
Patologo í a
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The curative treatment of primary hyperparathyroidism (PPH) is surgical and today it can be performed by minimally invasive surgery (MIS) and also be radioguided (RG) if a radiopharmaceutical with affinity for the parathyroid tissue that can be detected with gamma-detector probes or with a portable gamma camera (PGC) is injected.
    OBJECTIVE: The objective is to assess whether intraoperative scintigraphy (GGio) with PGC can replace intraoperative pathological anatomy (APio) to determine if the removed specimen is an abnormal parathyroid.
    METHODS: 92 patients underwent CMI RG--HPP with PGC after the administration of a dose of 99 mTc-MIBI. The information provided by the PGC in the analysis of the excised specimens is qualitatively compared (capture yes/no) with the result of the intraoperative pathological anatomy (APio). The Gold standard is the definitive histology.
    RESULTS: 120 excised pieces are evaluated with GGio and APio. There were 110 agreements (95TP and 15TN) and 10 disagreements (3FP and 7FN). Of the 120 lesions, 102 were parathyroid and 18 were non-parathyroid. There was good agreement between intraoperative scintigraphy imaging (GGio) and PA, 70.1% according to Cohen\'s Kappa index. The GGio presented the following values ​​of Sensitivity, Specificity, Positive Predictive Value, Negative Predictive Value, Positive Likelihood Ratio, Negative Likelihood Ratio and Overall Value of the Test (93.1%, 83.3%, 96.9%, 68.2%, 5.59, 0.08 and 0.92 respectively).
    CONCLUSIONS: GGio is a rapid and effective surgical aid technique to confirm/rule out the possible parathyroid nature of the lesions removed in PPH surgery, but it cannot replace histological study.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The much-hyped artificial intelligence (AI) model called ChatGPT developed by Open AI can have great benefits for physicians, especially pathologists, by saving time so that they can use their time for more significant work. Generative AI is a special class of AI model, which uses patterns and structures learned from existing data and can create new data. Utilizing ChatGPT in Pathology offers a multitude of benefits, encompassing the summarization of patient records and its promising prospects in Digital Pathology, as well as its valuable contributions to education and research in this field. However, certain roadblocks need to be dealt like integrating ChatGPT with image analysis which will act as a revolution in the field of pathology by increasing diagnostic accuracy and precision. The challenges with the use of ChatGPT encompass biases from its training data, the need for ample input data, potential risks related to bias and transparency, and the potential adverse outcomes arising from inaccurate content generation. Generation of meaningful insights from the textual information which will be efficient in processing different types of image data, such as medical images, and pathology slides. Due consideration should be given to ethical and legal issues including bias.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    OBJECTIVE: Copper metabolism disorder disease is thought to contribute to renal symptoms in Wilson\'s disease (WD). Nonetheless, there remains limited knowledge regarding the precise characteristics of renal damage in individuals with Wilson\'s disease, encompassing clinical presentations, biochemical indicators, imaging findings, and renal histopathological alterations.
    METHODS: In this study, 20 patients diagnosed with Wilson\'s disease and renal involvement were enrolled in our hospital. These patients met the validated European criteria for Wilson\'s disease, and those with primary kidney disease or secondary renal damage caused by other underlying conditions were excluded. The baseline data of patients were collected. Various biochemical and hematological parameters were monitored. Biochemical examinations were measured using an automatic biochemistry analyzer, blood routines were tested by flow cytometry analysis, 24-h urine copper was tested by atomic absorption spectrophotometer. Besides, CER was measured by turbidimetric immunoassay with a Hitachi 7020 automatic biochemical analyzer (the intraplate and interplate coefficients of variation were 2.7% and 5.13% respectively). Copper oxidase was tested by colorimetric method using p-phenylenediamine hydrochloride (the intraplate and interplate coefficients of variation were both <10%). Diagnostic criteria for Wilson\'s disease and kidney damage were established based on the European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL) and CKD Epidemiology Collaboration guidelines, respectively. Statistical analysis was carried out using t-tests and χ2 tests in SPSS 22.0 software. Significant differences were considered when P<0.05.
