Pediatric spine

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Spinal cord injury (SCI) in the paediatric population is considered a separate entity from the same injury in adults due to the unique anatomical, physiological, and biomechanical properties of the pediatric spine. No comprehensive, standardized, international guidelines currently exist for physicians to follow regarding the management of paediatric spinal cord injuries. Therefore, a narrative literature review approach was employed to explore the management of paediatric spinal cord injuries. The review adhered to the methodological frameworks that entailed identifying a curated selection of pertinent articles on the topic, rather than an exhaustive comprehensive search that is utilised in systematic reviews, this was followed by a reflective interpretation of their content. Using the electronic databases, PubMed and Google Scholar, a search of peer-reviewed studies conducted only in the English language was included. Only studies in which the full article was available were included. Paediatric populations are defined as individuals aged between 0 and 18 years. In total, 26 studies were included in our review. We conclude that it is necessary to factor in specific paediatric considerations, such as disproportionate head size, increased ligament laxity, increased prevalence of upper cervical injury, and future development of scoliosis, in the prehospital, medical, and surgical management of paediatric spinal cord injuries. Clinicians should be made aware of these considerations, as they can improve the outcomes in the paediatric population who suffer from this devastating injury. There is a lack of high-quality studies and data concerning the paediatric population who have sustained SCIs. This literature review highlights the available data and calls for more studies to be conducted in this field.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: The etiology and risk factors of congenital vertebral anomalies are mainly unclear in isolated cases. Also, there are no reports on the risk factors for different subgroups of vertebral anomalies. Therefore, we assessed and identified potential maternal risk factors for these anomalies and hypothesized that diabetes, other chronic diseases, smoking, obesity, and medication in early pregnancy would increase the risk of congenital vertebral anomalies.
    UNASSIGNED: All cases with congenital vertebral anomalies were identified in the Finnish Register of Congenital Malformations from 1997 to 2016 for this nationwide register-based case-control study. Five matched controls without vertebral malformations were randomly selected. Analyzed maternal risk factors included maternal age, body mass index, parity, smoking, history of miscarriages, chronic diseases, and prescription drug purchases in early pregnancy.
    UNASSIGNED: The register search identified 256 cases with congenital vertebral malformations. After excluding 66 syndromic cases, 190 non-syndromic malformations (74 formation defects, 4 segmentation defects, and 112 mixed anomalies) were included in the study. Maternal smoking was a significant risk factor for formation defects (adjusted odds ratio 2.33, 95% confidence interval 1.21-4.47). Also, pregestational diabetes (adjusted odds ratio 8.53, 95% confidence interval 2.33-31.20) and rheumatoid arthritis (adjusted odds ratio 13.19, 95% confidence interval 1.31-132.95) were associated with mixed vertebral anomalies.
    UNASSIGNED: Maternal pregestational diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis were associated with an increased risk of mixed vertebral anomalies. Maternal smoking increases the risk of formation defects and represents an avoidable risk factor for congenital scoliosis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: A hands-on-wall (HOW) position for low-dose stereoradiography of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) patients would allow for skeletal maturity assessment of the hand and wrist. Our aims were twofold: confirm the reliability and validity of skeletal maturity assessment using the HOW radiographs and compare the spinal and pelvic 3D parameters to those of standard hands-on-cheeks (HOC) stereoradiographs.
    METHODS: Seventy AIS patients underwent two successive stereoradiographs and a standard hand and wrist radiograph on the same day. Patients were randomly assigned to begin with HOW and follow with HOC, or vice versa. Raters assessed digital skeletal age (DSA), Sanders Simplified Skeletal Maturity (SSMS) and Thumb Ossification Composite Index (TOCI). 3D reconstructions of the spine and pelvis bones were performed for each stereoradiograph to measure nine clinically relevant spinal and pelvic 3D parameters.
    RESULTS: Inter-rater and intra-rater reliabilities were excellent for DSA, SSMS and TOCI with both standard radiographs and HOW (ICC > 0.95). Strong correlation was found between ratings of both imaging types (ICC > 0.95). In the 3D reconstructions, kyphosis and sacral slope were slightly decreased in the HOW position, but within the clinical margin of error. All other parameters did not differ significantly between positions (p < 0.05).
    CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that HOW stereoradiographs allow clinicians to assess skeletal maturity of the hand and wrist with adequate reliability and validity. We recommend that scoliosis clinics adopt the HOW position to assess skeletal maturity because there is no significant clinical impact on the spinal and pelvic evaluation, and on radiation exposure, cost or time.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Understanding spinal sagittal balance is crucial for assessing and treating spinal deformities in pediatric populations.
