
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    P2X receptors are a family of ligand gated ion channels found in a range of eukaryotic species including humans but are not naturally present in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We demonstrate the first recombinant expression and functional gating of the P2X2 receptor in baker\'s yeast. We leverage the yeast host for facile genetic screens of mutant P2X2 by performing site saturation mutagenesis at residues of interest, including SNPs implicated in deafness and at residues involved in native binding. Deep mutational analysis and rounds of genetic engineering yield mutant P2X2 F303Y A304W, which has altered ligand selectivity toward the ATP analog AMP-PNP. The F303Y A304W variant shows over 100-fold increased intracellular calcium amplitudes with AMP-PNP compared to the WT receptor and has a much lower desensitization rate. Since AMP-PNP does not naturally activate P2X receptors, the F303Y A304W P2X2 may be a starting point for downstream applications in chemogenetic cellular control. Interestingly, the A304W mutation selectively destabilizes the desensitized state, which may provide a mechanistic basis for receptor opening with suboptimal agonists. The yeast system represents an inexpensive, scalable platform for ion channel characterization and engineering by circumventing the more expensive and time-consuming methodologies involving mammalian hosts.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Extracellular adenosine 5\'-triphosphate (ATP) is one of the best-known and frequently studied neurotransmitters. Its broad spectrum of biological activity is conditioned by the activation of purinergic receptors, including the P2X2 receptor. The P2X2 receptor is present in the central and peripheral nervous system of many species, including laboratory animals, domestic animals, and primates. However, the distribution of the P2X2 receptor in the nervous system of the domestic pig, a species increasingly used as an experimental model, is as yet unknown. Therefore, this study aimed to determine the presence of the P2X2 receptor in the neurons of the enteric nervous system (ENS) of the pig small intestine (duodenum, jejunum, and ileum) by the immunofluorescence method. In addition, the chemical code of P2X2-immunoreactive (IR) ENS neurons of the porcine small intestine was analysed by determining the coexistence of selected neuropeptides, i.e., vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP), substance P (sP), and galanin. P2X2-IR neurons were present in the myenteric plexus (MP), outer submucosal plexus (OSP), and inner submucosal plexus (ISP) of all sections of the small intestine (duodenum, jejunum, and ileum). From 44.78 ± 2.24% (duodenum) to 63.74 ± 2.67% (ileum) of MP neurons were P2X2-IR. The corresponding ranges in the OSP ranged from 44.84 ± 1.43% (in the duodenum) to 53.53 ± 1.21% (in the jejunum), and in the ISP, from 53.10 ± 0.97% (duodenum) to 60.57 ± 2.24% (ileum). Immunofluorescence staining revealed the presence of P2X2-IR/galanin-IR and P2X2-IR/VIP-IR neurons in the MP, OSP, and ISP of the sections of the small intestine. The presence of sP was not detected in the P2X2-IR neurons of any ganglia tested in the ENS. Our results indicate for the first time that the P2X2 receptor is present in the MP, ISP, and OSP neurons of all small intestinal segments in pigs, which may suggest that its activation influences the action of the small intestine. Moreover, there is a likely functional interaction between P2X2 receptors and galanin or VIP, but not sP, in the ENS of the porcine small intestine.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Since new roles of nucleotides as neurotransmitters were proposed by Geoffrey Burnstock, the roles of ATP and P2 receptors (P2Rs) have been extensively studied in pain signaling. This review primarily focuses on the history and roles of P2X2Rs and P2X2/3Rs in acute and chronic pain, and P2X4Rs in neuropathic pain after peripheral nerve injury (PNI). Spinal microglial activity mediated by P2X4Rs shows a very important contribution to evoking neuropathic pain, and P2X4Rs might be targets for the treatment of neuropathic pain. The advantage of P2X4Rs of microglia as therapeutic targets is that P2X4Rs are predominantly enhanced in activated microglia after PNI, and P2X4R blockers do not affect normal pain signaling. Currently, many excellent P2R-related drug candidates are being developed, and it seems that the day when we will use them in clinical practice is not too far away.