Phenotypic plasticity

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Oxygen deprivation during embryonic development can permanently remodel the vertebrate heart, often causing cardiovascular abnormalities in adulthood. While this phenomenon is mostly damaging, recent evidence suggests developmental hypoxia produces stress-tolerant phenotypes in some ectothermic vertebrates. Embryonic common snapping turtles (Chelydra serpentina) subjected to chronic hypoxia display improved cardiac anoxia tolerance after hatching, which is associated with altered Ca2+ homeostasis in heart cells (cardiomyocytes). Here we examined the possibility that changes in Ca2+ cycling, through the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR), underlie the developmentally programmed cardiac phenotype of snapping turtles. We investigated this hypothesis by isolating cardiomyocytes from juvenile turtles that developed in either normoxia (21% O2; \"N21\") or chronic hypoxia (10% O2; \"H10\") and subjected the cells to anoxia/reoxygenation, either in the presence or absence of SR Ca2+-cycling inhibitors. We simultaneously measured cellular shortening, intracellular [Ca2+], and intracellular pH (pHi). Under normoxic conditions, N21 and H10 cardiomyocytes shortened equally, but H10 Ca2+ transients (Δ[Ca2+]i) were twofold smaller than N21 cells, and SR inhibition only decreased N21 shortening and Δ[Ca2+]i. Anoxia subsequently depressed shortening, Δ[Ca2+]i, and pHi in control N21 and H10 cardiomyocytes, yet H10 shortening and Δ[Ca2+]i recovered to pre-anoxic levels, partly due to enhanced myofilament Ca2+ sensitivity. SR blockade abolished the recovery of anoxic H10 cardiomyocytes and potentiated decreases in shortening, Δ[Ca2+]i, and pHi. Our novel results provide the first evidence of developmental programming of SR function and demonstrate that developmental hypoxia confers a long-lasting, superior anoxia-tolerant cardiac phenotype in snapping turtles, by enhancing myofilament Ca2+ sensitivity and modifying SR function.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Epigenetics research in evolutionary biology encompasses a variety of research areas, from regulation of gene expression to inheritance of environmentally mediated phenotypes. Such divergent research foci can occasionally render the umbrella term \"epigenetics\" ambiguous. Here I discuss several areas of contemporary epigenetics research in the context of evolutionary biology, aiming to provide balanced views across timescales and molecular mechanisms. The importance of epigenetics in development is now being assessed in many nonmodel species. These studies not only confirm the importance of epigenetic marks in developmental processes, but also highlight the significant diversity in epigenetic regulatory mechanisms across taxa. Further, these comparative epigenomic studies have begun to show promise toward enhancing our understanding of how regulatory programs evolve. A key property of epigenetic marks is that they can be inherited along mitotic cell lineages, and epigenetic differences that occur during early development can have lasting consequences on the organismal phenotypes. Thus, epigenetic marks may play roles in short-term (within an organism\'s lifetime or to the next generation) adaptation and phenotypic plasticity. However, the extent to which observed epigenetic variation occurs independently of genetic influences remains uncertain, due to the widespread impact of genetics on epigenetic variation and the limited availability of comprehensive (epi)genomic resources from most species. While epigenetic marks can be inherited independently of genetic sequences in some species, there is little evidence that such \"transgenerational inheritance\" is a general phenomenon. Rather, molecular mechanisms of epigenetic inheritance are highly variable between species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sexual conflict is widespread among sexually reproducing organisms. Phenotypic plasticity in female resistance traits has the potential to moderate the harm imposed by males during mating, yet female plasticity has rarely been explored. In this experiment, we investigated whether female seed beetles invest more in immunocompetence, measured as phenoloxidase (PO) capacity, when exposed to cues signalling a greater risk of sexual conflict. Risk perception was manipulated by housing focal individuals alone or with a companion as developing larvae, followed by exposure to a mating-free male- or female-biased social environment when adults. We predicted that females exposed to cues of increased sexual conflict would have increased PO capacity. However, PO capacity did not differ between either larval or adult social treatments. Our results suggest that females may not perceive a risk to their fitness on the basis of increased male presence or are unable to adjust this aspect of their phenotype in response to that risk.