
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Oxidative cleavage of alkenes leading to valuable carbonyl derivatives is a fundamental transformation in synthetic chemistry. In particular, ozonolysis is the mainstream method for the oxidative cleavage of alkenes that has been widely implemented in the synthesis of natural products and pharmaceutically relevant compounds. However, due to the toxicity and explosive nature of ozone, alternative approaches employing transition metals and enzymes in the presence of oxygen and/or strong oxidants have been developed. These protocols are often conducted under harsh reaction conditions that limit the substrate scope. Photochemical approaches can provide milder and more practical alternatives for this synthetically useful transformation. In this review, we outline recent visible-light-promoted oxidative cleavage reactions that involve photocatalytic activation of oxygen via electron transfer and energy transfer. Also, an emerging field featuring visible-light-promoted oxidative cleavage under anaerobic conditions is discussed. The methods highlighted in this review represent a transformative step toward more sustainable and efficient strategies for the oxidative cleavage of alkenes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Reactions of bis(benzene)chromium (Bz2Cr) and ozone (O3) were studied using low-temperature argon matrix-isolation infrared spectroscopy with supporting DFT calculations. When Bz2Cr and O3 were co-deposited, they reacted upon matrix deposition to produce two new prominent peaks in the infrared spectrum at 431 cm-1 and 792 cm-1. These peaks increased upon annealing the matrix to 35 K and decreased upon UV irradiation at λ = 254 nm. The oxygen-18 and mixed oxygen-16,18 isotopic shift pattern of the peak at 792 cm-1 is consistent with the antisymmetric stretch of a symmetric ozonide species. DFT calculations of many possible ozonide products of this reaction were made. The formation of a hydrogen ozonide (H2O3) best fits the original peaks and the oxygen-18 isotope shift pattern. Energy considerations lead to the conclusion that the chromium-containing product of this reaction is the coupled product benzene-chromium-biphenyl-chromium-benzene (BzCrBPCrBz). 2Bz2Cr+O3→H2O3+BzCrBPCrBz, ∆Ecalc=-52.13kcal/mol.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Previously, some bacteria were shown to harbour enzymes capable of catalysing the oxidative cleavage of the double bond of t-anethole and related compounds. The cofactor dependence of these enzymes remained enigmatic due to a lack of biochemical information. We report on catalytic and structural details of a representative of this group of oxidative enzymes: t-anethole oxygenase from Stenotrophomonas maltophilia (TAOSm). The bacterial enzyme could be recombinantly expressed and purified, enabling a detailed biochemical study that has settled the dispute on its cofactor dependence. We have established that TAOSm contains a tightly bound b-type heme and merely depends on dioxygen for catalysis. It was found to accept t-anethole, isoeugenol and O-methyl isoeugenol as substrates, all being converted into the corresponding aromatic aldehydes without the need of any cofactor regeneration. The elucidated crystal structure of TAOSm has revealed that it contains a unique active site architecture that is conserved for this distinct class of heme-containing bacterial oxygenases. Similar to other hemoproteins, TAOSm has a histidine (His121) as proximal ligand. Yet, unique for TAOs, an arginine (Arg89) is located at the distal axial position. Site directed mutagenesis confirmed crucial roles for these heme-liganding residues and other residues that form the substrate binding pocket. In conclusion, the results reported here reveal a new class of bacterial heme-containing oxygenases that can be used for the cleavage of alkene double bonds, analogous to ozonolysis in organic chemistry.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Biobased L-lactic acid (L-LA) appeals to industries; however, existing technologies are plagued by limited productivity and high energy consumption. This study established an integrated process for producing macroalgae-based L-LA from Eucheuma denticulatum phycocolloid (EDP). Dilute acid-assisted microbubbles-mediated ozonolysis (DAMMO) was selected for the ozonolysis of EDP to optimize D-galactose recovery. Through single-factor optimization of DAMMO treatment, a maximum D-galactose recovery efficiency (59.10 %) was achieved using 0.15 M H2SO4 at 80 °C for 75 min. Fermentation with 3 % (w/v) mixed microbial cells (Bacillus coagulans ATCC 7050 and Lactobacillus acidophilus-14) and fermented residues achieved a 97.67 % L-LA yield. Additionally, this culture approach was further evaluated in repeated-batch fermentation and showed an average L-LA yield of 93.30 %, providing a feasible concept for macroalgae-based L-LA production.