
PP2A - B55
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cell cycle control relies on a delicate balance of phosphorylation with CDK1 and phosphatases like PP1 and PP2A-B55. Yet, identifying the primary substrate responsible for cell cycle oscillations remains a challenge. We uncover the pivotal role of phospho-regulation in the anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/C), particularly through the Apc1-loop300 domain (Apc1-300L), orchestrated by CDK1 and PP2A-B55. Premature activation of PP2A-B55 during mitosis, induced by Greatwall kinase depletion, leads to Apc1-300L dephosphorylation, stalling APC/C activity and delaying Cyclin B degradation. This effect can be counteracted using the B55-specific inhibitor pEnsa or by removing Apc1-300L. We also show Cdc20\'s dynamic APC/C interaction across cell cycle stages, but dephosphorylation of Apc1-300L specifically inhibits further Cdc20 recruitment. Our study underscores APC/C\'s central role in cell cycle oscillation, identifying it as a primary substrate regulated by the CDK-PP2A partnership.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Entry into mitosis has been classically attributed to the activation of a cyclin B/Cdk1 amplification loop via a partial pool of this kinase becoming active at the end of G2 phase. However, how this initial pool is activated is still unknown. Here we discovered a new role of the recently identified PP2A-B55 inhibitor FAM122A in triggering mitotic entry. Accordingly, depletion of the orthologue of FAM122A in C. elegans prevents entry into mitosis in germline stem cells. Moreover, data from Xenopus egg extracts strongly suggest that FAM122A-dependent inhibition of PP2A-B55 could be the initial event promoting mitotic entry. Inhibition of this phosphatase allows subsequent phosphorylation of early mitotic substrates by cyclin A/Cdk, resulting in full cyclin B/Cdk1 and Greatwall (Gwl) kinase activation. Subsequent to Greatwall activation, Arpp19/ENSA become phosphorylated and now compete with FAM122A, promoting its dissociation from PP2A-B55 and taking over its phosphatase inhibition role until the end of mitosis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nuclear envelope (NE) disassembly during mitosis is critical to ensure faithful segregation of the genetic material. NE disassembly is a phosphorylation-dependent process wherein mitotic kinases hyper-phosphorylate lamina and nucleoporins to initiate nuclear envelope breakdown (NEBD). In this study, we uncover an unexpected role of the PP2A phosphatase B55SUR-6 in NEBD during the first embryonic division of Caenorhabditis elegans embryo. B55SUR-6 depletion delays NE permeabilization and stabilizes lamina and nucleoporins. As a result, the merging of parental genomes and chromosome segregation is impaired. NEBD defect upon B55SUR-6 depletion is not due to delayed mitotic onset or mislocalization of mitotic kinases. Importantly, we demonstrate that microtubule-dependent mechanical forces synergize with B55SUR-6 for efficient NEBD. Finally, our data suggest that the lamin LMN-1 is likely a bona fide target of PP2A-B55SUR-6. These findings establish a model highlighting biochemical crosstalk between kinases, PP2A-B55SUR-6 phosphatase, and microtubule-generated mechanical forces in timely NE dissolution.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Depletion of the Anaphase-Promoting Complex/Cyclosome (APC/C) activator Cdc20 arrests cells in metaphase with high levels of the mitotic cyclin (Cyclin B) and the Separase inhibitor Securin. In mammalian cells this arrest has been exploited for the treatment of cancer with drugs that engage the spindle assembly checkpoint and, recently, with chemical inhibitors of the APC/C. While most cells arrested in mitosis for prolonged periods undergo apoptosis, others skip cytokinesis and enter G1 with unsegregated chromosomes. This process, known as mitotic slippage, generates aneuploidy and increases genomic instability in the cancer cell. Here, we analyze the behavior of fission yeast cells arrested in mitosis through the transcriptional silencing of the Cdc20 homolog slp1. While depletion of slp1 readily halts cells in metaphase, this arrest is only transient and a majority of cells eventually undergo cytokinesis and show steady mitotic dephosphorylation. Notably, this occurs in the absence of Cyclin B (Cdc13) degradation. We investigate the involvement of phosphatase activity in these events and demonstrate that PP2A-B55Pab1 is required to prevent septation and, during the arrest, its CDK-mediated inhibition facilitates the induction of cytokinesis. In contrast, deletion of PP2A-B56Par1 completely abrogates septation. We show that this effect is partly due to this mutant entering mitosis with reduced CDK activity. Interestingly, both PP2A-B55Pab1 and PP2A-B56Par1, as well as Clp1 (the homolog of the budding yeast mitotic phosphatase Cdc14) are required for the dephosphorylation of mitotic substrates during the escape. Finally, we show that the mitotic transcriptional wave controlled by the RFX transcription factor Sak1 facilitates the induction of cytokinesis and also requires the activity of PP2A-B56Par1 in a mechanism independent of CDK.