    OBJECTIVE: The aim of the present observational study is to examine the parameters of sagittal alignment of the regional spine and spinopelvic region in asymptomatic pediatric populations and the characteristics of these parameters with age and sex.
    METHODS: We enrolled 217 participants, consisting of 112 males (51.6%) and 105 females (48.4%), aged between 4 and 15 years, with an average age of 12.19 years. Pelvic incidence, pelvic tilt, sacral slope, lumbar lordosis, thoracic kyphosis, T1 slope, C7 slope, cervical sagittal vertical axis, and C2-7 Cobb angle were measured. Three spine surgeons conducted radiographic measurements utilizing the PACS software. The measurement reliability was assessed through ICCs.
    RESULTS: Our results show significant age-related changes in pelvic tilt and cervical sagittal vertical axis, with notable gender differences in pelvic tilt, lumbar lordosis, and thoracic kyphosis. Girls have larger PT, boys have larger cSVA. PI, PT, and cSVA also differ among different age groups. Correlation analysis shows that a series of relationships that align with adult population patterns between pelvic incidence, pelvic tilt, sacral slope, lumbar lordosis, and thoracic kyphosis.
    CONCLUSIONS: Significant variations in PT and cSVA across diverse age cohorts highlights notable disparities in the distribution of PT and cSVA values within the pediatric population. Gender-based differences in PT, LL, and TK and correlation in spinopelvic parameter could enhances our understanding of compensatory mechanisms.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Pediatric cervical spine injuries are rare, and the diagnosis and management can be challenging. Surgical intervention has been recommended in unstable odontoid synchondrosis injuries or those that have failed nonoperative measures. However, the literature remains sparse on the operative management of severe injuries due to the low incidence. An 18-month-old female sustained an unstable odontoid synchondrosis fracture from a motor vehicle accident. Due to ongoing instability after initial immobilization in a halo, the decision was made to proceed with surgical management. With the patient positioned prone and neural monitoring throughout, a posterior approach was utilized. Subperiosteal exposure of the C1 posterior arch was performed bilaterally. A spinal fixation band was passed under the right C1 posterior arch, around the C2 spinous process, under the left C1 posterior arch, and finally back under the C2 spinous process. The C1-C2 distraction was reduced using intraoperative imaging, and the sublaminar tape construct was secured and reinforced. The halo was then reattached. Postoperative recovery was complicated by a halo pin-site infection which was treated with oral antibiotics. The halo was removed after 3 months, following a computerized tomography that demonstrated union. X-rays at 6 months revealed anatomical alignment with the union. Surgery is recommended in pediatric odontoid synchondrosis fractures refractory to nonoperative management. Sublaminar taping of C1-C2 with a spinal fixation band has been demonstrated to be an effective surgical technique in the management of an unstable odontoid synchondrosis fracture.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Spinal cord injury without radiological abnormality (SCIWORA) was first reported in 1974. The term was used to define \"clinical symptoms of traumatic myelopathy without signs of fracture or spine instability on X-ray or CT scan.\" With the emergence of MRI, the gold standard method to identify spinal cord injuries, about two-thirds of former SCIWORA cases were found to have pathological findings, and, as such, the term has taken on an ambiguous meaning in the literature. We describe the clinical case of a 17-year-old boy who was admitted to the emergency department of a tertiary hospital after a fall during a soccer game. He suffered spinal and cranioencephalic trauma. A few minutes later, the boy began to show decreased strength in the right upper limb and lower limbs, as well as changes in sensation in the right hemibody. On objective examination, the boy presented a Glasgow Coma Scale score of 15 and the American Spinal Injury Association Impairment Scale D, with partial improvement of initial symptoms of monoparesis of the right lower limb. There were no other changes, specifically at the sensory level. The patient underwent a CT and MRI of the spine that showed no fractures, instability, or appreciable medullary signal changes. Electromyography was normal. Based on the clinical history and imaging findings, real SCIWORA was diagnosed. The patient was admitted to an inpatient rehabilitation program. At a follow-up visit two months later, a complete reversal of signs and symptoms was confirmed. The prognosis of this pathology depends on the extent of the spinal cord injury, as evidenced by MRI. Although neurological improvement when severe deficit is present at initial presentation is unlikely, most patients with incomplete neurological damage show good recovery. The absence of visible changes on MRI is associated with a better prognosis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Chondrodysplasia punctata (CDP) describes skeletal dysplasia secondary to a variety of genetic underpinnings characterized by cartilaginous stippling from abnormal calcium deposition during endochondral bone formation. Approximately 20%-38% of patients with CDP have cervical spine abnormalities, resulting in stenosis and cord compression. However, approaches to management differ among patients.