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ovarian cancer ecosystems are exceedingly complex, consisting of a high heterogeneity of cancer cells. Development of drugs such as poly ADP-ribose polymerase (PARP) inhibitors, targeted therapies and immunotherapies offer more options for sequential or combined treatments. Nevertheless, mortality in metastatic ovarian cancer patients remains high because cancer cells consistently develop resistance to single and combination therapies, urging a need for treatment designs that target the evolvability of cancer cells. The evolutionary dynamics that lead to resistance emerge from the complex tumour microenvironment, the heterogeneous populations, and the individual cancer cell\'s plasticity. We propose that successful management of ovarian cancer requires consideration of the ecological and evolutionary dynamics of the disease. Here, we review current options and challenges in ovarian cancer treatment and discuss principles of tumour evolution. We conclude by proposing evolutionarily designed strategies for ovarian cancer, with the goal of integrating such principles with longitudinal, quantitative data to improve the treatment design and management of drug resistance. KEY POINTS/HIGHLIGHTS: Tumours are ecosystems in which cancer and non-cancer cells interact and evolve in complex and dynamic ways. Conventional therapies for ovarian cancer inevitably lead to the development of resistance because they fail to consider tumours\' heterogeneity and cellular plasticity. Eco-evolutionarily designed therapies should consider cancer cell plasticity and patient-specific characteristics to improve clinical outcome and prevent relapse.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Domesticated animals are artificially selected to exhibit desirable traits, however not all traits of domesticated animals are the result of deliberate selection. Loss of olfactory capacity in the domesticated pig (Sus scrofa domesticus) is one example. We used whole transcriptome analysis (RNA-Seq) to compare patterns of gene expression in the olfactory mucosa of the pig and two subspecies of wild boar (Sus scrofa), and investigate candidate genes that could be responsible for the loss of olfactory capacity. We identified hundreds of genes with reductions in transcript abundance in pig relative to wild boar as well as differences between the two subspecies of wild boar. These differences were detected mainly in genes involved in the formation and motility of villi, cilia and microtubules, functions associated with olfaction. In addition, differences were found in the abundances of transcripts of genes related to immune defenses, with the highest levels in continental wild boar subspecies. Overall, the loss of olfactory capacity in pigs appears to have been accompanied by reductions in the expression of candidate genes for olfaction. These changes could have resulted from unintentional selection for reduced olfactory capacity, relaxed selection for maintaining olfactory capacity, pleiotropic effects of genes under selection, or other non-selective processes. Our findings could be a cornerstone for future researches on wild boars, pigs, feral populations, and their evolutionary trajectories, aimed to provide tools to better calibrate species management as well as guidelines for breeders.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In long-lived tree populations, when environmental change outpaces rates of evolutionary adaptation, plasticity in traits related to stress tolerance, dormancy, and dispersal may be vital for preventing extinction. While a population\'s genetic background partly determines its ability to adapt to a changing environment, so too do the many types of epigenetic modifications that occur within and among populations, which vary on timescales orders of magnitude faster than the emergence of new beneficial alleles. Consequently, phenotypic plasticity driven by epigenetic modification may be especially critical for sessile, long-lived organisms such as trees that must rely on this plasticity to keep pace with rapid anthropogenic environmental change. While studies have reported large effects of DNA methylation, histone modification, and non-coding RNAs on the expression of stress-tolerance genes and resulting phenotypic responses, little is known about the role of these effects in non-model plants and particularly in trees. Here, we review new findings in plant epigenetics with particular relevance to the ability of trees to adapt to or escape stressors associated with rapid climate change. Such findings include specific epigenetic influences over drought, heat, and salinity tolerance, as well as dormancy and dispersal traits. We also highlight promising findings concerning transgenerational inheritance of an epigenetic \'stress memory\' in plants. As epigenetic information is becoming increasingly easy to obtain, we close by outlining ways in which ecologists can use epigenetic information better to inform population management and forecasting efforts. Understanding the molecular mechanisms behind phenotypic plasticity and stress memory in tree species offers a promising path towards a mechanistic understanding of trees\' responses to climate change.