
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The breeding phenology of birds is often timed to coincide with a peak in food availability. However, the shortening of the vegetation period with increasing elevation may force bird species at high elevations to breed earlier in relation to optimal environmental conditions due to time constraints. We investigated differences in fledging dates in five Alpine woodland songbird species along an elevational gradient from 1500 to 2200 m in Switzerland. We estimated fledging dates from a nationwide citizen science bird monitoring dataset and used the date when the proportion of observations of \'fledged young\' reached 50% among all observations indicating breeding behaviour. This measure had the advantage that we could estimate average timing of the broods across a wide geographic range and over many years without the need to search for individual nests. We then compared differences in timing of the broods with climatic conditions and larch budburst across different elevational bands. The daily mean air temperature of 10-15°C was reached 34-38 days later at 2200 m compared to 1500 m, which is a similar delay as found in previous reports on snow melt-out date. The average delay in larch budburst was 19.2 days at 2200 m compared to 1500 m. In comparison, the average timing of the birds\' broods was only 5.4 days later in coal tits and 0.5 days later in Alpine tits at 2200 compared to 1500 m (the two species for which we had the narrowest interval estimates). Also, the estimated delay at higher elevations in the broods of song thrushes, mistle thrushes and Eurasian chaffinches was relatively small. Rather than postponing breeding dates to better environmental conditions later in the season that would match the earlier conditions at low elevation, songbirds breeding at higher elevations may thus have evolved adaptations to cope with the harsher conditions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Knowledge of the effect of harsh weather on the phenotypic traits of organisms is essential for understanding the environmental influence on phenotype evolution and holds implications for predicting how species respond to current climate change. For many birds, harsh weather in winter often imposes a strong selective effect on their survival, and only the individuals with certain phenotypes may survive. However, whether the selective effect on phenotype varies with winter weather conditions has been poorly investigated. Here, we explored the selective effect of winter weather on black-throated tit\'s (Aegithalos concinnus) morphological traits under winters with and without severe snowstorms. We found that for males, the sizes of their bills, heads and wings significantly affected their overwinter survival, but the effects varied with winter conditions. In relatively benign winters, males with smaller bill depths, smaller bill surface areas, and greater head lengths survived better; whereas, in winters with severe snowstorms, a reverse pattern was found. This phenomenon was likely driven by selection pressures from heat retention and foraging requirements, with their relative importance depending on winter conditions. Additionally, wing length was positively correlated with male survival and the relationship was stronger in harsher winters, which was probably due to longer wings\' higher flight efficiency in adverse weather. By contrast, we found no correlation between morphological traits and survival in females. These results suggest a sex-specific and condition-dependent selective effect of environment on bird phenotypes, implying complicated interactions between different selection pressures and phenotype evolution.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Wild animals in general, birds in particular, play a key role in transporting ticks and propagating tick-borne pathogens. Several studies have confirmed the infection of birds with Anaplasma phagocytophilum, with overall prevalence varying widely from country to country and/or study to study. This zoonotic bacterium, transmitted mainly by ticks of the genus Ixodes, is responsible for granulocytic anaplasmosis in humans (HGA) and domestic animals (cats, dogs, horses). The disease is also called tick-borne fever (TBF) in ruminants. Extremely rare in the USA, TBF is very common in Europe, where it causes economic losses in livestock. Conversely, HGA is well established in the USA whereas only a few less severe cases have been observed in Europe. Current typing techniques support the existence of multiple variants with differences in virulence/pathogenicity and tropism for certain tick and host species. However, epidemiological cycles remain difficult to characterize in Europe. Several studies describe a cycle apparently involving only birds in Europe, but no such study has been conducted in mainland France. Our objectives were to search for A. phagocytophilum in passerine birds in the Ile-de-France region and to explore their diversity using groEL and ankA gene typing and multilocus sequence typing (MLST). Various tissues (spleen, liver, and skin) were collected from cadavers of 680 passerines between March and December 2021. The presence of A. phagocytophilum was detected by qPCR Taqman targeting the msp2 gene. Three blackbirds (Turdus merula) were found positive, representing detection rates of 0.4 % in all birds tested and 3.3 % in blackbirds. The higher frequency of detection in blackbirds could be at least partially explained by their lifestyle, as they feed on the ground. Analysis of the results of groEL and ankA typing and MLST from positive blackbirds support the hypothesis that the avian A. phagocytophilum strains in Ile-de-France are distinct from those found in mammals, and that they form their own cluster in Europe.