Participación comunitaria

Participaci ó n comunitaria
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The burgeoning illegal trade in succulents in southern Africa presents a critical conservation and social development challenge. Drawing parallels with the trajectory of the response to rhinoceros poaching, we considered the consequences of conservation law enforcement measures, particularly the militarization of antipoaching efforts. The response to rhinoceros poaching not only resulted in so-called green militarization, but also led to extrajudicial killings, human rights abuses, and the disproportionate targeting of low-level poachers. The nature of wildlife trade prohibition is complex and often contested, and many actors operating in illegal wildlife trades dispute the label of illegal for socioeconomic, cultural, historical, or political reasons. This contestation is crucial when considering Indigenous cultural and medicinal values of succulents, with Indigenous Peoples and local communities questioning the criminalization of traditional plant harvesting practices. As the illegal trade in succulents continues to grow, it is imperative for conservationists to consider a nuanced approach. We call for a socioecological harm reduction approach that emphasizes community engagement, sustainable use, and codesigned interventions. Such an approach could help balance the scales of ecological conservation and human dignity in the face of growing wildlife trade challenges.
    La necesidad de una estrategia socioecológica de reducción de daño para disminuir el mercado ilegal de fauna Resumen El emergente mercado ilegal de suculentas en el sur de África representa un reto importante para la conservación y el desarrollo social. Partimos de las similitudes con la trayectoria de la respuesta a la caza furtiva de rinocerontes para considerar las consecuencias de la aplicación de las leyes de conservación, en particular la militarización de los esfuerzos contra la caza furtiva. La respuesta a la caza furtiva no sólo derivó en la llamada militarización verde, sino también llevó a ejecuciones extrajudiciales, abuso de los derechos humanos y a la selección desproporcionada de cazadores de bajo nivel. La naturaleza de la prohibición del mercado de fauna es compleja y con frecuencia se impugna, y muchos actores que operan en los mercados ilegales disputan la etiqueta ilegal por razones socioeconómicas, culturales, históricas o políticas. Esta impugnación es crucial cuando consideramos los valores culturales y medicinales que los indígenas dan a las suculentas, sobre todo cuando los pueblos indígenas y las comunidades locales cuestionan la criminalización de las prácticas tradicionales de recolección de plantas. Conforme el mercado ilegal de suculentas sigue creciendo, es imperativo que los conservacionistas consideren una estrategia con matices. Pedimos una estrategia socioecológica de reducción de daños que resalte la participación comunitaria, el uso sustentable y las intervenciones con co‐diseño. Dicha estrategia podría ayudar a equlibrar la balanza de la conservación ecológica y la dignidad humana de cara al incremento de retos en el mercado de fauna.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: comprender los procesos críticos (PC) de determinación social de la obesidad, la diabetes y la hipertensión (ODH) en una comunidad nahua de México.
    UNASSIGNED: estudio cualitativo de registros de un taller de fotovoz, donde las participantes fotografiaron su entorno y analizaron las causas y posibles soluciones a la ODH. Para analizar los PC de la ODH utilizamos como método la investigación narrativa y, como referente teórico, la epidemiología crítica.
    UNASSIGNED: la ODH se reproduce social e históricamente a través de PC destructivos vinculados con las relaciones de producción global y de género. Estas determinan modos de vida deteriorantes que limitan la atención a la salud, comprometen la salud mental, producen contaminación y diferenciación de uso de espacios, y reducen oportunidades para alimentarse nutritivamente y realizar actividad física. Todo ello se expresa como ODH y problemas de salud mental. Los PC protectores ante estas expresiones incluyen la atención estatal, las oportunidades de trabajo, y la promoción de dispositivos culturales y comunitarios.
    UNASSIGNED: nuestros resultados aportan a la discusión global sobre cómo las condiciones históricas de vida son parte de la determinación social de la ODH. Comprender los PC y sus expresiones locales puede orientarnos hacia la descolonización de la forma de pensar y hacer promoción de la salud.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    To know the impact of the educational intervention carried out on the professionals of a basic health area and their community participation group, which make up the intervention group (IG), and to analyze its repercussion on the vaccination coverage achieved for influenza in the risk group (pregnant and puerperal women) comparing it with its neighboring basic zone, which makes up the control group (CG), during the 2019/20 vaccination season.
    Quasi-experimental study of community intervention. SITE: Two basic health zones belonging to the Elche-Crevillente health department, Spain.
    Pregnant and postpartum women from 2 basic health areas and the community participation group. Health professionals directly related to the flu vaccination campaign.
    Training session for the IG prior to the 2019/20 flu campaign.
    Attitudes towards influenza vaccination in health professionals through the validated CAPSVA questionnaire and the vaccination coverage of pregnant and postpartum women through the Nominal Vaccine Registry and their acceptance of the vaccine in the midwife\'s office.
