Out-of-pocket payments

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study explores the variation in specialist physician fees and examines whether the variation can be attributed to patient risk factors, variation between physicians, medical specialties, or other factors. We use health insurance claims data from a large private health insurer in Australia. Although Australia has a publicly funded health system that provides universal health coverage, about 44 % of the population holds private health insurance. Specialist physician fees in the private sector are unregulated; physicians can charge any price they want, subject to market forces. We examine the variation in fees using two price measures: total fees charged and out-of- pocket payments. We follow a two-stage method of removing the influence of patient risk factors by computing risk-adjusted prices at patient-level, and aggregating the adjusted prices over all claims made by each physician to arrive at physician-level average prices. In the second stage, we use variance-component models to analyse the variation in the physician-level average prices. We find that patient risk factors account for a small portion of the variance in fees and out-of-pocket payments. Physician-specific variation accounts for the bulk of the vari- ance. The results underscore the importance of understanding physician characteristics in formulating policy efforts to reduce fee variation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Chronic respiratory diseases (CRDs) are a burden on both individuals and society. While previous literature has highlighted the clinical burden and total costs of care, it has not addressed patients\' direct payments. This study aimed to estimate the incremental healthcare costs associated with patients with CRDs, specifically out-of-pocket (OOP) costs.
    METHODS: We used survey data from the 2019 Korea Health Panel Survey to estimate the total OOP costs of CRDs by comparing the annual hospitalizations, outpatient visits, emergency room visits, and medications of patients with and without CRDs. Generalized linear regression models controlled for differences in other characteristics between groups.
    RESULTS: We identified 222 patients with CRDs, of whom 166 were aged 65 years and older. Compared with the non-CRD group, CRD patients spent more on OOP costs (238.3 USD on average). Incremental costs were driven by outpatient visits and medications, which are subject to a coinsurance of 30% or more and may include items not covered by public insurance. Moreover, CRD patients aged 50-64 years incurred the highest incremental costs.
    CONCLUSIONS: The financial burden associated with CRDs is significant, and outpatient visits and medications constitute the largest components of OOP spending. Policymakers should introduce appropriate strategies to reduce CRD-associated burdens.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Ensuring that access to health care is affordable for everyone-financial protection-is central to universal health coverage (UHC). Financial protection is commonly measured using indicators of financial barriers to access (unmet need for health care) and financial hardship caused by out-of-pocket payments for health care (impoverishing and catastrophic health spending). We aim to assess financial hardship and unmet need in Europe and identify the coverage policy choices that undermine financial protection.
    UNASSIGNED: We carry out a cross-sectional study of financial hardship in 40 countries in Europe in 2019 (the latest available year of data before COVID-19) using microdata from national household budget surveys. We define impoverishing health spending as out-of-pocket payments that push households below or further below a relative poverty line and catastrophic health spending as out-of-pocket payments that exceed 40% of a household\'s capacity to pay for health care. We link these results to survey data on unmet need for health care, dental care, and prescribed medicines and information on two aspects of coverage policy at country level: the main basis for entitlement to publicly financed health care and user charges for covered services.
    UNASSIGNED: Out-of-pocket payments for health care lead to financial hardship and unmet need in every country in the study, particularly for people with low incomes. Impoverishing health spending ranges from under 1% of households (in six countries) to 12%, with a median of 3%. Catastrophic health spending ranges from under 1% of households (in two countries) to 20%, with a median of 6%. Catastrophic health spending is consistently concentrated in the poorest fifth of the population and is largely driven by out-of-pocket payments for outpatient medicines, medical products, and dental care-all forms of treatment that should be an essential part of primary care. The median incidence of catastrophic health spending is three times lower in countries that cover over 99% of the population than in countries that cover less than 99%. In 16 out of the 17 countries that cover less than 99% of the population, the basis for entitlement is payment of contributions to a social health insurance (SHI) scheme. Countries that give greater protection from user charges to people with low incomes have lower levels of catastrophic health spending.
    UNASSIGNED: It is challenging to identify with certainty the coverage policy choices that undermine financial protection due to the complexity of the policies involved and the difficulty of disentangling the effects of different choices. The conclusions we draw are therefore tentative, though plausible. Countries are more likely to move towards UHC if they reduce out-of-pocket payments in a progressive way, decreasing them for people with low incomes first. Coverage policy choices that seem likely to achieve this include de-linking entitlement from payment of SHI contributions; expanding the coverage of outpatient medicines, medical products, and dental care; limiting user charges; and strengthening protection against user charges, particularly for people with low incomes.