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Temporal changes in environmental conditions may play a major role in the year-to-year variation in fitness consequences of behaviours. Identifying environmental drivers of such variation is crucial to understand the evolutionary trajectories of behaviours in natural contexts. However, our understanding of how environmental variation influences behaviours in the wild remains limited. Using data collected over 14 breeding seasons from a collared flycatcher (Ficedula albicollis) population, we examined the effect of environmental variation on the relationship between survival and risk-taking behaviour, a highly variable behavioural trait with great evolutionary and ecological significance. Specifically, using annual recapture probability as a proxy of survival, we evaluated the specific effect of predation pressure, food availability, and mean temperature on the relationship between annual recapture probability and risk-taking behaviour (measured as flight initiation distance [FID]). We found a negative trend, as the relationship between annual recapture probability and FID decreased over the study years and changed from positive to negative. Specifically, in the early years of the study, risk-avoiding individuals exhibited a higher annual recapture probability, whereas in the later years, risk-avoiders had a lower annual recapture probability. However, we did not find evidence that any of the considered environmental factors mediated the variation in the relationship between survival and risk-taking behaviour.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Small birds and mammals face similar energetic challenges, yet use of torpor to conserve energy while resting is considered less common among birds, especially within the most specious order Passeriformes. We conducted the first study to record the natural thermoregulatory physiology of any species from the family Hirundinidae, which we predicted would use torpor because of their specialised foraging by aerial pursuit of flying insects, that are less active during cold or windy weather. We used temperature telemetry on wild-living welcome swallows (Hirundo neoxena, 13 to 17 g) and found that skin temperature declined during nightly resting by an average by 5 °C, from daytime minima of 41.0 ± 0.8 °C to nightly minima of 36.3 ± 0.8 °C, and by a maximum of 8 °C to a minimum recorded skin temperature of 32.0 °C. The extent of reduction in skin temperature was greater on cold nights and following windy daytime (foraging) periods. Further, we found that transmitters glued directly to the skin between feather tracts (i.e., an apterium) provided a less variable and probably also more accurate reflection of body temperature than transmitters applied over closely trimmed feathers. A moderate decrease in skin temperature, equivalent to shallow torpor, would provide energy savings during rest. Yet, deeper torpor was not observed, despite a period of extreme rainfall that presumedly decreased foraging success. Further studies are needed to understand the resting thermoregulatory energetics of swallows under different environmental conditions. We advocate the importance of measuring thermal biology in wild-living birds to increase our knowledge of the physiology and ecological importance of torpor among passerine birds.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The gut microbiome can be thought of as a virtual organ given its immense metabolic capacity and profound effects on host physiology. Migratory birds are capable of adaptively modulating many aspects of their physiology to facilitate long-distance movements, raising the hypothesis that their microbiome may undergo a parallel remodeling process that helps to meet the energetic demands of migration.To test this hypothesis, we investigated changes in gut microbiome composition and function over the fall migration of the Blackpoll Warbler (Setophaga striata), which exhibits one of the longest known autumnal migratory routes of any songbird and rapidly undergoes extensive physiological remodeling during migration.Overall, our results showed that the Blackpoll Warbler microbiome differed significantly across phases of fall migration. This pattern was driven by a dramatic increase in the relative abundance of Proteobacteria, and more specifically a single 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequence variant belonging to the family Enterobacteriaceae. Further, Blackpoll Warblers exhibited a progressive reduction in microbiome diversity and within-group variance over migration, indicating convergence of microbiome composition among individuals during long-distance migration. Metagenomic analysis revealed that the gut microbiome of staging individuals was enriched in bacterial pathways involved in vitamin, amino acid, and fatty acid biosynthesis, as well as carbohydrate metabolism, and that these pathways were in turn positively associated with host body mass and subcutaneous fat deposits.Together, these results provide evidence that the gut microbiome of migratory birds may undergo adaptive remodeling to meet the physiological and energetic demands of long-distance migration.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In addition to the presence of a suitable host and vector, the prevalence of haemosporidians is influenced by several important factors, including the environmental conditions of the habitat, which depend on broader geographic characteristics. The aim of this study is to perform a preliminarily assessment of the distribution of blood parasites in birds from the mountainous area of Zhongar Alatau NP and to find potential new sites for research on their ecology in Kazakhstan. The results of this research constitute the first report on the occurrence of blood parasites from this area. A total of 58 birds, from the order Passeriformes and one individual from the order Caprimulgiformes, were examined during the study. The overall prevalence of infections caused by haemosporidian parasites (Haemoproteus, Leucocytozoon) was 18.6%. Neither the