PEG hydrogel

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Lumenogenesis within the epiblast represents a critical step in early human development, priming the embryo for future specification and patterning events. However, little is known about the specific mechanisms that drive this process due to the inability to study the early embryo in vivo. While human pluripotent stem cell (hPSC)-based models recapitulate many aspects of the human epiblast, most approaches for generating these 3D structures rely on ill-defined, reconstituted basement membrane matrices. Here, we designed synthetic, nonadhesive polyethylene glycol (PEG) hydrogel matrices to better understand the role of matrix mechanical cues in iPSC morphogenesis, specifically elastic modulus. First, we identified a narrow range of hydrogel moduli that were conducive to the hPSC viability, pluripotency, and differentiation. We then used this platform to investigate the effects of the hydrogel modulus on lumenogenesis, finding that matrices of intermediate stiffness yielded the most epiblast-like aggregates. Conversely, stiffer matrices impeded lumen formation and apico-basal polarization, while the softest matrices yielded polarized but aberrant structures. Our approach offers a simple, modular platform for modeling the human epiblast and investigating the role of matrix cues in its morphogenesis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Immunization is a straightforward concept but remains for some pathogens like HIV-1 a challenge. Thus, new approaches towards increasing the efficacy of vaccines are required to turn the tide. There is increasing evidence that antigen exposure over several days to weeks induces a much stronger and more sustained immune response compared to traditional bolus injection, which usually leads to antigen elimination from the body within a couple of days. Therefore, we developed a poly(ethylene) glycol (PEG) hydrogel platform to investigate the principal feasibility of a sustained release of antigens to mimic natural infection kinetics. Eight-and four-armed PEG macromonomers of different MWs (10, 20, and 40 kDa) were end-group functionalized to allow for hydrogel formation via covalent cross-linking. An HIV-1 envelope (Env) antigen in its trimeric (Envtri) or monomeric (Envmono) form was applied. The soluble Env antigen was compared to a formulation of Env attached to silica nanoparticles (Env-SiNPs). The latter are known to have a higher immunogenicity compared to their soluble counterparts. Hydrogels were tunable regarding the rheological behavior allowing for different degradation times and release timeframes of Env-SiNPs over two to up to 50 days. Affinity measurements of the VCR01 antibody which specifically recognizes the CD4 binding site of Env, revealed that neither the integrity nor the functionality of Envmono-SiNPs (Kd = 2.1 ± 0.9 nM) and Envtri-SiNPs (Kd = 1.5 ± 1.3 nM), respectively, were impaired after release from the hydrogel (Kd before release: 2.1 ± 0.1 and 7.8 ± 5.3 nM, respectively). Finally, soluble Env and Env-SiNPs which are two physico-chemically distinct compounds, were co-delivered and shown to be sequentially released from one hydrogel which could be beneficial in terms of heterologous immunization or single dose vaccination. In summary, this study presents a tunable, versatile applicable, and effective delivery platform that could improve vaccination effectiveness also for other infectious diseases than HIV-1.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Lung tissue biopsies can result in a leakage of blood (hemothorax) and air (pneumothorax) from the biopsy tract, which threatens the patient with a collapsed lung and other complications. We have developed a lung biopsy tract sealant based on a thiol-ene-crosslinked PEG hydrogel and polyurethane shape memory polymer (SMP) foam composite. After insertion into biopsy tracts, the PEG hydrogel component contributes to sealing through water-driven swelling, whereas the SMP foam contributes to sealing via thermal actuation. The gelation kinetics, swelling properties, and rheological properties of various hydrogel formulations were studied to determine the optimal formulation for composite fabrication. Composites were then fabricated via vacuum infiltration of the PEG hydrogel precursors into the SMP foam followed by thermal curing. After drying, the composites were crimped to enable insertion into biopsy tracts. Characterization revealed that the composites exhibited a slight delay in shape recovery compared to control SMP foams. However, the composites were still able to recover their shape in a matter of minutes. Cytocompatibility testing showed that leachable byproducts can be easily removed by washing and washed composites were not cytotoxic to mouse lung fibroblasts (L929s). Benchtop testing demonstrated that the composites can be easily deployed through a cannula, and the working time for deployment after exposure to water was 2 min. Furthermore, testing in an in vitro lung model demonstrated that the composites were able to effectively seal a lung biopsy tract and prevent air leakage. Collectively, these results show that the PEG hydrogel/SMP foam composites have the potential to be used as lung biopsy tract sealants to prevent pneumothorax post-lung biopsy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Intraperitoneal (IP) drug delivery of chemotherapeutic agents, administered through hyperthermal intraperitoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC) and pressurized intraperitoneal aerosolized