    The influenza vaccination coverage data recorded in Nominal Vaccine Registry for pregnant and puerperal women was 26.4% (n=207) in the IG and 19.7% (n=144) in the CG (p=0.001), with an incidence ratio of 1.34, thus achieving 34% more vaccination in the IG. Acceptance for vaccination in the midwife\'s office was also high, with 96.5% immunization in IG vs. 89.0% in CG, with a RR=1.09 (95% CI 1.01-1.62).
    Joint training strategies for professionals and community assets improve the results of vaccination coverage.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To identify the driving and inhibiting factors and to find a prototype of community involvement in the COVID-19 vaccine.
    METHODS: Data sources from PubMed database, Google Scholar, Web of Science, and ProQuest. The data were obtained based on searches using the keyword COVID-19 (n=11,.599), focusing on community acceptance (n=813), community involvement (n=86), and types of articles (n=46). Articles that meet the inclusion criteria are seven, and the data were analyzed with ATLAS Ti.9 software.
    RESULTS: Engagement and driving factors have the highest correlation (0.38). The drivers, perceptions of vulnerability, and inhibiting factors determine community involvement. The perception of exposure can be a supporting or inhibiting factor influenced by information reinforcement.
    CONCLUSIONS: Strengthening positive information can alter the sense of community vulnerability, making it a driving force for participation in the COVID-19 vaccine campaign. This finding is an appropriate strategy to expand the reach and resolve public doubts about accepting the vaccine.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    The objective of this article is to describe the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the implementation of the RoMoMatter project, using a community-based participatory action research methodology, in Córdoba (Spain). Five academic researchers and 30 community members participated. Individual interviews, focus groups and field notes were used as data collection techniques. The interviews were audio-recorded with the consent of the participants and transcribed verbatim. The information collected was coded using Atlas Ti software. The efforts of adaptation to the new pandemic scenario made by the participants and the technical and emotional support role played by the adaptation team are highlighted. It is concluded that the main impact of the pandemic was evidenced in the participatory process of all the people involved, and in the format and number of activities.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The invariable governmental approach to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has been to effect the White Knight stance of Don Quixote, defending the population from the \"Virus Dragon\" and dedicating its knight-errantry to the damsel Dulcinea. Though essential, new therapeutics, vaccines, physical distancing, rigorous hygiene standards and efficient health systems are not sufficient to counter the effects of the virus. Individual compliance to public health guidelines also matters, while remaining similarly insufficient to diminish the threat. Earthier, citizen-led, community participation strategies, however, lead to innovative, tailored solutions that better fulfil the needs of diverse neighbourhoods and assures greater virus resistance and increase in population health compared to a top-down, knightly approach or isolated individual efforts. The challenge of COVID-19 offers communities a moment to build more resilient, antifragile communities that not only survive the current crisis, but that thrive after it, and that are better equipped for the next challenge. This is not the time for the singular heroics of the White Knight, or the antics of Don Quixote, tilting at windmills. It is the time of Sancho Panza, which is to say of regular non-credentialed citizens, and their collective efforts, who up to now have largely been considered pawns in this contest. Asset-based community development (ABCD) rejects both the individual as an island and the institutional, knightly emphasis on assessing needs and deficits within communities. It favours identifying and mobilising available and latent assets within a community to forge closer connections among all people, the better to collectivise problem-solving efforts. Community-driven initiatives are assisted in this by localised not-for-profit agencies that practice subsidiarity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The politics of active ageing present active citizenship of the elderly as a key challenge for the coming years. Active citizenship has been defined in different ways (as complimentary in most cases), outlining an eclecticism of participatory activities that includes political engagement in a participatory and deliberative manner, as well as community and voluntary action. This term is found in different contexts such as formal politics, work, civil society, and the home. This paper, based on a systematic review, identifies the context in which this concept emerges in relation to older people and people with dementia. It also analyses the different expressions of active citizenship used, and provides key elements to be taken into account in the formulation of policies in a context of accelerated demographic ageing and where dementia is a public health priority. The notion of active citizenship in old age is a step forward from active ageing to a broader concept that integrates the principle of equality between people irrespective of gender, age and the need for support.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To analyse the profile of the persons and associations that participated in the course, quantify peer education activities and analyse their evolution.
    A quantitative study using an analysis of the course records from 2009 to 2018 was designed for this purpose inside mihsalud program designed to promote health amongst persons in vulnerable situations in the city of Valencia (Spain). It offers a yearly training-action course of community health workers (CHW) that is attended by persons who have been proposed by associations. The associations were defined according to their population (immigrant, local or intercultural) and the CHWs according to gender, country of birth, year of course, association and continuity after training. Means and confidence intervals were calculated at 95% and a bivariate analysis was conducted in order to compare the activities that took place in 2009 to 2013 with those of 2014 to 2018. The time trends were analysed by applying linear regression models that included the different years studied as the dependent variable.
    201 CHW of 31 nationalities were trained, 81.6% (95% confidence interval [95% CI]: 75.5-86.7] were women. Eighty-two associations participated, 51.2% (95% CI: 39.9-62.4] worked with culturally diverse populations. Participation by associations (p=.017) and CHWs (p=.377) increased in a statistically significant manner over the years. After the course, 35.3% (95% CI: 28.7-42.4] of the CHWs continued to collaborate voluntarily in the associations.