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study investigated the dynamics of reciprocal phenotypic plasticity entailing inducible defense and offense in freshwater ciliate communities in response to altered resource supply and the extent of intraspecific trait variation. Communities consisted of Euplotes octocarinatus (intraguild prey) capable of inducible defense to escape predation, Stylonychia mytilus (intraguild predator) capable of inducible offense to expand its prey spectrum, and Cryptomonas sp. (algal resource). The extent of inducible defense was tested in ten different Euplotes strains in response to freeze-killed Stylonychia concentrate, revealing significant differences in their width and length development. In a subsequent 30-day experiment, four strains were incubated in monoculture and mixture with Stylonychia under continuous and pulsed microalgae supply. The polyclonal Euplotes population outperformed the monoclonal populations, except one, which developed the most pronounced inducible defense and retained the highest biovolume. Stylonychia fluctuated in size, but dominated all communities irrespective of clonal composition. Pulsed resource supply promoted biovolume production of both species. However, periods of resource depletion resulted in more Stylonychia resting cysts, allowing Euplotes to resume growth. Our study provides new insights into interactions of induced defense and intraguild predation under variable environmental conditions, emphasizing the relevance of intraspecific trait variation for predator-prey interactions and community dynamics.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Phenotypic plasticity describes a genotype\'s ability to produce different phenotypes in response to different environments. Breeding crops that exhibit appropriate levels of plasticity for future climates will be crucial to meeting global demand, but knowledge of the critical environmental factors is limited to a handful of well-studied major crops. Using 727 maize (Zea mays L.) hybrids phenotyped for grain yield in 45 environments, we investigated the ability of a genetic algorithm and two other methods to identify environmental determinants of grain yield from a large set of candidate environmental variables constructed using minimal assumptions. The genetic algorithm identified pre- and postanthesis maximum temperature, mid-season solar radiation, and whole season net evapotranspiration as the four most important variables from a candidate set of 9150. Importantly, these four variables are supported by previous literature. After calculating reaction norms for each environmental variable, candidate genes were identified and gene annotations investigated to demonstrate how this method can generate insights into phenotypic plasticity. The genetic algorithm successfully identified known environmental determinants of hybrid maize grain yield. This demonstrates that the methodology could be applied to other less well-studied phenotypes and crops to improve understanding of phenotypic plasticity and facilitate breeding crops for future climates.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The theory of Condition Dependent Sex predicts that - everything else being equal - less fit individuals would outcross at higher rates compared with fitter ones. Here we used the mixed mating plant Lamium amplexicaule, capable of producing both self-pollinating closed flowers (CL), alongside open flowers (CH) that allow cross pollination to test it. We investigated the effects of abiotic stress - salt solution irrigation - on the flowering patterns of plants and their offspring. We monitored several flowering and vegetative parameters, including the number and distribution of flowers, CH fraction, and plant size.
    RESULTS: We found that stressed plants show an increased tendency for self-pollination and a deficit in floral and vegetative development. However, when parentally primed, stressed plants show a milder response. Un-stressed offspring of stressed parents show reversed responses and exhibit an increased tendency to outcross, and improve floral and vegetative development.
    CONCLUSIONS: In summary, we found that stress affects the reproduction strategy in the plants that experienced the stress and in subsequent offspring through F2 generation. Our results provide experimental evidence supporting a transgenerational extension to the theories of fitness associate sex and dispersal, where an individual\'s tendency for sex and dispersal may depend on the stress experienced by its parents.





