Paraneoplastic Syndromes, Ocular

  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    The authors describe a case of bilateral diffuse paraneoplastic orbital myositis induced by a stage IA left testicular pure seminoma. The patient presented with findings typical of thyroid-associated orbitopathy (TAO) and was thought to have TAO until discovery of the malignancy. Treatment included an urgent orchiectomy, as well as 7 weeks of therapeutic plasma exchange. This is the fifth reported case of seminoma-associated orbitopathy, and the second to occur while cancer was in the occult phase. Although seminoma-associated orbitopathy is exceedingly rare, it can masquerade as TAO and should be considered in the differential diagnosis of any young male with atypical TAO findings.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    We report the case of a woman in her 50s who presented headaches, blurred vision, diplopia and loss of peripheral vision. She was treated for normal tension glaucoma based on optic nerve cupping prior to the development of diplopia. Records demonstrated visual field constriction over 4 months despite well-controlled intraocular pressures. Examination revealed decreased visual acuity and visual field constriction. The multifocal electroretinogram was abnormal. After a thorough review of her medical and family history, a concern for cancer-associated retinopathy developed. Blood samples were positive for antiretinal antibodies against 23 kDA and 46 kDA proteins. Cancer screening was recommended as the aetiology for retinopathy was unknown and revealed a left breast lump. Following lumpectomy with adjuvant chemoradiation, her visual acuity normalised and visual field defects completely resolved. This case serves to provide an example that distant systemic symptoms may be a manifestation of the underlying malignancy and the importance of clinical suspicion with prompt evaluation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Paraneoplastic retinopathy (PNR) is a rapid-onset photoreceptor and post-photoreceptor dysfunction triggered by a cross-reaction between antigens expressed by the underlying tumour and retinal proteins. The present study aims to determine the electrodiagnostic biomarkers that support the diagnosis of PNR and evaluate the effect of treatment.
    METHODS: A retrospective observational case-controlled study including 25 patients with suspected PNR, of which 11 patients were diagnosed with PNR. The presence of PNR was confirmed based on clinical examination, supported by colour fundus photography, fundus autofluorescence imaging, optical coherence tomography, fluorescein angiography, retinal vessel oximetry, colour test, full-field electroretinogram (ffERG), on-/off ERG, S-cone ERG, and multifocal ERG (mfERG). The relationships between the clinical symptomatology and the effect of therapy were evaluated.
    RESULTS: All PNR patients (Nr: 11) presented with subjective symptoms of newly reported central vision or visual field deterioration. Posterior segment findings showed a severe patchy-like retinal atrophy, attenuation of the retinal vessels, and a waxy optic disc. Optical coherence tomography revealed a discontinued ISe line, and multiple hyperreflective foci. Retinal vessel oxygen saturation was increased. Multifocal ERG revealed reduced central and paracentral responses and ffERG severely attenuated scotopic-, photopic-, on-/off- and S-cone responses. The colour vision test revealed a tritan-tetartan-weakness. Two of the PNR patients underwent rituximab therapy with no further progression and even recovery of electrodiagnostic responses.In 1 nPNR (non-paraneoplastic retinopathy) patient (total Nr: 14) pseudoxanthoma elasticum-related retinopathy was the reason for impaired vision. In 3 of 13 patients with bronchopulmonary cancer a MEK- and FGFR-inhibitor- drug toxicity was the reason for the visual deterioration.
    CONCLUSIONS: Careful investigation for signs of central and/or peripheral visual field deterioration must be performed in the presence of history of a co-existing malignancy. The possibility of PNR should be taken into account. The electrodiagnostic biomarkers, suggested in this study, may help to promptly recognise PNR and also to evaluate the effect of implemented therapy.
    ZIEL: Bei der paraneoplastischen Retinopathie (PNR) handelt es sich um eine schnell voranschreitende Photorezeptorendysfunktion, die durch eine Kreuzreaktion zwischen retinalen Proteinen und Antigenen, exprimiert durch eine zugrunde liegende Karzinose, hervorgerufen wird. Im Rahmen dieser Studie sollen die elektrodiagnostischen Biomarker erhoben werden, welche die Diagnose einer PNR unterstützen können und zum Monitoring des therapeutischen Effektes herangezogen werden können.
    METHODS: Es handelt sich um eine retrospektive, fallgesteuerte Studie mit 25 Patienten, bei denen der Verdacht auf eine PNR gestellt wurde. In 11 dieser Patienten wurde eine PNR diagnostiziert. Die Diagnose der PNR wurde anhand der klinischen Untersuchung unter diagnostischer Zuhilfenahme von Fundusfarbfotografie, Fundusautofluoreszenz, Kohärenztomografie der Makula, Fluoreszenzangiografie, Oxymetrie der retinalen Gefäße, Farbtests, Ganzfeld-Elektroretinogramm (ERG), On-/Off-ERG, S-Zapfen-ERG und multifokalem ERG gestellt.
    UNASSIGNED: Alle PNR-Patienten (Nr. 11) beklagten neu aufgetretene zentrale Sehminderungen bzw. Gesichtsfeldausfälle. In der multimodalen, retinalen Bildgebung präsentierten sich fleckige retinale Atrophien, verdünnte retinale Gefäße und blässliche Papillen. Kohärenztomografisch ließen sich Diskontinuitäten im Bereich der ellipsoiden Zone, sowie mehrere hyperreflektive Foci ausmachen. Die Oxymetrie zeigte eine erhöhte Sauerstoffsättigung der retinalen Gefäße. Im multifokalen ERG präsentierten sich verminderte zentrale und parazentrale Antworten, während das Ganzfeld-ERG stark abgeschwächte skotopische, photopische On-/Off- und S-Zapfen-Antworten zeigte. Der Farbsehtest wies eine Schwäche entlang der Tritan- und Tetartan-Achse nach. Zwei der PNR-Patienten wurden mit Rituximab behandelt, worauf sich bei einem eine vollständige Erholung aller Befunde zeigte, während sich beim anderen zwar keine Verbesserung einstellte, aber auch keine Verschlechterung der klinischen und elektrodiagnostischen Befunde dokumentiert werden konnte. In einem der Patienten mit nicht paranoplastischer Retinopathie (nPNR; total Nr. 14) war ein Pseudoxanthoma elasticum ursächlich für die zentrale Sehminderung. In 3 von 13 Patienten, die aufgrund eines Bronchialkarzinoms mit MEK- und FGFR-Inhibitoren therapiert wurden, waren medikamentös-toxische Veränderungen der Grund für die Beschwerden.
    UNASSIGNED: Bei Vorhandensein einer zentralen Sehminderung bzw. zentralen und/oder peripheren Gesichtsfelddefekten sollte, insbesondere bei vorbekannten Karzinosen, eine PNR erwogen werden. Die elektrodiagnostischen Befunde, welche in dieser Studie erhoben werden, sollen helfen eine schnelle Diagnose zu stellen und den therapeutischen Effekt zu kontrollieren.






