  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The veterinary field needs more racial diversity to reflect pet owners and the general population. The problem is compounded when we examine diversity in veterinary practice ownership and other entrepreneurial endeavors. The road to business ownership is challenging for minority veterinarians, who must work harder to prove themselves to skeptical clients in a historically white profession. But, diverse veterinarians can succeed as entrepreneurs when they adopt the right mindset, surround themselves with like-minded and supportive peers, develop resilience, accept failure, and learn to pivot when needed to correct their course.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In modern handball, one of the important performance indicators is the effectiveness of the attack, especially the running-in of wingers as line players which has not been explored adequately. The purpose of the study was to analyze the movements of wingers in the organized attack when they run in. Fifty-eight matches were analyzed from the 2022 EHF European Men\'s Handball Championship. A total of 491 attacks were recorded and 45 variables were analyzed in which wingers ran in as second pivots and the outcome was a throw. For the statistical analysis, descriptive and inductive statistics were used. The results showed that the average time of the running-in was 12.11 ± 9.28 s, the left wing ran in more often (60.1%) and wingers tended to move outside the defense formation (72.5%). Wingers ran in without the ball in possession (81.1%), moved toward defenders 2 and 5 and stood next to defenders, and occasionally blocked, slid or left their position. The defense\'s central zone was preferred by players to make a throw. Correspondence analysis showed that wingers finally returned to their initial position regardless of the evolution of the attack. Their role was to block a specific defender or disorganize the defense, for one defender to be isolated so that one attacking player could execute a shot from the central area. Conclusively, wingers play an important role, especially in run-in actions, at the completion of an attack, and in the final throw.






  • 文章类型: Review
    Women in the fields of medicine and science often consider career pivots to transition out or transition up; in this review, we offer 4 lessons learned to make those pivots maximally successful. These lessons emphasize the need to honor the feeling that it is time to pivot, especially if you develop a strong sense of restlessness indicating you are in a space that no longer serves you; they also emphasize the importance of seeking the guidance of a mentor, sponsor, or coach. Although flexibility is a substantial part of the transition, it is important to have a road map in the form of a career development plan, and it is of utmost importance to complete the transition professionally.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Long-term research projects are not always able to adapt to a new crisis and incorporate characteristics and approaches of rapid research to produce useful data quickly. Project AViD was a programme of research that ran between 2018 and 2022 to examine factors that shape vaccine confidence. The project initially focused on five country case studies looking at vaccines for Ebola, Measles, Rift Valley Fever and Zika. The COVID-19 pandemic emerged during this time and provided an opportunity to contribute to the pandemic\'s \'million-dollar question\'-how to deploy COVID-19 vaccines. Drawing on our experience as researchers, and specifically from AViD, we propose seven factors that can influence when and how longer-term qualitative research projects can adapt and contribute to the response to an unfolding health emergency. These include: (1) the phase of research in which the emergency hits; (2) the relative significance of the emergency in the research setting; (3) the specific methods and research team capacities; (4) existing operational links; (5) supportive ecosystems; (6) flexibility in research contracting and funding; and (7) the research team attitude and approach. We close with two considerations for longer-term research projects that find themselves having to \"change gear\" amid a public health emergency-the need to re-assess risks and benefits and the need to protect equitable partnerships.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    An improved understanding of the relationships between bone morphology and in vivo tibio-femoral kinematics potentially enhances functional outcomes in patients with knee disorders. The aim of this study was to quantify the influence of femoral and tibial bony morphology on tibio-femoral kinematics throughout complete gait cycles in healthy subjects. Twenty-six volunteers underwent clinical examination, radiographic assessment, and dynamic video-fluoroscopy during level walking, downhill walking, and stair descent. Femoral computer-tomography (CT) measurements included medial condylar (MC) and lateral condylar (LC) width, MC and LC flexion circle, and lateral femoral condyle index (LFCI). Tibial CT measurements included both medial (MTP) and lateral tibial plateau (LTP) slopes, depths, lengths, and widths. The influence of bony morphology on tibial internal/external rotation and anteroposterior (AP)-translation of the lateral and medial compartments were analyzed in a multiple regression model. An increase in tibial internal/external rotation could be demonstrated with decreasing MC width β: -0.30 (95% CI: -0.58 to -0.03) (p = 0.03) during the loaded stance phase of level walking. An increased lateral AP-translation occurred with both a smaller LC flexion circle β: -0.16 (95% CI: -0.28 to -0.05) (p = 0.007) and a deeper MTP β: 0.90 (95% CI: 0.23 to 1.56) (p = 0.01) during the loaded stance phase of level walking. The identified relationship between in vivo tibio-femoral kinematics and bone morphology supports a customized approach and individual assessment of these factors in patients with knee disorders and potentially enhances functional outcomes in anterior cruciate ligament injuries and total knee arthroplasty.