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Gating of the ATP-activated channel P2X2 has been shown to be dependent not only on [ATP] but also on membrane voltage, despite the absence of a canonical voltage-sensor domain. We aimed to investigate the structural rearrangements of rat P2X2 during ATP- and voltage-dependent gating, using a voltage-clamp fluorometry technique. We observed fast and linearly voltage-dependent fluorescence intensity (F) changes at Ala337 and Ile341 in the TM2 domain, which could be due to the electrochromic effect, reflecting the presence of a converged electric field. We also observed slow and voltage-dependent F changes at Ala337, which reflect structural rearrangements. Furthermore, we determined that the interaction between Ala337 in TM2 and Phe44 in TM1, which are in close proximity in the ATP-bound open state, is critical for activation. Taking these results together, we propose that the voltage dependence of the interaction within the converged electric field underlies the voltage-dependent gating.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    P2X2 and P2X3 receptors are widely expressed in both the peripheral nervous system and the central nervous system and have been proven to participate in different peripheral sensory functions, but there are few studies on the involvement of P2X2 and P2X3 receptors in animal behaviors. Here we used P2X2 and P2X3 knockout mice to address this issue. P2X2 knockout mice showed normal motor function, exploratory behavior, anxiety-like behaviors, learning and memory behaviors and passive coping response to behavioral challenge. Nevertheless, the effect of ATP infusion in the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) on the passive coping response was blocked by P2X2 but not P2X3 receptor deletion. Additionally, no deficits in a wide variety of behavioral tests were observed in P2X3 knockout mice. These findings demonstrate a role of P2X2 receptor in the mPFC in adenosine-5\'-triphosphate modulation of the passive coping response to behavioral challenge and show that the P2X2/P2X3 receptor is dispensable for behaviors.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The ATP-sensitive P2X2 ionotropic receptor plays a critical role in a number of signal processes including taste and hearing, carotid body detection of hypoxia, the exercise pressor reflex and sensory transduction of mechanical stimuli in the airways and bladder. Elucidation of the role of P2X2 has been hindered by the lack of selective tools. In particular, detection of P2X2 using established pharmacological and biochemical techniques yields dramatically different expression patterns, particularly in the peripheral and central nervous systems. Here, we have developed a knock-in P2X2-cre mouse, which we crossed with a cre-sensitive tdTomato reporter mouse to determine P2X2 expression. P2X2 was found in more than 80% of nodose vagal afferent neurons, but not in jugular vagal afferent neurons. Reporter expression correlated in vagal neurons with sensitivity to α,β methylene ATP (αβmATP). P2X2 was expressed in 75% of petrosal afferents, but only 12% and 4% of dorsal root ganglia (DRG) and trigeminal afferents, respectively. P2X2 expression was limited to very few cell types systemically. Together with the central terminals of P2X2-expressing afferents, reporter expression in the CNS was mainly found in brainstem neurons projecting mossy fibers to the cerebellum, with little expression in the hippocampus or cortex. The structure of peripheral terminals of P2X2-expressing afferents was demonstrated in the tongue (taste buds), carotid body, trachea and esophagus. P2X2 was observed in hair cells and support cells in the cochlear, but not in spiral afferent neurons. This mouse strain provides a novel approach to the identification and manipulation of P2X2-expressing cell types.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    P2X receptors are trimeric ATP-gated ion channels. In response to ATP binding, conformational changes lead to opening of the channel and ion flow. Current flow can decline during continued ATP binding in a process called desensitisation. The rate and extent of desensitisation is affected by multiple factors, for instance the T18A mutation in P2X2 makes the ion channel fast desensitising. We have used this mutation to investigate whether the gate restricting ion flow is different in the desensitised and the closed state, by combining molecular modelling and cysteine modification using MTSET (2-(Trimethylammonium)ethyl methanethiosulfonate). Homology modelling of the P2X2 receptor and negative space imaging of the channel suggested a movement of the restriction gate with residue T335 being solvent accessible in the desensitised, but not the closed state. This was confirmed experimentally by probing the accessibility of T335C in the P2X2 T18A/T335C (fast desensitisation) and T335C (slow desensitisation) mutants with MTSET which demonstrates that the barrier to ion flow is different in the closed and the desensitised states. To investigate the T18A induced switch in desensitisation we compared molecular dynamics simulations of the wild type and T18A P2X2 receptor which suggest that the differences in time course of desensitisation are due to structural destabilization of a hydrogen bond network of conserved residues in the proximity of T18.