
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cr(VI) is a carcinogen with proven mutagenic and genotoxic effects. The effects of the depositional environment (e.g., paleoweathering, paleoclimate, and paleoredox condition) on Cr enrichment in non-ultramafic aquifer solids are unclear. In this study, we presented the sedimentary characteristics of a borehole from a typical non-ultramafic aquifer with high Cr groundwater in Jingbian, central Ordos Basin, China. Chromium was enriched in the K1h sandstone aquifer, especially at depths of 400-500 m, with the highest value of mass transport coefficient (τAl,Cr) up to 92.13% and τAl,Fe up to 33.5%. The provenance of aquifer Cr was predominantly intermediate and felsic igneous rocks with a mafic rock mixture. This mafic source was inferred from Cr-rich granodiorite and mafic/ultramafic rocks in the Yinshan (Daqingshan-Wulashan) Block, northern Ordos Basin. The Cr-rich aquifer in K1h was developed due to a moderate chemical index of alteration (CIA) (mean, 56.7) under relatively warm and humid paleoclimate, as evidenced by high CIA-temperature (CIA-Temp) (mean, 6.79 °C) and paleoclimatic index values (mean, 0.40). Fe-Mn redox cycling in the oxic to suboxic environments contributed to aquifer Cr accumulation. Using path analysis, we identified that paleoclimate created favorable weathering conditions and enrichment of Fe contributed to the formation of high-Cr aquifers. The study reveals the formation of positive Cr anomalies in non-ultramafic aquifers, which is the potential source of groundwater Cr, and highlights the effects of depositional factors on Cr accumulation during aquifer deposition or early diagenesis. It can provide new insights into the natural processes of high-Cr sediments occurring in non-ultramafic aquifers.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Reconstruction of the depositional environment of the Paleocene-Eocene Sinjar Formation from two outcrop sections in northwestern and northeastern Iraq has been evaluated using the traditional petrographic and facies analysis supported by X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy with a focus on the Paleocene-Eocene (P-E) transition boundary. To this end, major and trace elemental geochemistry was conducted and various paleoenvironmental proxies for the paleoredox, paleoclimate, paleosalinity and paleoproductivity were determined in order to evaluate the changes in widely acknowledged environmental and climatic indicators and the elemental enrichment/depletion across the P-E boundary. The redox-sensitive trace element enrichment and the ir ratios (V/V + Ni, V/Cr, and U/Th) indicate that normal oxygenated circumstances prevailed during the late Paleocene deposition, and that anoxic conditions and a gradual commencement of oxygen depletion occurred during the early Eocene deposition. The coeval increase in the P2O5 content, P/Ti, and P/Al ratios in the Eocene sediments suggests an increase in nutrients and primary productivity due to the effect of upwelling currents during early Eocene. The conditions can be verified by observing a small change in salinity levels from low to high across the P-E boundary, which can be indicated by the Sr/Ba ratios. In addition, certain minerals such as Mg-calcite, dolomite, and palygorskite are commonly present, and paleoclimatic changes can be observed across the P-E transition from arid to semiarid and then to humid conditions, which can be recorded from C-values, Sr-Cu, Rb/Sr ratios, and clay mineralogy. These conditions were noted in the Sinjar Formation, which is made up of many microfacies such as lime mudstone, wackstone, packstone, grainstone and boundstone. These microfacies were deposited in a shallow marine environment that extended from tidal flats to reef slopes, with a developed reef environment that included back reef, reef core, and fore reef environments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Free oxygen represents an essential basis for the evolution of complex life forms on a habitable Earth. The isotope composition of redox-sensitive trace elements such as tungsten (W) can possibly trace the earliest rise of oceanic oxygen in Earth\'s history. However, the impact of redox changes on the W isotope composition of seawater is still unknown. Here, we report highly variable W isotope compositions in the water column of a redox-stratified basin (δ186/184W between +0.347 and +0.810 ‰) that contrast with the homogenous W isotope composition of the open ocean (refined δ186/184W of +0.543 ± 0.046 ‰). Consistent with experimental studies, the preferential scavenging of isotopically light W by Mn-oxides increases the δ186/184W of surrounding seawater, whereas the redissolution of Mn-oxides causes decreasing seawater δ186/184W. Overall, the distinctly heavy stable W isotopic signature of open ocean seawater mirrors predominantly fully oxic conditions in modern oceans. We expect, however, that the redox evolution from anoxic to hypoxic and finally oxic marine conditions in early Earth\'s history would have continuously increased the seawater δ186/184W. Stable W isotope compositions of chemical sediments that potentially preserve changing seawater W isotope signatures might therefore reflect global changes in marine redox conditions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    There is widespread interest in how geochemistry affects the genomic makeup of microbial communities, but the possible impacts of oxidation-reduction (redox) conditions on the chemical composition of biomacromolecules remain largely unexplored. Here we