chemotherapy (PIPAC), is effective for the treatment of peritoneal malignancies. However, these therapeutic interventions are cumbersome in terms of surgical practice and are often associated with the formation of peritoneal adhesions, due to the catheters inserted into the peritoneal cavity during these procedures. Hence, there is a need for the development of drug delivery systems that can be administered into the peritoneal cavity. In this study, we have developed a nanocapsule (NCs)-loaded hydrogel for drug delivery in the peritoneal cavity. The hydrogel has been developed using poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) and thiol-maleimide chemistry. NCs-loaded hydrogels were characterized by rheology and their resistance to dilution and drug release were determined in vitro. Using IVIS® to measure individual organ and recovered gel fluorescence intensity, an in vivo imaging study was performed and demonstrated that NCs incorporated in the PEG gel were retained in the IP cavity for 24 h after IP administration. NCs-loaded PEG gels could find potential applications as biodegradable, drug delivery systems that could be implanted in the IP cavity, for example at a the tumour resection site to prevent recurrence of microscopic tumours.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cell-based therapies hold significant advantages in comparison with the traditional drug-based or injection-based treatments. However, for long-term functional cellular implants, immune acceptance must be established. To accomplish the acceptance of the implanted cells, various biomaterial systems have been studied. Nanogels have shown great potential for modulation of cellular microenvironments, acting as a physical barrier between the immune system and the implant. However, internalization of nano-scale materials by implanted cells is not desirable and is yet to be overcome. In this study, we incorporated acrylate modified cholesterol-bearing pullulan (CHPOA) nanogels into poly (ethylene glycol) diacrylate (PEGDA) hydrogels through covalent crosslinking, where we used visible light-induced photopolymerization. We characterized morphology and swelling properties of CHPOA incorporated PEG composite hydrogels using FE-SEM and gravimetric analysis. Also, we investigated the biocompatibility properties of composite hydrogels in vivo, where we used both healthy and diabetic mice. We induced diabetes in mice using a low dose streptozotocin (STZ) injections and implanted composite hydrogels in both diabetic and healthy mice through subcutaneous route. Immune cell infiltration of the retrieved tissue was examined through histological analysis, where we observed minimum immune response levels of 0-2 rareness, according to ISO standard of biological evaluation of medical devices. Our observation suggests that the composite hydrogel developed here can be used to introduce nanostructured domains into bulk hydrogels and that this system has potential to be used as immunologically acceptable composite material in cellular therapy without internalization of nanoparticles.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Injectable and degradable PEG hydrogel was prepared via Michael-type addition between cross-linking monomer 4-arm-PEG-MAL and two cross-linkers of hydrolysis degradable PEG-diester-dithiol and non-degradable PEG-dithiol, and it had a porous structure with the uniform pore size. The biocompatibility assays in vitro indicated that PEG hydrogel had excellent biocompatibility and can be degraded naturally without leading to any negative impact on cells. The results of antibacterial experiments showed that PEG hydrogel can inhibit the growth of bacteria. Furthermore, the Cell Counting Kit-8 (CCK-8) assay, LIVE/DEAD cell staining, and scratch healing experiments proved that PEG hydrogel can promote cell proliferation and migration, which had been further confirmed in in vivo experiments on the rat wound models. All experimental results demonstrated that PEG hydrogel is an injectable antibacterial dressing, which can promote the process of wound healing and has great potential in the field of wound healing.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Silica nanoparticles (G-SiNPs) blocked with 3-glycidoxypropyl trimethoxysilane (GPTS) were newly applied to hydrogel films for improving film coating properties and to distribute the epoxy groups on the film surface. The effects of the content of epoxy-functionalized G-SiNPs on the crosslinking features by photo-induced radical polymerization and the surface mechanical properties of the hydrogel films containing poly(ethylene glycol) dimethacrylate (PEGDMA) and glycidyl methacrylate (GMA) were investigated. The real-time elastic modulus of various PEG hydrogel mixtures with prepared particles was monitored using a rotational rheometer. The distribution of epoxy groups on the crosslinked film surface was directly and indirectly estimated by the elemental analysis of Si and Br. The surface mechanical properties of various hydrogel films were measured by nano-indentation and nano-scratch tests. The relationship between the rheological and surface properties of PEG-based hydrogel films suggests that the use of small amounts of G-SiNPs enhances the surface hardness and crosslinked network of the film and uniformly distributes sufficient epoxy groups on the film surface for further coating applications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Since articular cartilage does not regenerate itself, researches are underway to heal damaged articular