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    文章类型: English Abstract
    BACKGROUND: The anterior cruciate ligament is an anatomical structure that tends to cause problems for specialists when formulating an accurate diagnosis. There are measurement tools that support the diagnosis such as the KT1000; however, it still has some limitations, since it only manages to measure a single axis of movement, while the \"pivot-shift\" maneuver manages to capture more information about the state of the ligament, as it allows to evaluate the three axes of movement of the joint. The \"pivot-shift\" maneuver lacks a standard execution, therefore it can produce disagreement between evaluators; this creates the need for a tool capable of standardizing the maneuver, while providing an interpretable measurement.
    METHODS: Pivot-shift meter application, a mobile software capable of capturing information on the movements made when executing a pivot maneuver. Intraclass correlation coefficient to measure the intra- and inter-observer correlation of the information captured by the application. The data was obtained from 66 random participants, using the mobile phone\'s built-in gyroscopes.
    RESULTS: With the 66 tests carried out, it was observed that the evaluators tend to achieve high reproducibility when executing the maneuvers within the time period established by the application, which reached an intraclass correlation coefficient above 90%.
    CONCLUSIONS: The intra- and inter-observer correlation is high enough to be able to perform a quantitative analysis of the pivot-shift maneuver, through a mobile phone.
    UNASSIGNED: El ligamento cruzado anterior es una estructura anatómica que tiende a dar problemas a los especialistas al formular un diagnóstico certero. Existen herramientas de medición que apoyan el diagnóstico como el KT1000; sin embargo, aún presenta algunas limitaciones, pues sólo logra medir un solo eje de movimiento, mientras que la maniobra de pivot-shift logra capturar más información sobre el estado del ligamento, ya que permite evaluar los tres ejes de movimiento de la articulación. La maniobra de pivot-shift carece de una ejecución estándar, por ello puede producir discordancia entre evaluadores; así se crea la necesidad de una herramienta capaz de estandarizar la maniobra al tiempo que arroje una medición interpretable.
    UNASSIGNED: La aplicación \"pivot-shift meter\" es un software para móviles capaz de capturar información de los movimientos realizados al ejecutar una maniobra de pivote. Se utilizó el índice de correlación intraclase para medir la correlación intra- e interobservador de la información capturada por la aplicación. Los datos fueron obtenidos de 66 participantes aleatorios, mediante el giroscopio integrado del teléfono móvil.
    RESULTS: Con los 66 ensayos realizados se observó que los evaluadores tienden a alcanzar una alta reproducibilidad al ejecutar las maniobras dentro del periodo de tiempo establecido por la aplicación, que alcanzó un índice de correlación intraclase por encima de 90%.
