Pancreatic islets

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The study aimed to assess the toxic effect of cadmium (Cd) on the exocrine and endocrine functions of pancreas, the changes in pancreatic tissue after Cd withdrawal, and the protective effects of vitamin C (VC) and Nigella sativa (NS) against Cd-induced damage. Rats were assigned to: control, Cd-treated (0.5 mg/kg/d intraperitoneal [IP] injection), VC and Cd-treated (receiving 100 mg/kg/d VC orally and Cd concomitantly), NS and Cd-treated (receiving 20 mg/kg/d NS and Cd, simultaneously), and Cd withdrawal (receiving Cd for 30 d then living free for recovery for other 30 d). Blood samples were collected and post-sacrifice pancreatic specimens were processed for light and electron microscope study. Quantitative analyses of pancreatic collagen area%, pancreatic islet parameters, β cell density, and insulin immunoexpression were done. Fasting blood glucose was significantly increased in Cd-treated and Cd-withdrawal groups, while co-treatment with VC and NS caused significant reductions (p < 0.05). Cd-induced extensive degenerative changes in pancreatic acini and islets at light and ultrastructure levels. Obvious fibrosis and congestion of blood vessels were noticed. Significant reductions in pancreatic islet number, volume, and surface area and diminished beta cell count and insulin immunoexpression were observed. After withdrawal of Cd, the whole pancreatic tissue still showed a serious impact. Concomitant treatment with VC or NS obviously reduced these degenerative changes and significantly improved pancreatic islet parameters and insulin immunoexpression. VC showed a better amendment than NS, but this difference was statistically insignificant. Therefore, VC and NS could be used as prophylactic agents that lessen Cd consequences on the pancreas.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In a number of investigations on the mechanism of the metabolic amplification of insulin secretion, differences between the response of freshly isolated islets and of islets cultured for one day have been observed. Since no trivial explanation like insufficient numbers of viable cells after cell culture could be found, a more thorough investigation into the mechanisms responsible for the difference was made, concentrating on the function of the mitochondria as the site where the metabolism of nutrient stimulators of secretion forms the signals impacting on the transport and fusion of insulin granules. Using combinations of inhibitors of oxidative phosphorylation, we come to the conclusion that the mitochondrial membrane potential is lower and the exchange of mitochondrial reducing equivalents is faster in freshly isolated islets than in cultured islets. The significantly higher rate of oxygen consumption in fresh islets than in cultured islets (13 vs. 8 pmol/min/islet) was not caused by a different activity of the F1F0-ATPase, but by a larger proton leak. These observations raise the questions as to whether the proton leak is a physiologically regulated pathway and whether its larger size in fresh islets reflects the working condition of the islets within the pancreas.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes (T2D) involves dysfunction in multiple organs, including the liver, muscle, adipose tissue, and pancreas, leading to insulin resistance and β cell failure. Recent studies highlight the significant role of extracellular vesicles (EVs) in mediating inter-organ communication in T2D. This review investigates the role of EVs, focusing on their presence and biological significance in human plasma and tissues affected by T2D. We explore specific EV cargo, such as miRNAs and proteins, which affect insulin signaling and glucose metabolism, emphasizing their potential as biomarkers. By highlighting the diagnostic and therapeutic potential of EVs, we aim to provide new insights into their role in early detection, disease monitoring, and innovative treatment strategies for T2D.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We have recently developed a model of pancreatic islet transplantation into a decellularized pancreatic tail in rats. As the pancreatic skeletons completely lack endothelial cells, we investigated the effect of co-transplantation of mesenchymal stem cells and endothelial cells to promote revascularization. Decellularized matrix of the pancreatic tail was prepared by perfusion with Triton X-100, sodium dodecyl sulfate and DNase solution. Isolated pancreatic islets were infused into the skeletons via the splenic vein either alone, together with adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells (adMSCs), or with a combination of adMSCs and rat endothelial cells (rat ECs). Repopulated skeletons were transplanted into the subcutaneous tissue and explanted 9 days later for histological examination. Possible immunomodulatory effects of rat adMSCs on the survival of highly immunogenic green protein-expressing human ECs were also tested after their transplantation beneath the renal capsule. The immunomodulatory effects of adMSCs were also tested in vitro using the Invitrogen Click-iT EdU system. In the presence of adMSCs, the proliferation of splenocytes as a response to phytohaemagglutinin A was reduced by 47% (the stimulation index decreased from 1.7 to 0.9, P = 0.008) and the reaction to human ECs was reduced by 58% (the stimulation index decreased from 1.6 to 0.7, P = 0.03). Histological examination of the explanted skeletons seeded only with the islets showed their partial disintegration and only a rare presence of CD31-positive cells. However, skeletons seeded with a combination of islets and adMSCs showed preserved islet morphology and rich vascularity. In contrast, the addition of syngeneic rat ECs resulted in islet-cell necrosis with only few endothelial cells present. Live green fluorescence-positive endothelial cells transplanted either alone or with adMSCs were not detected beneath the renal capsule. Though the adMSCs significantly reduced in vitro proliferation stimulated by either phytohaemagglutinin A or by xenogeneic human ECs, in vivo co-transplanted adMSCs did not suppress the post-transplant immune response to xenogeneic ECs. Even in the syngeneic model, ECs co-transplantation did not lead to sufficient vascularization in the transplant area. In contrast, islet co-transplantation together with adMSCs successfully promoted the revascularization of extracellular matrix in the subcutaneous tissue.