Party size

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Although chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) and bonobos (Pan paniscus) share a multi-male/multi-female societal organization and form male-philopatric groups, disparities in terms of male aggression and stability of temporary parties are thought to exist among them. However, existing research in bonobos has mainly focused on the high social status, prolonged receptivity, and characteristic sexual behaviors of females, leaving the behaviors of males understudied. Moreover, prior comparative studies on Pan suffer from methodological inconsistencies. This study addresses these gaps by employing a uniform observation method to explore party attendance and aggressive interactions among male bonobos in Wamba and male chimpanzees in Kalinzu. Unlike male chimpanzees, which exhibit dispersion in the absence of receptive females in the group, male bonobos showed a lesser degree of such dispersion. Although the overall frequency of aggressive interactions per observation unit did not significantly differ between the two species, the nature of these interactions varied. Notably, severe aggressive behaviors such as physical confrontations among adult males were absent in bonobos, with most aggression occurring between the sons of the two highest-ranking females. Additionally, in bonobos, females actively engaged in polyadic aggressive behavior as aggressors, while all instances of coalitionary aggression in chimpanzees originated from male aggressors. These findings underscore the substantial impact of female behaviors on the observed distinctions in male aggressive interactions between the two species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Primate social organizations, or grouping patterns, vary significantly across species. Behavioral strategies that allow for flexibility in grouping patterns offer a means to reduce the costs of group living. Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) have a fission-fusion social system in which temporary subgroups (\"parties\") change in composition because of local socio-ecological conditions. Notably, western chimpanzees (P. t. verus) are described as showing a higher degree of bisexual bonding and association than eastern chimpanzees, and eastern female chimpanzees (P. t. schweinfurthii) are thought to be more solitary than western female chimpanzees. However, reported comparisons in sociality currently depend on a small number of study groups, particularly in western chimpanzees, and variation in methods. The inclusion of additional communities and direct comparison using the same methods are essential to assess whether reported subspecies differences in sociality hold in this behaviorally heterogeneous species. We explored whether sociality differs between two communities of chimpanzees using the same motion-triggered camera technology and definitions of social measures. We compare party size and composition (party type, sex ratio) between the western Gahtoy community in the Nimba Mountains (Guinea) and the eastern Waibira community in the Budongo Forest (Uganda). Once potential competition for resources such as food and mating opportunities were controlled for, subspecies did not substantially influence the number of individuals in a party. We found a higher sex-ratio, indicating more males in a party, in Waibira; this pattern was driven by a greater likelihood in Gahtoy to be in all-female parties. This finding is the opposite of what was expected for eastern chimpanzees, where female-only parties are predicted to be more common. Our results highlight the flexibility in chimpanzee sociality, and caution against subspecies level generalizations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Several studies have examined factors that regulate fission-fusion dynamics (FFD) in chimpanzee communities, such as receptive females, predation risks, and food availability. However, the effects of these factors vary between populations. In this study, we conducted focal animal observations of adult males in the M group in Kalinzu to examine the influence of male dominance rank, aggression from other males, the presence of females exhibiting maximum sexual swelling (MS), and fruit abundance on male tendencies of party attendance. We found that low-ranking males spent more time alone than other males when females with MS were absent. In contrast, when females with MS were present, males of all ranks showed a similar tendency of party attendance. We also found that the aggressive interactions increased with the number of males irrespective of the presence or absence of females with MS, and low-ranking males attracted aggression more frequently than higher-ranking males. These results suggest that low-ranking males frequently ranged alone to avoid aggression from other males unless they attended parties to seek mating opportunities. We conclude that low-ranking males have alternative tactics to balance the costs and benefits incurred or gained when attending parties.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Fission-fusion societies are social systems in which individuals belonging to the same community are rarely all together but rather spend most of their time in temporary parties. This flexible social organization is assumed to be an adaptation that balances advantages and costs of group living in a fluid way as resources and constraints shift through space and time. It has been argued that this flexibility freed hominins from the foraging constraints caused by living in large groups. Given their close genetic relationship to humans and because they represent the classic case of a fission-fusion society, chimpanzees have often been used as referential models to understand human social evolution. Determinants of chimpanzee party size have been widely studied for decades across several communities. However, we lack data from open and dry sites-which closely resemble those reconstructed for Plio-Pleistocene hominins-on communities that potentially face similar environmental constraints as early hominins did. We investigated chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii) grouping patterns on a recently habituated community living in the savanna-woodland mosaic landscape of the Issa Valley, western Tanzania, by following chimpanzees daily and recording party size every hour. Our results revealed that party size at Issa 1) followed seasonal fluctuations in food availability, 2) increased in the presence of swollen females, and 3) was higher in open vegetation, which potentially presents a high predation risk. Furthermore, we found the Issa community to be highly cohesive compared with the majority of other communities, possibly due to a combination of its small size and potential threats characterizing its home range. Our study fills a gap in our knowledge of chimpanzee sociality by exploring grouping pattern determinants in an East African understudied biome and highlights