Perca fluviatilis

Perca fluviatilis
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The buildup of plastic waste in aquatic environments presents serious threats to the environment, wildlife, and ultimately to humans. Specifically, microplastics (MPs) ingestion by aquatic animals leads to adverse physiological and toxicological effects. In addition, discarded MPs undergo aging and degradation processes which affect their morphological properties and chemical composition, enhancing the absorption of environmental pollutants. Under this prism, the present research was conducted to investigate and compare the impact of \'aged\' versus pristine low-density polyethylene microplastics (PE-MPs) on various toxicity endpoints as biochemical and molecular parameters in the muscle tissue and liver of the freshwater fish species Perca fluviatilis. In parallel, the morphological, physicochemical, and structural changes occurred in \"aged\" PE-MPs, (after being exposed to UV radiation for 120 days) were studied, significantly illustrating signs of oxidation and crack propagation at the surface of the studied MPs. Fish were exposed to artificial diet reached with virgin and \"aged\" PE-MPs, sized 100-180 μm, at concentrations of 1 mg/g of dry food for a period of 15-days. Thereafter, liver and muscle tissues were analyzed in relation to multi oxidative parameters. Compared to the control group, the observed changes in the examined fish included increased activities of antioxidant enzymes, as superoxide dismutase, catalase and glutathione reductase, enhanced concentrations of malondialdehyde, protein carbonylation, HSP70 levels, elevated MAPK phosphorylation, induction of ubiquitin-proteins, as well as heightened levels of Bax/Bcl-2 proteins, caspases and differentiated levels of LC3 II/I, SQSTM1/p62. From the studied biomarkers, apoptosis, ubiquitin and hsp70 levels, showed a more sensitive response against the ingested MPs, followed by autophagy, p38MAPK levels, antioxidant enzymes, MDA and carbonylation levels. The effect of \"aged\" PE-MPs was more pronounced compared to that of the virgin ones. When evaluating the response of all oxidative stress biomarkers across the studied tissues, the liver demonstrates the highest response for the majority of the biomarkers against both virgin and \"aged\" PE-MPs. These findings strongly indicate that \"aged\" MPs activate the antioxidant defence mechanisms and impact the cellular well-being of the examined fish species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The sensitivity to stress and its impact on immunity are supposedly related to a fish\'s personality. In the present study, European perch (Perca fluviatilis) were exposed to an open-field and a novel-object test to identify distinctive shy and bold individuals. This series of cognitive tests revealed clear differences between proactive individuals with pronounced exploration behavior (bold personality) and reactive individuals that took a freeze-hide position (shy personality). A cohort of shy and bold perch was then exposed to elevated stocking density. Frozen activity and lower explorative behavior were related to higher basal and stocking-induced cortisol levels compared to proactive individuals. Since cortisol is a well-known modulator of immune-gene expression, we used multiplex real-time PCR to profile the differential immune responses to the intraperitoneal injection of Aeromonas hydrophila in the head kidney and peritoneal cells of bold and shy perch individuals. These expression differences between stimulated bold and shy perch were generally modest, except for the genes encoding the complement component c3 and the matrix metallopeptidase mmp9. The strong differential expression of these two bactericidal and inflammatory genes in the context of the modestly regulated features suggests that a fish\'s personality is linked to a particular immune-defense strategy. In conclusion, our approach, based on behavioral video observations, phagocytosis and enzyme assays, immunogene-expression profiling, and quantification of stress-relevant metabolites, revealed indications for divergent coping styles in cohorts of bold or shy European perch. This divergence could be exploited in future selective breeding programs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Eye flukes (Diplostomidae) are diverse and abundant trematode parasites that form multi-species communities in fish with negative effects on host fitness and survival. However, the environmental factors and host-related characteristics that determine species diversity, composition, and coexistence in such communities remain poorly understood. Here, we developed a cost-effective cox1 region-specific DNA metabarcoding approach to characterize parasitic diplostomid communities in two common fish species (Eurasian perch and common roach) collected from seven temperate lakes in Estonia. We found considerable inter- and intra-lake, as well as inter-host species, variation in diplostomid communities. Sympatric host species characterization revealed that parasite