Peripheral nerve regeneration

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The peripheral nervous system consists of ganglia, nerve trunks, plexuses, and nerve endings, that transmit afferent and efferent information. Regeneration after a peripheral nerve damage is sluggish and imperfect. Peripheral nerve injury frequently causes partial or complete loss of motor and sensory function, physical impairment, and neuropathic pain, all of which have a negative impact on patients\' quality of life. Because the mechanism of peripheral nerve injury and healing is still unclear, the therapeutic efficacy is limited. As peripheral nerve injury research has processed, an increasing number of studies have revealed that biological scaffolds work in tandem with progenitor cells to repair peripheral nerve injury. Here, we fabricated collagen chitosan nerve conduit bioscaffolds together with collagen and then filled neuroepithelial stem cells (NESCs). Scanning electron microscopy showed that the NESCs grew well on the scaffold surface. Compared to the control group, the NESCs group contained more cells with bigger diameters and myelinated structures around the axons. Our findings indicated that a combination of chitosan-collagen bioscaffold and neural stem cell transplantation can facilitate the functional restoration of peripheral nerve tissue, with promising future applications and research implications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Peripheral nerve injury is a major societal concern. Black phosphorus (BP) has inherent advantages over cell-based therapies in regenerative medicine. However, controlling spontaneous degradation and size-dependent cytotoxicity remains challenging and poses difficulties for clinical translation. In this study, we constructed zero-dimensional BP quantum dots (QDs) modified with antioxidant β-carotene and comprehensively investigated them in Schwann cells (SCs) to elucidate their potential for peripheral nerve repair. In vitro experiments demonstrated that BPQD@β-carotene has an inappreciable toxicity and good biocompatibility, favoring neural regrowth, angiogenesis, and inflammatory regulation of SCs. Furthermore, the PI3K/Akt and Ras/ERK1/2 signaling pathways were activated in SCs at the genetic, protein, and metabolite levels. The BPQD@β-carotene-embedded GelMA/PEGDA scaffold enhanced functional recovery by promoting axon remyelination and regeneration and facilitating intraneural angiogenesis in peripheral nerve injury models of rats and beagle dogs. These results contribute to advancing knowledge of BP nanomaterials in tissue regeneration and show significant potential for application in translational medicine.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The cell intrinsic mechanisms directing peripheral nerve regeneration have remained largely understudied, thus limiting our understanding of these processes and constraining the advancement of novel clinical therapeutics. The use of primary adult rat dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons cultured in vitro is well established. Despite this, these cells can be challenging to culture and have so far not been amenable to robust transfection or live-cell imaging. The ability to transfect these cells with fluorescent plasmid constructs to label subcellular structures, combined with high resolution time-lapse imaging has the potential to provide invaluable insight into how peripheral neurons coordinate their regenerative response, and which specific cellular structures are involved in this process. Here we describe a protocol that facilitates transfection and subsequent live-imaging of adult rat DRG neurons.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The therapy of large defects in peripheral nerve injury (PNI) suffers from several drawbacks, especially the lack of autologous nerve donors. Nerve conduits are considered as a solution for nerve injury treatment, but biocompatibility improvements is still required for conduits prepared with synthetic materials. Cell-derived extracellular matrix (ECM) has drawn attention due to its lower risk of immunogenic response and independence from donor availability. The goal of this study is to coat bone mesenchymal stem cell-derived ECMs on poly(lactic-co-glycolic) acid (PLGA) conduits to enhance their ability to support neural growth and neurite extensions. The ECM-coated conduits have better hydrophilic