Periplasmic Proteins

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The bacterial flagellum, which facilitates motility, is composed of ~20 structural proteins organized into a long extracellular filament connected to a cytoplasmic rotor-stator complex via a periplasmic rod. Flagellum assembly is regulated by multiple checkpoints that ensure an ordered gene expression pattern coupled to the assembly of the various building blocks. Here, we use epifluorescence, super-resolution, and transmission electron microscopy to show that the absence of a periplasmic protein (FlhE) prevents proper flagellar morphogenesis and results in the formation of periplasmic flagella in Salmonella enterica. The periplasmic flagella disrupt cell wall synthesis, leading to a loss of normal cell morphology resulting in cell lysis. We propose that FlhE functions as a periplasmic chaperone to control assembly of the periplasmic rod, thus preventing formation of periplasmic flagella.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Biofilm formation and surface attachment in multiple Alphaproteobacteria is driven by unipolar polysaccharide (UPP) adhesins. The pathogen Agrobacterium tumefaciens produces a UPP adhesin, which is regulated by the intracellular second messenger cyclic diguanylate monophosphate (c-di-GMP). Prior studies revealed that DcpA, a diguanylate cyclase-phosphodiesterase, is crucial in control of UPP production and surface attachment. DcpA is regulated by PruR, a protein with distant similarity to enzymatic domains known to coordinate the molybdopterin cofactor (MoCo). Pterins are bicyclic nitrogen-rich compounds, several of which are produced via a nonessential branch of the folate biosynthesis pathway, distinct from MoCo. The pterin-binding protein PruR controls DcpA activity, fostering c-di-GMP breakdown and dampening its synthesis. Pterins are excreted, and we report here that PruR associates with these metabolites in the periplasm, promoting interaction with the DcpA periplasmic domain. The pteridine reductase PruA, which reduces specific dihydro-pterin molecules to their tetrahydro forms, imparts control over DcpA activity through PruR. Tetrahydromonapterin preferentially associates with PruR relative to other related pterins, and the PruR-DcpA interaction is decreased in a pruA mutant. PruR and DcpA are encoded in an operon with wide conservation among diverse Proteobacteria including mammalian pathogens. Crystal structures reveal that PruR and several orthologs adopt a conserved fold, with a pterin-specific binding cleft that coordinates the bicyclic pterin ring. These findings define a pterin-responsive regulatory mechanism that controls biofilm formation and related c-di-GMP-dependent phenotypes in A. tumefaciens and potentially acts more widely in multiple proteobacterial lineages.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Peptidoglycan is a major constituent of the bacterial cell wall. Its integrity as a polymeric edifice is critical for bacterial survival and, as such, it is a preeminent target for antibiotics. The peptidoglycan is a dynamic crosslinked polymer that undergoes constant biosynthesis and turnover. The soluble lytic transglycosylase (Slt) of Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a periplasmic enzyme involved in this dynamic turnover. Using amber-codon-suppression methodology in live bacteria, we incorporated a fluorescent chromophore into the structure of Slt. Fluorescent microscopy shows that Slt populates the length of the periplasmic space and concentrates at the sites of septation in daughter cells. This concentration persists after separation of the cells. Amber-codon-suppression methodology was also used to incorporate a photoaffinity amino acid for the capture of partner proteins. Mass-spectrometry-based proteomics identified 12 partners for Slt in vivo. These proteomics experiments were complemented with in vitro pulldown analyses. Twenty additional partners were identified. We cloned the genes and purified to homogeneity 22 identified partners. Biophysical characterization confirmed all as bona fide Slt binders. The identities of the protein partners of Slt span disparate periplasmic protein families, inclusive of several proteins known to be present in the divisome. Notable periplasmic partners (KD < 0.5 μM) include PBPs (PBP1a, KD = 0.07 μM; PBP5 = 0.4 μM); other lytic transglycosylases (SltB2, KD = 0.09 μM; RlpA, KD = 0.4 μM); a type VI secretion system effector (Tse5, KD = 0.3 μM); and a regulatory protease for alginate biosynthesis (AlgO, KD < 0.4 μM). In light of the functional breadth of its interactome, Slt is conceptualized as a hub protein within the periplasm.