Panthera onca

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study presents the first successful capture using GPS tagging of a jaguar (Panthera onca) using a minimally invasive capture system (MICS). We used snare-foot traps and a MICS during two capture campaigns in a fragment of Atlantic Forest in southeastern Brazil. The specimen disarmed snares on different occasions, and capture was only possible with the MICS. The captured jaguar, an estimated 16-year-old adult male, was monitored using a GPS Vertex Plus Iridium collar with an optimal performance of 86% in expected locations. The jaguar\'s home range (659 km2 by MPC and 174 km2 by 95%K) was within the observed range for the species and the animal was primarily maintained in protected areas. The habitat types most frequently used were native grassland (27.2% of 4798 fixes), marsh (24.8%), and dense lowland forest (24.7%). The use of a MICS for trapping jaguars is a promising technique that shows advantages in terms of efficiency, selectivity, portability, reduced potential risk of injury to animals or trappers, and animal stress compared to other capture methods used for the species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Regular evaluation of jaguar (Panthera onca) population status is an important part of conservation decision-making. Currently, camera trapping has become the standard method used to estimate jaguar abundance and demographic parameters, though evidence has shown the potential for sex ratio biases and density overestimates. In this study, we used camera trap data combined with satellite telemetry data from one female jaguar to estimate jaguar population density in the dry forest of Santa Rosa National Park in the Guanacaste Conservation Area of northwestern Costa Rica. We analyzed camera trap data collected from June 2016 to June 2017 using spatial capture-recapture methods to estimate jaguar density. In total, 19 individual jaguars were detected (11 males; 8 females) with a resulting estimated population density of 2.6 females (95% [CI] 1.7-4.0) and 5.0 male (95% [CI] 3.4-7.4) per 100 km2. Based on telemetry and camera trap data, camera placement might bias individual detections by sex and thus overall density estimates. We recommend population assessments be made at several consecutive 3-month intervals, that larger areas be covered so as not to restrict surveys to one or two individual home ranges, as in our case, and to carry out long-term camera monitoring programs instead of short-term studies to better understand the local population, using auxiliary telemetry data to adjust field designs and density estimations to improve support for jaguar conservation strategies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We examined tick communities on wild felid hosts in three ecoregions of Mexico. We collected 186 ticks of 7 species from 10 pumas (Puma concolor) and 9 jaguars (Panthera onca). Tick community composition varied across the ecoregions, and across host species within each region. Overall, Ixodes affinis, Amblyomma ovale, and Amblyomma tenellum were the most abundant species; however, only the latter two ticks were distributed across all three ecoregions, while I. affinis, along with Ixodes spinipalpis, Amblyomma inornatum, and Amblyomma parvum were restricted to more limited geographical regions. Ixodes affinis occurred strictly in southern tropical rainforest ecoregions and was significantly more abundant in Selva Lacandona compared with the Yucatán Peninsula. Amblyomma ovale was significantly more common in the tropical dry forest in the Pacific coastal ecoregion. Amblyomma tenellum abundance tended to be higher on jaguars, while I. affinis abundance was higher on pumas. Regional distribution patterns of some tick species (e.g., I. affinis and I. spinipalpis) may be determined by off-host environmental conditions rather than host factors. In contrast, at the local scale, occurrence and abundance of some tick species (e.g., A. tenellum, A. ovale and Rhipicephalus microplus) might be driven by ecological-host factors, such as habitat use or predator-prey relationships.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Species distribution models (SDMs) have become an essential tool for the management and conservation of imperiled species. However, many at-risk species are rare and characterized by limited data on their spatial distribution and habitat relationships. This has led to the development of SDMs that integrate multiple types and sources of data to leverage more information and provide improved predictions of habitat associations. We developed a novel integrated species distribution model to predict habitat suitability for jaguars (Panthera onca) in the border region between northern Mexico and the southwestern USA. Our model combined presence-only and occupancy data to identify key environmental correlates, and we used model results to develop a probability of use map. We adopted a logistic regression modeling framework, which we found to be more straightforward and less computationally intensive to fit than Poisson point process-based models. Model results suggested that high terrain ruggedness and the presence of riparian vegetation were most strongly related to habitat use by jaguars in our study region. Our best model, on average, predicted that there is currently 25,463 km2 of usable habitat in our study region. The United States portion of the study region, which makes up 38.6% of the total area, contained 40.6% of the total usable habitat. Even though there have been few detections of jaguars in the southwestern USA in recent decades, our results suggest that protection of currently suitable habitats, along with increased conservation efforts, could significantly contribute to the recovery of jaguars in the USA.