentiation period required and lack of vascularization in the organoid often results in a necrotic core and death of inner retinal cells before photoreceptors are fully mature. Manipulating the in vitro environment of differentiating retinal organoids through the incorporation of extracellular matrix components could influence retinal development. We investigated the addition of hyaluronan (HA), a component of the interphotoreceptor matrix, as an additive to promote long-term organoid survival and enhance retinal maturation. HA treatment had a significant reduction in the proportion of proliferating (Ki67+) cells and increase in the proportion of photoreceptors (CRX+), suggesting that HA accelerated photoreceptor commitment in vitro. HA significantly upregulated genes specific to photoreceptor maturation and outer segment development. Interestingly, prolonged HA-treatment significantly decreased the length of the brush border layer compared to those in control retinal organoids, where the photoreceptor outer segments reside; however, HA-treated organoids also had more mature outer segments with organized discs structures, as revealed by transmission electron microscopy. The brush border layer length was inversely proportional to the molar mass and viscosity of the hyaluronan added. This is the first study to investigate the role of exogenous HA, viscosity, and polymer molar mass on photoreceptor maturation, emphasizing the importance of material properties on organoid culture. STATEMENT OF SIGNIFICANCE: Retinal organoids are a powerful tool to study retinal development in vitro, though like many other organoid systems, can be highly variable. In this work, Shoichet and colleagues investigated the use of hyaluronan (HA), a native component of the interphotoreceptor matrix, to improve photoreceptor maturation in developing human retinal organoids. HA promoted human photoreceptor differentiation leading to mature outer segments with disc formation and more uniform and healthy retinal organoids. These findings highlight the importance of adding components native to the developing retina to generate more physiologically relevant photoreceptors for cell therapy and in vitro models to drive drug discovery and uncover novel disease mechanisms.






  • 文章类型: Preprint
    Paired-class homeodomain transcription factors (HD TFs) play essential roles in vertebrate development, and their mutations are linked to human diseases. One unique feature of paired-class HD is cooperative dimerization on specific palindrome DNA sequences. Yet, the functional significance of HD cooperative dimerization in animal development and its dysregulation in diseases remain elusive. Using the retinal TF Cone-rod Homeobox (CRX) as a model, we have studied how blindness-causing mutations in the paired HD, p.E80A and p.K88N, alter CRX\'s cooperative dimerization, lead to gene misexpression and photoreceptor developmental deficits in dominant manners. CRXE80A maintains binding at monomeric WT CRX motifs but is deficient in cooperative binding at dimeric motifs. CRXE80A\'s cooperativity defect impacts the exponential increase of photoreceptor gene expression in terminal differentiation and produces immature, non-functional photoreceptors in the CrxE80A retinas. CRXK88N is highly cooperative and localizes to ectopic genomic sites with strong enrichment of dimeric HD motifs. CRXK88N\'s altered biochemical properties disrupt CRX\'s ability to direct dynamic chromatin remodeling during development to activate photoreceptor differentiation programs and silence progenitor programs. Our study here provides in vitro and in vivo molecular evidence that paired-class HD cooperative dimerization regulates neuronal development and dysregulation of cooperative binding contributes to severe dominant blinding retinopathies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Homeodomain transcription factors (HD TFs) are instrumental to vertebrate development. Mutations in HD TFs have been linked to human diseases, but their pathogenic mechanisms remain elusive. Here, we use Cone-Rod Homeobox (CRX) as a model to decipher the disease-causing mechanisms of two HD mutations, p.E80A and p.K88N, that produce severe dominant retinopathies. Through integrated analysis of molecular and functional evidence in vitro and in knock-in mouse models, we uncover two novel gain-of-function mechanisms: p.E80A increases CRX-mediated transactivation of canonical CRX target genes in developing photoreceptors; p.K88N alters CRX DNA-binding specificity resulting in binding at ectopic sites and severe perturbation of CRX target gene expression. Both mechanisms produce novel retinal morphological defects and hinder photoreceptor maturation distinct from loss-of-function models. This study reveals the distinct roles of E80 and K88 residues in CRX HD regulatory functions and emphasizes the importance of transcriptional precision in normal development.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Photoreceptor development of the vertebrate visual system is controlled by a complex transcription regulatory network. OTX2 is expressed in the mitotic retinal progenitor cells (RPCs) and controls photoreceptor genesis. CRX that is activated by OTX2 is expressed in photoreceptor precursors after cell cycle exit. NEUROD1 is also present in photoreceptor precursors that are ready to specify into rod and cone photoreceptor subtypes. NRL is required for the rod fate and regulates downstream rod-specific genes including the orphan nuclear receptor NR2E3 which further activates rod-specific genes and simultaneously represses cone-specific genes. Cone subtype specification is also regulated by the interplay of several transcription factors such as THRB and RXRG. Mutations in these key transcription factors are responsible for ocular defects at birth such as microphthalmia and inherited photoreceptor diseases such as Leber congenital amaurosis (LCA), retinitis pigmentosa (RP) and allied dystrophies. In particular, many mutations are inherited in an autosomal dominant fashion, including the majority of missense mutations in CRX and NRL. In this review, we describe the spectrum of photoreceptor defects that are associated with mutations in the above-mentioned transcription factors, and summarize the current knowledge of molecular mechanisms underlying the pathogenic mutations. At last, we deliberate the outstanding gaps in our understanding of the genotype-phenotype correlations and outline avenues for future research of the treatment strategies.