communities were typically more diverse in roach than perch. Additionally, we detected five positive and two negative diplostomid species associations in roach, whereas only a single negative association was observed in perch. These results indicate that diplostomid communities in temperate lakes are complex and dynamic systems exhibiting both spatial and temporal heterogeneity. They are influenced by various environmental factors and by host-parasite and inter-parasite interactions. We expect that the described methodology facilitates ecological and biodiversity research of diplostomid parasites. It is also adaptable to other parasite groups where it could serve to improve current understanding of diversity, distribution, and interspecies interactions of other understudied taxa.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Coragen 20 SC is an insecticide based on chlorantraniliprole that is applied on many crops. Considered an effective product with an incremental cost-benefit ratio, it has been widely used globally. Residual pesticides affect non-target organisms, so it is necessary to explore the possible effects induced by these xenobiotics on different species. This work aimed to assess some morphological, physiological and biochemical effects induced by Coragen 20 SC on two non-target species: Perca fluviatilis (Linné, 1758) and Triticum aestivum L. The concentrations used were the same for all tested species (0.0125, 0.025 and 0.05 mL L-1), and the experiments were of the acute, subchronic and chronic type. The toxicological effects of Coragen 20 SC on perch recorded behavioral changes, a decrease in respiratory rate and oxygen consumption, an increase in blood glucose levels and a decrease in the number of erythrocytes and leukocytes. The results obtained from the evaluation of Coragen 20 SC toxicity using the Triticum test indicate a weak to moderate phytotoxicity for the considered parameters at the applied doses. Only the assimilatory pigments were significantly modified at the concentration of 0.025 mL L-1 for the growth of the axial organs and the wet and dry weight, with the changes obtained not being statistically significant.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ectotherms are predicted to \'shrink\' with global warming, in line with general growth models and the temperature-size rule (TSR), both predicting smaller adult sizes with warming. However, they also predict faster juvenile growth rates and thus larger size-at-age of young organisms. Hence, the result of warming on the size-structure of a population depends on the interplay between how mortality rate, juvenile- and adult growth rates are affected by warming. Here, we use two-decade long time series of biological samples from a unique enclosed bay heated by cooling water from a nearby nuclear power plant to become 5-10 °C warmer than its reference area. We used growth-increment biochronologies (12,658 reconstructed length-at-age estimates from 2426 individuals) to quantify how >20 years of warming has affected body growth, size-at-age, and catch to quantify mortality rates and population size- and age structure of Eurasian perch (Perca fluviatilis). In the heated area, growth rates were faster for all sizes, and hence size-at-age was larger for all ages, compared to the reference area. While mortality rates were also higher (lowering mean age by 0.4 years), the faster growth rates lead to a 2 cm larger mean size in the heated area. Differences in the size-spectrum exponent (describing how the abundance declines with size) were less clear statistically. Our analyses reveal that mortality, in addition to plastic growth and size-responses, is a key factor determining the size structure of populations exposed to warming. Understanding the mechanisms by which warming affects the size- and the age structure of populations is critical for predicting the impacts of climate change on ecological functions, interactions, and dynamics.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Non-native fish have been shown to have deleterious impacts on freshwater ecosystems in New Zealand. Early detection is critical for their effective management. Traditional capture-based techniques may not detect newly introduced fish, especially if they are present in low abundance. Molecular techniques that target environmental DNA (eDNA) have been shown, in many instances, to be more sensitive, cost-effective and require lower sampling effort. However, appropriate sampling strategies are needed to ensure robust and interpretable data are obtained. In this study we used droplet digital PCR assays to investigate the presence of two non-native fish in New Zealand, the European perch (Perca fluviatilis) and rudd (Scardinius erythrophthalmus) in three small lakes. Samples were collected from water and surface sediment at near-shore and mid-lake sites. Probabilistic modelling was used to assess the occupancy of fish eDNA and develop guidance on sampling strategies. Based on the detection probability measures from the present study, at least six sites and five replicates per site are needed to reliably detect fish eDNA in sediment samples, and twelve sites with eight replicates per site for water samples. The results highlight the potential of developing monitoring and surveillance programs adapted to lakes, that include the use of assays targeting eDNA. This study focused on small shallow lakes, and it is likely that these recommendations may vary in larger, deeper, and more geomorphologically complex lakes, and this requires further research.