• 文章类型: Journal Article
    The study of interactions between copepods of the genus Acartia and toxic dinoflagellates of the genus Alexandrium has been an important topic during the last four decades. Feeding behavior and physiological responses of copepods have been studied in laboratory and field experiments, sometimes with contradictory results. More recently, an evolutionary adaptive mechanism leading to enhanced tolerance of Alexandrium toxins in a population of Acartia experiencing chronic exposure to these dinoflagellates has been reported. In the present work, we collected data from the existing studies on the effects of Alexandrium on feeding, reproduction and mortality of Acartia. With these data, we performed a systematic review consisting of a secondary analysis employing general or generalized linear models, weighting data from different studies by the reciprocal of their standard deviation. Our first aim was to overcome shortcomings of individual studies: limited ranges of the variables and overlooked variables (experiment length, population adaptation). These shortcomings could have led to inconsistent conclusions by missing heterogeneous patterns in copepod responses and in the interactions between variables. Our second aim was to test the enhanced physiological performance of chronically exposed relative to naïve copepod populations over a wide geographic range. We found that the feeding rate is enhanced by increased food biomass, irrespective of the food type. Toxins do not have a clear effect on egg production and have a bi-phasic effect on egg hatching success, which was negative above a specific threshold. Toxins also increased mortality. Experiment length had a positive effect on egg production and negative on egg hatching. Naïve copepod populations showed consistently lower ingestion of Alexandrium and egg hatching rates, thereby supporting the spread of the aforementioned mechanism across populations over a wide geographic range.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To reveal genetic diversity for effective resistance to five foliar diseases and toxic aluminum ions, the entire collection of wheat species from the N.I. Vavilov All-Russian Institute of Plant Genetic Resources (VIR) originating from Ethiopia and Eritrea were studied regarding their traits. The collection contains 509 samples of four wheat species (Triticum aestivum-122 samples; T. aethiopicum-340 samples; T. polonicum-6 samples; and T. dicoccum-41 samples). The majority of accessions are new entries of landraces added to the Vavilov collection as a result of the Russian-Ethiopian expedition in 2012. Wheat seedlings were inoculated with causal agents of leaf rust (Pt), powdery mildew (Bgt), Septoria nodorum blotch (SNB), and dark-brown leaf spot blotch (HLB). The types of reaction and disease development were assessed to describe the levels of resistance. All samples of T. aethiopicum were also screened for seedling and adult resistance to Pt, Bgt, and yellow rust (Pst) under field conditions after double inoculation with the corresponding pathogens. To study tolerance to abiotic stress, seedlings were grown in a solution of Al3+ (185 µM, pH 4,0) and in water. The index of root length was used to characterize tolerance. Seedlings belonging to only two accessions out of those studied-k-68236 of T. aethiopicum and k-67397 of T. dicoccum-were resistant to Pt at 20 °C but susceptible at 25 °C. Specific molecular markers closely linked to the five genes for Pt resistance effective against populations of the pathogen from the northwestern region of Russia were not amplified in these two entries after PCR with corresponding primers. Four entries of T. dicoccum-k-18971, k-18975, k-19577, and k-67398-were highly resistant to Bgt. All samples under study were susceptible to HLB and SNB. Under field conditions, 15% of the T. aethiopicum samples were resistant to Pst, both at the seedling and the flag leaf stages, but all were susceptible to the other diseases under study. Among the evaluated samples, 20 entries of T. aestivum, 1 of T. polonicum (k-43765), and 2 of T. dicoccum (k-18971, k-67397) were tolerant to aluminum ions. The identified entries could be valuable sources for the breeding of T. aestivum and other wheats for resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To understand environmental effects affecting paralytic shellfish toxin production of Centrodinium punctatum, this study examined the growth responses, and toxin contents and profiles of a C. punctatum culture exposed to drastic changes of temperature (5-30 °C) and salinity (15-40). C. punctatum grew over a temperature range of 15-25 °C, with an optimum of 20 °C., and over a salinity range of 25-40, with optimum salinities of 30-35. This suggests that C. punctatum prefers relatively warm waters and an oceanic habitat for its growth and can adapt to significant changes of salinity levels. When C. punctatum was cultivated at different temperature and salinity levels, the PST profile included four major analogs (STX, neoSTX, GTX1 and GTX4, constituted >80 % of the profile), while low amounts of doSTX and traces of dc-STX and dc-GTX2 were also observed. Interestingly, though overall toxin contents did not change significantly with temperature, increases in the proportion of STX, and decreases in proportions in GTX1 and GTX4 were observed with higher temperatures. Salinity did not affect either toxin contents or profile from 25 to 35. However, the total toxin content dropped to approximately half at salinity 40, suggesting this salinity may induce metabolic changes in C. punctatum.