  • 副肿瘤视力丧失,这代表了一小部分的副肿瘤神经综合征,可能是一种致盲疾病。呈现的视觉症状是可变的,诊断具有挑战性。目前疾病的历史,眼部检查,以及各种模式的利用,比如自动视野检查,眼相干断层扫描,视网膜电图可以将视力丧失定位到视神经或视网膜,指导诊断和管理。副肿瘤视力丧失通常是无痛的,双边,亚急性,并伴随其他神经系统症状,但可能是第一个出现的症状。副肿瘤性视神经病变已被描述为与几种抗体相关,但最常见的是抗CRMP5。癌症相关性视网膜病是最常见的副肿瘤自身免疫性视网膜病;然而,黑色素瘤相关的视网膜病变和双侧弥漫性葡萄膜黑素细胞增殖也被描述为与影响视网膜的副肿瘤过程有关。副肿瘤性视力丧失是一个不断扩大的领域,研究的进步已经改善了表型表征;然而,需要进一步的工作来确定更可靠的疾病生物标志物,并更好地了解潜在的机制和管理。
    Paraneoplastic vision loss, which represents a small percentage of paraneoplastic neurologic syndromes, can be a blinding disease. Presenting visual symptoms are variable, making diagnosis challenging. History of the presenting illness, ocular examination, and utilization of various modalities, such as automated perimetry, ocular coherence tomography, and electroretinogram allow for localization of vision loss to the optic nerves or retina, guiding in diagnosis and management. Paraneoplastic vision loss is often painless, bilateral, and subacute, and accompanies other neurologic symptoms but can be the first presenting symptom. Paraneoplastic optic neuropathy has been described in association with several antibodies, but most commonly anti-CRMP5. Cancer-associated retinopathy is the most common paraneoplastic autoimmune retinopathy; however, melanoma-associated retinopathy and bilateral diffuse uveal melanocytic proliferation have also been described to be associated with a paraneoplastic process affecting the retina. Paraneoplastic visual loss is an expanding field and advances in research have improved phenotypic characterization; however, further work is needed to identify more reliable biomarkers of disease and to better understand the underlying mechanisms and management.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Background and Objectives: This study reports a case of a 62-year-old patient experiencing a significant decline in vision over the past three months. The initial best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) of 20/20 in both eyes diminished to 20/200 in the right eye (RE) and counting fingers (CF) in the left eye (LE) within this timeframe. The patient was diagnosed with stage 4 ovarian cancer just one month before the significant vision deterioration. Materials and Methods: A thorough ophthalmologic examination revealed a notable progression of cataracts and the presence of subretinal fluid on the posterior pole, accompanied by choroidal thickening. The right eye exhibited multifocal, orange-pigmented, and elevated choroidal lesions, while the left eye\'s fundus examination was impeded by dense cataracts. Optical coherence tomography (OCT) revealed bilateral choroidal thickening with overlying folds and subretinal fluid, and ultrasound imaging of the choroidal lesions indicated moderate homogenous internal reflectivity. Results: The patient received a diagnosis of BDUMP (bilateral diffuse uveal melanocytic proliferation), a paraneoplastic syndrome marked by simultaneous, bilateral, painless vision loss and the rapid onset of bilateral cataracts with serous retinal detachments. Despite cataract extraction, the expected visual recovery was not achieved (RE: CF; LE: 2/200, respectively). Plasmapheresis showed some success in stabilizing vision loss attributed to serous retinal detachments. Conclusions: BDUMP necessitates addressing the underlying malignancy for effective treatment. Left untreated, it can lead to near blindness within a year. The prognosis remains grim, with an average survival time ranging from 12 to 15.7 months from the time of diagnosis. Considering this case report, it is crucial to establish effective management plans and further investigate potential treatment methods and predictive markers centered around BDUMP. Collaboration between healthcare professionals and researchers is crucial in addressing the complexities of BDUMP, as the timely diagnosis and treatment of the disease remains a top priority.