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The survival and virulence of Gram-negative bacteria require proper biogenesis and maintenance of the outer membrane (OM), which is densely packed with β-barrel OM proteins (OMPs). Before reaching the OM, precursor unfolded OMPs (uOMPs) must cross the whole cell envelope. A network of periplasmic chaperones and proteases maintains unfolded but folding-competent conformations of these membrane proteins in the aqueous periplasm while simultaneously preventing off-pathway aggregation. These periplasmic proteins utilize different strategies, including conformational heterogeneity, oligomerization, multivalency, and kinetic partitioning, to perform and regulate their functions. Redundant and unique characteristics of the individual periplasmic players synergize to create a protein quality control team capable responding to changing environmental stresses.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Escherichia coli is often used as a factory to produce recombinant proteins. In many cases, the recombinant protein needs disulfide bonds to fold and function correctly. These proteins are genetically fused to a signal peptide so that they are secreted to the oxidizing environment of the periplasm (where the enzymes required for disulfide bond formation exist). Currently, it is difficult to determine in vivo whether a recombinant protein is efficiently secreted from the cytoplasm and folded in the periplasm or if there is a bottleneck in one of these steps because cellular capacity has been exceeded. To address this problem, we have developed a biosensor that detects cellular stress caused by (1) inefficient secretion of proteins from the cytoplasm and (2) aggregation of proteins in the periplasm. We demonstrate how the fluorescence fingerprint obtained from the biosensor can be used to identify induction conditions that do not exceed the capacity of the cell and therefore do not cause cellular stress. These induction conditions result in more effective biomass and in some cases higher titers of soluble recombinant proteins.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The bacterial flagellum is a complex structure formed by more than 25 different proteins, this appendage comprises three conserved structures: the basal body, the hook and filament. The basal body, embedded in the cell envelope, is the most complex structure and houses the export apparatus and the motor. In situ images of the flagellar motor in different species have revealed a huge diversity of structures that surround the well-conserved periplasmic components of the basal body. The identity of the proteins that form these novel structures in many cases has been elucidated genetically and biochemically, but in others they remain to be identified or characterized. In this work, we report that in the alpha proteobacteria Cereibacter sphaeroides the novel protein MotK along with MotE are essential for flagellar rotation. We show evidence that these periplasmic proteins interact with each other and with MotB2. Moreover, these proteins localize to the flagellated pole and MotK localization is dependent on MotB2 and MotA2. These results together suggest that the role of MotK and MotE is to activate or recruit the flagellar stators to the flagellar structure.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The DegP protease-chaperone operates within the periplasm of Gram-negative bacteria, where it assists in the regulation of protein homeostasis, promotes virulence, and is essential to survival under stress. To carry out these tasks, DegP forms a network of preorganized apo oligomers that facilitate the capture of substrates within distributions of cage-like complexes which expand to encapsulate clients of various sizes. Although the architectures of DegP cage complexes are well understood, little is known about the structures, dynamics, and interactions of client proteins within DegP cages and the relationship between client structural dynamics and function. Here, we probe host-guest interactions within a 600 kDa DegP cage complex throughout the DegP activation cycle using a model α-helical client protein through a combination of hydrodynamics measurements, methyl-transverse relaxation optimized spectroscopy-based solution nuclear magnetic resonance studies, and proteolytic activity assays. We find that in the presence of the client, DegP cages assemble cooperatively with few intermediates. Our data further show that the N-terminal half of the bound client, which projects into the interior of the cages, is predominantly unfolded and flexible, and exchanges between multiple conformational states over a wide range of time scales. Finally, we show that a concerted structural transition of the protease domains of DegP occurs upon client engagement, leading to activation. Together, our findings support a model of DegP as a highly cooperative and dynamic molecular machine that stabilizes unfolded states of clients, primarily via interactions with their C-termini, giving rise to efficient cleavage.