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Large terrestrial carnivores have undergone some of the largest population declines and range reductions of any species, which is of concern as they can have large effects on ecosystem dynamics and function.1-4 The jaguar (Panthera onca) is the apex predator throughout the majority of the Neotropics; however, its distribution has been reduced by >50% and it survives in increasingly isolated populations.5 Consequently, the range-wide management of the jaguar depends upon maintaining core populations connected through multi-national, transboundary cooperation, which requires understanding the movement ecology and space use of jaguars throughout their range.6-8 Using GPS telemetry data for 111 jaguars from 13 ecoregions within the four biomes that constitute the majority of jaguar habitat, we examined the landscape-level environmental and anthropogenic factors related to jaguar home range size and movement parameters. Home range size decreased with increasing net productivity and forest cover and increased with increasing road density. Speed decreased with increasing forest cover with no sexual differences, while males had more directional movements, but tortuosity in movements was not related to any landscape factors. We demonstrated a synergistic relationship between landscape-scale environmental and anthropogenic factors and jaguars\' spatial needs, which has applications to the conservation strategy for the species throughout the Neotropics. Using large-scale collaboration, we overcame limitations from small sample sizes typical in large carnivore research to provide a mechanism to evaluate habitat quality for jaguars and an inferential modeling framework adaptable to the conservation of other large terrestrial carnivores.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Despite strong support from the media, the reintroduction of animals into natural environments does not always achieve its goal. Alouatta caraya is the primate species facing the greatest hunting pressure due to the illegal pet trade in Argentina. Confiscations of this species are common, as is the voluntary surrender of animals by owners no longer able or willing to care for them. These animals ultimately arrive at rehabilitation centers and, in many cases, are released into natural environments that may differ from the original sites where they were captured. Until recently, the lack of genetic analysis of the individuals involved led to biased relocation decisions. We followed the reintroduction of 12 A. caraya individuals in a protected area (Isla Palacio, Misiones, Argentina). The presence of potential predators such as pumas (Puma concolor) and jaguars (Panthera onca) in this area was confirmed by camera traps, footprints and feces. After the disappearance of four A. caraya at the reintroduction site, we investigated the applicability of genetic assignment tests based on genotypic data to accurately identify predated individuals. Genetic analyses allowed us to determine the predator species (P. onca) and to identify the predated individuals as two of the reintroduced animals. This procedure is promising for identifying the remains of predated individuals, and can contribute to the design of reintroduction policies based on scientific evidence.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We estimated jaguar density and tenure, and investigated ranging behavior, using camera traps across the Maya Forest Corridor, a human-influenced landscape in central Belize that forms the only remaining connection for jaguar populations inhabiting two regional forest blocks: the Selva Maya and the Maya Mountain Massif. Jaguars were ubiquitous across the study area. Similar to the neighboring Selva Maya, mean density ranged from 1.5 to 3.1 jaguars per 100 km2, estimated by spatial capture-recapture models. Cameras detected almost twice as many males as females, probably reflecting detection bias, and males ranged more widely than females within the camera grid. Both sexes crossed two major rivers, while highway crossings were rare and male-biased, raising concern that the highway could prevent female movement if traffic increases. Jaguars were more transient where the landscape was fragmented with settlements and agriculture than in contiguous forest. Compared with jaguars in the protected forests of the Maya Mountains, jaguars in central Belize displayed a lower potential for investment in intraspecific communication, indicative of a lower quality landscape; however, we did detect mating behavior and juveniles. Tenure of individuals was shorter than in the protected forests, with a higher turnover rate for males than females. At least three-quarters of reported jaguar deaths caused by people were male jaguars, and the majority was retaliation for livestock predation. Jaguars seem relatively tolerant to the human-influenced landscape of central Belize. However, intensification of game hunting and lethal control of predators would threaten population persistence, while increased highway traffic and clear-cutting riparian forest would severely limit the corridor function. Our results show that the viability of the corridor, and thus the long-term survival of jaguar populations in this region, will depend on appropriate land-use planning, nonlethal control of livestock predators, enforcement of game hunting regulations, and wildlife-friendly features in future road developments.