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The phosphorylation of mitotic proteins is bistable, which contributes to the decisiveness of the transitions into and out of M phase. The bistability in substrate phosphorylation has been attributed to bistability in the activation of the cyclin-dependent kinase Cdk1. However, more recently it has been suggested that bistability also arises from positive feedback in the regulation of the Cdk1-counteracting phosphatase PP2A-B55. Here, we demonstrate biochemically using Xenopus laevis egg extracts that the Cdk1-counteracting phosphatase PP2A-B55 functions as a bistable switch, even when the bistability of Cdk1 activation is suppressed. In addition, Cdk1 regulates PP2A-B55 in a biphasic manner; low concentrations of Cdk1 activate PP2A-B55 and high concentrations inactivate it. As a consequence of this incoherent feedforward regulation, PP2A-B55 activity rises concurrently with Cdk1 activity during interphase and suppresses substrate phosphorylation. PP2A-B55 activity is then sharply downregulated at the onset of mitosis. During mitotic exit, Cdk1 activity initially falls with no obvious change in substrate phosphorylation; dephosphorylation then commences once PP2A-B55 spikes in activity. These findings suggest that changes in Cdk1 activity are permissive for mitotic entry and exit but that the changes in PP2A-B55 activity are the ultimate trigger.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Protein phosphorylation is a post-translational modification essential for the control of the activity of most enzymes in the cell. This protein modification results from a fine-tuned balance between kinases and phosphatases. PP2A is one of the major serine/threonine phosphatases that is involved in the control of a myriad of different signaling cascades. This enzyme, often misregulated in cancer, is considered a tumor suppressor. In this review, we will focus on PP2A-B55, a particular holoenzyme of the family of the PP2A phosphatases whose specific role in cancer development and progression has only recently been highlighted. The discovery of the Greatwall (Gwl)/Arpp19-ENSA cascade, a new pathway specifically controlling PP2A-B55 activity, has been shown to be frequently altered in cancer. Herein, we will review the current knowledge about the mechanisms controlling the formation and the regulation of the activity of this phosphatase and its misregulation in cancer.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nuclear factor kappa B (NF-κB) activation is a well-known mechanism by which chemoresistance to anticancer agents is reported. It is well-known that irinotecan as a chemotherapeutic drug against non-small-cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC) has limited anticancer effect due to NF-κB activation. In this study, we propose the novel role of GRA16, a dense granule protein of Toxoplasma gondii, as an anticancer agent to increase the effectiveness of chemotherapy via the inhibition of NF-κB activation. To demonstrate this, H1299 cells were stably transfected with GRA16. The anticancer effects of GRA16 were demonstrated as a reduction in tumor size in a mouse xenograft model. GRA16 directly elevated B55 regulatory subunit of protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A-B55) expression in tumor cells, thereby decreasing GWL protein levels and ENSA phosphorylation. This cascade, in turn, induced PP2A-B55 activation and suppressed AKT/ERK phosphorylation and cyclin B1 levels, suggesting reduced cell survival and arrested cell cycle. Moreover, PP2A-B55 activation and AKT phosphorylation inhibition led to NF-κB inactivation via the reduction in inhibitory kappa B kinase beta (IKKβ) levels, de-phosphorylation of inhibitor of kappa B alpha (IκBα), and reduction in the nuclear transit of NF-κB p65. Furthermore, this molecular mechanism was examined under irinotecan treatment. The PP2A-B55/AKT/NF-κB p65 pathway-mediated anticancer effects were only induced in the presence of GRA16, but not in the presence of irinotecan. Moreover, GRA16 synergistically promoted the anticancer effects of irinotecan via the induction of the sub-G1 phase and reduction of cell proliferation. Collectively, irinotecan and GRA16 co-treatment promotes the anticancer effects of irinotecan via NF-κB inhibition and cell cycle arrest induced by GRA16, subsequently increasing the chemotherapeutic effect of irinotecan to NSCLC cells via NF-κB inhibition.