Peripheral vision

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The presaccadic preview of a peripheral target enhances the efficiency of its postsaccadic processing, termed the extrafoveal preview effect. Peripheral visual performance-and thus the quality of the preview-varies around the visual field, even at isoeccentric locations: It is better along the horizontal than vertical meridian and along the lower than upper vertical meridian. To investigate whether these polar angle asymmetries influence the preview effect, we asked human participants to preview four tilted gratings at the cardinals, until a central cue indicated which one to saccade to. During the saccade, the target orientation either remained or slightly changed (valid/invalid preview). After saccade landing, participants discriminated the orientation of the (briefly presented) second grating. Stimulus contrast was titrated with adaptive staircases to assess visual performance. Expectedly, valid previews increased participants\' postsaccadic contrast sensitivity. This preview benefit, however, was inversely related to polar angle perceptual asymmetries; largest at the upper, and smallest at the horizontal meridian. This finding reveals that the visual system compensates for peripheral asymmetries when integrating information across saccades, by selectively assigning higher weights to the less-well perceived preview information. Our study supports the recent line of evidence showing that perceptual dynamics around saccades vary with eye movement direction.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The central visual field is essential for activities like reading and face recognition. However, the impact of peripheral vision loss on daily activities is profound. While the importance of central vision is well established, the contribution of peripheral vision to spatial attention is less clear. In this study, we introduced a \"mouse-eye\" method as an alternative to traditional gaze-contingent eye tracking. We found that even in tasks requiring central vision, peripheral vision contributes to implicit attentional learning. Participants searched for a T among Ls, with the T appearing more often in one visual quadrant. Earlier studies showed that participants\' awareness of the T location probability was not essential for their ability to learn. When we limited the visible area around the mouse cursor, only participants aware of the target\'s location probability showed learning; those unaware did not. Adding placeholders in the periphery did not restore implicit attentional learning. A control experiment showed that when participants were allowed to see all items while searching and moving the mouse to reveal the target\'s color, both aware and unaware participants acquired location probability learning. Our results underscore the importance of peripheral vision in implicitly guided attention. Without peripheral vision, only explicit, but not implicit, attentional learning prevails.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The way that attention affects the processing of visual information is one of the most intriguing fields in the study of visual perception. One way to examine this interaction is by studying the way perceptual aftereffects are modulated by attention. In the present study, we have manipulated attention during adaptation to translational motion generated by coherently moving random dots, in order to investigate the effect of the distraction of attention on the strength of the peripheral dynamic motion aftereffect (MAE). A foveal rapid serial visual presentation task (RSVP) of varying difficulty was introduced during the adaptation period while the adaptation and test stimuli were presented peripherally. Furthermore, to examine the interaction between the physical characteristics of the stimulus and attention, we have manipulated the motion coherence level of the adaptation stimuli. Our results suggested that the removal of attention through an irrelevant task modulated the MAE\'s magnitude moderately and that such an effect depends on the stimulus strength. We also showed that the MAE still persists with subthreshold and unattended stimuli, suggesting that perhaps attention is not required for the complete development of the MAE.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In primates, foveal and peripheral vision have distinct neural architectures and functions. However, it has been debated if selective attention operates via the same or different neural mechanisms across eccentricities. We tested these alternative accounts by examining the effects of selective attention on the steady-state visually evoked potential (SSVEP) and the fronto-parietal signal measured via EEG from human subjects performing a sustained visuospatial attention task. With a negligible level of eye movements, both SSVEP and SND exhibited the heterogeneous patterns of attentional modulations across eccentricities. Specifically, the attentional modulations of these signals peaked at the parafoveal locations and such modulations wore off as visual stimuli appeared closer to the fovea or further away towards the periphery. However, with a relatively higher level of eye movements, the heterogeneous patterns of attentional modulations of these neural signals were less robust. These data demonstrate that the top-down influence of covert visuospatial attention on early sensory processing in human cortex depends on eccentricity and the level of saccadic responses. Taken together, the results suggest that sustained visuospatial attention operates differently across different eccentric locations, providing new understanding of how attention augments sensory representations regardless of where the attended stimulus appears.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Peripheral vision is limited due to several factors, such as visual resolution, crowding, and attention. When attention is not directed towards a stimulus, detection, discrimination, and identification are often compromised. Recent studies have found a new phenomenon that strongly limits peripheral vision, \"redundancy masking\". In redundancy masking, the number of perceived items in repeating patterns is reduced. For example, when presenting three lines in the peripheral visual field and asking participants to report the number of lines, often only two lines are reported. Here, we investigated what role attention plays in redundancy masking. If redundancy masking was due to limited attention to the target, it should be stronger when less attention is allocated to the target, and absent when attention is maximally focused on the target. Participants were presented with line arrays and reported the number of lines in three cueing conditions (i.e., single cue, double cue, and no cue). Redundancy masking was observed in all cueing conditions, with observers reporting fewer lines than presented in the single, double, and no cue conditions. These results suggest that redundancy masking is not due to limited attention. The number of lines reported was closer to the correct number of lines in the single compared to the double and the no cue conditions, suggesting that reduced attention additionally compromised stimulus discrimination, and replicating typical effects of diminished attention. Taken together, our results suggest that the extent of attention to peripherally presented stimuli modulates discrimination performance, but does not account for redundancy masking.