    METHODS: The authors present an 18-year-old male with a known history of CDP and cervical kyphosis with worsening paresthesias and increased spasticity. Imaging confirmed dysplastic C4 and C5 vertebra with focal kyphosis, bony retropulsion, spinal cord compression, and myelomalacia. To treat the stenosis and deformity, the patient underwent C4 and C5 vertebrectomies with C3 to C6 anterior fusion with resolution of symptoms.
    CONCLUSIONS: Despite many CDP patients having cervical deformities with spinal cord compression and associated neurological symptoms, there is a paucity of data on surgical management and outcomes. There are only scattered reports, and most authors recommend initial conservative management because of the high risk of operative morbidity and mortality secondary to comorbidities. When surgery is performed, long-term follow-up is recommended because of the high rates of progression of deformity, requiring subsequent operations. The authors hope that their experience adds to the literature describing the surgical management of cervical deformities in these patients.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    UNASSIGNED: Air-gun pellet injuries commonly occur in children between the age of 1-18 years old. These injuries could be fetal because it linked to injury to vital organs such as brain, heart, and eyes. In the literature, there are few studies that reported spine injury by air-gun pellet. Our case is a C1 foreign body in a pediatric patient without any neurological deficits after an air-gun injury.
    UNASSIGNED: A 6-year-old boy, known case of Hirschsprung disease presented to the emergency department after an air-gun injury in June 2021. On examination, the patient was hemodynamically stable, and asymptomatic. Neurological exam was intact with power 5/5 in C5-S1 and sensation 2/2 in C5-S1. Computed tomography (CT) of the cervical spine showed a foreign body at C1. After discussing the treatment options with his parents, we treat the patient conservatively by close follow-up and analgesia only. After 1 week, the patient presented to the clinic and the patient was still asymptomatic. A cervical X-ray at that time done and showed no changes in the position from the initial CT. Weekly follow-up was difficult for the family to adhere to due to their socioeconomic status. Therefore, the patient was followed up over the phone call through telemedicine at 6 months and 1 year after the injury.
    UNASSIGNED: The treatment of these types on injuries is highly controversial. The treatment options could be surgical or non-surgical (conservative) such as antibiotic use. Also, there is always a debate about the choice of the treatment options.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A broad spectrum of spinal pathologies can affect the pediatric population. Ultrasound (US) is the primary modality for pediatric spine assessment due to its widespread availability, non-requirement of sedation, and absence of ionizing radiation. Supplementing this, MRI offers an in-depth exploration of these conditions, aiding in preoperative strategizing. In this review, we examine the clinical indications, methodologies, and protocols for US and MRI scans of the pediatric spine. Additionally, we illustrate normal pediatric spinal anatomy, highlighting several examples of normal variants that are often misinterpreted. Through a series of case-based illustrations, we offer a comprehensive overview of various pathological conditions such as tethered cord, spinal dysraphism, spinal lipoma, diastematomyelia, and dermal sinus tract, among others. Furthermore, we explore the correlation between US and MRI findings for these lesions, employing real-world cases to enhance our understanding of this topic.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Aneurysmal bone cyst is composed of variable -sized cystic blood-filled spaces separated by connective tissue septae. First-line surgical resection of spinal aneurysmal bone cyst in a child with limited total blood volume can lead to massive intraoperative bleeding, thus limiting extent of resection. Our Centre\'s has good experience of using absolute alcohol as an effective immediate devascularizing agent during vertebral hemangioma surgery in children.
    METHODS: We report the first case of pediatric lumbar primary aneurysmal bone cyst in which completely blood-less piecemeal total resection of the lesion was performed after intraoperative absolute alcohol intralesional sclerotherapy.
    RESULTS: Completely blood-less piecemeal total resection of the lumbar aneurysmal bone cyst was performed after intraoperative absolute alcohol intralesional sclerotherapy.
    CONCLUSIONS: Intraoperative absolute alcohol intralesional sclerotherapy is a very effective devascularizing adjunct for complete piecemeal resection of spinal aneurysmal bone cyst in children with limited blood volume.