    Utilizando trampas-cámara, se estimó la densidad, permanencia y desplazamiento de jaguares a través del Corredor del Bosque Maya, un paisaje dominado por humanos en la zona central de Belice y que actualmente representa la única posibilidad de conectividad para las poblaciones de jaguares que habitan en dos grandes bloques boscosos regionales: La Selva Maya y El Macizo de las Montañas Mayas. Los jaguares estuvieron presentes en toda el área de estudio. De igual forma que en la vecina Selva Maya, la densidad media varió de 1.5 a 3.1 jaguares por cada 100 km2, estimada con modelos espaciales de captura-recaptura. Las cámaras detectaron casi el doble de machos que hembras, probablemente reflejando un sesgo de detección; y los machos se desplazaron más ampliamente que las hembras a lo largo de la cuadrícula de las cámaras. Jaguares de ambos sexos cruzaron dos ríos principales, mientras que el cruce de carreteras no fue común y estuvo sesgado hacia los machos, generando la preocupación de que las carreteras puedan impedir el movimiento de hembras si el tráfico vehicular aumenta. Los jaguares fueron más transitorios en paisajes fragmentados por asentamientos humanos y agricultura que en áreas de bosque continuo. Comparando con los jaguares de los bosques protegidos de las Montañas Mayas, los jaguares de la zona central de Belice mostraron menor potencial para invertir en comunicación intraespecífica, indicador de un paisaje de menor calidad; sin embargo, se detectó comportamiento de apareamientos y la presencia de juveniles. La permanencia de individuos fue más corta que en los bosques protegidos, con una tasa de recambio más alta para machos que para hembras. Al menos las tres cuartas partes de las muertes reportadas de jaguares causadas por humanos correspondieron a jaguares machos, la mayoría como retaliación por la muerte de ganado. Los jaguares parecen relativamente tolerantes del paisaje dominado por humanos en la zona central de Belice. Sin embargo, el aumento de la cacería de especies presa y el control letal de predadores amenazaría la persistencia de la población, mientras que el aumento del tráfico vehicular y la deforestación de bosques de galería reducirían severamente la funcionalidad del corredor. Nuestros resultados muestran que la viabilidad del corredor y por lo tanto la sobrevivencia de jaguares a largo plazo en esta región dependerá de la planificación apropiada del uso del suelo, de un control no letal de predadores de ganado, una mejor regulación de la cacería, y de una infraestructura amigable con la vida silvestre en las futuras carreteras.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Seizures of hundreds of jaguar heads and canines in Central and South America from 2014 to 2018 resulted in worldwide media coverage suggesting that wildlife traffickers are trading jaguar body parts as substitutes for tiger parts to satisfy the demand for traditional Asian medicine. We compiled a data set of >1000 seized wild cats (jaguar [Panthera onca], puma [Puma concolor], and ocelot [Leopardus pardalis]) from 19 Central and South American countries and China. We ran generalized additive mixed models to detect trends in wild-cat seizures from 2012 to 2018 and assess the effects of socioeconomic factors of source countries and between those countries and China on the number of wild cats seized. Jaguar seizures increased over time, and most of the seized jaguar pieces were canines (1991 of 2117). Around 34% (32 of 93) of the jaguar-part seizure reports were linked with China, and these seizures contained 14-fold more individuals than those intended for domestic markets. Source countries with relatively high levels of corruption and Chinese private investment and low income per capita had 10-50 times more jaguar seizures than the remaining sampled countries. The number of Chinese residents in Central and South America was not significantly related to the number of jaguars seized. No socioeconomic factors influenced the seizures of puma and ocelots. Legal market chains may provide structure for the illegal chain; thus, the influx of illegal jaguar products is potentially a side effect of the economic partnership between Central and South American countries and China. Poverty and high levels of corruption in the source countries may motivate local people to engage in illegal activities and contribute to the growth of this trade. Supply-side interventions to curb this threat to Neotropical wild cats may include improved training for officials and promotion of governance and the value of protecting these animals to local people.