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Diabetes is one of the major diseases and concerns of public health systems that affects over 200 million patients worldwide. It is estimated that 90% of these patients suffer from diabetes type 2, while 10% present diabetes type 1. This type of diabetes and certain types of diabetes type 2, are characterized by dysregulation of blood glycemic levels due to the total or partial depletion of insulin-secreting pancreatic β-cells. Different approaches have been proposed for long-term treatment of insulin-dependent patients; amongst them, cell-based approaches have been the subject of basic and clinical research since they allow blood glucose level sensing and in situ insulin secretion. The current gold standard for insulin-dependent patients is on-demand exogenous insulin application; cell-based therapies aim to remove this burden from the patient and caregivers. In recent years, protocols to isolate and implant pancreatic islets from diseased donors have been developed and tested in clinical trials. Nevertheless, the shortage of donors, along with the need of immunosuppressive companion therapies, have pushed researchers to focus their attention and efforts to overcome these disadvantages and develop alternative strategies. This review discusses current tested clinical approaches and future potential alternatives for diabetes type 1, and some diabetes type 2, insulin-dependent patients. Additionally, advantages and disadvantages of these discussed methods.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Zinc deficiency has been associated with the worsening of diabetes while zinc supplementation has been proposed to ameliorate diabetes. This study examined the effects of marginal zinc deficiency (MZD) and zinc supplementation (ZS) on obesity, glycemic control, pancreatic islets, hepatic steatosis and renal function of Zucker diabetic fatty (ZDF) rats. Male ZDF rats were fed an MZD, zinc control (ZC) or ZS diet (4, 30 and 300 mg Zn/kg diet, respectively), and lean Zucker rats were fed a ZC diet for 8 weeks. MZD and ZS did not alter body weight or whole-body composition in ZDF rats. MZD ZDF rats had reduced zinc concentrations in the femur and pancreas, a greater number of enlarged pancreatic islets and a diminished response to an oral glucose load based on a 1.8-fold greater incremental area-under-the-curve (AUC) for glucose compared to ZC ZDF. ZS ZDF rats had elevated serum, femur and pancreatic zinc concentrations, unchanged pancreatic parameters and a 50% reduction in the AUC for insulin compared to ZC ZDF rats, suggesting greater insulin sensitivity. Dietary zinc intake did not alter hepatic steatosis, creatinine clearance, or levels of proteins that contribute to insulin signaling, inflammation or zinc transport in epididymal fat. Potential adverse effects of ZS were suggested by reduced hepatic copper concentrations and elevated serum urea compared to ZC ZDF rats. In summary, ZS improved the pancreatic insulin response but not the glucose handling. In contrast, reduced zinc status in ZDF rats led to impaired glucose tolerance and a compensatory increase in the number and size of pancreatic islets which could lead to β-cell exhaustion.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A detailed study of palmitate metabolism in pancreatic islets subject to different experimental conditions, like varying concentrations of glucose, as well as fed or starved conditions, has allowed us to explore the interaction between the two main plasma nutrients and its consequences on hormone secretion. Palmitate potentiates glucose-induced insulin secretion in a concentration-dependent manner, in a physiological range of both palmitate (0-2 mM) and glucose (6-20 mM) concentrations; at glucose concentrations lower than 6 mM, no metabolic interaction with palmitate was apparent. Starvation (48 h) increased islet palmitate oxidation two-fold, and the effect was resistant to its inhibition by glucose (6-20 mM). Consequently, labelled palmitate and glucose incorporation into complex lipids were strongly suppressed, as well as glucose-induced insulin secretion and its potentiation by palmitate. 2-bromostearate, a palmitate oxidation inhibitor, fully recovered the synthesis of complex lipids and insulin secretion. We concluded that palmitate potentiation of the insulin response to glucose is not attributable to its catabolic mitochondrial oxidation but to its anabolism to complex lipids: islet lipid biosynthesis is dependent on the uptake of plasma fatty acids and the supply of α-glycerol phosphate from glycolysis. Islet secretion of glucagon and somatostatin showed a similar dependence on palmitate anabolism as insulin. The possible mechanisms implicated in the metabolic coupling between glucose and palmitate were commented on. Moreover, possible mechanisms responsible for islet gluco- or lipotoxicity after a long-term stimulation of insulin secretion were also discussed. Our own data on the simultaneous stimulation of insulin, glucagon, and somatostatin by glucose, as well as their modification by 2-bromostearate in perifused rat islets, give support to the conclusion that increased FFA anabolism, rather than its mitochondrial oxidation, results in a potentiation of their stimulated release. Starvation, besides suppressing glucose stimulation of insulin secretion, also blocks the inhibitory effect of glucose on glucagon secretion: this suggests that glucagon inhibition might be an indirect or direct effect of insulin, but not of glucose. In summary, there seems to exist three mechanisms of glucagon secretion stimulation: 1. glucagon stimulation through the same secretion coupling mechanism as insulin, but in a different range of glucose concentrations (0 to 5 mM). 