  • 文章类型: Preprint
    Homeodomain transcription factors (HD TFs) are instrumental to vertebrate development. Mutations in HD TFs have been linked to human diseases, but their pathogenic mechanisms remain elusive. Here we use Cone-Rod Homeobox (CRX) as a model to decipher the disease-causing mechanisms of two HD mutations, p.E80A and p.K88N, that produce severe dominant retinopathies. Through integrated analysis of molecular and functional evidence in vitro and in knock-in mouse models, we uncover two novel gain-of-function mechanisms: p.E80A increases CRX-mediated transactivation of canonical CRX target genes in developing photoreceptors; p.K88N alters CRX DNA-binding specificity resulting in binding at ectopic sites and severe perturbation of CRX target gene expression. Both mechanisms produce novel retinal morphological defects and hinder photoreceptor maturation distinct from loss-of-function models. This study reveals the distinct roles of E80 and K88 residues in CRX HD regulatory functions and emphasizes the importance of transcriptional precision in normal development.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Vision commences in the retina with rod and cone photoreceptors that detect and convert light to electrical signals. The irreversible loss of photoreceptors due to neurodegenerative disease leads to visual impairment and blindness. Interventions now in development include transplanting photoreceptors, committed photoreceptor precursors, or retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells, with the latter protecting photoreceptors from dying. However, introducing exogenous human cells in a clinical setting faces both regulatory and supply chain hurdles. Recent work has shown that abnormalities in central cell metabolism pathways are an underlying feature of most neurodegenerative disorders, including those in the retina. Reversal of key metabolic alterations to drive retinal repair thus represents a novel strategy to treat vision loss based on cell regeneration. Here, we review the connection between photoreceptor degeneration and alterations in cell metabolism, along with new insights into how metabolic reprogramming drives both retinal development and repair following damage. The potential impact of metabolic reprogramming on retinal regeneration is also discussed, specifically in the context of how metabolic switches drive both retinal development and the activation of retinal glial cells known as Müller glia. Müller glia display latent regenerative properties in teleost fish, however, their capacity to regenerate new photoreceptors has been lost in mammals. Thus, re-activating the regenerative properties of Müller glia in mammals represents an exciting new area that integrates research into developmental cues, central metabolism, disease mechanisms, and glial cell biology. In addition, we discuss this work in relation to the latest insights gleaned from other tissues (brain, muscle) and regenerative species (zebrafish).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Stem cell-based cell therapies are considered to be promising treatments for retinal disorders with dysfunction or death of photoreceptors. However, the enrichment of human photoreceptors suitable for transplantation has been highly challenging so far. This study aimed to generate a photoreceptor-specific reporter human induced pluripotent stem cell (hiPSC) line using CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing, which harbored an enhanced green fluorescent protein (eGFP) sequence at the endogenous locus of the pan photoreceptor marker recoverin (RCVRN). After confirmation of successful targeting and gene stability, three-dimensional retinal organoids were induced from this reporter line. The RCVRN-eGFP reporter faithfully replicated endogenous protein expression of recoverin and revealed the developmental characteristics of photoreceptors during retinal differentiation. The RCVRN-eGFP specifically and steadily labeled photoreceptor cells from photoreceptor precursors to mature rods and cones. Additionally, abundant eGFP-positive photoreceptors were enriched by fluorescence-activated cell sorting, and their transcriptome signatures were revealed by RNA sequencing and data analysis. Moreover, potential clusters of differentiation (CD) biomarkers were extracted for the enrichment of photoreceptors for clinical applications, such as CD133 for the positive selection of photoreceptors. Altogether, the RCVRN-eGFP reporter hiPSC line was successfully established and the first global expression database of recoverin-positive photoreceptors was constructed. These achievements will provide a powerful tool for dynamically monitoring photoreceptor cell development and purification of human photoreceptors, thus facilitating photoreceptor cell therapy for advanced retinal disorders.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sensory systems are tuned by selection to maximize organismal fitness in particular environments. This tuning has implications for intraspecies communication, the maintenance of species boundaries, and speciation. Tuning of color vision largely depends on the sequence of the expressed opsin proteins. To improve tuning of visual sensitivities to shifts in habitat or foraging ecology over the course of development, many organisms change which opsins are expressed. Changes in this developmental sequence (heterochronic shifts) can create differences in visual sensitivity among closely related species. The genetic mechanisms by which these developmental shifts occur are poorly understood. Here, we use quantitative trait locus analyses, genome sequencing, and gene expression studies in African cichlid fishes to identify a role for the transcription factor Tbx2a in driving a switch between long wavelength sensitive (LWS) and Rhodopsin-like (RH2) opsin expression. We identify binding sites for Tbx2a in the LWS promoter and the highly conserved locus control region of RH2 which concurrently promote LWS expression while repressing RH2 expression. We also present evidence that a single change in Tbx2a regulatory sequence has led to a species difference in visual tuning, providing the first mechanistic model for the evolution of rapid switches in sensory tuning. This difference in visual tuning likely has important roles in evolution as it corresponds to differences in diet, microhabitat choice, and male nuptial coloration.