properties than the pure PLGA conduits. A marked increase on PC12 and RSC96 cells\' viability, proliferation and dorsal root ganglion neurite extension was observed. Quantitative PCR analysis exhibited a significant increase in markers for cell proliferation (GAP43), neurite extension (NF-H, MAP2, andβIII-tubulin) and neural function (TREK-1). These results show the potential of ECM-coated PLGA conduits in PNI therapy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Peripheral nerve injury is a debilitating condition that have a profound impact on the overall quality of an individual\'s life. The repair of peripheral nerve defects continues to present significant challenges in the field. Iron oxide magnetic nanoparticles (IONPs) have been recognized as potent nanotools for promoting the regeneration of peripheral nerves due to their capability as biological carriers and their ability to template the hydrogel structure under an external magnetic field. This research used a fibrin nanofiber hydrogel loaded with IONPs (IONPs/fibrin) to promote the regeneration of peripheral nerves in rats. In vitro examination of PC12 cells on various concentrations of IONPs/fibrin hydrogels revealed a remarkable increase in NGF and VEGF expression at 2% IONPs concentration. The biocompatibility and degradation of 2% IONPs/fibrin hydrogel were assessed using the in vivo imaging system, demonstrating subcutaneous degradation within a week without immediate inflammation. Bridging a 10-mm sciatic nerve gap in Sprague Dawley rats with 2% IONPs/fibrin hydrogel led to satisfactory morphological recovery of myelinated nerve fibers. And motor functional recovery in the 2% IONPs/fibrin group was comparable to autografts at 6, 9 and 12 weeks postoperatively. Hence, the composite fibrin hydrogel incorporating 2% IONPs exhibits potential for peripheral nerve regeneration.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Peripheral nerve injuries, predominantly affecting individuals aged 20-40, pose significant healthcare challenges, with current surgical methods often failing to achieve complete functional recovery. This study focuses on the development of 3D printed hydrogel nerve conduits using modified hyaluronic acid (HA) for potentially enhancing peripheral nerve regeneration. Hyaluronic acid was chemically altered with cysteamine HCl and methacrylic anhydride to create thiolated HA (HA-SH) and methacrylated HA (HA-MA), achieving a modification degree of approximately 20 %. This modification was crucial to maintain the receptor interaction of HA. The modified HA was rigorously tested to ensure cytocompatibility in neuronal and glial cell lines. Subsequently, various 3D printed HA formulations were evaluated, focusing on improving HA\'s inherent mechanical weaknesses. These formulations were assessed for cytotoxicity through direct contact and elution extract testing, confirming their safety over a 24-h period. Among the neurotrophic compounds tested, Tyrosol emerged as the most effective in promoting Schwann cell proliferation in vitro. The 3D printed HA system demonstrated proficiency in loading and releasing Tyrosol at physiological pH. The findings from this research highlight the promising role of 3D printed HA and Tyrosol in the field of nerve tissue engineering, offering a novel approach to peripheral nerve regeneration.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to evaluate the effect of systemic/local use of melatonin and glatiramer acetate on regeneration in traumatic nerve injury models.
    METHODS: A total of 42 male Wistar albino rats were randomly divided into 6 groups: healthy control (Group 1), injured control (Group 2), local melatonin (Group 3), systemic melatonin (Group 4), local glatiramer acetate (Group 5), and systemic glatiramer acetate (Group 6). In all groups, electromyography recordings of the facial nerve were obtained after surgery and before sacrifice, and the damaged nerve region was histopathologically examined after sacrifice.
    RESULTS: In the electrophysiological evaluation, the control group had the greatest decrease in amplitude and extension in latency time following surgery than the treatment groups. Furthermore, a significant decrease in the degenerative axon count, edematous areas, and fibrotic areas as well as a significant increase in axonal surface areas was observed in all the treatment groups compared with the damage control group.