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ozone and its oxidation products result in negative health effects when inhaled. Despite painted surfaces being the most abundant surface in indoor spaces, surface loss remains one of the largest uncertainties in the indoor ozone budget. Here, ozone uptake coefficients (γO3) on painted surfaces were measured in a flow-through reactor where 79% of the inner surfaces were removable painted glass sheets. Flat white paint initially had a high uptake coefficient (8.3 × 10-6) at 20% RH which plateaued to 1.1 × 10-6 as the paint aged in an indoor office over weeks. Increasing the RH from 0 to 75% increased γO3 by a factor of 3.0, and exposure to 134 ppb of α-terpineol for 1 h increased γO3 by a factor of 1.6 at 20% RH. RH also increases α-terpineol partitioning to paint, further increasing ozone loss, but the type of paint (flat, eggshell, satin, semigloss) had no significant effect. A kinetic multilayer model captures the dependence of γO3 on RH and the presence of α-terpineol, indicating the reacto-diffusive depth for O3 is 1 to 2 μm. Given the similarity of the kinetics on aged surfaces across many paint types and the sustained reactivity during aging, these results suggest a mechanism for catalytic loss.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Humans are known to be a continuous and potent indoor source of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). However, little is known about how personal hygiene, in terms of showering frequency, can influence these emissions and their impact on indoor air chemistry involving ozone. In this study, we characterized the VOC composition of the air in a controlled climate chamber (22.5 m3 with an air change rate at 3.2 h-1) occupied by four male volunteers on successive days under ozone-free (∼0 ppb) and ozone-present (37-40 ppb) conditions. The volunteers either showered the evening prior to the experiments or skipped showering for 24 and 48 h. Reduced shower frequency increased human emissions of gas-phase carboxylic acids, possibly originating from skin bacteria. With ozone present, increasing the number of no-shower days enhanced ozone-skin surface reactions, yielding higher levels of oxidation products. Wearing the same clothing over several days reduced the level of compounds generated from clothing-ozone reactions. When skin lotion was applied, the yield of the skin ozonolysis products decreased, while other compounds increased due to ozone reactions with lotion ingredients. These findings help determine the degree to which personal hygiene choices affect the indoor air composition and indoor air exposures.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The exposure to cooking organic aerosols (COA) is closely related to people\'s daily lives. Despite extensive investigations into COA\'s model compounds like oleic acid, the intricacies of heterogeneous ozonolysis of real COA and the effects of ambient conditions like humidity remain elusive. In this work, the ozonolysis of COA proxies from heated peanut oil emissions was investigated using diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier transform (DRIFTS) spectroscopy, and proton transfer reaction time-of-flight mass spectrometer (PTR-ToF-MS). We found that humidity hinders the reaction between ozone and CC double bonds due to the competitive adsorption of water and ozone on COA. Although visible light has little influence on the ozonolysis of COA in the absence of humidity, the ozonolytic CO production is significantly promoted by visible light in the presence of humidity. It may be attributed to the formation of water-derived reactive oxygen species (ROS, mainly HO•) from the photosensitization of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in COA. We also found that humidity can enhance the depolymerization of carboxylic acid dimers and hydrolysis of intrinsic acetals in the COA. Moreover, humidity promotes the release of VOCs during both the dark and light ozonolysis of COA. This work reveals the important roles of humidity-responsive and photo-responsive components in COA during its ozonolysis, and the change in VOC release may guide the control of human VOC exposure in indoor air.