• 文章类型: Journal Article
    Considering the occurrence of serious heart failure in a gene knockout mouse of PIP5Kγ and in congenital abnormal cases in humans in which the gene was defective as reported by others, the present study attempted to localize PIP5Kγ in the heart during prenatal stages. It was done on the basis of the supposition that phenotypes caused by gene mutation of a given molecule are owed to the functional deterioration of selective cellular sites normally expressing it at significantly higher levels in wild mice. PIP5Kγ-immunoreactivity was the highest in the heart at E10 in contrast to almost non-significant levels of the immunoreactivity in surrounding organs and tissues such as liver. The immunoreactivity gradually weakened in the heart with the prenatal age, and it was at non-significant levels at newborn and postnatal stages. Six patterns in localization of distinct immunoreactivity for PIP5Kγ were recognized in cardiomyocytes: (1) its localization on the plasma membranes and subjacent cytoplasm without association with short myofibrils and (2) its localization on them as well as short myofibrils in association with them in cardiomyocytes of early differentiation at E10; (3) its spot-like localization along long myofibrils in cardiomyocytes of advanced differentiation at E10; (4) rare occurrences of such spot-like localization along long myofibrils in cardiomyocytes of advanced differentiation at E14; (5) its localization at Z-bands of long myofibrils; and (6) its localization at intercellular junctions including the intercalated discs in cardiomyocytes of advanced differentiation at E10 and E14, especially dominant at the latter stage. No distinct localization of PIP5Kγ-immunoreactivity of any patterns was seen in the heart at E18 and P1D. The present finding suggests that sites of PIP5Kγ-appearance and probably of its high activity in cardiomyocytes are shifted from the plasma membranes through short myofibrils subjacent to the plasma membranes and long myofibrils, to Z-bands as well as to the intercalated discs during the mid-term gestation. It is further suggested that PIP5Kγ is involved in the differentiation of myofibrils as well as intercellular junctions including the intercalated discs at later stages of the mid-term gestation. Failures in its involvement in the differentiation of these structural components are thus likely to cause the mid-term gestation lethality of the mutant mice for PIP5Kγ.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The type I phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate 5-kinase (PIP5K) family produces the critical lipid regulator phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PI(4,5)P2) in the plasma membrane (PM). Here, we investigated the potential role of PIP5Kγ, a PIP5K isoform, in the Hippo pathway. The ectopic expression of PIP5Kγ87 or PIP5Kγ90, two major PIP5Kγ splice variants, activated large tumor suppressor kinase 1 (LATS1) and inhibited Yes-associated protein (YAP), whereas PIP5Kγ knockdown yielded opposite effects. The regulatory effects of PIP5Kγ were dependent on its catalytic activity and the presence of Merlin and LATS1. PIP5Kγ knockdown weakened the restoration of YAP phosphorylation upon stimulation with epidermal growth factor or lysophosphatidic acid. We further found that PIP5Kγ90 bound to the Merlin\'s band 4.1/ezrin/radixin/moesin (FERM) domain, forming a complex with PI(4,5)P2 and LATS1 at the PM. Notably, PIP5Kγ90, but not its kinase-deficient mutant, potentiated Merlin-LATS1 interaction and recruited LATS1 to the PM. Consistently, PIP5Kγ knockdown or inhibitor (UNC3230) enhanced colony formation in carcinoma cell lines YAP-dependently. In addition, PIP5Kγ90 interacted with heat shock cognate 71-kDa protein (Hsc70), which also contributed to Hippo pathway activation. Collectively, our results suggest that PIP5Kγ regulates the Hippo-YAP pathway by forming a functional complex with Merlin and LATS1 at the PI(4,5)P2-rich PM and via interplay with Hsc70.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    It is known that phosphatidylinositol phosphate 5 kinase (PIP5K) γ and phospholipase C (PLC) β3, working sequentially in the phosphoinositide cycle, are localized in dorsal root ganglion (DRG) somata and are involved in the regulation of pain and related sensations. However, the sites of their involvement have remained to be clarified. In the present study, immunoreactivity for PLCβ3 was distinct only in the central process of mouse DRG, but not in its peripheral process, in contrast to distinct PIP5Kγ-immunoreactivity in both peripheral and central DRG processes. No nerve terminals showing immunoreactivity for PLCβ3 were detected in any peripheral sensory fields, similar to PIP5Kγ-immunoreactivity. In DRG somata, PIP5Kγ-immunoreactivity was rather confined to the neurolemma in which dots and threads were discerned in 3D bright field light microscopy. This feature well corresponded to its discontinuous localization along the plasma membranes in immuno-electron microscopy. In contrast, PLCβ3-immunoreactivity occurred diffusely throughout the somata, but did not take distinct appearance of immunoreaction on neurolemma or plasma membranes, unlike PIP5Kγ-immunoreactivity. In addition, satellite glial cells were immunonegative for PLCβ3, but immunopositive for PIP5Kγ. The involvement of PLCβ3 in regulation of pain and related sensations is thus suggested to be mainly exerted at levels of the DRG soma and its upstream, but to be less significant in the peripheral sensory fields, similar to PIP5Kγ. The possibility is also suggested that PIP, PIP5Kγ-target, is localized heterogeneously, but PIP2, PLCβ3-target, is localized homogenously over the plane of the neuronal plasma membranes. RESEARCH HIGHLIGHTS: PIP5Kγ, different from PLCβ3, was localized heterogeneously on neuronal membranes, and this difference was demonstrated in 3D-bright field immuno-light and electron microscopy. Either PIP5Kγ or PLCβ3 was not detected in peripheral nerve terminals.