genus Plasmodium nor the presence of trypanosomes and microfilariae was detected in the birds examined. Three birds (5.1% prevalence) were infected with parasites of the genus Haemoproteus, in all eleven positive birds the analyses showed the presence of parasites of the genus Leucocytozoon (18.6% prevalence). The presence of parasites genus Haemoproteus was detected only in birds that were also infected with Leucocytozoon parasites. More infections with parasites of the genus Leucocytozoon are predicted due to the higher altitude and ecological factors at the capture sites, which are more favourable for the development of vectors of this genus. The species Haemoproteus majoris was detected in the host Emberiza cioides and species Haemoproteus minutus in host Turdus merula. Other species of this genus in the hosts Cyanistes cyanus and Turdus atrogularis were not determined. The species Leucocytozoon fringilinarum was detected in the hosts Cyanistes cyanus and Parus major, Leucocytozoon dubreuili was detected in Turdus atrogularis and Turdus merula. In the other host species Aegithalos caudatus, Emberiza cioides and Periparus aterus, it was not possible to dermine the species of the genus Leucocytozoon.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    It is a long-standing view that the main mechanism maintaining narrow migratory divides in passerines is the selection against intermediate and suboptimal migratory direction, but empirical proof of this is still lacking. We present novel results from a willow warbler migratory divide in central Sweden from where birds take the typical SW and SE as well as intermediate routes to winter quarters in Africa. We hypothesized that individuals that take the intermediate route are forced to migrate in daytime more often when crossing wide ecological barriers than birds that follow the typical western or eastern flyways. Analyses of geolocator tracks of willow warblers breeding across the entire Sweden, including the migratory divide, provided no support for our hypothesis. Instead, birds that migrated along the western flyway were the most likely to undertake full day flights. The probability of migrating for a full day when crossing major barriers declined linearly from west to east. We speculate that this difference is possibly caused by more challenging conditions in the western part of the Sahara Desert, such as the lack of suitable day-time roost sites. However, it may equally likely be that willow warblers benefit from migrating in daytime if favorable tailwinds offer assistance.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Increased numbers of human infections with Chlamydia psittaci have been associated with bird feeding activities in southern Sweden. Information on occurrence and genotype of C. psittaci in garden birds in Sweden is required to corroborate this finding but data are limited. Additionally, pathogenicity of C. psittaci for garden birds is poorly understood. In this study, C. psittaci infection was investigated in 275 garden birds representing 22 species submitted for wildlife disease surveillance between 2009 and 2019. PCR was used to detect C. psittaci DNA in liver and lung. Positive samples were genotyped, additional PCR was performed on feces, and tissues were examined microscopically. C. psittaci was found in six (2.2 %) birds; three great tits (Parus major), two feral (Columba livia) and one wood pigeon (Columba palumbus). Two great tits and the wood pigeon had inflammatory lesions associated with C. psittaci. In the great tits and wood pigeon, C. psittaci genotype A, the cause of most human cases, was detected. Genotype B, considered endemic in pigeons, was detected in the feral pigeons. Low incidence of C. psittaci in dead Swedish garden birds was similar to studies on apparently healthy Swedish birds. Pathological findings were consistent with C. psittaci being fatal in half of the positive birds, which also had higher bacterial loads in feces. This highlights the risk for human infection via infected garden birds, especially regarding great tits and pigeons.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Migratory birds differ markedly in their migration strategies, particularly those performing short- versus long-distance migrations. In preparation for migration, all birds undergo physiological and morphological modifications including enlargement of fat stores and pectoral muscles to fuel and power their flights, as well as cardiovascular and biochemical adjustments that improve lipid and oxygen delivery and uptake by flight muscles. While the magnitude of these changes varies in relation to migration strategy, the consequence of these variations on aerobic performance is unknown. We tested whether the aerobic performance of four Old-world flycatcher species (Muscicapidae) varied according to migration strategy by comparing minimum resting metabolic rates (RMRmin), exercise-induced maximum metabolic rates (MMR), and exercise endurance times of short-distance and long-distance migratory birds.
    RESULTS: As expected, RMRmin did not vary between short-distance and long-distance migrants but differed between the species within a migration strategy and between sexes. Unexpectedly, MMR did not vary with migration strategy, but MMR and blood haemoglobin content were positively related among the birds tested. Exercise endurance times differed substantially between migration strategies with long-distance migrants sustaining exercise for > 60% longer than short-distance migrants. Blood haemoglobin content had a significant positive effect on endurance among all birds examined.
    CONCLUSIONS: The lack of difference in RMRmin and MMR between long- and short-distance migrants during this stage of migration suggests that the attributes favouring the greater aerobic endurance of long-distance migrants did not come at the expense of increased maintenance costs or require greater aerobic capacity.