cartilage by applying biomaterials such as a hydrogel. In this study, we have constructed a dual-layer composite hydrogel mimicking the layered structure of articular cartilage. The top layer consists of a high-density PEG hydrogel prepared with 8-arm PEG and PEG diacrylate using thiol-norbornene photo-click chemistry. The compressive modulus of the top layer was 700.1 kPa. The bottom layer consists of a low-density PEG hydrogel reinforced with a 3D silk fiber construct. The low-density PEG hydrogel was prepared with 4-arm PEG using the same cross-linking chemistry, and the compressive modulus was 13.2 kPa. Silk fiber was chosen based on the strong interfacial bonding with the low-density PEG hydrogel. The 3D silk fiber construct was fabricated by moving the silk fiber around the piles using a pile frame, and the compressive modulus of the 3D silk fiber construct was 567 kPa. The two layers were joined through a covalent bond which endowed sufficient stability against repeated torsions. The final 3D silk fiber construct embedded dual-layer PEG hydrogel had a compressive modulus of 744 kPa. Chondrogenic markers confirmed the chondrogenic differentiation of human mesenchymal stem cells encapsulated in the bottom layer.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Due to their ability to confer key functions of the native extracellular matrix (ECM) poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG)-based and PEG-modified materials have been extensively used as biocompatible and biofunctionalized substrate systems to study the influence of environmental parameters on cell adhesion in vitro. Given wide-ranging recent evidence that ECM compliance influences a variety of cell functions, the detailed determination and characterization of the specific PEG surface characteristics including topography, stiffness and chemistry is required. Here, we studied two frequently used bio-active interfaces - PEG-based and PEG-modified surfaces - to elucidate the differences between the physical surface properties, which cells can sense and respond to. For this purpose, two sets of surfaces were synthesized: the first set consisted of nanopatterned glass surfaces containing cRGD-functionalized gold nanoparticles surrounded by a passivated PEG-silane layer and the second set consisted of PEG-diacrylate (PEG-DA) hydrogels decorated with cRGD-functionalized gold nanoparticlesAlthough the two sets of nanostructured materials compared here were highly similar in terms of density and geometrical distribution of the presented bio-ligands as well as in terms of mechanical bulk properties, the topography and mechanical properties of the surfaces were found to be substantially different and are described in detail. In comparison to very stiff and ultrasmooth surface properties of the PEG-passivated glasses, the mechanical properties of PEG-DA surfaces in the biologically relevant stiffness range, together with the increased surface roughness at micro- and nanoscale levels have the potential to affect cell behavior. This potential was verified by studying the adhesive behavior of hematopoietic KG-1a and rat embryonic fibroblast (REF52) cells on both surfaces.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A critical hurdle associated with natural killer (NK) cell immunotherapies is inadequate infiltration and function in the solid tumor microenvironment. Well-controlled 3D culture systems could advance our understanding of the role of various biophysical and biochemical cues that impact NK cell migration in solid tumors. The objectives of this study were to establish a biomaterial which (i) supports NK cell migration and (ii) recapitulates features of the in vivo solid tumor microenvironment, to study NK infiltration and function in a 3D system. Using peptide-functionalized poly(ethylene glycol)-based hydrogels, the extent of NK-92 cell migration was observed to be largely dependent on the density of integrin binding sites and the presence of matrix metalloproteinase degradable sites. When lung cancer cells were encapsulated into the hydrogels to create tumor microenvironments, the extent of NK-92 cell migration and functional activity was dependent on the cancer cell type and duration of 3D culture. NK-92 cells showed greater migration into the models consisting of nonmetastatic A549 cells relative to metastatic H1299 cells, and reduced migration in both models when cancer cells were cultured for 7 days versus 1 day. In addition, the production of NK cell-related pro-inflammatory cytokines and chemokines was reduced in H1299 models relative to A549 models. These differences in NK-92 cell migration and cytokine/chemokine production corresponded to differences in the production of various immunomodulatory molecules by the different cancer cells, namely, the H1299 models showed increased stress ligand shedding and immunosuppressive cytokine production, particularly TGF-β. Indeed, inhibition of TGF-β receptor I in NK-92 cells restored their infiltration in H1299 models to levels similar to that in A549 models and increased overall infiltration in both models. Relative to conventional 2D cocultures, NK-92 cell mediated cytotoxicity was reduced in the 3D tumor models, suggesting the hydrogel serves to mimic some features of the biophysical barriers in in vivo tumor microenvironments. This study demonstrates the feasibility of a synthetic hydrogel system for investigating the biophysical and biochemical cues impacting NK cell infiltration and NK cell-cancer cell interactions in the solid tumor microenvironment.





