Phenotypic traits

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The aim of this study was to evaluate phenotypic traits and genetic diversity of the 13 tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) varieties and 6 hybrids developed at the Institute of Horticulture Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry (LRCAF IH). For the molecular characterisation, seven previously published microsatellite markers (SSR) were used. A24 and 26 alleles were detected in tomato varieties and hybrids, respectively. Based on the polymorphism information content (PIC) value, the most informative SSR primers for varieties were TMS52, TGS0007, LEMDDNa and Tom236-237, and the most informative SSR primers for hybrids were SSR248 and TMS52. In UPGMA cluster analysis, tomato varieties are grouped in some cases due to genetic relationships, as the same cluster cultivars \'Viltis\' (the parent of cv. \'Laukiai\') and \'Aušriai\' (the progeny of cv. \'Jurgiai\') are present. The grouping of all hybrids in the dendrogram is related to the parental forms, and it shows the usefulness of molecular markers for tomato breeding, as they can be used to trace the origin of hybrids and, eventually, varieties accurately. The knowledge about the genetic background of Lithuanian tomato cultivars will help plan targeted crosses in tomato breeding programs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Climate change is projected to increase the frequency and intensity of extreme heat events, and may increase humidity levels, leading to coupled thermal and hydric stress. However, how humidity modulates the impacts of heat stress on species and their interactions is currently unknown. Using an insect host-parasitoid interaction: the Indian meal moth, Plodia interpunctella, and its endoparasitoid wasp, Venturia canescens, we investigated how humidity interacted with heat stress duration, applied at different host developmental stages, to affect life history traits. Hosts parasitized as 4th instar larvae and unparasitized hosts were maintained in high- (60.8% RH) or low-humidity (32.5% RH) at constant 28°C. They were then exposed to a 38°C thermal stress with a duration of 0 (no heat stress), 6 or 72 h in either the 4th or 5th host instar. Neither humidity nor heat stress duration affected emergence of unparasitized hosts, but increasing heat stress duration during the 4th instar decreased parasitoid emergence irrespective of humidity. When applied during the 5th instar, increasing heat duration decreased parasitoid emergence under low humidity, but no effect of heat stress was found under high humidity. Moreover, experiencing longer heat stress in the 4th instar increased host larval development time and decreased body size under high humidity, but this effect differed under low humidity; increasing heat duration in the 5th instar decreased parasitoid body sizes only under low humidity. Larval stage and heat stress duration directly affected parasitized host survival time, with a concomitant indirect reduction of parasitoid sizes. We show that humidity modifies key life history responses of hosts and parasitoids to heat stress in species-specific ways, highlighting the potential importance of humidity in regulating host-parasitoid interactions and their population dynamics. Finally, we emphasize that interactions between environmental stressors need to be considered in climate change research.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Taxonomy has long struggled with analysing vast amounts of phenotypic data due to computational and accessibility challenges. Ontology-based technologies provide a framework for modelling semantic phenotypes that are understandable by computers and compliant with FAIR principles. In this paper, we explore the use of Phenoscript, an emerging language designed for creating semantic phenotypes, to produce computable species descriptions. Our case study centers on the application of this approach to dung beetles (Coleoptera, Scarabaeinae).