    CONCLUSIONS: Although both glatiramer acetate and melatonin are beneficial in regeneration in traumatic facial nerve injuries, it can be concluded that systemic use of melatonin can yield more positive results than glatiramer acetate and local use of both two drugs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Peripheral nerve injury is a prevalent clinical problem that often leads to lifelong disability and reduced quality of life. Although peripheral nerves can regenerate, recovery after severe injury is slow and incomplete. The current gold standard treatment, autologous nerve transplantation, has limitations including donor site morbidity and poor functional outcomes, highlighting the need for improved repair strategies. We developed a reproducible in vitro hollow channel collagen gel construct to investigate peripheral nerve regeneration (PNR) by exploring the influence of key extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins on axonal growth and regeneration. Channels were coated with ECM proteins: collagen IV, laminin, or fibronectin and seeded with dorsal root ganglia (DRG) collected from E16 rat embryos to compare the ability of the ECM proteins to enhance axonal growth. Robust axonal extension and Schwann cell (SC) infiltration were observed in fibronectin-coated channels, suggesting its superiority over other ECM proteins. Differential effects of ECM proteins on axons and SCs indicated direct growth stimulation beyond SC-mediated guidance. In vitro laceration injury modeling further confirmed fibronectin\'s superior pro-regenerative effects, showcasing its potential in enhancing axonal regrowth post-injury. Advancing in vitro modeling that closely replicates native microenvironments will accelerate progress in overcoming the limitations of current nerve repair approaches.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    周围神经损伤(PNI)是严重的临床和公共卫生问题,因为它的发病率高,自发恢复差。与自体移植相比,这仍然是目前临床上治疗长间隙周围神经缺陷的最佳做法,基于聚合物的生物可降解神经引导导管(NGC)作为一种替代方案用于指导重度PNI的修复,而无需二次手术和供体神经组织,其应用已获得越来越多的势头.然而,就再生效率而言,简单的空心圆柱管几乎不能胜过自体移植,尤其是在临界尺寸的PNI中。随着组织工程技术和材料科学的飞速发展,在过去的几十年中,各种功能化的NGC已经出现以增强神经再生。从脚手架设计方面考虑,特别关注可生物降解的聚合物,这篇综述旨在通过解决生物材料选择的繁重需求来总结NGC的最新进展,结构设计,以及有助于生物相容性的制造技术,降解率,机械性能,药物包封和释放效率,免疫调节,血管生成,和NGC的整体神经再生潜力。此外,比较和讨论了几种市售NGC及其调控途径和临床应用。最后,我们讨论了当前的挑战和未来的方向,试图为未来设计可以完全治愈长间隙周围神经缺损的理想NGC提供灵感。 .
    Peripheral nerve injury (PNI) represents a serious clinical and public health problem due to its high incurrence and poor spontaneous recovery. Compared to autograft, which is still the best current practice for long-gap peripheral nerve defects in clinics, the use of polymer-based biodegradable nerve guidance conduits (NGCs) has been gaining momentum as an alternative to guide the repair of severe PNI without the need of secondary surgery and donor nerve tissue. However, simple hollow cylindrical tubes can barely outperform autograft in terms of the regenerative efficiency especially in critical sized PNI. With the rapid development of tissue engineering technology and materials science, various functionalized NGCs have emerged to enhance nerve regeneration over the past decades. From the aspect of scaffold design considerations, with a specific focus on biodegradable polymers, this review aims to summarize the recent advances in NGCs by addressing the onerous demands of biomaterial selections, structural designs, and manufacturing techniques that contributes to the biocompatibility, degradation rate, mechanical properties, drug encapsulation and release efficiency, immunomodulation, angiogenesis, and the overall nerve regeneration potential of NGCs. In addition, several commercially available NGCs along with their regulation pathways and clinical applications are compared and discussed. Lastly, we discuss the current challenges and future directions attempting to provide inspiration for the future design of ideal NGCs that can completely cure long-gap peripheral nerve defects.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Extracellular matrices (ECMs) play a key role in nerve repair and are recognized as the natural source of biomaterials. In parallel to extensively studied tissue-derived ECMs (ts-ECMs), cell-derived ECMs (cd-ECMs) also have the capability to partially recapitulate the complicated regenerative microenvironment of native nerve tissues. Notably, cd-ECMs can avoid the shortcomings of ts-ECMs. Cd-ECMs can be prepared by culturing various cells or even autologous cells in vitro under pathogen-free conditions. And mild decellularization can achieve efficient removal of immunogenic components in cd-ECMs. Moreover, cd-ECMs are more readily customizable to achieve the desired functional properties. These advantages have garnered significant attention for the potential of cd-ECMs in neuroregenerative medicine. As promising biomaterials, cd-ECMs bring new hope for the effective treatment of peripheral nerve injuries. Herein, this review comprehensively examines current knowledge about the functional characteristics of cd-ECMs and their mechanisms of interaction with cells in nerve regeneration, with a particular focus on the preparation, engineering optimization, and scalability of cd-ECMs. The applications of cd-ECMs from distinct cell sources reported in peripheral nerve tissue engineering are highlighted and summarized. Furthermore, current limitations that should be addressed and outlooks related to clinical translation are put forward as well.