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We propose a pipeline that combines AlphaFold2 (AF2) and crosslinking mass spectrometry (XL-MS) to model the structure of proteins with multiple conformations. The pipeline consists of two main steps: ensemble generation using AF2 and conformer selection using XL-MS data. For conformer selection, we developed two scores-the monolink probability score (MP) and the crosslink probability score (XLP)-both of which are based on residue depth from the protein surface. We benchmarked MP and XLP on a large dataset of decoy protein structures and showed that our scores outperform previously developed scores. We then tested our methodology on three proteins having an open and closed conformation in the Protein Data Bank: Complement component 3 (C3), luciferase, and glutamine-binding periplasmic protein, first generating ensembles using AF2, which were then screened for the open and closed conformations using experimental XL-MS data. In five out of six cases, the most accurate model within the AF2 ensembles-or a conformation within 1 Å of this model-was identified using crosslinks, as assessed through the XLP score. In the remaining case, only the monolinks (assessed through the MP score) successfully identified the open conformation of glutamine-binding periplasmic protein, and these results were further improved by including the \"occupancy\" of the monolinks. This serves as a compelling proof-of-concept for the effectiveness of monolinks. In contrast, the AF2 assessment score was only able to identify the most accurate conformation in two out of six cases. Our results highlight the complementarity of AF2 with experimental methods like XL-MS, with the MP and XLP scores providing reliable metrics to assess the quality of the predicted models. The MP and XLP scoring functions mentioned above are available at






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) synthesis in Gram-negative bacteria is completed at the outer leaflet of the inner membrane (IM). Following synthesis, seven LPS transport (Lpt) proteins facilitate the movement of LPS to the outer membrane (OM), an essential process that if disrupted at any stage has lethal effects on bacterial viability. LptB2 FG, the IM component of the Lpt bridge system, is a type VI ABC transporter that provides the driving force for LPS extraction from the IM and subsequent transport across a stable protein bridge to the outer leaflet of the OM. LptC is a periplasmic protein anchored to the IM by a single transmembrane (TM) helix intercalating within the lateral gate formed by LptF TM5 and LptG TM1. LptC facilitates the hand-off of LPS from LptB2 FG to the periplasmic protein LptA and has been shown to regulate the ATPase activity of LptB2 FG. Here, using an engineered chromosomal knockout system in Escherichia coli to assess the effects of LptC mutations in vivo, we identified six partial loss of function LptC mutations in the first unbiased alanine screen of this essential protein. To investigate the functional effects of these mutations, nanoDSF (differential scanning fluorimetry) and site-directed spin labeling (SDSL) electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy in combination with an in vitro ATPase assay show that specific residues in the TM helix of LptC destabilize the LptB2 FGC complex and regulate the ATPase activity of LptB.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Protein quality control mechanisms are essential for maintaining cellular integrity, and the HtrA family of serine proteases plays a crucial role in handling folding stress in prokaryotic periplasm. Escherichia coli harbors three HtrA members, namely, DegS, DegP, and DegQ, which share a common domain structure. MucD, a putative HtrA family member that resembles DegP, is involved in alginate biosynthesis regulation and the stress response. Pseudomonas syringae causes plant diseases and opportunistic infections in humans. This study presents the high-resolution structure of MucD from Pseudomonas syringae (psMucD), revealing its composition as a typical HtrA family serine protease with protease and PDZ domains. Its findings suggest that psMucD containing one PDZ domain is a trimer in solution, and psMucD trimerization is mediated by its N-terminal loop. Sequence and structural analyses revealed similarities and differences with other HtrA family members. Additionally, this study provides a model of psMucD\'s catalytic process, comparing it with other members of the HtrA family of serine proteases.





