Perirhinal Cortex

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The perirhinal cortex (PRC) and parahippocampal cortex (PHC) are core regions along the visual dual-stream. The specific functional roles of the PRC and PHC and their interactions with the downstream hippocampus cortex (HPC) are crucial for understanding visual memory. Our research used human intracranial EEGs to study the neural mechanism of the PRC, PHC, and HPC in visual object encoding. Single-regional function analyses found evidence that the PRC, PHC, and HPC are activated ∼100 ms within the broad-gamma band and that the PRC was more strongly activated than either the PHC or the HPC after an object stimulus. Inter-regional analyses showed strong bidirectional interactions of the PRC with both the PHC and HPC in the low-frequency band, whereas the interactions between the PHC and HPC were not significant. These findings demonstrated the core role of the PRC in encoding visual object information and supported the hypothesis of PRC-HPC-ventral object pathway. The recruitment of the PHC and its interaction with the PRC in visual object encoding also provide new insights beyond the traditional dorsal-stream hypothesis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Goal-directed tasks involve acquiring an internal model, known as a predictive map, of relevant stimuli and associated outcomes to guide behavior. Here, we identified neural signatures of a predictive map of task behavior in perirhinal cortex (Prh). Mice learned to perform a tactile working memory task by classifying sequential whisker stimuli over multiple training stages. Chronic two-photon calcium imaging, population analysis, and computational modeling revealed that Prh encodes stimulus features as sensory prediction errors. Prh forms stable stimulus-outcome associations that can progressively be decoded earlier in the trial as training advances and that generalize as animals learn new contingencies. Stimulus-outcome associations are linked to prospective network activity encoding possible expected outcomes. This link is mediated by cholinergic signaling to guide task performance, demonstrated by acetylcholine imaging and systemic pharmacological perturbation. We propose that Prh combines error-driven and map-like properties to acquire a predictive map of learned task behavior.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The temporal component of episodic memory has been recognized as a sensitive behavioral marker in early stage of Alzheimer\'s disease (AD) patients. However, parallel studies in AD animals are currently lacking, and the underlying neural circuit mechanisms remain poorly understood. Using a novel AppNL-G-F knock-in (APP-KI) rat model, the developmental changes of temporal order memory (TOM) and the relationship with medial prefrontal cortex and perirhinal cortex (mPFC-PRH) circuit were determined through in vivo electrophysiology and microimaging technique. We observed a deficit in TOM performance during the object temporal order memory task (OTOMT) in APP-KI rats at 6 month old, which was not evident at 3 or 4 months of age. Alongside behavioral changes, we identified a gradually extensive and aggravated regional activation and functional alterations in the mPFC and PRH during the performance of OTOMT, which occurred prior to the onset of TOM deficits. Moreover, coherence analysis showed that the functional connectivity between the mPFC and PRH could predict the extent of future behavioral performance. Further analysis revealed that the aberrant mPFC-PRH interaction mainly attributed to the progressive deterioration of synaptic transmission, information flow and network coordination from mPFC to PRH, suggesting the mPFC dysfunction maybe the key area of origin underlying the early changes of TOM. These findings identify a pivotal role of the mPFC-PRH circuit in mediating the TOM deficits in the early stage of AD, which holds promising clinical translational value and offers potential early biological markers for predicting AD memory progression.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The perirhinal cortex (PER) supports multimodal object recognition, but how multimodal information of objects is integrated within the PER remains unknown. Here, we recorded single units within the PER while rats performed a PER-dependent multimodal object-recognition task. In this task, audiovisual cues were presented simultaneously (multimodally) or separately (unimodally). We identified 2 types of object-selective neurons in the PER: crossmodal cells, showing constant firing patterns for an object irrespective of its modality, and unimodal cells, showing a preference for a specific modality. Unimodal cells further dissociated unimodal and multimodal versions of the object by modulating their firing rates according to the modality condition. A population-decoding analysis confirmed that the PER could perform both modality-invariant and modality-specific object decoding-the former for recognizing an object as the same in various conditions and the latter for remembering modality-specific experiences of the same object.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The entorhinal cortex (EC) and perirhinal cortex (PC) are vulnerable to Alzheimer\'s disease. A triggering factor may be the interaction of vascular dysfunction and tau pathology.
    We imaged post mortem human tissue at 100 μm3 with 7 T magnetic resonance imaging and manually labeled individual blood vessels (mean = 270 slices/case). Vessel density was quantified and compared per EC subfield, between EC and PC, and in relation to tau and TAR DNA-binding protein 43 (TDP-43) semiquantitative scores.
    PC was more vascularized than EC and vessel densities were higher in posterior EC subfields. Tau and TDP-43 strongly correlated with vasculature density and subregions with severe tau at the preclinical stage had significantly greater vessel density than those with low tau burden.
    These data impact cerebrovascular maps, quantification of subfield vasculature, and correlation of vasculature and pathology at early stages. The ordered association of vessel density, and tau or TDP-43 pathology, may be exploited in a predictive context.