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Understanding how obligate freshwater organisms colonize seemingly isolated ecosystems has long fascinated ecologists. While recent investigations reveal that fish eggs can survive the digestive tract of birds and successfully hatch once deposited, evidence for avian zoochory in natura is still lacking. Here, we used a \'multiple lines and levels of evidence\' approach to demonstrate possible bird-mediated colonization of lakes by the European perch (Perca fluviatilis). We studied a set of newly-formed and isolated artificial lakes that the public is either prohibited to access because of gravel extraction or allowed to access (mainly for angling). The motivating observation is that a large proportion of prohibited-access lakes (greater than 80%) were colonized by European perch even though stocking by anglers and managers never occurred. Three supplementary lines of evidence supported avian zoochory. First, European perch spawning occurs when waterfowl abundance is very high. Second, European perch lays sticky eggs at shallow depths where they can be eaten by waterfowls or attached to their bodies. Third, genetic analyses suggested that European perch actually migrate among lakes, and that distances moved match with daily flight range of foraging waterfowl. Together, multiple lines of evidence point to avian zoochory as a probable pathway for fish colonizing remote or newly-formed freshwater ecosystems.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Resource polymorphism is common across taxa and can result in alternate ecotypes with specific morphologies, feeding modes, and behaviors that increase performance in a specific habitat. This can result in high intraspecific variation in the expression of specific traits and the extent to which these traits are correlated within a single population. Although metabolic rate influences resource acquisition and the overall pace of life of individuals it is not clear how metabolic rate interacts with the larger suite of traits to ultimately determine individual fitness.We examined the relationship between metabolic rates and the major differences (habitat use, morphology, and resource use) between littoral and pelagic ecotypes of European perch (Perca fluviatilis) from a single lake in Central Sweden.Standard metabolic rate (SMR) was significantly higher in pelagic perch but did not correlate with resource use or morphology. Maximum metabolic rate (MMR) was not correlated with any of our explanatory variables or with SMR. Aerobic scope (AS) showed the same pattern as SMR, differing across habitats, but contrary to expectations, was lower in pelagic perch.This study helps to establish a framework for future experiments further exploring the drivers of intraspecific differences in metabolism. In addition, since metabolic rates scale with temperature and determine predator energy requirements, our observed differences in SMR across habitats will help determine ecotype-specific vulnerabilities to climate change and differences in top-down predation pressure across habitats.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Perca fluviatilis is an economically important species of freshwater fish. To understand the genetic structure of P. fluviatilis in China, 268 samples were collected from Wulungu Lake (WL), Jili Lake (JL), the Wulungu River (WR), and the Kalaeerqisi River (KR). These samples were then analyzed using microsatellite markers. A total of 98,425 microsatellite markers were developed based on the genomic data, and 29 polymorphic microsatellite markers were selected to analyze genetic diversity in this study. The number of alleles (Na) and observed heterozygosity (Ho) per population ranged from 4.621 (KR) to 11.172 (WL) and from 0.510 (KR) to 0.716 (JL), respectively. The results of the polymorphic information content (PIC) showed that the WL, JL, and WR populations were highly polymorphic (PIC≥ 0.5) and that the KR population was moderately polymorphic (0.25 ≤ PIC < 0.5). The genetic differentiation coefficient (Fst) among the four P. fluviatilis populations was 0.074, indicating moderate genetic differentiation among the populations in Xinjiang. The reason for the significant difference between the rivers and lakes could be the presence of a dam blocking the flow of P. fluviatilis. The development of microsatellite markers provides support for population genetics in the future. The evaluation of the genetic structure of P. fluviatilis in Xinjiang provides a reference for the reproduction and conservation of P. fluviatilis.