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Emissions of biogenic reactive carbon significantly influence atmospheric chemistry, contributing to the formation and destruction of secondary pollutants, such as secondary organic aerosol and ozone. While isoprene and monoterpenes are a major fraction of emissions and have been extensively studied, substantially less is known about the atmospheric impacts of higher-molecular-weight terpenes such as sesquiterpenes. In particular, sesquiterpenes have been proposed to play a significant role in ozone chemical loss due to the very high ozone reaction rates of certain isomers. However, relatively little data are available on the isomer-resolved composition of this compound class or its role in ozone chemistry. This study examines the chemical diversity of sesquiterpenes and availability of ozone reaction rate constants to evaluate the current understanding of their ozone reactivity. Sesquiterpenes are found to be highly diverse, with 72 different isomers reported and relatively few isomers that contribute a large mass fraction across all studies. For the small number of isomers with known ozone reaction rates, estimated rates may be 25 times higher or lower than measurements, indicating that estimated reaction rates are highly uncertain. Isomers with known ozone reaction rates make up approximately half of the mass of sesquiterpenes in concentration and emission measurements. Consequently, the current state of the knowledge suggests that the total ozone reactivity of sesquiterpenes cannot be quantified without very high uncertainty, even if isomer-resolved composition is known. These results are in contrast to monoterpenes, which are less diverse and for which ozone reaction rates are well-known, and in contrast to hydroxyl reactivity of monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes, for which reaction rates can be reasonably well estimated. Improved measurements of a relatively small number of sesquiterpene isomers would reduce uncertainties and improve our understanding of their role in regional and global ozone chemistry.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A major component of human skin oil is squalene, a highly unsaturated hydrocarbon that protects the skin from atmospheric oxidants. Skin oil, and thus squalene, is continuously replenished on the skin surface. Squalene is also quickly consumed through reactions with ozone and other oxidants. This study examined the extent of squalene depletion in the skin oils of the forearm of human volunteers after exposure to ozone in a climate chamber. Temperature, relative humidity (RH), skin coverage by clothing, and participants\' age were varied in a controlled manner. Concentrations of squalene were determined in skin wipe samples collected before and after ozone exposure. Exposures to ozone resulted in statistically significant decreases in post-exposure squalene concentrations compared to pre-exposure squalene concentrations in the skin wipes when squalene concentrations were normalized by concentrations of co-occurring cholesterol but not by co-occurring pyroglutamic acid (PGA). The rate of squalene loss due to ozonolysis was lower than its replenishment on the skin surface. Within the ranges examined, temperature and RH did not significantly affect the difference between normalized squalene levels in post-samples versus pre-samples. Although not statistically significant, skin coverage and age of the volunteers (three young adults, three seniors, and three teenagers) did appear to impact squalene depletion on the skin surfaces.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    While π-bonds typically undergo cycloaddition with ozone, resulting in the release of much-noticed carbonyl O-oxide Criegee intermediates, lone-pairs of electrons tend to selectively accept a single oxygen atom from O3, producing singlet dioxygen. We questioned whether the introduction of potent electron-donating groups, akin to N-heterocyclic olefins, could influence the reactivity of double bonds - shifting from cycloaddition to oxygen atom transfer or generating lesser-known, yet stabilized, donor-substituted Criegee intermediates. Consequently, we conducted a comparative computational study using density functional theory on a series of model olefins with increasing polarity due to (asymmetric) π-donor substitution. Reaction path computations indicate that highly polarized double bonds, instead of forming primary ozonides in their reaction with O3, exhibit a preference for accepting a single oxygen atom, resulting in a zwitterionic species formally identified as a carbene-carbonyl adduct. This previously unexplored reactivity potentially introduces aldehyde umpolung chemistry (Breslow intermediate) through olefin ozonolysis. Considering solvent effects implicitly reveals that increased solvent polarity further directs the trajectories toward a single oxygen atom transfer reactivity by stabilizing the zwitterionic character of the transition state. The competing modes of chemical reactivity can be explained by a bifurcation of the reaction valley in the post-transition state region.