    UNASSIGNED: The European Union (DG SANTE and DG NEAR) and the Government of the Autonomous Community of Catalonia, Spain.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Surgical care is a significant component of the overall health expenditure in low- and middle-income countries. In Cameroon, out-of-pocket payments for surgical service are very high with many patients declining potentially curative surgical procedures. Less than 2% of the population is enrolled in a health insurance scheme leading to a propensity for catastrophic health expenses when accessing care. To assess the perceived barriers and motivations for health insurance subscription among health-care users in Cameroon.
    This was a cross-sectional community-based qualitative study conducted in the Center Region of Cameroon. A total of 37 health-care users (health insurance subscribers and nonsubscribers) were purposively identified. Four focused group discussions and thirteen in-depth interviews were conducted. All anonymized transcripts were analyzed using a thematic analysis approach.
    The six major themes identified as barriers to health insurance subscription were lack of trust in the existing health insurance schemes, inadequate knowledge on how health insurance works, premiums believed to be too expensive, the complexity of the claims processing system, minimal usage of health-care services and practice of self-medication. Motivational factors included the knowledge of having access to quality health services even without money in the event of an unforeseen illness and having a large family/household size. The importance of mass sensitization on the benefits of health insurance was noted.
    Health insurance is still very underutilized in Cameroon. This results in significant out-of-pocket payment for health services by Cameroonians with catastrophic consequences to households. With most Cameroonians in the informal sector and underemployed, it is imperative to put in place a national strategic plan to overcome existing barriers and increase health insurance coverage especially among the poor. This has the potential to significantly increase access to safe, quality, timely and affordable surgical care.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Financial risk protection from high costs for care is a main goal of health systems. Health system characteristics typically associated with universal health coverage and financial risk protection, such as financial redistribution between insureds, are inherent to, e.g. social health insurance (SHI) but missing in private health insurance (PHI). This study provides evidence on financial protection in PHI for the case of Germany\'s dual insurance system of PHI and SHI, where PHI covers 11% of the population. Linked survey and claims data of PHI insureds (n = 3105) and population-wide household budget data (n = 42,226) are used to compute the prevalence of catastrophic health expenditures (CHE), i.e. the share of households whose out-of-pocket payments either exceed 40% of their capacity-to-pay or push them (further) into poverty. Despite comparatively high out-of-pocket payments, CHE is low in German PHI. It only affects the poor. Key to low financial burden seems to be the restriction of PHI to a small, overall wealthy group. Protection for the worse-off is provided through special mandatorily offered tariffs. In sum, Germany\'s dual health insurance system provides close-to-universal coverage. Future studies should further investigate the effect of premiums on financial burden, especially when linked to utilisation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Out-of-pocket payments for prescribed medicines are still comparatively high in Portugal. The abem program was launched in Portugal in May 2016 to aid vulnerable groups by completely covering out-of-pocket costs of prescribed medicines in community pharmacies. This study assesses the impact of the program on poverty and catastrophic health expenditures.
    METHODS: A longitudinal study was carried out with the analysis of several program databases (from the beginning of the program in May 2016 to September 2018) covering the cohorts of beneficiaries, daily data on medicines dispensed, social referencing entities, and solidarity pharmacies. The study provides estimates of standard poverty measures (intensity and severity) as well as the incidence of catastrophic health expenditures.
    RESULTS: More than 6000 beneficiaries were supported (56.8% female, 34.7% aged 65 or over), encompassing 127,510 medicines (mainly nervous system and cardiovascular system) with an average 26.9% co-payment (payments totalling €1.5 million). The program achieved substantial reductions in poverty (3.4% in intensity, 5.6% in severity), and eliminated cases with catastrophic health expenditures in medicines that would have affected 7.5% of the beneficiaries.
    CONCLUSIONS: Findings confirm a continuous increase in the number of beneficiaries, enabling access to medicines especially for the vulnerable elderly, and a sizable impact on eliminating out-of-pocket payments for medicines in the target population.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: To estimate the incidence and concentration of catastrophic out-of-pocket payments for healthcare and dental treatment, by region in Spain (calculated as the proportion of households needing to exceed a given threshold of their income to make these payments) in 2008, 2011 and 2015.
    METHODS: The data analysed were obtained from the Spanish Family Budget Survey reports for the years in question. The study method was that proposed by Wagstaff and van Doorslaer (2003), contrasting payments for dental treatment versus household income and considering thresholds of 10%, 20%, 30% and 40%, thus obtaining incidence rates. In addition, relevant sociodemographic variables were obtained for each household included in the study.