    RESULTS: In those patients with Wilson\'s disease-related renal damage, edema, gross hematuria, oliguria, and lumbar pain were present in most patients. Microscopic haematuria and proteinuria were also observed in 19 patients. Compared to patients without renal involvement, those with renal complications exhibited a significant increase in white blood cell (WBC) and neutrophil counts (P<0.05). Additionally, patients with renal damage showed a noteworthy rise in both diastolic and systolic blood pressure, along with a significant reduction in hemoglobin levels (P<0.05). Color Doppler ultrasound results revealed diffuse lesions in both kidneys in 12 patients, renal cysts were identified in 5 patients, and 2 patients exhibited abnormal renal blood flow signals. Meanwhile, varying degrees of IgA, IgM, IgG-based immunoglobulins, complement C3 and C1q deposition in the glomerular mesangial area were detected by immunofluorescence. Furthermore, renal puncture biopsy results revealed a spectrum of findings, including minimal change nephrosis in 1 case, IgA nephropathy in 3 cases, atypical membranous proliferative nephropathy in 2 cases, and focal segmental glomerulosclerosis in 1 case.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study comprehensively elucidates the distinct attributes of renal damage related to Wilson\'s disease, while also speculating that renal dysfunction in Wilson\'s disease could be linked to immune complex deposition. Depending on the underlying pathogenesis, kidney injury associated with Wilson\'s disease can be classified as primary or secondary. To slow down the progression of renal impairment, it is essential to undergo a renal biopsy pathological examination as early as possible to clarify the type of impairment and take the appropriate treatment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Meningiomas are tumors that originate in the arachnoid villi and are the most common non-glial neoplasm in the central nervous system. The clinical manifestations associated with meningioma depend, fundamentally, on its location. The location in the cerebral convexity is the most frequent, especially in the frontal lobes, manifesting with headache, motor disturbances, seizures and even neurocognitive disorders. There are 15 histologic subtypes of meningioma and three histologic grades. Within these, grades two and three have a worse prognosis and a higher rate of recurrence, as well as a radiological behavior that is generally more aggressive. Although there are some imaging features that can suggest a specific subtype, the definitive diagnosis will always require histological/molecular confirmation.






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    文章类型: English Abstract
    BACKGROUND: Mucinous tubularand spindle cell carcinomas (MTSC) are a relativelyrare subtype of renal cell carcinoma (RCC) . Thesetumors are composed by tubular and spindle cellareas within a mucinous stroma. They are generallylow-grade nuclei tumors and limited to the kidney, sothey usually have a favorable prognosis. We report twonew cases of MTSC treated at our institution. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We reviewed therenal tumors surgery database of our hospital from2008 to 2019, selecting patients diagnosed with CMTF.We evaluated clinicopathological data and evolution ofthe patients. We also reviewed the published literatureto compare it with our findings. RESULTS: Two patients were included in the study,a 50-year-old male (case 1) and a 55-year-old female(case 2). The diagnosis was made by ultrasound asan incidental fi nding in case 1 and during the studyof fl ank pain in case 2. Treatment was surgical withpartial and radical nephrectomy respectively. After amean follow-up of 70 months, both patients are aliveand disease-free. CONCLUSION: Mucinous tubular and spindle cellcarcinomas (MTSC) is a rare renal tumor, approximatelytwo hundred cases have been published. Thereare questions yet to be answered about their diagnosisand behaviour so it is of utmost importance to reportnew cases in order to increase our knowledge and improvepatient care.