2. Direct or indirect inhibition by secreted insulin in response to glucose (5-20 mM). 3. Stimulation by increased FFA anabolism in glucose intolerance or diabetes in the context of hyperlipidemia, hyperglycemia, and hypo-insulinemia. These conclusions were discussed and compared with previous published data in the literature. Specially, we discussed the mechanism for inhibition of glucagon release by glucose, which was apparently contradictory with the secretion coupling mechanism of its stimulation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pancreatic islet isolation is critical for type 2 diabetes research. Although -omics approaches have shed light on islet molecular profiles, inconsistencies persist; on the other hand, functional studies are essential, but they require reliable and standardized isolation methods. Here, we propose a simplified protocol applied to very small-sized samples collected from partially pancreatectomized living donors. Islet isolation was performed by digesting tissue specimens collected during surgery within a collagenase P solution, followed by a Lympholyte density gradient separation; finally, functional assays and staining with dithizone were carried out. Isolated pancreatic islets exhibited functional responses to glucose and arginine stimulation mirroring donors\' metabolic profiles, with insulin secretion significantly decreasing in diabetic islets compared to non-diabetic islets; conversely, proinsulin secretion showed an increasing trend from non-diabetic to diabetic islets. This novel islet isolation method from living patients undergoing partial pancreatectomy offers a valuable opportunity for targeted study of islet physiology, with the primary advantage of being time-effective and successfully preserving islet viability and functionality. It enables the generation of islet preparations that closely reflect donors\' clinical profiles, simplifying the isolation process and eliminating the need for a Ricordi chamber. Thus, this method holds promises for advancing our understanding of diabetes and for new personalized pharmacological approaches.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) is characterized by absolute insulin deficiency primarily due to autoimmune destruction of pancreatic β-cells. The prevailing treatment for T1DM involves daily subcutaneous insulin injections, but a substantial proportion of patients face challenges such as severe hypoglycemic episodes and poorly controlled hyperglycemia. For T1DM patients, a more effective therapeutic option involves the replacement of β-cells through allogeneic transplantation of either the entire pancreas or isolated pancreatic islets. Unfortunately, the scarcity of transplantable human organs has led to a growing list of patients waiting for an islet transplant. One potential alternative is xenotransplantation of porcine pancreatic islets. However, due to inter-species molecular incompatibilities, porcine tissues trigger a robust immune response in humans, leading to xenograft rejection. Several promising strategies aim to overcome this challenge and enhance the long-term survival and functionality of xenogeneic islet grafts. These strategies include the use of islets derived from genetically modified pigs, immunoisolation of islets by encapsulation in biocompatible materials, and the creation of an immunomodulatory microenvironment by co-transplanting islets with accessory cells or utilizing immunomodulatory biomaterials. This review concentrates on delineating the primary obstacles in islet xenotransplantation and elucidates the fundamental principles and recent breakthroughs aimed at addressing these challenges.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Animal longevity is a function of global vital organ functionality and, consequently, a complex polygenic trait. Yet, monogenic regulators controlling overall or organ-specific ageing exist, owing their conservation to their function in growth and development. Here, by using pathway analysis combined with wet-biology methods on several dynamic timelines, we identified Hnf1a as a novel master regulator of the maturation and ageing in the adult pancreatic islet during the first year of life. Conditional transgenic mice bearing suboptimal levels of this transcription factor in the pancreatic islets displayed age-dependent changes, with a profile echoing precocious maturation. Additionally, the comparative pathway analysis revealed a link between Hnf1a age-dependent regulation and immune signaling, which was confirmed in the ageing timeline of an overly immunodeficient mouse model. Last, the global proteome analysis of human islets spanning three decades of life largely backed the age-specific regulation observed in mice. Collectively, our results suggest a novel role of Hnf1a as a monogenic regulator of the maturation and ageing process in the pancreatic islet via a direct or indirect regulatory loop with immune signaling.