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Evaluating the stray light cancellation performance of an optical system is an essential step in the search for superior optical systems. However, the existing evaluation methods, such as the Monte Carlo method and the ray tracing method, suffer from the problems of vast arithmetic and cumbersome processes. In this paper, a method for a rapid stray light performance evaluation model and quantitatively determining high-magnitude stray light outside the field of view are proposed by adopting the radiative transfer theory based on the scattering property of the bidirectional scattering distribution function (BSDF). Under the global coordinates, based on the derivation of the light vector variation relationship in the near-linear system, the specific structural properties of the off-axis reflective optical system, and the specular scattering properties, a fast quantitative evaluation model of the optical system\'s stray light elimination capability is constructed. A loop nesting procedure was designed based on this model, and its validity was verified by an off-axis reflective optical system. It successfully fitted the point source transmittance (PST) curve in the range of specular radiation reception angles and quantitatively predicted the prominence due to incident stray light outside the field of view. This method does not require multiple software to work in concert and requires only 10-5 orders of magnitude of computing time, which is suitable for the rapid stray light assessment and structural screening of off-axis reflective optical systems with a good symmetry. The method is promising for improving imaging radiation accuracy and developing lightweight space cameras with low stray light effects.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    By relating genetic divergence at neutral loci, phenotypic variation, and geographic and environmental distances, it is possible to dissect micro-evolutionary scenarios involving natural selection and neutral evolution. In this work, we tested the patterns of intraspecific genetic and phenotypic variation along an elevational gradient, using Dianthus virgineus as study system. We genotyped genome-wide SNPs through ddRAD sequencing and quantified phenotypic variation through multivariate morphological variation. We assessed patterns of variation by testing the statistical association between genetic, phenotypic, geographic, and elevational distances and explored the role of genetic drift and selection by comparing the Fst and Pst of morphometric traits. We revealed a weak genetic structure related to geographic distance among populations, but we excluded the predominant role of genetic drift acting on phenotypic traits. A high degree of phenotypic differentiation with respect to genetic divergence at neutral loci allowed us to hypothesize the effect of selection, putatively fuelled by changing conditions at different sites, on morphological traits. Thus, natural selection acting despite low genetic divergence at neutral loci can be hypothesized as a putative driver explaining the observed patterns of variation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    As the non-imaging light of optical instruments, stray light has an important impact on normal imaging and data quantification applications. The FY-3D Medium Resolution Spectral Imager (MERSI) operates in a sun-synchronous orbit, with a scanning field of view of 110° and a surface imaging width of more than 2300 km, which can complete two coverage observations of global targets per day with high detection efficiency. According to the characteristics of the operating orbit and large-angle scanning imaging of MERSI, a stray light radiation model of the polar-orbiting spectrometer is constructed, and the design requirements of stray light suppression are proposed. Using the point source transmittance (PST) as the merit function of the stray light analysis method, the instrument was simulated with all stray light suppression optical paths, and the effectiveness of stray light elimination measures was verified using the stray light test. In this paper, the full-link method of \"orbital stray light radiation model-system, internal and external simulation design-system analysis and actual test comparison verification\" is proposed, and there is a maximum decrease in the system\'s PST by about 10 times after applying the stray light suppression\'s optimization design, which can provide a general method for stray light suppression designs for polar-orbit spectral imagers.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Common in Fungal Extracellular Membrane (CFEM) domain proteins are considered to be unique to fungi and closely related to pathogenicity. However, the Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici (Pst) effector containing the CFEM domain has not been reported. Here, we obtained an effector, PstCFEM1, containing a functional N-terminal signal peptide sequence and the CFEM domain from Pst race CYR31. qRT-PCR assay indicated that the transcript levels of PstCFEM1 were highly induced during the early stages of infection. Overexpression of PstCFEM1 suppressed Pst322 (an elicitor-like protein of Pst)-trigged cell death, reactive oxygen species (ROS) accumulation and callose deposition. Host-induced gene silencing (HIGS) experiments showed that knockdown of PstCFEM1 decreased the virulence of Pst, while ROS accumulation in silenced plants increased near the infection site. In addition, wheat containing the PstCFEM1-silenced construct increased resistance to multiple races of Pst. Our data suggest that PstCFEM1 suppresses wheat defense by inhibiting ROS accumulation and contributes to increased virulence of Pst.