what elements of early hominin social behavior may have evolved in Late Pliocene landscapes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Differences in the social organization and dental morphology of Pan paniscus (bonobos) and Pan troglodytes (chimpanzees) have been related to differences in the spatiotemporal availability of food and its exploitation. The presence of abundant terrestrial herbaceous vegetation (THV) in the bonobo\'s habitat and the apparent greater reliance on herbs for food has been used to explain differences in party size and, by extension, social organization. Using fecal analysis, we assess quantitatively the amount of herbaceous foods consumed by Pan paniscus in the Lomako Forest, Zaire, compared to similar data for Pan troglodytes in the Kibale Forest, Uganda. We examine this data in the context of spatiotemporal patterns of availability of herbaceous foods and fruit, as well as their nutritional content. The results support the suggestion that bonobos consume more herbaceous food than do the Kibale chimpanzees and that these foods are more prevalent in the bonobo\'s habitat than in the Kibale Forest. However, temporal changes in fruit availability and herb consumption, along with nutritional analyses, suggest that chimpanzees consume herbs as a fallback source of carbohydrates, whereas bonobos consume herbs as a source of protein regardless of season or fruit abundance. Available data suggest that party size while feeding on terrestrial herbs is restricted at both sites, but a determination of the relative strength of this constraint is not possible at this time. Difficulties in methods used for data collection are discussed and areas where more information is needed are highlighted. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) live in fission-fusion societies where community members form temporary parties that frequently change in size and composition. Chimpanzee party size and composition have been widely studied to identify proximate causes of grouping patterns, and party size estimates are used to assess population sizes and densities. Numerous socio-ecological factors influence chimpanzee party size, but findings differ across studies. Various methods to measure party size exist, including direct observations, motion-triggered camera (MTC) observations, and nest counts. However, comparative analyses of these methods are lacking. Here, we assess relative differences in four commonly used party size methods and we examine socio-ecological factors influencing party size of unhabituated chimpanzees (P. t. verus) at Seringbara, Nimba, Guinea. We also assess which method(s) best reflect the influence of socio-ecological factors on party size. Using data collected over 69 months, we show that night nest counts resulted in relatively larger party size estimates than the other methods, and day nest counts resulted in relatively smaller party size estimates. Direct and MTC observations did not differ in relative estimates of party size and composition. Both fruit abundance and presence of estrous females positively influenced party size, but this effect was only evident when measuring party size with MTCs. Methods thus differ in relative party size estimates and their ability to assess the impact of socio-ecological factors. We conclude that MTC observations best represent party size and the effect of socio-ecological factors at Nimba. MTCs show promising potential for studying grouping patterns in unhabituated chimpanzees.






  • 文章类型: Comparative Study
    Demographic factors can strongly influence patterns of behavioral variation in animal societies. Traditionally, these factors are measured using longitudinal observation of habituated social groups, particularly in social animals like primates. Alternatively, noninvasive biomonitoring methods such as camera trapping can allow researchers to assess species occupancy, estimate population abundance, and study rare behaviors. However, measures of fine-scale demographic variation, such as those related to age and sex structure or subgrouping patterns, pose a greater challenge. Here, we compare demographic data collected from a community of habituated chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus) in the Taï Forest using two methods: camera trap videos and observational data from long-term records. By matching data on party size, seasonal variation in party size, measures of demographic composition, and changes over the study period from both sources, we compared the accuracy of camera trap records and long-term data to assess whether camera trap data could be used to assess such variables in populations of unhabituated chimpanzees. When compared to observational data, camera trap data tended to underestimate measures of party size, but revealed similar patterns of seasonal variation as well as similar community demographic composition (age/sex proportions) and dynamics (particularly emigration and deaths) during the study period. Our findings highlight the potential and limitations of camera trap surveys for estimating fine-scale demographic composition and variation in primates. Continuing development of field and statistical methods will further improve the usability of camera traps for demographic studies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Successful marine management relies on understanding patterns of human use. However, obtaining data can be difficult and expensive given the widespread and variable nature of activities conducted. Remote camera systems are increasingly used to overcome cost limitations of conventional labour-intensive methods. Still, most systems face trade-offs between the spatial extent and resolution over which data are obtained, limiting their application. We trialed a novel methodology, CSIRO Ruggedized Autonomous Gigapixel System (CRAGS), for time series of high-resolution photo-mosaic (HRPM) imagery to estimate fine-scale metrics of human activity at an artificial reef located 1.3 km from shore. We compared estimates obtained using the novel system to those produced with a web camera that concurrently monitored the site. We evaluated the effect of day type (weekday/weekend) and time of day on each of the systems and compared to estimates obtained from binocular observations. In general, both systems delivered similar estimates for the number of boats observed and to those obtained by binocular counts; these results were also unaffected by the type of day (weekend vs. weekday). CRAGS was able to determine additional information about the user type and party size that was not possible with the lower resolution webcam system. However, there was an effect of time of day as CRAGS suffered from poor image quality in early morning conditions as a result of fixed camera settings. Our field study provides proof of concept of use of this new cost-effective monitoring tool for the remote collection of high-resolution large-extent data on patterns of human use at high temporal frequency.