    INTRODUCCIÓN: Los carcinomasmucinosos tubulares y de células fusiformes (CMTF)son un subtipo relativamente infrecuente de carcinomarenal (CCR). Están compuestos por célulastubulares y fusiformes con un estroma mucinoso.Generalmente son tumores de bajo grado y estánlimitados al riñón, por lo que habitualmente tienenbuen pronóstico. Reportamos dos nuevos casos deCMTF tratados en nuestra institución. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Se realizó una revisiónde todos los tumores renales intervenidos en nuestrohospital desde el año 2008 has ta el año 2019, seleccionandolos pacientes diagnosticados de CMTF.Se evaluaron las características clinicopatológicasy la evolución de los pacientes. Así mismo, se realizóuna revisión exhaustiva de la literatura publicadapara comparar los hallazgos descritos con los denuestros casos. RESULTADOS: Dos pacientes fueron incluidos enel estudio, un varón de 50 años ( caso 1) y una mujer de55 años ( caso 2). El diagnóstico fue ecográfico, de forma incidental en el caso 1 y a partir del estudio de undolor en flanco, en el caso 2. El tratamiento fue quirúrgicomediante nefrectomía parcial y radical respectivamente.Tras un seguimiento medio de 70 meses ambospacientes están vivos y libres de enfermedad. CONCLUSIÓN: El carcinoma mucinoso tubular yde células fusiformes (CMTF) es un tumor renal infrecuente,habiéndose publicado aproximadamente doscentenares de casos. Aún hay incógnitas que resolversobre su diagnóstico y comportamiento, de ahí la importanciade reportar nuevos casos que nos permitanaumentar su conocimiento y mejorar el manejo denuestros pacientes.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has spread worldwide, resulting in significant morbidity and mortality. Histopathological findings are essential in understanding its pathogenesis and we present our findings from postmortem core needle biopsies in an attempt to share information that may shed some light on this severe pandemic. Different organ samples from four patients with PCR-confirmed COVID-19 at the Infanta Sofía Hospital (Madrid) were studied during the months of April and May, 2020 by six pathologists using routine stains, histochemistry and immunohistochemistry. Results were compared with other reported cases. All patients had a clinical diagnosis of pneumonia and biopsies revealed lung damage in the majority. Heart, liver, spleen and kidney were also studied and abnormalities were found in all cases and are extensively described. The histopathology of organs affected by COVID-19 is vital to the understanding of this disease and its sequelae.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mesenteric arteriovenous vasculopathy (MAVD/V) is an extremely rare and poorly understood disease and its incidence is probably underestimated. It is an uncommon, non-inflammatory and non-atherosclerotic form of mesenteric vascular injury, first reported in 2016, with characteristic histopathologic evidence of fibromuscular dysplasia-like vascular changes. We present the case of a chronically ill 84-year-old female with a 5 year history of recurrent small bowel obstruction, who underwent segmental resection of the small bowel. Intraoperative examination showed bowel stricture with fibrosis, intraluminal pill fragments and creeping mesenteric adipose tissue clinically compatible with Crohn\'s disease. Histological examination showed acute and chronic mucosal injury characterized by crypt distortion, ulcerations with granulation tissue, pseudo-pyloric metaplasia, areas of fibrosis and serosal adhesions. Multiple blood vessels (including both veins and arteries) demonstrated wall hyalinization, elastic degeneration and non-atherosclerotic luminal occlusion. The pattern of the mucosal injury is, in this case, potentially a consequence of acute and chronic ischemic processes secondary to mesenteric arteriovenous vasculopathy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In late December 2019, some cases of atypical pneumonia, at that time of unknown origin, were reported in Wuhan, China. Days later, the etiologic agent was identified as a new coronavirus. This new coronavirus was called SARS-CoV-2 and the disease it produces was named COVID-19. The origin of this new virus is presumed zoonotic, with bats being its probable vector. Due to the rapid number of infections and deaths that occurred first in China and later around the world, the infection of this virus quickly went from being an isolated outbreak in a Chinese region to becoming a health emergency of international concern and later, a pandemic. The purpose of this review is to study the most relevant and current information on the pathogen, as well as epidemiology, pathology, clinical features, transmission, prevention, and treatment of the disease.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Histiocytic and dendritic cell neoplasms (HDN) are rare and their biology, prognosis, treatment and terminology are still under discussion. They are composed of macrophage and dendritic-derived cells and show a wide range of clinical, morphological and prognostic features. Clinicopathological correlation and a broad immunohistochemical panel are required to establish a correct diagnosis. After the detection of BRAF mutations in Langerhans cell histiocytosis, the potential role of other molecular alterations is being studied. We have reviewed the literature published in the last 10 years to provide an overview of NHD, with particular emphasis their molecular features.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    El cáncer de páncreas es la cuarta causa de muerte por cáncer en los Estados Unidos; en el mundo se asocia con 227.000 muertes anuales, aproximadamente. Es producto de múltiples factores, siendo el tabaquismo el principal factor de riesgo.La punción-aspiración con aguja fina guiada por ultrasonido endoscópico es una técnica muy eficaz en el diagnóstico de lesiones neoplásicas del páncreas. El diagnóstico citológico mediante esta técnica debe hacerse según los lineamientos para el sistema pancreático-biliar de la Papanicolaou Society of Cytopathology. Dichos lineamientos incluyen las indicaciones, las técnicas, la terminología y la nomenclatura, así como los estudios auxiliares, el manejo posterior al procedimiento y los criterios citológicos para el diagnóstico.La especificidad de una interpretación positiva o maligna para la punción-aspiración pancreática con aguja fina, es de 90 a 95 % en la mayoría de los estudios.