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    An important objective of evolutionary biology has always been to grasp the evolutionary and genetic processes that contribute to speciation. The present work provides the first detailed account of the genetic and physiological adaptation to changing environmental temperatures as well as the reasons causing intraspecific divergence in the Eothenomys miletus from the Hengduan Mountain (HM) region, one of the biodiversity hotspots. One hundred sixty-one E. miletus individuals from five populations in the HM region had their reduced-representation genome sequenced, and one additional individual from each community had their genomes resequenced. We then characterized the genetic diversity and population structure of each population and compared the phenotypic divergence in traits using neutral molecular markers. We detected significant phenotypic and genetic alterations in E. miletus from the HM region that were related to naturally occurring diverse habitats by combining morphometrics and genomic techniques. There was asymmetric gene flow among the E. miletus populations, indicating that five E. miletus populations exhibit an isolation-by-island model, and this was supported by the correlation between F ST and geographic distance. Finally, P ST estimated by phenotypic measures of most wild traits were higher than differentiation at neutral molecular markers, indicating directional natural selection favoring different phenotypes in different populations must have been involved to achieve this much differentiation. Our findings give information on the demographic history of E. miletus, new insights into their evolution and adaptability, and literature for studies of a similar nature on other wild small mammals from the HM region.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study presents the first evidence that a diverse suite of phycotoxins is not only being actively produced by the toxigenic algal communities in the Canadian Arctic waters, but is also entering the marine food web. We detected measurable amounts of Amnesic Shellfish Toxins (ASTs) and Paralytic Shellfish Toxins (PSTs), as well as trace amounts of other lipophilic toxin groups including pectenotoxins, yessotoxins, and cyclic imines, in bivalves collected from the Canadian Beaufort Sea in 2014 and 2018. There appear to be species-specific differences in accumulation and retention of AST by Arctic bivalves, with significantly higher concentrations recorded in Nuculanidae than Propeamussiidae, likely reflecting physiological and allometric differences. We further confirm the omnipresence of potentially toxic taxonomically-versatile phytoplankton communities in the western Canadian Arctic comprising Pseudo-nitzschia delicatissima group, P. obtusa, Dinophysis acuminata, Prorocentrum minimum, Alexandrium tamarense, and Gymnodinium spp. Although measurements of actual toxicity levels and profiles of these species at the time of sampling fall outside of the scope of this study, we show that high abundance and competitive success of known AST-producers, Pseudo-nitzschia spp., are possible in Canadian Arctic waters. In 2014, a strong dominance of Pseudo-nitzschia spp. was observed at a few shallow coastal stations, representing nearly 40% of the total phytoplankton cell abundances with > 106 cells/L at the depth of maximum chlorophyll a. We further describe oceanographic conditions conducive to high abundances of toxin-producing algae, indicating that temperature is likely a key factor. Even though measured AST and PST concentrations in bivalve tissue remained well below the Health Canada\'s levels at which monitored fisheries would close, i.e., 5% and 4%, respectively, their presence demonstrate that phycotoxin accumulation is occurring in food webs of the Canadian Beaufort Sea. Yet, the phycotoxin production controls and trophic transfer mechanisms remain unknown. Canadian Arctic marine ecosystems are rapidly changing and temperatures are expected to continue to increase. Given that these changes simultaneously affect multiple, and often co-occurring, species of primary producers, adaptive capacity is likely to play an important role in the structure of phytoplankton communities in the Canadian Arctic.






  • 文章类型: Comparative Study
    The Processing Speed Test (PST), a validated iPad®-based cognitive screening test for MS, has been applied to the cognitive assessment of Japanese MS patients using US normative data.
    To develop PST normative data from Japanese healthy volunteers and compare the PST score distribution between Japanese and US healthy volunteers, 254 healthy Japanese-speaking volunteers were enrolled and stratified by age (20-65 years). Potential participants with a Mini-Mental State Examination score < 27 were excluded. PST raw scores (total correct) were from the Japan cohort and compared with age-restricted US normative data and propensity score-matched data created by matching sex, age, and educational level from a published study of 428 healthy participants. PST score distributions and standardized z-scores were compared using t-test and Kolmogorov-Smirnov test statistics.
    The mean age of the Japan cohort was 44.1 years. The PST scores of Japanese volunteers were significantly different from those of the age-restricted (mean ± SD 61.8 ± 10.1 vs 53.7 ± 10.8; p < 0.001) and the propensity score-matched US cohort (62.1 ± 10.1 vs 53.3 ± 10.6; p < 0.001).
    Regression analyses centered on US normative data could underestimate disease severity in Japanese MS patients, suggesting that separate normative data should be considered for each population sample.