    UNASSIGNED: We illustrate the effectiveness of Phenoscript for creating semantic phenotypes. We also demonstrate the ability of the Phenospy python package to automatically translate Phenoscript descriptions into natural language (NL), which eliminates the need for writing traditional NL descriptions. We introduce a computational pipeline that streamlines the generation of semantic descriptions and their conversion to NL. To demonstrate the power of the semantic approach, we apply simple semantic queries to the generated phenotypic descriptions. This paper addresses the current challenges in crafting semantic species descriptions and outlines the path towards future improvements. Furthermore, we discuss the promising integration of semantic phenotypes and nanopublications, as emerging methods for sharing scientific information. Overall, our study highlights the pivotal role of ontology-based technologies in modernising taxonomy and aligning it with the evolving landscape of big data analysis and FAIR principles.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Due to the medicinal importance of the flowers of Xianglei type (XL) Lonicera macranthoides, it is important to understand the molecular mechanisms that underlie their development. In this study, we elucidated the transcriptomic and metabolomic mechanisms that underlie the flower development mechanism of two L. macranthoides varieties. In this study, 3435 common differentially expressed unigenes (DEGs) and 1138 metabolites were identified. These common DEGs were mainly enriched in plant hormone signal transduction pathways. Metabolomic analysis showed that amino acids were the main metabolites of differential accumulation in wild-type (WT) L. macranthoides, whereas in XL, they were flavonoids and phenylalanine metabolites. Genes and transcription factors (TFs), such as MYB340, histone deacetylase 1 (HDT1), small auxin-up RNA 32 (SAUR32), auxin response factor 6 (ARF6), PIN-LIKES 7 (PILS7), and WRKY6, likely drive metabolite accumulation. Plant hormone signals, especially auxin signals, and various TFs induce downstream flower organ recognition genes, resulting in a differentiation of the two L. macranthoides varieties in terms of their developmental trajectories. In addition, photoperiodic, autonomous, and plant hormone pathways jointly regulated the L. macranthoides corolla opening. SAUR32, Arabidopsis response regulator 9 (ARR9), Gibberellin receptor (GID1B), and Constans-like 10 (COL10) were closely related to the unfolding of the L. macranthoides corolla. These findings offer valuable understanding of the flower growth process of L. macranthoides and the excellent XL phenotypes at the molecular level.
    UNASSIGNED: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s13205-024-04019-1.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We investigated the impact of various complex organic nitrogen sources on the submerged liquid fermentation of Beauveria bassiana, a versatile entomopathogenic fungus known for producing hydrophilic yeast-like single cells called blastospores. Specifically, we examined yeast extract, autolyzed yeast, inactive yeast, cottonseed flour, corn bran, and corn gluten meal as nitrogen compounds with different carbon-to-nitrogen (C:N) ratios. Our comprehensive analysis encompassed blastospore production, tolerance to abiotic stresses, shelf stability after drying, and virulence against mealworm larvae, crucial attributes for developing effective blastospore-based biopesticides. Notably, cottonseed flour emerged as the optimal nitrogen source, yielding up to 2.5 × 109 blastospores/mL within 3 days in a bioreactor. These blastospores exhibited the highest tolerance to heat stress and UV-B radiation exposure. The endogenous C:N ratio in blastospore composition was also impacted by nitrogen sources. Bioassays with mealworm larvae demonstrated that blastospores from cottonseed flour were the most virulent, achieving faster lethality (lower LT50) and requiring a lower inoculum (LC50). Importantly, blastospores produced with cottonseed flour displayed extended viability during storage, surpassing the retention of viability compared to those from autolyzed yeast over 180 days at 4°C. Despite differences in storage viability, both nitrogen sources conferred similar long-term blastospore bioactivity against mealworms. In summary, this research advances our understanding of the crucial impact of complex organic nitrogen selection on the phenotypic traits of blastospores in association with their intracellular C:N ratio, contributing to the production of ecologically fit, shelf-stable, and virulent propagules for effective pest biocontrol programs.