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Based on the theory that the phosphoinositide (PI) signal is involved in the physiology of cornea and conjunctiva, we examined the localization in the mouse anterior ocular epithelia of immunoreactivities for phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate 5-kinase (PIP5K), phospholipase C (PLC) and diacylglycerol kinase (DGK), enzymes that work sequentially in PI cycle. Immunoreactivity for PIP5Kγ in the corneal epithelium, including the limbus, was distinct in adults in contrast to faint or negligible immunoreactivity in the conjunctival epithelium in neonatal mice. This adult localization pattern was first recognized at the postnatal time of eyelid opening. Immunoreactivity for PLCβ3 was rather equally distinct throughout the entire corneal and conjunctival epithelia in adults. DGKζ-immunoreactive nuclei were mainly localized in the basal half domain of the corneal epithelium but in both basal and apical domains of the conjunctival epithelium in adults. This nuclear immunoreactivity was at weak or negligible levels in the peripheral and limbus cornea and in a considerable portion of the bulbar conjunctival epithelium continuous with the limbus. The adult patterns for PLCβ3 and DGKζ were already present at birth. The present findings suggest the following possibilities on the functional significance of the three enzyme molecules. PIP5Kγ is involved in cornea-specific functions such as bright-field vision, including corneal transparency, and in the stability of epithelial junctions, for which there seems to be a much higher requirement in the corneal epithelium than in the conjunctival epithelium. PLCβ3 is involved from birth in as-yet undefined functions exerted ubiquitously from birth in both corneal and conjunctival epithelia. DGKζ is involved in regulation from birth of the transcription in epithelial cells, including apoptosis as well as regulation of mitosis of epithelial cells in both cornea and conjunctiva, with the transcription involvement more apparent in the conjunctiva, although it does not work in stem cells of the corneal limbus.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Based on a previous study by others reporting that PIP5Kγ (phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate 5-kinase γ) and its product, phosphatidylinositol 4,5 bisphosphate (PIP2 ), are involved in the regulation of nociception, the present immunohistochemical study examined the localization of PIP5Kγ-immunoreactivity in dorsal root ganglia (DRG) and their peripheral and central terminal fields. PIP5Kγ-immunoreactivity was localized for the first time in the muscle spindles, in which it was found in I-bands of polar regions of intrafusal muscle fibers and also in sensory nerve terminals abutting on equatorial regions of the muscle fibers. This finding indicates the involvement of PIP5Kγ in the proprioception and suggests somehow complicated mechanisms of its involvement because of its heterogeneous localization in intra-I-band structures. In DRG, on the other hand, PIP5Kγ-immunoreactivity was shown to be localized heterogeneously, but not evenly, over apposed plasma membranes of both neurons and ganglionic satellite cells in immune electron microscopy. In addition, no peripheral nerve terminals of DRG showing its distinct immunoreactivity were found in most peripheral fields of nociception and any other sensory perception except for the proprioception through muscle spindles. In contrast, numerous central terminals of DRG in the spinal posterior horn were immunoreactive for it. This finding leads us to consider the possibility that the regulation by PIP5Kγ of nociception is dominantly exerted in DRG and sensory neural tracts central, rather than peripheral, to DRG.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Chronic hyperglycaemia during diabetes leads to non-enzymatic glycation of proteins to form advanced glycation end products (AGEs) that contribute to nephropathy. We describe AGE uptake in LLC-PK1 and HK2 proximal tubule cell lines by macropinocytosis, a non-specific, endocytic mechanism. AGE-BSA induced dorsal circular actin ruffles and amiloride-sensitive dextran-TRITC uptake, significantly increased AGE-BSA-FITC uptake (167±20% vs BSA control, p<0.01) and was ezrin-dependent. AGE-BSA-FITC uptake was significantly inhibited by amiloride and inhibitors of Arf6, Rac1, racGEF Tiam1, PAK1 and actin polymerisation. AGE-BSA-FITC, Arf6 and PIP2 co-localised within dorsal circular actin ruffles. AGE-BSA increased PAK1 kinase activity (212±41% vs control, p<0.05) and protein levels of Tiam1, a Rac1 activator. AGE-BSA significantly increased TGF-β1 protein levels (160±6%, p<0.001 vs BSA), which were significantly inhibited by inhibitors of Arf6 (82±19%, p<0.001 vs AGE) and actin polymerisation (107±11%, p<0.001 vs AGE), suggesting AGEs partially exert their profibrotic effects via macropinocytosis. PAK1 and PIP5Kγ siRNA significantly decreased AGE-BSA-FITC uptake (81±6% and 64±7%, respectively, p<0.05 vs control for both), and AGE-stimulated TGF-β1 protein release (99±15% and 49±8% of control, p<0.05 and p<0.001, respectively). Inhibition of AGE uptake by macropinocytosis inhibitors and a neutralising TGF-β antibody, reversed the AGE-induced decrease in surface Na(+)K(+)ATPase, suggesting AGE uptake by macropinocytosis may contribute to diabetic kidney fibrosis and/or EMT by modulating this pump. Understanding methods of cellular uptake and signalling by AGEs may lead to novel therapies for diabetic nephropathy.