  • 文章类型: Letter






  • 文章类型: Case Reports






  • 文章类型: Case Reports






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    OBJECTIVE: Bilateral diffuse uveal melanocytic proliferation is a paraneoplastic syndrome affecting the eye that is a sign of poor prognosis of underlying malignancy. This is the first documented case to show serial and sustained improvement of bilateral diffuse uveal melanocytic proliferation after immunotherapy in the setting of primary non-small-cell carcinoma of the lung.
    METHODS: Single-center, case report.
    RESULTS: A 65-year-old man reported a gradual decrease in vision and floaters in the right eye after cataract surgery. Fundus examination demonstrated diffuse multiple brown subretinal lesions bilaterally. Next-generation sequencing of melanocytic tissue of the patient described in this case revealed a specific RB1 c.411A>T (p.Glu137Asp) variant with an allele frequency of 44.8%, consistent with heterozygosity. Plasma samples from the patient and a control patient with no history of cancer and/or paraneoplastic syndrome were cultured with neonatal melanocytes, which revealed a >180% increase in proliferation of normal neonatal melanocytes compared with the control. Pembrolizumab therapy was initiated, which resulted in shrinkage and stabilization of the lesions documented in serial diagnostic testing.
    CONCLUSIONS: In conclusion, we report a cytologically and serologically confirmed case of bilateral diffuse uveal melanocytic proliferation in a patient with a primary non-small-cell carcinoma of the lung. Next-generation sequencing of melanocytic tissue of the patient described in this case revealed a specific RB1 c.411A>T (p.Glu137Asp) variant with an allele frequency of 44.8%, consistent with heterozygosity. Furthermore, we show documented serial improvement in the patient\'s ocular and systemic disease with treatment. This case as one of the longest surviving confirmed cases of a patient with bilateral diffuse uveal melanocytic proliferation.






  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    Systematic literature review of treatment efficacy of previously used protocols in treating patients with proven cancer-associated retinopathy (CAR).
    There is no universally accepted treatment algorithm for CAR and visual prognosis is very poor. We describe a patient with CAR with dramatic improvement in vision after treatment with high doses of corticosteroids followed by plasma exchange (PLEX) and present results of a systematic literature review of treatment efficacy of previously used protocols in treating patients with proven CAR.
    We describe a 70-year-old man with CAR who demonstrated dramatic improvement in vision after treatment with high doses of systemic corticosteroids followed by 7 sessions of PLEX. We then report the results of a systematic review of all previously published English literature discussing visual outcomes of various treatment regimens used for patients with antibody-proven CAR.
    The index patient is a rare case of CAR with sustained significant improvement in vision after treatment with high doses of corticosteroids followed by PLEX. The systematic review identified 28 antibody-proven cases of CAR, 27 of which were treated with steroids, which resulted in varying degrees of improvement in visual acuity in 59% (16 of 27). The time from symptom onset to initiation of treatment and the dose of steroids did not influence the visual outcome. Three patients were also treated with PLEX in addition to steroids, and 2 of 3 patients demonstrated improvement in vision; however, there was no difference in visual outcome in patients treated with steroids only versus those treated with steroids + PLEX.
    Treatment with steroids or steroids + PLEX resulted in some improvements in visual acuity in 59% of patients. Removal of antirecoverin antibodies with PLEX can arrest the immune attack on the photoreceptors and potentially improve visual function; thus, it should be considered in addition to steroids. Further studies with larger cohorts are needed to establish a treatment protocol and further determine the effectiveness of the different approaches.
    The author(s) have no proprietary or commercial interest in any materials discussed in this article.