    Vessel density correlates with phosphorylated tau (p-tau) burden in entorhinal and perirhinal cortices. Perirhinal area 35 and posterior entorhinal cortex showed greatest p-tau burden but also the highest vessel density in the preclinical phase of Alzheimer\'s disease. We combined an ex vivo magnetic resonance imaging model and histopathology to demonstrate the 3D reconstruction of intracortical vessels and its spatial relationship to the pathology.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Memory retrieval can become difficult over time, but it is important to note that memories that appear to be forgotten might still be stored in the brain, as shown by their occasional spontaneous retrieval. Histamine in the central nervous system is a promising target for facilitating the recovery of memory retrieval. Our previous study demonstrated that histamine H3 receptor (H3R) inverse agonists/antagonists, activating histamine synthesis and release, enhance activity in the perirhinal cortex and help in retrieving forgotten long-term object recognition memories. However, it is unclear whether enhancing histaminergic activity alone is enough for the recovery of memory retrieval, considering that H3Rs are also located in other neuron types and affect the release of multiple neurotransmitters. In this study, we employed a chemogenetic method to determine whether specifically activating histamine neurons in the tuberomammillary nucleus facilitates memory retrieval. In the novel object recognition test, control mice did not show a preference for objects based on memory 1 week after training, but chemogenetic activation of histamine neurons before testing improved memory retrieval. This selective activation did not affect the locomotor activity or anxiety-related behavior. Administering an H2R antagonist directly into the perirhinal cortex inhibited the recovery of memory retrieval induced by the activation of histamine neurons. Furthermore, we utilized the Barnes maze test to investigate whether chemogenetic activation of histamine neurons influences the retrieval of forgotten spatial memories. Control mice explored all the holes in the maze equally 1 week after training, whereas mice with chemogenetically activated histamine neurons spent more time around the target hole. These findings indicate that chemogenetic activation of histamine neurons in the tuberomammillary nucleus can promote retrieval of seemingly forgotten object recognition and spatial memories.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A central assumption of neuroscience is that long-term memories are represented by the same brain areas that encode sensory stimuli1. Neurons in inferotemporal (IT) cortex represent the sensory percept of visual objects using a distributed axis code2-4. Whether and how the same IT neural population represents the long-term memory of visual objects remains unclear. Here we examined how familiar faces are encoded in the IT anterior medial face patch (AM), perirhinal face patch (PR) and temporal pole face patch (TP). In AM and PR we observed that the encoding axis for familiar faces is rotated relative to that for unfamiliar faces at long latency; in TP this memory-related rotation was much weaker. Contrary to previous claims, the relative response magnitude to familiar versus unfamiliar faces was not a stable indicator of familiarity in any patch5-11. The mechanism underlying the memory-related axis change is likely intrinsic to IT cortex, because inactivation of PR did not affect axis change dynamics in AM. Overall, our results suggest that memories of familiar faces are represented in AM and perirhinal cortex by a distinct long-latency code, explaining how the same cell population can encode both the percept and memory of faces.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Combining information from multiple senses is essential to object recognition, core to the ability to learn concepts, make new inferences, and generalize across distinct entities. Yet how the mind combines sensory input into coherent crossmodal representations - the crossmodal binding problem - remains poorly understood. Here, we applied multi-echo fMRI across a 4-day paradigm, in which participants learned three-dimensional crossmodal representations created from well-characterized unimodal visual shape and sound features. Our novel paradigm decoupled the learned crossmodal object representations from their baseline unimodal shapes and sounds, thus allowing us to track the emergence of crossmodal object representations as they were learned by healthy adults. Critically, we found that two anterior temporal lobe structures - temporal pole and perirhinal cortex - differentiated learned from non-learned crossmodal objects, even when controlling for the unimodal features that composed those objects. These results provide evidence for integrated crossmodal object representations in the anterior temporal lobes that were different from the representations for the unimodal features. Furthermore, we found that perirhinal cortex representations were by default biased toward visual shape, but this initial visual bias was attenuated by crossmodal learning. Thus, crossmodal learning transformed perirhinal representations such that they were no longer predominantly grounded in the visual modality, which may be a mechanism by which object concepts gain their abstraction.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    GABAergic neurons represent 10-15% of the neuronal population of the cortex but exert a powerful control over information flow in cortical circuits. The largest GABAergic class in the neocortex is represented by the parvalbumin-expressing fast-spiking neurons, which provide powerful somatic inhibition to their postsynaptic targets. Recently, the density of parvalbumin interneurons has been shown to be lower in associative areas of the mouse cortex as compared with sensory and motor areas. Modelling work based on these quantifications linked the low-density of parvalbumin interneurons with specific computations of associative cortices. However, it is still unknown whether the total GABAergic population of association cortices is smaller or whether another GABAergic type can compensate for the low density of parvalbumin interneurons. In the present study, we investigated these hypotheses using a combination of neuroanatomy, mouse genetics and neurophysiology. We found that the GABAergic population of association areas is comparable with that of primary sensory areas, and it is enriched of fast-spiking neurons that do not express parvalbumin and were not accounted for by previous quantifications. We developed an intersectional viral strategy to demonstrate that the population of fast-spiking neurons is comparable across cortical regions. Our results provide quantifications of the density of fast-spiking GABAergic neurons and offers new biological constrains to refine current models of cortical computations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The human medial temporal lobe (MTL) plays a crucial role in recognizing visual objects, a key cognitive function that relies on the formation of semantic representations. Nonetheless, it remains unknown how visual information of general objects is translated into semantic representations in the MTL. Furthermore, the debate about whether the human MTL is involved in perception has endured for a long time. To address these questions, we investigated three distinct models of neural object coding-semantic coding, axis-based feature coding, and region-based feature coding-in each subregion of the human MTL, using high-resolution fMRI in two male and six female participants. Our findings revealed the presence of semantic coding throughout the MTL, with a higher prevalence observed in the parahippocampal cortex (PHC) and perirhinal cortex (PRC), while axis coding and region coding were primarily observed in the earlier regions of the MTL. Moreover, we demonstrated that voxels exhibiting axis coding supported the transition to region coding and contained information relevant to semantic coding. Together, by providing a detailed characterization of neural object coding schemes and offering a comprehensive summary of visual coding information for each MTL subregion, our results not only emphasize a clear role of the MTL in perceptual processing but also shed light on the translation of perception-driven representations of visual features into memory-driven representations of semantics along the MTL processing pathway.





