
  • 文章类型: Published Erratum
    [This corrects the article DOI: 10.3389/fnhum.2023.1249978.].






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Understanding the interplay between attachment style, emotional processing, and neural responses is crucial for comprehending the diverse ways individuals function socially and emotionally. While previous research has contributed to our knowledge of how attachment style influences emotional processing, there is still a gap in the literature when it comes to investigating emotional feedback using event-related potentials (ERPs) within a cognitive framework. This study aims to address this gap by examining the effects of attachment style and feedback valence on ERP components, specifically focusing on the P200 and P400. The findings reveal significant effects of attachment style and feedback valence on both components. In insecure attachment styles, noticeable shifts in relative energy are observed during the transition from negative to positive feedback for both the P200 and P400. Conversely, individuals with secure attachment styles exhibit minimal to moderate variations in relative energy, consistently maintaining a lower P200 energy level. Additionally, both secure and insecure individuals demonstrate heightened intensity in the P400 component in response to positive feedback. These findings underscore the influential role of attachment style in shaping emotional reactivity and regulation, emphasizing the significance of attachment theory in understanding individual differences in social and emotional functioning. This study provides novel insights into the neural mechanisms underlying the influence of attachment style on emotional processing within the context of cognitive task performance. Future research should consider diverse participant samples, employ objective measures of attachment, and utilize longitudinal designs to further explore the neural processes associated with attachment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The ability to distinguish facial emotions emerges in infancy. Although this ability has been shown to emerge between 5 and 7 months of age, the literature is less clear regarding the extent to which neural correlates of perception and attention play a role in processing of specific emotions. This study\'s main goal was to examine this question among infants. To this end, we presented angry, fearful, and happy faces to 7-month-old infants (N = 107, 51% female) while recording event-related brain potentials. The perceptual N290 component showed a heightened response for fearful and happy relative to angry faces. Attentional processing, indexed by the P400, showed some evidence of a heightened response for fearful relative to happy and angry faces. We did not observe robust differences by emotion in the negative central (Nc) component, although trends were consistent with previous work suggesting a heightened response to negatively valenced expressions. Results suggest that perceptual (N290) and attentional (P400) processing is sensitive to emotions in faces, but these processes do not provide evidence for a fear-specific bias across components.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Postnatal maternal anxiety is common (estimates as high as 40% prevalence) and is associated with altered mother-infant interactions (e.g., reduced maternal emotional expression and engagement). Neural circuitry supporting infants\' face and emotion processing develops in their first year. Thus, early exposure to maternal anxiety may impact infants\' developing understanding of emotional displays. We examine whether maternal anxiety is associated with individual differences in typically developing infants\' neural responses to emotional faces.
    METHODS: One hundred and forty two mother-infant dyads were assessed when infants were 5, 7, or 12 months old. Infants\' electroencephalographic (EEG) data were recorded while passively viewing female happy, fearful, and angry faces. Three event-related potential (ERP) components, each linked to face and emotion processing, were evaluated: NC, N290, and P400. Infant ERP amplitude was related to concurrent maternal-report anxiety assessed with the Spielberger State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (Trait form).
    RESULTS: Greater maternal anxiety predicted more negative NC amplitude for happy and fearful faces in left and mid-central scalp regions, beyond covarying influences of maternal depression symptoms, infant negative emotionality, and infant age.
    CONCLUSIONS: Postnatal maternal anxiety is related to infants\' neural processing of emotional expressions. Infants of mothers endorsing high trait anxiety may need additional attentional resources to process happy and fearful faces (expressions less likely experienced in mother-infant interactions). Future research should investigate mechanisms underlying this association, given possibilities include experiential, genetic, and prenatal factors.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: In breast cancer, initiation of carcinogenesis leads to epigenetic dysregulation, which can lead for example to the loss of the heterochromatin skeleton SUV39H1/H3K9me3/HP1 or the supposed secondary skeleton TIP60/P400/H4K12ac/BRD (2/4), which allows the maintenance of chromatin integrity and plasticity. This study investigated the relationship between TIP60, P400 and H4K12ac and their implications in breast tumors.
    METHODS: Seventy-seven patients diagnosed with breast cancer were included in this study. Chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) assay was used to identify chromatin modifications. Western blot and reverse transcription and quantitative real-time PCR were used to determine protein and gene expression, respectively.
    RESULTS: We verified the variation in H4K12ac enrichment and the co-localization of H4K12ac and TIP60 on the euchromatin and heterochromatin genes, respectively, by ChIP-qPCR and ChIP-reChIP, which showed an enrichment of H4K12ac on specific genes in tumors compared to the adjacent healthy tissue and a co-localization of H4K12ac with TIP60 in different breast tumor types. Furthermore, RNA and protein expression of TIP60 and P400 was investigated and overexpression of TIP60 and P400 mRNA was associated with tumor aggressiveness.