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Visual cortex anodal transcranial direct current stimulation (a-tDCS) has been shown to reduce crowding in normal peripheral vision and may improve the reading of English words in patients with macular degeneration. Given the different visual requirements of reading English words and Chinese characters, the effect of a-tDCS on peripheral reading performance in English might differ from Chinese. This study recruited 20 participants (59-73 years of age) with normal vision and tested the hypothesis that a-tDCS would improve the reading of Chinese characters presented at 10° eccentricity compared with sham stimulation. Chinese sentences of different print sizes and exposure durations were presented one character at a time, 10° below or to the left of fixation. The individual critical print size (CPS) - the smallest print size eliciting the maximum reading speed (MRS) - was determined. Reading accuracies for characters presented 0.2 logMAR smaller than the individually fitted CPS were measured at four time points: before, during, 5 min after, and 30 min after receiving active or sham visual cortex a-tDCS. Participants completed both the active and sham sessions in a random order following a double-blind, within-subject design. No effect of active a-tDCS on reading accuracy was observed, implying that a single session of a-tDCS did not improve Chinese character reading in normal peripheral vision. This may suggest that a-tDCS does not significantly reduce the crowding elicited within a single Chinese character. However, the effect of a-tDCS on between-character crowding is yet to be determined.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Whether attentional deficits are accompanied by visuomotor impairments following posterior parietal lesions has been debated for quite some time. This single-case study investigated reaching in a stroke survivor (E.B.) with left visual neglect and visual extinction following right temporo-parietal-frontal strokes. Unlike most neglect patients, E.B. did not present left hemiparesis, homonymous hemianopia nor show evidence of motor neglect or extinction allowing us to examine, for the first time, if lateralised attentional deficits co-occur with deficits in peripheral and bimanual reaching. First, we found a classic optic ataxia field effect: E.B.\'s accuracy was impaired when reaching to peripheral targets in her neglected left visual field (regardless of the hand used). Second, we found a larger bimanual cost for movement time in E.B. than controls when both hands reached to incongruent locations. E.B.\'s visuomotor profile is similar to the one of patients with optic ataxia showing that attentional deficits are accompanied by visuomotor deficits in the affected field.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Research on visual attention has uncovered significant anomalies, and some traditional methods may have inadvertently probed peripheral vision rather than attention. Vision science needs to rethink visual attention from the ground up. To facilitate this, for a year I banned the word \"attention\" in my lab. This constraint promoted a more precise discussion of attention-related phenomena, capacity limits, and mechanisms. The insights gained lead me to challenge attributing to \"attention\" those phenomena that can be better explained by perceptual processes, are predictable by an ideal observer model, or that otherwise may not require an additional mechanism. I enumerate a set of critical phenomena in need of explanation. Finally, I propose a unifying theory in which all perception results from performing a task, and tasks face a limit on complexity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    There are important differences between central and peripheral vision. With respect to shape, contours retain phenomenal sharpness, although some contours disappear if they are near other contours. This leads to some uniform textures to appear non-uniform (Honeycomb illusion, Bertamini et al., 2016). Unlike other phenomena of shape perception in the periphery, this illusion is showing how continuity of the texture does not contribute to phenomenal continuity. We systematically varied the relationship between central and peripheral regions, and we collected subjective reports (how far can one see lines) as well as judgments of line orientation. We used extended textures created with a square grid and some additional lines that are invisible when they are located at the corners of the grid, or visible when they are separated from the grid (control condition). With respects to subjective reports, we compared the region of visibility for cases in which the texture was uniform (Exp 1a), or when in a central region the lines were different (Exp 1b). There were no differences, showing no role of objective uniformity on visibility. Next, in addition to the region of visibility we measured sensitivity using a forced-choice task (line tilted left or right) (Exp 2). The drop in sensitivity with eccentricity matched the size of the region in which lines were perceived in the illusion condition, but not in the control condition. When participants were offered a choice to report of the lines were present or absent (Exp 3) they confirmed that they did not see them in the illusion condition, but saw them in the control condition. We conclude that mechanisms that control perception of contours operate differently in the periphery, and override prior expectations, including that of uniformity. Conversely, when elements are detected in the periphery, we assign to them properties based on information from central vision, but these shapes cannot be identified correctly when the task requires such discrimination.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Visual crowding, the phenomenon in which the ability to distinguish objects is hindered in cluttered environments, has critical implications for various ophthalmic and neurological disorders. Traditional methods for assessing crowding involve time-consuming and attention-demanding psychophysical tasks, making routine examination challenging. This study sought to compare trial-based Alternative Forced-Choice (AFC) paradigms using either manual or eye movement responses and a continuous serial search paradigm employing eye movement responses to evaluate their efficiency in rapidly assessing peripheral crowding. In all paradigms, we manipulated the orientation of a central Gabor patch, which could be presented alone or surrounded by six Gabor patches. We measured participants\' target orientation discrimination thresholds using adaptive psychophysics to assess crowding magnitude. Depending on the paradigm, participants either made saccadic eye movements to the target location or responded manually by pressing a key or moving a mouse. We compared these paradigms in terms of crowding magnitude, assessment time, and paradigm demand. Our results indicate that employing eye movement-based paradigms for assessing peripheral visual crowding yields results faster compared to paradigms that necessitate manual responses. Furthermore, when considering similar levels of confidence in the threshold measurements, both a novel serial search paradigm and an eye movement-based 6AFC paradigm proved to be the most efficient in assessing crowding magnitude. Additionally, crowding estimates obtained through either the continuous serial search or the 6AFC paradigms were consistently higher than those obtained using the 2AFC paradigms. Lastly, participants did not report a clear difference between paradigms in terms of their perceived demand. In conclusion, both the continuous serial search and the 6AFC eye movement response paradigms enable a fast assessment of visual crowding. These approaches may potentially facilitate future routine crowding assessment. However, the usability of these paradigms in specific patient populations and specific purposes should be assessed.