    OBJECTIVE: Biological control through entomopathogenic fungi provides essential ecological services in the integrated management of agricultural pests. In the context of submerged liquid fermentation, the nutritional composition significantly influences the ecological fitness, virulence and quality of these fungi. This study specifically explores the impact of various complex organic nitrogen sources derived from agro-industrial byproducts on the submerged liquid fermentation of Beauveria bassiana, a versatile entomopathogenic fungus known for producing hydrophilic yeast-like blastospores. Notably, manipulating the nitrogen source during submerged cultivation can influence the quality, fitness, and performance of blastospores. This research identifies cottonseed flour as the optimal low-cost nitrogen source, contributing to increased production yields, enhanced multi-stress tolerance, heightened virulence with extended shelf life and long-term bioactivity. These findings deepen our understanding of the critical role of nitrogen compound selection in liquid media formulation, facilitating the production of ecologically fit and virulent blastospores for more effective pest biocontrol programs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The ability of individual animals to defend a territory as well as various phenotypic and behavioral traits may be targets of sexual selection used by males to evaluate their competitors or by females to choose males. A frequent question in animal behavior is whether male traits and characteristics of their territory are correlated and what are the mechanisms that may mediate such associations when they exist. Because hormones link phenotype to behavior, by studying the role of testosterone in territoriality one may come closer to understanding the mechanisms mediating correlations or lack thereof between characteristics of territories and of males. We evaluated whether variation in characteristics of territories (size and quality) are correlated with variation in morphology, coloration, testosterone, heterozygosity, and calls in two species of poison frogs. The Amazonian frog Allobates aff. trilineatus exhibits male care and defends territories only during the breeding season, while the endangered frog Oophaga lehmanni displays maternal care and defends territories throughout the year. We found that morphological traits (body length, weight, thigh size), call activity, and testosterone levels correlated with size and various indicators of quality of the territory. However, the direction of these correlations (whether positive or negative) and which specific morphological, acoustic traits or testosterone level variables covaried depended on the species. Our findings highlight an endocrine pathway as part of the physiological machinery that may underlie the interplay between male traits and territorial behavior. We were able to identify some male traits related to territory attributes, but whether females choose males based on these traits requires further research.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Tartary buckwheat (Fagopyrum tataricum) is a significant medicinal crop, with flavonoids serving as a crucial measure of its quality. Presently, the artificial cultivation of Tartary buckwheat yields low results, and the quality varies across different origins. Therefore, it is imperative to identify an effective method to enhance the yield and quality of buckwheat. Endophytic fungi reside within plants and form a mutually beneficial symbiotic relationship, aiding plants in nutrient absorption, promoting host growth, and improving secondary metabolites akin to the host. In this study, high-throughput sequencing technology was employed to assess the diversity of endophytic fungi in Tartary buckwheat. Subsequently, a correlation analysis was performed between fungi and metabolites, revealing potential increases in flavonoid content due to endophytic fungi such as Bipolaris, Hymenula, and Colletotrichum. Additionally, a correlation analysis between fungi and phenotypic traits unveiled the potential influence of endophytic fungi such as Bipolaris, Buckleyzyma, and Trichosporon on the phenotypic traits of Tartary buckwheat. Notably, the endophytic fungi of the Bipolaris genus exhibited the potential to elevate the content of Tartary buckwheat metabolites and enhance crop growth. Consequently, this study successfully identified the resources of endophytic fungi in Tartary buckwheat, explored potential functional endophytic fungi, and laid a scientific foundation for future implementation of biological fertilizers in improving the quality and growth of Tartary buckwheat.