
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Although it powers photosynthesis, ultraviolet-A1 radiation (UV-A1) is usually not defined as photosynthetically active radiation (PAR). However, the quantum yield (QY) with which UV-A1 drives net photosynthesis rate (A) is unknown, as are the kinetics of A and chlorophyll fluorescence under constant UV-A1 exposure. We measured A in leaves of six genotypes at four spectra peaking at 365, 385, 410 and 450 nm, at intensities spanning 0-300 μmol m s-1. All treatments powered near-linear increases in A in a wavelength-dependent manner. QY at 365 and 385 nm was linked to the apparent concentration of flavonoids, implicating the pigment in reductions of photosynthetic efficiency under UV-A1; in several genotypes, A under 365 and 385 nm was negative regardless of illumination intensity, suggesting very small contributions of UV-A1 radiation to CO2 fixation. Exposure to treatment spectra for 30 min caused slow increases in nonphotochemical quenching, transient reductions in A and dark-adapted maximum quantum yield of photosystem II, that depended on wavelength and intensity, but were generally stronger the lower the peak wavelength was. We conclude that UV-A1 generally powers A, but its definition as PAR requires additional evidence of its capacity to significantly increase whole-canopy carbon uptake in nature.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Myeloblastosis (MYB) transcription factor (TF) family is one of the largest transcription factor families in plants and plays an important role in various physiological processes. At present, there are few reports on birch (Betula platyphylla Suk.) of R2R3-MYB-TFs, and most BpMYBs still need to be characterized. In this study, 111 R2R3-MYB-TFs with conserved R2 and R3 MYB domains were identified. Phylogenetic tree analysis showed that the MYB family members of Arabidopsis thaliana and birch were divided into 23 and 21 subgroups, respectively. The latter exhibited an uneven distribution across 14 chromosomes. There were five tandem duplication events and 17 segmental duplication events between BpMYBs, and repeat events play an important role in the expansion of the family. In addition, the promoter region of MYBs was rich in various cis-acting elements, and MYB-TFs were involved in plant growth and development, light responses, biotic stress, and abiotic stress. RNA-sequencing (RNA-seq) and quantitative Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction (qRT-PCR) results revealed that most R2R3-MYB-TFs in birch responded to salt stress. In particular, the expression of BpMYBs in the S20 subfamily was significantly induced by salt, drought, abscisic acid, and methyl jasmonate stresses. Based on the weighted co-expression network analysis of physiological and RNA-seq data of birch under salt stress, a key MYB-TF BpMYB95 (BPChr12G24087), was identified in response to salt stress, and its expression level was induced by salt stress. BpMYB95 is a nuclear localization protein with transcriptional activation activity in yeast and overexpression of this gene significantly enhanced salt tolerance in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The qRT-PCR and histochemical staining results showed that BpMYB95 exhibited the highest expression in the roots, young leaves, and petioles of birch plants. Overexpression of BpMYB95 significantly improved salt-induced browning and wilting symptoms in birch leaves and alleviated the degree of PSII photoinhibition caused by salt stress in birch seedlings. In conclusion, most R2R3-MYB-TFs found in birch were involved in the salt stress response mechanisms. Among these, BpMYB95 was a key regulatory factor that significantly enhanced salt tolerance in birch. The findings of this study provide valuable genetic resources for the development of salt-tolerant birch varieties.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Antarctic photopsychrophile, Chlamydomonas priscui UWO241, is adapted to extreme environmental conditions, including permanent low temperatures, high salt, and shade. During long-term exposure to this extreme habitat, UWO241 appears to have lost several short-term mechanisms in favor of constitutive protection against environmental stress. This study investigated the physiological and growth responses of UWO241 to high-light conditions, evaluating the impacts of long-term acclimation to high light, low temperature, and high salinity on its ability to manage short-term photoinhibition. We found that UWO241 significantly increased its growth rate and photosynthetic activity at growth irradiances far exceeding native light conditions. Furthermore, UWO241 exhibited robust protection against short-term photoinhibition, particularly in photosystem I. Lastly, pre-acclimation to high light or low temperatures, but not high salinity, enhanced photoinhibition tolerance. These findings extend our understanding of stress tolerance in extremophilic algae. In the past 2 decades, climate change-related increasing glacial stream flow has perturbed long-term stable conditions, which has been associated with lake level rise, the thinning of ice covers, and the expansion of ice-free perimeters, leading to perturbations in light and salinity conditions. Our findings have implications for phytoplankton survival and the response to change scenarios in the light-limited environment of Antarctic ice-covered lakes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This review comprehensively examines the phenomenon of photoinhibition in plants, focusing mainly on the intricate relationship between photodamage and photosystem II (PSII) repair and the role of PSII extrinsic proteins and protein phosphorylation in these processes. In natural environments, photoinhibition occurs together with a suite of concurrent stress factors, including extreme temperatures, drought and salinization. Photoinhibition, primarily caused by high irradiance, results in a critical imbalance between the rate of PSII photodamage and its repair. Central to this process is the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS), which not only impair the photosynthetic apparatus first PSII but also play a signalling role in chloroplasts and other cellulular structures. ROS generated under stress conditions inhibit the repair of photodamaged PSII by suppressing D1 protein synthesis and affecting PSII protein phosphorylation. Furthermore, this review considers how environmental stressors exacerbate PSII damage by interfering with PSII repair primarily by reducing de novo protein