    The results of the CHW training-action course improve over time given that a significant increase in participation by associations and women can be seen, along with a greater number of activities completed during the training. One effect of this is that CHWs are contracted or carry out voluntary activities in the associations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In conservation understanding the drivers of behavior and developing robust interventions to promote behavioral change is challenging and requires a multifaceted approach. This is particularly true for efforts to address illegal wildlife use, where pervasive-and sometimes simplistic-narratives often obscure complex realities. We used an indirect questioning approach, the unmatched count technique, to investigate the drivers and prevalence of wildlife crime in communities surrounding 2 national parks in Uganda and combined scenario interviews and a choice experiment to predict the performance of potential interventions designed to tackle these crimes. Although poverty is often assumed to be a key driver of wildlife crime, we found that better-off households and those subject to human-wildlife conflict and those that do not receive any benefits from the parks\' tourism revenue sharing were more likely to be involved in certain types of wildlife crime, especially illegal hunting. The interventions predicted to have the greatest impact on reducing local participation in wildlife crime were those that directly addressed the drivers including, mitigating damage caused by wildlife and generating financial benefits for park-adjacent households. Our triangulated approach provided insights into complex and hard-to-access behaviors and highlighted the importance of going beyond single-driver narratives.
    Comprensión de los Conductores Complejos de los Delitos con Vida Silvestre para Diseñar Intervenciones Efectivas de Conservación Resumen En la conservación, la comprensión de los conductores del comportamiento y el desarrollo de intervenciones sólidas para promover cambios en el comportamiento es un reto que requiere de una estrategia multifacética. Esto es particularmente cierto para los esfuerzos que se realizan para tratar el uso ilegal de la fauna, en donde las narrativas generalizadas - y en algunas ocasiones simples - comúnmente ocultan las realidades complejas. Usamos una estrategia de cuestionamiento indirecto, la técnica de conteo sin par, para investigar los conductores y la prevalencia de los delitos con fauna en las comunidades que rodean a dos parques naciones en Uganda, así como entrevistas de escenario combinado y un experimento de elección para predecir el desempeño de las intervenciones potenciales diseñadas para acabar con estos delitos. Aunque frecuentemente se asume a la pobreza como un conductor importante de los delitos con fauna, encontramos que los hogares con mayor probabilidad de estar involucrados en ciertos tipos de delitos, especialmente la cacería ilegal, son los que se encuentran en mejores condiciones, están sujetos al conflicto humano-fauna y los que no reciben beneficio alguno de las ganancias del turismo en los parques. Las intervenciones que se pronosticó tendrían el mayor impacto en la reducción de la participación local dentro del delito con fauna fueron aquellas que trataron directamente con los conductores, incluyendo la mitigación del daño causado por la fauna y la generación de beneficios económicos para los hogares circundantes al parque. Nuestra estrategia triangulada proporcionó percepciones hacia los comportamientos complejos y de difícil acceso y resaltó la importancia de ir más allá de las narrativas unifactoriales.
    在保护中理解行为背后的驱动力并发展有力的干预措施以促进行为转变是一项重大的挑战, 需要采取多方面的方法来应对, 而在野生动物的非法利用问题上尤其如是。然而, 目前流行且有时甚至过于简单的方法, 往往会掩盖复杂的事实。我们用一种间接询问 (即不匹配计数) 的方法, 调查了乌干达两个国家公园周围社区的野生动物犯罪驱动力和发生率, 并结合情景访谈和选择实验预测了旨在应对这些犯罪的潜在干预措施的效果。结果表明, 虽然贫穷常常被认为是驱动野生动物犯罪的关键因素, 但实际上比较富裕的家庭、遭受人兽冲突的家庭和那些没有从国家公园的旅游收入中获益的家庭才最有可能参与特定类型的野生动物犯罪, 特别是非法捕猎。因此, 那些预计能最大程度减少当地野生动物犯罪的干预措施, 应直接针对那些引起野生动物犯罪的驱动因素, 包括减轻野生动物造成的破坏、为毗邻国家公园的家庭创造经济利益等等。我们的三边分析方法有助于深入理解复杂且难以获知的行为, 同时强调了在理解这些问题时采用超越单一驱动力分析的重要性。【翻译: 胡怡思; 审校: 聂永刚】.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This paper shows an experience of the practical implementation of the Quadruple Helix-Based Innovation Model of Reference Sites of the European Commission through the Design Thinking method. This method establishes that, in order to successfully achieve the design of a digital solution, five unavoidable phases must be covered: empathize, define, ideate, prototype and test. The process was approached using the research action design. Qualitative data collection and analysis techniques were applied in each phase: qualitative meta-synthesis, focus groups, biographical interviews, professional and community forums and techniques of prototyping and testing with users. The systematic application of this method has facilitated the consolidation of a cooperative work model in which the main key agents in active and healthy ageing interact. Thus, products and services have been developed to better meet the needs of the users, making them an active part of the creation process.