    CONCLUSIONS: There is a potential interaction between H4K12ac and TIP60 in heterochromatin or euchromatin in breast tumors.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Notch signal transduction cascade requires cell-to-cell contact and results in the proteolytic processing of the Notch receptor and subsequent assembly of a transcriptional coactivator complex containing the Notch intracellular domain (NICD) and transcription factor RBPJ. In the absence of a Notch signal, RBPJ remains at Notch target genes and dampens transcriptional output. Like in other signaling pathways, RBPJ is able to switch from activation to repression by associating with corepressor complexes containing several chromatin-modifying enzymes. Here, we focus on the recent advances concerning RBPJ-corepressor functions, especially in regard to chromatin regulation. We put this into the context of one of the best-studied model systems for Notch, blood cell development. Alterations in the RBPJ-corepressor functions can contribute to the development of leukemia, especially in the case of acute myeloid leukemia (AML). The versatile role of transcription factor RBPJ in regulating pivotal target genes like c-MYC and HES1 may contribute to the better understanding of the development of leukemia.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Arboviruses are pathogens of humans and animals. A better understanding of the interactions between these pathogens and the arthropod vectors, such as mosquitoes, that transmit them is necessary to develop novel control measures. A major antiviral pathway in the mosquito vector is the exogenous small interfering RNA (exo-siRNA) pathway, which is induced by arbovirus-derived double-stranded RNA in infected cells. Although recent work has shown the key role played by Argonaute-2 (Ago-2) and Dicer-2 (Dcr-2) in this pathway, the regulatory mechanisms that govern these pathways have not been studied in mosquitoes. Here, we show that the Domino ortholog p400 has antiviral activity against the alphavirus Semliki Forest virus (Togaviridae) both in Aedes aegypti-derived cells and in vivo Antiviral activity of p400 was also demonstrated against chikungunya virus (Togaviridae) and Bunyamwera virus (Peribunyaviridae) but not Zika virus (Flaviviridae). p400 was found to be expressed across mosquito tissues and regulated ago-2 but not dcr-2 transcript levels in A. aegypti mosquitoes. These findings provide novel insights into the regulation of an important aedine exo-siRNA pathway effector protein, Ago-2, by the Domino ortholog p400. They add functional insights to previous observations of this protein\'s antiviral and RNA interference regulatory activities in Drosophila melanogasterIMPORTANCE Female Aedes aegypti mosquitoes are vectors of human-infecting arthropod-borne viruses (arboviruses). In recent decades, the incidence of arthropod-borne viral infections has grown dramatically. Vector competence is influenced by many factors, including the mosquito\'s antiviral defenses. The exogenous small interfering RNA (siRNA) pathway is a major antiviral response restricting arboviruses in mosquitoes. While the roles of the effectors of this pathway, Argonaute-2 and Dicer-2 are well characterized, nothing is known about its regulation in mosquitoes. In this study, we demonstrate that A. aegypti p400, whose ortholog Domino in Drosophila melanogaster is a chromatin-remodeling ATPase member of the Tip60 complex, regulates siRNA pathway activity and controls ago-2 expression levels. In addition, we found p400 to have antiviral activity against different arboviruses. Therefore, our study provides new insights into the regulation of the antiviral response in A. aegypti mosquitoes.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The histone variant H2A.Z is involved in several processes such as transcriptional control, DNA repair, regulation of centromeric heterochromatin and, not surprisingly, is implicated in diseases such as cancer. Here, we review the recent developments on H2A.Z focusing on its role in transcriptional activation and repression. H2A.Z, as a replication-independent histone, has been studied in several model organisms and inducible mammalian model systems. Its loading machinery and several modifying enzymes have been recently identified, and some of the long-standing discrepancies in transcriptional activation and/or repression are about to be resolved. The buffering functions of H2A.Z, as supported by genome-wide localization and analyzed in several dynamic systems, are an excellent example of transcriptional control. Posttranslational modifications such as acetylation and ubiquitination of H2A.Z, as well as its specific binding partners, are in our view central players in the control of gene expression. Understanding the key-mechanisms in either turnover or stabilization of H2A.Z-containing nucleosomes as well as defining the H2A.Z interactome will pave the way for therapeutic applications in the future.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The objective was to investigate the influence of audiovisual training on horizontal sound localization and the underlying neurological mechanisms using a combination of psychoacoustic and electrophysiological (i.e., event-related potential, ERP) measurements on sound localization. Audiovisual stimuli were used in the training group, whilst the control group was trained using auditory stimuli only. Training sessions were undertaken once per day for three consecutive days. Sound localization accuracy was evaluated daily after training, using psychoacoustic tests. ERP responses were measured on the first and last day of tasks. Sound localization was significantly improved in the audiovisual training group when compared to the control group. Moreover, a significantly greater reduction in front-back confusion ratio for both trained and untrained angles was found between pre- and post-test in the audiovisual training group. ERP measurement showed a decrease in N1 amplitude and an increase in P2 amplitude in both groups. However, changes in late components were only found in the audiovisual training group, with an increase in P400 amplitude and decrease in N500 amplitude. These results suggest that the interactive effect of audiovisual localization training is likely to be mediated at a relatively late cognitive processing stage.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The incorporation of histone variants into specific chromatin regions is a mechanism by which cells can regulate many important biological processes. One such example is H2A.Z, a highly conserved variant of H2A that is incorporated in genomic regulatory regions and contributes to control gene expression. H2A.Z variant exchange involves the removal of H2A-H2B dimers from a preassembled nucleosome and their replacement with H2A.Z-H2B dimers. A specific family of chromatin remodeling complexes, homologous to the yeast Swr1 complex, have been shown to be capable of this histone exchange activity both in vivo and in vitro. Here, we describe an assay to measure the histone H2A.Z exchange activity of recombinant human p400 on immobilized mononucleosomes in vitro. The assay can be adapted to other histone exchange complexes/catalytic subunits purified from any species.