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bronchopulmonary sensory neurons are derived from the vagal sensory ganglia and are essential for monitoring the physical and chemical environment of the airways and lungs. Subtypes are heterogenous in their responsiveness to stimuli, phenotype, and developmental origin, but they collectively serve to regulate normal respiratory and pulmonary processes and elicit a diverse range of defensive physiological responses that protect against noxious stimuli. In this study, we aimed to investigate the transcriptional features of vagal bronchopulmonary sensory neurons using single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) to provide a deeper insight into their molecular profiles. Retrogradely labeled vagal sensory neurons projecting to the airways and lungs were hierarchically clustered into five types reflecting their developmental lineage (neural crest versus placodal) and putative function (nociceptors versus mechanoreceptors). The purinergic receptor subunit P2rx2 is known to display restricted expression in placodal-derived nodose neurons, and we demonstrate that the gene profiles defining cells high and low in expression of P2rx2 include G protein coupled receptors and ion channels, indicative of preferential expression in nodose or jugular neurons. Our results provide valuable insight into the transcriptional characteristics of bronchopulmonary sensory neurons and provide rational targets for future physiological investigations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Purinergic receptors are expressed in different tissues including the retina. These receptors are involved in processes like cell growth, proliferation, activation and survival. ATP is the major activator of P2 receptors. In diabetes, there is a constant ATP production and this rise of ATP leads to a persistent activation of purinergic receptors. Antagonists of these receptors are used to evaluate their inhibition effects. Recently, the P2X2 has been reported to have a neuroprotective role.
    UNASSIGNED: We carried out a study in groups of diabetic and non-diabetic rats (N = 5) treated with intraperitoneal injections of PPADS, at 9 and 24 weeks of diabetes. Control group received only the buffer. Animals were euthanized at 34 weeks of diabetes or at a matching age. Rat retinas were analyzed with immunohistochemistry and western blot using antibodies against GFAP, P2X2, P2Y2 and VEGF-A.
    UNASSIGNED: Diabetic animals treated with PPADS disclosed a much more extended staining of VEGF-A than diabetics without treatment. A lower protein expression of VEGF-A was found at the retina of diabetic animals without treatment of purinergic antagonists compared to diabetics with the antagonist treatment. Inhibition of P2X2 receptor by PPADS decreases cell death in the diabetic rat retina.
    UNASSIGNED: Results might be useful for better understanding the pathophysiology of diabetic retinopathy.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    P2X purinergic receptors are plasma membrane ATP-dependent cation channels that are broadly distributed in the mammalian tissues. P2RX2 is a modulator of auditory sensory hair cell mechanotransduction and plays an important role in hair cell tolerance to noise. In this study, we demonstrate for the first time in vitro and in cochlear neuroepithelium, that P2RX2 possesses the ATPase activity. We observed that the P2RX2 V60L human deafness mutation alters its ability to bind ATP, while the G353R has no effect on ATP binding or hydrolysis. A non-hydrolysable ATP assay using HEK293 cells suggests that ATP hydrolysis plays a significant role in the opening and gating of the P2RX2 ion channel. Moreover, the results of structural modeling of the molecule was in agreement with our experimental observations. These novel findings suggest the intrinsic ATPase activity of P2RX2 and provide molecular insights into the channel opening.