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Anthracnose caused by Colletotrichum lindemuthianum is the major common bean disease worldwide causing complete yield loss under favourable disease conditions. This study aimed to determine phenotypic traits associated with anthracnose resistance for future use in breeding programmes. Twenty-two common bean varieties (CBVs) were selected basing on susceptibility to anthracnose, advanced breeding lines, improved variety resembling advanced breeding lines and the farmer variety widely grown in Tanzania. Selected varieties were planted in anthracnose hotspot fields and the same CBVs were planted in a screen house to validate resistance to anthracnose. Anthracnose infection score, leaf length, leaf width, length of fifth internode, length of petiole, plant vigour, canopy height and canopy width were recorded. Data on number of plants emerging; days to flowering; days to maturity; plant stands at harvest; and grain yield were also collected and analysed using R software. Phenotypic traits evaluated differed significantly among genotypes, environment and genotype by environment interaction. Seventy-five percent of phenotypic traits evaluated were positively correlated to anthracnose resistance. Highly-strong correlations to anthracnose were observed on number of days to maturity, plant stands at harvest, plant vigour and grain yield. Leaf length, leaf width, length of fifth internode, length of petiole and number of stands emerging were strongly correlated to anthracnose resistance. Additive main effects and multiplicative interaction analysis (AMMI) revealed highest contribution of environment on anthracnose infection-58.9% and grain yield -84.9% compared to genotype effects on anthracnose infection -32.7% and grain yield-15.7%. Based on these results, four traits - plant vigour, number of days to maturity, number of plant stands at harvest and grain yield - are recommended for selecting anthracnose-resistant varieties. NUA 48, NUA 64 and RWR 2154 were superior varieties, resistant to anthracnose and high yielding, while Sweet Violet and VTT 923-23-10 were most stable varieties across environments. Further on-farm research is suggested to assess their performance and identify traits preferred by farmers.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Harvest in walleye Sander vitreus fisheries is size-selective and could influence phenotypic traits of spawners; however, contributions of individual spawners to recruitment are unknown. We used parentage analyses using single nucleotide polymorphisms to test whether parental traits were related to the probability of offspring survival in Escanaba Lake, Wisconsin. From 2017 to 2020, 1339 adults and 1138 juveniles were genotyped and 66% of the offspring were assigned to at least one parent. Logistic regression indicated the probability of reproductive success (survival of age-0 to first fall) was positively (but weakly) related to total length and growth rate in females, but not age. No traits analyzed were related to reproductive success for males. Our analysis identified the model with the predictors\' growth rate and year for females and the models with year and age and year for males as the most likely models to explain variation in reproductive success. Our findings indicate that interannual variation (i.e., environmental conditions) likely plays a key role in determining the probability of reproductive success in this population and provide limited support that female age, length, and growth rate influence recruitment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The yellow-spined bamboo locust (YSBL), Ceracris kiangsu Tsai, has historically had a significant impact on different bamboo varieties in East Asia and Southeast Asia. Since 2014, there have been many outbreaks of YSBL populations in Laos, and YSBLs subsequently invaded Southwest China in 2020 and 2023. However, there was limited information about the damage to staple crops. Life table parameters and fitness parameters were assessed using wheat, rice, waxy maize, and sweet maize under three different temperatures (25 °C, 30 °C, and 35 °C) in the laboratory. The results indicated that the YSBLs feeding on wheat seedlings displayed a significantly higher survival rate, a shorter developmental time, and a higher adult emergence rate compared to YSBLs feeding on the other host species at 30 °C. The developmental durations of 1st and 3rd instar YSBLs on wheat (1st: 8.21 ± 0.35 d; 3rd: 6.32 ± 0.34 d) and rice (1st: 7.19 ± 0.23 d; 3rd: 9.00 ± 0.66 d) were significantly shorter than those of 1st and 3rd instar YSBLs on waxy maize (1st: 13.62 ± 1.22 d; 3rd: 13.67 ± 6.33 d) and sweet maize (1st: 16.00 ± 1.79 d; 3rd: 18.00 ± 3.49 d) at 30 °C. The body lengths of male and female YSBLs on wheat (male: 29.52 ± 0.40 mm, female: 34.97 ± 0.45 mm) and rice (male: 28.85 ± 0.68 mm, female: 34.66 ± 0.35 mm) were significantly longer than those observed when they were fed on sweet maize (male: 25.64 ± 1.60 mm, female: 21.93 ± 6.89 mm). There were only male adults obtained on waxy maize. The phenotypic characteristics of the YSBLs feeding on rice seedlings were very close to those of the YSBLs feeding on wheat seedlings. A relatively slower decline was observed in the survival rates of YSBL nymphs on wheat and rice compared to those on waxy maize and sweet maize at 25 °C, 30 °C, and 35 °C. In short, this study implied that YSBLs prefer wheat and rice. This study is the first report of direct damage caused by the YSBL to wheat in the laboratory, and its results could be useful in improving our understanding of the host preference of the YSBL and providing strategies for the management of this pest in field crops.