synthesis. In addition to causing direct damage, these stressors also contribute to ROS production by restricting CO2 fixation, which also reduces the intensity of protein synthesis. This knowledge has significant implications for agricultural practices and crop improvement under stressful conditions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In cyanobacteria, Elongation factor Tu (EF-Tu) plays a crucial role in the repair of photosystem II (PSII), which is highly susceptible to oxidative stress induced by light exposure and regulated by reactive oxygen species (ROS). However, the specific molecular mechanism governing the functional regulation of EF-Tu by ROS remains unclear. Previous research has shown that a mutated EF-Tu, where C82 is substituted with a Ser residue, can alleviate photoinhibition, highlighting the important role of C82 in EF-Tu photosensitivity. In this study, we elucidated how ROS deactivate EF-Tu by examining the crystal structures of EF-Tu in both wild-type and mutated form (C82S) individually at resolutions of 1.7 Å and 2.0 Å in Synechococcus elongatus PCC 7942 complexed with GDP. Specifically, the GDP-bound form of EF-Tu adopts an open conformation with C82 located internally, making it resistant to oxidation. Coordinated conformational changes in switches I and II create a tunnel that positions C82 for ROS interaction, revealing the vulnerability of the closed conformation of EF-Tu to oxidation. An analysis of these two structures reveals that the precise spatial arrangement of C82 plays a crucial role in modulating EF-Tu\'s response to ROS, serving as a regulatory element that governs photosynthetic biosynthesis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Photosystem I (PSI) is an essential protein complex for oxygenic photosynthesis and is also known to be an important source of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in the light. When ROS are generated within PSI, the photosystem can be damaged. The so-called PSI photoinhibition is a lethal event for oxygenic phototrophs, and it is prevented by keeping the reaction center chlorophyll (P700) oxidized in excess light conditions. Whereas regulatory mechanisms for controlling P700 oxidation have been discovered already, the molecular mechanism of PSI photoinhibition is still unclear. Here, we characterized the damage mechanism of PSI photoinhibition by in vitro transient absorption and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy in isolated PSI from cucumber leaves that had been subjected to photoinhibition treatment. Photodamage to PSI was induced by two different light treatments: 1. continuous illumination with high light at low (chilling) temperature (C/LT) and 2. repetitive flashes at room temperature (F/RT). These samples were compared to samples that had been illuminated with high light at room temperature (C/RT). The [FeS] clusters FX and (FA FB) were destructed in C/LT but not in F/RT. Transient absorption spectroscopy indicated that half of the charge separation was impaired in F/RT, however, low-temperature EPR revealed the light-induced FX signal at a similar size as in the case of C/RT. This indicates that the two branches of electron transfer in PSI were affected differently. Electron transfer at the A-branch was inhibited in F/RT and also partially in C/LT, while the B-branch remained active.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Microalgae are a promising renewable feedstock that can be produced on non-arable land using seawater. Their biomass contains proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, and pigments, and can be used for various biobased products, such as food, feed, biochemicals, and biofuels. For such applications, the production costs need to be reduced, for example, by improving biomass productivity in photobioreactors. In this study, Picochlorum sp. (BPE23) was cultivated in a prototype of a novel outdoor V-shaped photobioreactor on Bonaire (12°N, 68°W). The novel photobioreactor design was previously proposed for the capture and dilution of sunlight at low-latitude locations. During several months, the biomass productivity of the local thermotolerant microalgae was determined at different dilution rates in continuous dilution and batch dilution experiments, without any form of temperature control. Reactor temperatures increased to 35°C-45°C at midday. In the continuous dilution experiments, high average biomass productivities of 28-31 g m-2 d-1 and photosynthetic efficiencies of 3.5%-4.3% were achieved. In the batch dilution experiments, biomass productivities were lower (17-23 g m-2 d-1), as microalgal cells likely experienced sudden light and temperature stress after daily reactor dilution. Nonetheless, dense cultures were characterized by high maximum photosynthetic rates, illustrating the potential of Picochlorum sp. for fast growth under outdoor conditions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Enhancing the efficiency of photosynthesis represents a promising strategy to improve crop yields, with keeping the steady state of PSII being key to determining the photosynthetic performance. However, the mechanisms whereby the stability of PSII is maintained in oxygenic organisms remain to be explored. Here, we report that the Psb28 protein functions in regulating the homeostasis of PSII under different light conditions in Arabidopsis thaliana. The psb28 mutant is much smaller than the wild-type plants under normal growth light, which is due to its significantly reduced PSII activity. Similar defects were seen under low light and became more pronounced under photoinhibitory light. Notably, the amounts of PSII core complexes and core subunits are specifically decreased in psb28, whereas the abundance of other representative components of photosynthetic complexes remains largely unaltered. Although the PSII activity of psb28 was severely reduced when subjected to high light, its recovery from photoinactivation was not affected. By contrast, the degradation of PSII core protein subunits is dramatically accelerated in the presence of lincomycin. These results indicate that psb28 is defective in the photoprotection of PSII, which is consistent with the observation that the overall NPQ is much lower in psb28 compared to the wild type. Moreover, the Psb28 protein is associated with PSII core complexes and interacts mainly with the CP47 subunit of PSII core. Taken together, these findings reveal an important role for Psb28 in the protection and stabilization of PSII core in response to changes in light environments.