    UNASSIGNED: La correlación intra- e interobservador es lo suficientemente alta como para poder realizar un análisis cuantitativo de la maniobra de pivot-shift a través de un teléfono móvil.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The progression of tumorigenesis starts with a few mutational and structural driver events in the cell. Various cohort-based computational tools exist to identify driver genes but require multiple samples to identify less frequently mutated driver genes. Many studies use different methods to identify driver mutations/genes from mutations that have no impact on tumor progression; however, a small fraction of patients show no mutational events in any known driver genes. Current unsupervised methods map somatic and expression data onto a network to identify personalized driver genes based on changes in expression. Our method is the first machine learning model to classify genes as tumor suppressor gene (TSG), oncogene (OG), or neutral, thus assigning the functional impact of the gene in the patient. In this study, we develop a multi-omic approach, PIVOT (Personalized Identification of driVer OGs and TSGs), to train on experimentally or computationally validated mutational and structural driver events. Given the lack of any gold standards for the identification of personalized driver genes, we label the data using four strategies and, based on classification metrics, show gene-based labeling strategies perform best. We build different models using SNV, RNA, and multi-omic features to be used based on the data available. Our models trained on multi-omic data improved predictions compared with mutation and expression data, achieving an accuracy ≥ 0.99 for BRCA, LUAD, and COAD datasets. We show network and expression-based features contribute the most to PIVOT. Our predictions on BRCA, COAD, and LUAD cancer types reveal commonly altered genes such as TP53 and PIK3CA, which are predicted drivers for multiple cancer types. Along with known driver genes, our models also identify new driver genes such as PRKCA, SOX9, and PSMD4. Our multi-omic model labels both CNV and mutations with a more considerable contribution by CNV alterations. While predicting labels for genes mutated in multiple samples, we also label rare driver events occurring in as few as one sample. We also identify genes with dual roles within the same cancer type. Overall, PIVOT labels personalized driver genes as TSGs and OGs and also identified rare driver genes.






  • DOI:
    文章类型: Journal Article
    Musée de la Cour d\'Or, Metz, France, possesses a female skull bearing a gold wire dental appliance claimed in a 1934 Dental Cosmos article on the history of dental prosthetics to be \'probably\' Merovingian in origin. Inquiries in 2017 revealed current museum curators were unaware of this claim but were skeptical of such dating suggesting scientific analysis might provide clarity. Carbon dating of a tooth from the skull was carried out placing the artifact in the mid seventeenth-late eighteenth centuries while Metz historical records reveal the find site was occupied by a convent of nuns for most of C14 dated period. Strontium isotopic analysis indicates the woman was a local of the Metz region while fluorine analysis indicates exposure to fluoride early in life. Oral health status and the dentistry indicate the woman was of high social status.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The physical examination in anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries is extremely important, and the Lever test is commonly utilized on ACL evaluation. However, the number and scope of studies on the Lever test is limited. In this prospective cross-sectional study, we aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of the diagnostic values of Lachman, Pivot Shift, Lever, and Anterior Drawer tests in terms of quadriceps atrophy and case phase in ACL injuries.
    METHODS: In this prospective study, diagnostic values of Lachman, Pivot Shift, Lever, and Anterior Drawer tests were examined on 189 patients with positive MRI results as the gold standard.
    RESULTS: Lever test positivity was significantly more frequent in the group with quadriceps atrophy preoperative and after sedation (p<0.05). Anterior Drawer test positivity was significantly more frequent in the group with positive quadriceps atrophy preoperatively, after sedation and after spinal anesthesia (p<0.05). Lever and Anterior Drawer tests were positively correlated with quadriceps atrophy preop and after sedation (p<0.05). Lever test before surgery, after sedation and after spinal anesthesia in the chronic patient group was more positive than in the acute and subacute groups (p<0.05). Lever test was positively correlated with phase preoperatively, after sedation and after spinal anesthesia (p<0.01).
    CONCLUSIONS: The presence or absence of quadriceps atrophy in patients with acute, sub-acute, or chronic ACL injury has a significant effect on the predictive value of the Lever test. We think that univariate analyzes may give incorrect results when demonstrating predictive value, and it would be more correct to perform multivariate analyzes.






  • DOI:
    文章类型: Journal Article
    Musée de la Cour d\'Or, Metz, France, possesses a female skull bearing a gold wire dental appliance claimed in a 1934 Dental Cosmos article on the history of dental prosthetics to be \'probably\' Merovingian in origin. Inquiries in 2017 revealed current museum curators were unaware of this claim but were skeptical of such dating, suggesting scientific analysis might provide clarity. Carbon dating of a tooth from the skull was performed placing the artifact in the mid seventeenth-late eighteenth centuries, while Metz historical records reveal the find site was occupied by a convent of nuns for most of C14 dated period. Strontium isotopic analysis indicated that the woman was a local of the Metz region while fluorine analysis indicated exposure to fluoride early in life. Oral health status and the dentistry indicate the woman was of high social status.