document systematic changes in the carbon oxidation state, a metric derived from the chemical formulas of biomacromolecular sequences, using published metagenomic and metatranscriptomic datasets from 18 studies representing different marine and terrestrial environments. We find that the carbon oxidation states of DNA, as well as proteins inferred from coding sequences, follow geochemical redox gradients associated with mixing and cooling of hot spring fluids in Yellowstone National Park (USA) and submarine hydrothermal fluids. Thermodynamic calculations provide independent predictions for the environmental shaping of the gene and protein composition of microbial communities in these systems. On the other hand, the carbon oxidation state of DNA is negatively correlated with oxygen concentration in marine oxygen minimum zones. In this case, a thermodynamic model is not viable, but the low carbon oxidation state of DNA near the ocean surface reflects a low GC content, which can be attributed to genome reduction in organisms adapted to low-nutrient conditions. We also present evidence for a depth-dependent increase of oxidation state at the species level, which might be associated with alteration of DNA through horizontal gene transfer and/or selective degradation of relatively reduced (AT-rich) extracellular DNA by heterotrophic bacteria. Sediments exhibit even more complex behavior, where carbon oxidation state minimizes near the sulfate-methane transition zone and rises again at depth; markedly higher oxidation states are also associated with older freshwater-dominated sediments in the Baltic Sea that are enriched in iron oxides and have low organic carbon. This geobiochemical study of carbon oxidation state reveals a new aspect of environmental information in metagenomic sequences, and provides a reference frame for future studies that may use ancient DNA sequences as a paleoredox indicator.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The later Cambrian Steptoean Positive Carbon Isotope Excursion (SPICE) event was an episode marked by pronounced changes to the global biogeochemical cycles of carbon and sulfur and significant extinctions on several paleocontinents including Laurentia (North America). While the exact cause(s) of these events remains debated, various lines of evidence suggest an increase in the areal extent of anoxia at the seafloor was a likely feature. Here, we explore whether changes in local oxygenation accompanied the onset of the SPICE in southern Laurentia using cores of the Nolichucky and Eau Claire Formations from Ohio and Kentucky, USA, that represent a transect into the Rome Trough/Conasauga intrashelf basin. At our study locations, the initial positive δ13 C shift of the SPICE occurs in conjunction with increases in the abundance and δ34 S of sedimentary pyrite. Further local redox conditions, tracked using iron speciation analysis, indicate anoxic conditions developed at the two proximal locations after the start of the paired isotopic excursions. However, the location near the basin center shows no indication for anoxia before or during the onset of the SPICE. While this signal may reflect the structure of local redox conditions within the basin, with the development of anoxia limited to the basin margins, we argue that authigenic iron enrichments were muted by sedimentary dilution and/or the enhanced authigenesis of iron-bearing sheet silicates near the basin center, masking the signal for anoxia there. Regardless of the areal extent of anoxia within the basin, in either scenario the timing of the development of anoxic bottom waters was concurrent with local faunal turnover, features broadly consistent with a global expansion of anoxia playing a role in driving the isotopic trends and extinctions observed during the event.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Despite a surge of recent work, the evolution of mid-Proterozoic oceanic-atmospheric redox remains heavily debated. Constraining the dynamics of Proterozoic redox evolution is essential to determine the role, if any, that anoxia played in protracting the development of eukaryotic diversity. We present a multiproxy suite of high-resolution geochemical measurements from a drill core capturing the ~1.4 Ga Xiamaling Formation, North China Craton. Specifically, we analyzed major and trace element concentrations, sulfur and molybdenum isotopes, and iron speciation not only to better understand the local redox conditions but also to establish how relevant our data are to understanding the contemporaneous global ocean. Our results suggest that throughout deposition of the Xiamaling Formation, the basin experienced varying degrees of isolation from the global ocean. During deposition of the lower organic-rich shales (130-85 m depth), the basin was extremely restricted, and the reservoirs of sulfate and trace metals were drawn down almost completely. Above a depth of 85 m, shales were deposited in dominantly euxinic waters that more closely resembled a marine system and thus potentially bear signatures of coeval seawater. In the most highly enriched sample from this upper interval, the concentration of molybdenum is 51 ppm with a δ98 Mo value of +1.7‰. Concentrations of Mo and other redox-sensitive elements in our samples are consistent with a deep ocean that was largely anoxic on a global scale. Our maximum δ98 Mo value, in contrast, is high compared to published mid-Proterozoic data. This high value raises the possibility that the Earth\'s surface environments were transiently more oxygenated at ~1.4 Ga compared to preceding or postdating times. More broadly, this study demonstrates the importance of integrating all available data when attempting to reconstruct surface O2 dynamics based on rocks of any age.