    Mercado Ilegal de Felinos Silvestres y su Conexión al Desarrollo Encabezado por China en América Central y América del Sur Resumen La incautación de cientos de cabezas y colmillos de jaguar en América Central y América del Sur entre 2014 y 2018 resultó en una cobertura mediática mundial que sugirió que los traficantes de fauna están comerciando con partes de jaguar como sustituto de las partes de tigre para satisfacer la demanda de la medicina tradicional asiática. Recopilamos un conjunto de datos de más de mil felinos silvestres incautados (jaguar [Panthera onca], puma [Puma concolor], ocelote [Leopardus pardalis]) en 19 países de América Central y América del Sur y en China. Corrimos modelos aditivos mixtos generalizados para detectar las tendencias en las incautaciones de felinos silvestres entre 2012 y 2018 y para evaluar los efectos de los factores socioeconómicos de los países de origen y entre esos países y China sobre el número de felinos silvestres incautados. La incautación de artículos de jaguar incrementó con el tiempo y la mayoría de ellos fueron colmillos (1991 de 2117). Alrededor del 34% (32 de 93) de los reportes de incautación estuvieron vinculados a China y estas incautaciones tenían 14 veces más individuos que las incautaciones de artículos dirigidos al mercado doméstico. Los países de origen con niveles relativamente altos de corrupción y con inversión privada proveniente de China y con un bajo ingreso per cápita tuvieron de 10 a 50 veces más incautaciones de artículos de jaguar que los demás países muestreados. El número de residentes chinos en América Central y en América del Sur no tuvo una relación significativa con el número de jaguares incautados. Ningún factor socioeconómico influyó sobre las incautaciones de pumas y ocelotes. Las cadenas de mercado legales pueden proporcionar una estructura para la cadena ilegal; por lo tanto, la afluencia de productos ilegales de jaguar es potencialmente un efecto colateral de la colaboración económica entre China y los países de América Central y América del Sur. La pobreza y los altos niveles de corrupción en los países de origen pueden motivar a los habitantes locales a participar en actividades ilegales y a contribuir al crecimiento de este mercado. Las intervenciones del lado del suministro para disminuir esta amenaza para los felinos silvestres neotropicales pueden incluir mejoras al entrenamiento para los oficiales y el fomento entre los locatarios de la gestión y el valor de proteger a estos animales.
    2014 至 2018 年间中南美洲缴获了数百个美洲豹头及犬齿, 引起了全球媒体的广泛关注。野生动物贩卖者可能正在试图将美洲豹作为虎的替代者, 以满足传统亚洲医药对后者器官的需求。我们从 19 个中南美洲国家及中国收集了超过 1000 起野生猫科动物缉获案件, 包含了美洲豹 (Panthera onca) 、美洲狮 (Puma concolor) 及虎猫 (Leopardus pardalis) 三个物种。通过广义可加混合模型, 我们揭示了2012至2018年上述国家野生猫科动物缉获频次的变化趋势, 并对来源国社会经济因素对此趋势的影响进行了评估。结果显示美洲豹的缉获数量呈上升态势, 其中大部分被缴获的器官为犬齿 (1991/2117) 。美洲豹器官的缉获报道中大约 34% (32/93) 与中国市场相关, 与其来源国市场相比, 涉及的个体数量超出 13 倍。在腐败严重、中国私人投资较多及人均收入较低的国家中, 美洲豹缉获案件数量超出其余国家 10 到 50 倍。中南美洲中国侨民的数量与美洲豹缉获数量之间无明显相关性, 同时也没有社会经济因素与美洲狮和虎猫的缉获数量直接相关。合法市场可以为非法贸易链条提供便利, 因此部分美洲豹制品的非法贸易可能是中南美洲国家与中国之间经贸往来的附带产物。部分国家的贫穷与腐败可能刺激当地民众参与非法贸易活动, 进而导致贸易量持续上升, 威胁新热带区野生猫科动物的生存。来源国可以通过对官员的进一步培训, 强化管理及提升当地民众的保护回报等方式加以控制和干预。.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Cystoisospora felis (Wenyon 1923) was identified in a 3-month-old, captive jaguar (Panthera onca) presenting with signs of gastrointestinal distress. The cub was fed beef, chicken, and commercial diet. Examination of fresh feces detected large (47.8 μm × 35 μm) unsporulated oocysts. Sporulated oocysts contained 2 sporocysts, each with 4 sporozoites. Oocyst morphometrics agreed with published features of C. felis described from domestic felines. Partial mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (mtCOI) gene was PCR-amplified and sequenced; the resulting sequence showed 100% identity to a C. felis isolate from a domestic cat. This is the first molecularly confirmed report of C. felis infecting and producing clinically evident, enteric disease in a jaguar cub.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Open population capture-recapture models are widely used to estimate population demographics and abundance over time. Bayesian methods exist to incorporate open population modeling with spatial capture-recapture (SCR), allowing for estimation of the effective area sampled and population density. Here, open population SCR is formulated as a hidden Markov model (HMM), allowing inference by maximum likelihood for both Cormack-Jolly-Seber and Jolly-Seber models, with and without activity center movement. The method is applied to a 12-year survey of male jaguars (Panthera onca) in the Cockscomb Basin Wildlife Sanctuary, Belize, to estimate survival probability and population abundance over time. For this application, inference is shown to be biased when assuming activity centers are fixed over time, while including a model for activity center movement provides negligible bias and nominal confidence interval coverage, as demonstrated by a simulation study. The HMM approach is compared with Bayesian data augmentation and closed population models for this application. The method is substantially more computationally efficient than the Bayesian approach and provides a lower root-mean-square error in predicting population density compared to closed population models.