    RESULTS: With some regional heterogeneity, on average 4.75% of Spanish households spend more than 10% of their income on dental treatment, and 1.23% spend more than 40%. Thus, 38.67% of catastrophic out-of-pocket payments for dental services in Spain corresponds to payments at the 10% threshold. This value rises to 55.98% for a threshold of 40%.
    CONCLUSIONS: An important proportion of catastrophic out-of-pocket payments for health care in Spain corresponds to dental treatment, a service that has very limited availability under the Spanish NHS. This finding highlights the need to formulate policies aimed at enhancing dental cover, in order to reduce inequalities in health care and, consequently, enhance the population\'s quality of life and health status.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: The present study assessed the awareness of the public about Biju Swasthya Kalyan Yojana (BSKY), which is a flagship public-funded health insurance scheme of the Government of Odisha. The study also identified its determinants and examined utilisation of the scheme among households in Khordha district of Odisha.
    UNASSIGNED: Primary data were collected from randomly chosen 150 households using a pretested structured questionnaire from Balipatana block of Khordha district, Odisha. Descriptive statistics and binomial logistic regression were used to substantiate the objectives.
    UNASSIGNED: The study found that even though 56.70% of the sample households had heard about BSKY, procedure-specific awareness was low. State government organised BSKY health insurance camp was found to be a major source of knowledge among the sample. The regression model had an R2 of 0.414. The Chi2 value showed that the model with predictor variables was a good fit. Caste, gender, economic category, health insurance, and awareness about insurance were significant determinants of BSKY awareness. A majority (79.30%) of the sample had the scheme card with them. However, only 12.60% of the cardholders used the card and only 10.67% received benefits. Mean out-of-pocket expenditure (OOPE) faced by the beneficiaries is Rs. 15743.59. Among the beneficiaries, 53.80% financed the OOPE from their savings, 38.50% by borrowing, and 7.70% financed the OOPE by both means.
    UNASSIGNED: The study found that even though majority of people had heard about BSKY, they were not aware of its nature, features, and operational procedures. The trend of low benefit received and higher OOPE among the scheme beneficiaries hampers the economic health of the poor. Finally, the study highlighted the need to increase the magnitude of scheme coverage and administrative efficiency.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This research examined differences in the utilisation of healthcare services and financial burden between and within insured and uninsured older persons and their households under the social health insurance scheme in Vietnam.
    We used nationally representative data from the Vietnam Household Living Standard Survey (VHLSS) conducted in 2014. We applied the World Health Organization (WHO)\'s financial indicators in healthcare to provide cross-tabulations and comparisons for insured and uninsured older persons along with their individual and household characteristics (such as age groups, gender, ethnicity, per-capita household expenditure quintiles, and place of residence).
    We found that social health insurance was beneficial to the insured in comparison with the uninsured in terms of utilization of healthcare services and financial burden. However, between and within these two groups, more vulnerable groups (i.e., ethnic minorities and rural persons) had lower utilization rates and higher rates of catastrophic spending than the better groups (i.e., Kinh and urban persons).
    Given the rapidly ageing population under low middle-income status and the \"double burden of diseases\", this paper suggested that Vietnam reform the healthcare system and social health insurance so as to provide more equitable utilisation and financial protection to all older persons, including improving the quality of healthcare at the grassroots level and reducing the burden on the provincial/central health level; improving human resources for the grassroots healthcare facilities; encroaching public-private partnerships (PPPs) in the healthcare service provision; and developing a nationwide family doctor network.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: In April 2016, Burkina Faso began free healthcare for children aged from 0 to 5 years. However, its implementation faces challenges, and the goal of this study is to estimate the fees paid for this child care and to determine the causes of these direct payments.
    METHODS: Data gathering involved 807 children aged from 0 to 5 years who had contact with the public healthcare system. The estimation of the determinants of out-of-pocket health payments involved the application of a two-part regression model.
    RESULTS: About 31% of the children made out-of-pocket payments for healthcare (an average of 3407.77 CFA francs per case of illness). Of these, 96% paid for medicines and 24% paid for consultations. The first model showed that out-of-pocket payments were positively associated with hospitalization, urban area of residence, and severity of illness, were made in the East-Central and North-Central regions, and were negatively associated with the 7 to 23 month age range. The second model showed that hospitalization and severity of illness increased the amount of direct health payments.
    CONCLUSIONS: Children targeted by free healthcare still make out-of-pocket payments. The dysfunction of this policy needs to be studied to ensure adequate financial protection for children in Burkina Faso.