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Delayed Earth system recovery following the end-Permian mass extinction is often attributed to severe ocean anoxia. However, the extent and duration of Early Triassic anoxia remains poorly constrained. Here we use paired records of uranium concentrations ([U]) and (238)U/(235)U isotopic compositions (δ(238)U) of Upper Permian-Upper Triassic marine limestones from China and Turkey to quantify variations in global seafloor redox conditions. We observe abrupt decreases in [U] and δ(238)U across the end-Permian extinction horizon, from ∼3 ppm and -0.15‰ to ∼0.3 ppm and -0.77‰, followed by a gradual return to preextinction values over the subsequent 5 million years. These trends imply a factor of 100 increase in the extent of seafloor anoxia and suggest the presence of a shallow oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) that inhibited the recovery of benthic animal diversity and marine ecosystem function. We hypothesize that in the Early Triassic oceans-characterized by prolonged shallow anoxia that may have impinged onto continental shelves-global biogeochemical cycles and marine ecosystem structure became more sensitive to variation in the position of the OMZ. Under this hypothesis, the Middle Triassic decline in bottom water anoxia, stabilization of biogeochemical cycles, and diversification of marine animals together reflect the development of a deeper and less extensive OMZ, which regulated Earth system recovery following the end-Permian catastrophe.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Knowledge of paleo-redox conditions in the Earth\'s history provides a window into events that shaped the evolution of life on our planet. The role of microbial activity in paleo-redox processes remains unexplored due to the inability to discriminate biotic from abiotic redox transformations in the rock record. The ability to deconvolute these two processes would provide a means to identify environmental niches in which microbial activity was prevalent at a specific time in paleo-history and to correlate specific biogeochemical events with the corresponding microbial metabolism. Here, we demonstrate that the isotopic signature associated with microbial reduction of hexavalent uranium (U), i.e., the accumulation of the heavy isotope in the U(IV) phase, is readily distinguishable from that generated by abiotic uranium reduction in laboratory experiments. Thus, isotope signatures preserved in the geologic record through the reductive precipitation of uranium may provide the sought-after tool to probe for biotic processes. Because uranium is a common element in the Earth\'s crust and a wide variety of metabolic groups of microorganisms catalyze the biological reduction of U(VI), this tool is applicable to a multiplicity of geological epochs and terrestrial environments. The findings of this study indicate that biological activity contributed to the formation of many authigenic U deposits, including sandstone U deposits of various ages, as well as modern, Cretaceous, and Archean black shales. Additionally, engineered bioremediation activities also exhibit a biotic signature, suggesting that, although multiple pathways may be involved in the reduction, direct enzymatic reduction contributes substantially to the immobilization of uranium.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Anoxic marine zones were common in early Paleozoic oceans (542-400 Ma), and present a potential link to atmospheric pO2 via feedbacks linking global marine phosphorous recycling, primary production and organic carbon burial. Uranium (U) isotopes in carbonate rocks track the extent of ocean anoxia, whereas carbon (C) and sulfur (S) isotopes track the burial of organic carbon and pyrite sulfur (primary long-term sources of atmospheric oxygen). In combination, these proxies therefore reveal the comparative dynamics of ocean anoxia and oxygen liberation to the atmosphere over million-year time scales. Here we report high-precision uranium isotopic data in marine carbonates deposited during the Late Cambrian \'SPICE\' event, at ca. 499 Ma, documenting a well-defined -0.18‰ negative δ238U excursion that occurs at the onset of the SPICE event\'s positive δ13C and δ34S excursions, but peaks (and tails off) before them. Dynamic modelling shows that the different response of the U reservoir cannot be attributed solely to differences in residence times or reservoir sizes - suggesting that two chemically distinct ocean states occurred within the SPICE event. The first ocean stage involved a global expansion of euxinic waters, triggering the spike in U burial, and peaking in conjunction with a well-known trilobite extinction event. During the second stage widespread euxinia waned, causing U removal to tail off, but enhanced organic carbon and pyrite burial continued, coinciding with evidence for severe sulfate depletion in the oceans (Gill et al., 2011). We discuss scenarios for how an interval of elevated pyrite and organic carbon burial could have been sustained without widespread euxinia in the water column (both non-sulfidic anoxia and/or a more oxygenated ocean state are possibilities). Either way, the SPICE event encompasses two different stages of elevated organic carbon and pyrite burial maintained by high nutrient fluxes to the ocean, and potentially sustained by internal marine geochemical feedbacks.