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In mitosis, the spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC) monitors the formation of microtubule-kinetochore attachments during capture of chromosomes by the mitotic spindle. Spindle assembly is complete once there are no longer any unattached kinetochores. Here, we will discuss the mechanism and key components of spindle checkpoint signalling. Unattached kinetochores bind the principal spindle checkpoint kinase monopolar spindle 1 (MPS1). MPS1 triggers the recruitment of other spindle checkpoint proteins and the formation of a soluble inhibitor of anaphase, thus preventing exit from mitosis. On microtubule attachment, kinetochores become checkpoint silent due to the actions of PP2A-B56 and PP1. This SAC responsive period has to be coordinated with mitotic spindle formation to ensure timely mitotic exit and accurate chromosome segregation. We focus on the molecular mechanisms by which the SAC permissive state is created, describing a central role for CDK1-cyclin B1 and its counteracting phosphatase PP2A-B55. Furthermore, we discuss how CDK1-cyclin B1, through its interaction with MAD1, acts as an integral component of the SAC, and actively orchestrates checkpoint signalling and thus contributes to the faithful execution of mitosis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Recovery from DNA damage is critical for cell survival. However, serious damage cannot be repaired, leading to cell death for prevention of abnormal cell growth. Previously, we demonstrated that 4N-DNA accumulates via the initiation of an abnormal interphase without cytokinesis and that re-replication occurs during a prolonged recovery period in the presence of severe DNA damage in mitotic cells. Mitotic phosphorylated Plk1 is typically degraded during mitotic exit. However, Plk1 has unusually found to be dephosphorylated in mitotic slippage without cytokinesis during recovery from mitotic DNA damage. Here, we investigated how Plk1 dephosphorylation is established during recovery from mitotic DNA damage. Mitotic DNA damage activated ATM and Chk1/2 and repressed Cdk1 and Greatwall protein kinase, followed by PP2A activation through the dissociation of ENSA and PP2A-B55. Interaction between Plk1 and PP2A-B55α or PP2A-B55δ was strongly induced during recovery from mitotic DNA damage. Moreover, the depletion of PP2A-B55α and/or PP2A-B55δ by siRNA transfection led to the recovery of Plk1 phosphorylation and progression of the cell cycle into the G1 phase. Therefore, to adapt to severe DNA damage, the activated Greatwall/ENSA signaling pathway was repressed by ATM/Chk1/2, even in mitotic cells. Activation of the PP2A-B55 holoenzyme complex induced the dephosphorylation of Plk1 and Cdk1, and finally, mitotic slippage occurred without normal chromosome segregation and cytokinesis.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Distinct protein phosphorylation levels in interphase and M phase require tight regulation of Cdk1 activity [1, 2]. A bistable switch, based on positive feedback in the Cdk1 activation loop, has been proposed to generate different thresholds for transitions between these cell-cycle states [3-5]. Recently, the activity of the major Cdk1-counteracting phosphatase, PP2A:B55, has also been found to be bistable due to Greatwall kinase-dependent regulation [6]. However, the interplay of the regulation of Cdk1 and PP2A:B55 in vivo remains unexplored. Here, we combine quantitative cell biology assays with mathematical modeling to explore the interplay of mitotic kinase activation and phosphatase inactivation in human cells. By measuring mitotic entry and exit thresholds using ATP-analog-sensitive Cdk1 mutants, we find evidence that the mitotic switch displays hysteresis and bistability, responding differentially to Cdk1 inhibition in the mitotic and interphase states. Cdk1 activation by Wee1/Cdc25 feedback loops and PP2A:B55 inactivation by Greatwall independently contributes to this hysteretic switch system. However, elimination of both Cdk1 and PP2A:B55 inactivation fully abrogates bistability, suggesting that hysteresis is an emergent property of mutual inhibition between the Cdk1 and PP2A:B55 feedback loops. Our model of the two interlinked feedback systems predicts an intermediate but hidden steady state between interphase and M phase. This could be verified experimentally by Cdk1 inhibition during mitotic entry, supporting the predictive value of our model. Furthermore, we demonstrate that dual inhibition of Wee1 and Gwl kinases causes loss of cell-cycle memory and synthetic lethality, which could be further exploited therapeutically.






