Other study design

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The burden of multimorbidity is recognised increasingly in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), creating a strong emphasis on the need for effective evidence-based interventions. Core outcome sets (COS) appropriate for the study of multimorbidity in LMICs do not presently exist. These are required to standardise reporting and contribute to a consistent and cohesive evidence-base to inform policy and practice. We describe the development of two COS for intervention trials aimed at preventing and treating multimorbidity in adults in LMICs.
    METHODS: To generate a comprehensive list of relevant prevention and treatment outcomes, we conducted a systematic review and qualitative interviews with people with multimorbidity and their caregivers living in LMICs. We then used a modified two-round Delphi process to identify outcomes most important to four stakeholder groups (people with multimorbidity/caregivers, multimorbidity researchers, healthcare professionals and policymakers) with representation from 33 countries. Consensus meetings were used to reach agreement on the two final COS.
    BACKGROUND: https://www.comet-initiative.org/Studies/Details/1580.
    RESULTS: The systematic review and qualitative interviews identified 24 outcomes for prevention and 49 for treatment of multimorbidity. An additional 12 prevention and 6 treatment outcomes were added from Delphi round 1. Delphi round 2 surveys were completed by 95 of 132 round 1 participants (72.0%) for prevention and 95 of 133 (71.4%) participants for treatment outcomes. Consensus meetings agreed four outcomes for the prevention COS: (1) adverse events, (2) development of new comorbidity, (3) health risk behaviour and (4) quality of life; and four for the treatment COS: (1) adherence to treatment, (2) adverse events, (3) out-of-pocket expenditure and (4) quality of life.
    CONCLUSIONS: Following established guidelines, we developed two COS for trials of interventions for multimorbidity prevention and treatment, specific to adults in LMIC contexts. We recommend their inclusion in future trials to meaningfully advance the field of multimorbidity research in LMICs.
    UNASSIGNED: CRD42020197293.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: HIV testing and starting antiretroviral therapy (ART) are pivotal in treating people living with HIV (PLHIV) but sustaining PLHIV on treatment remains challenging. We assessed retention and attrition in community client-led antiretroviral distribution groups (CCLADs) in Uganda and identified positive deviant practices that foster long-term retention.
    METHODS: Using explanatory mixed methods, we collected longitudinal medical data from 65 health facilities across 12 districts in East Central Uganda. Quantitative phase, from 18 April 2021 to 30 May 2021, employed survival analysis and Cox regression to assess retention and identify attrition risk factors. Qualitative inquiry focused on four districts with high attrition from 11 August 2021 to 20 September 2021, where we identified nine health facilities exhibiting high retention in CCLADs. We purposively selected 50 clients for in-depth interviews (n=22) or focus group discussions (n=28). Using thematic analysis, we identified positive deviant practices. We integrated quantitative and qualitative findings into joint displays.
    RESULTS: Involving 3055 PLHIV, the study showed retention rates of 97.5% at 6 months, declining to 89.7% at 96 months. Attrition risk factors were lower levels of care (health centre three (adjusted HR (aHR) 2.80, 95% CI 2.00 to 3.65) and health centre four (aHR 3.61, 95% CI 2.35 to 5.54)); being unemployed (aHR 2.21, 95% CI 1.00 to 4.84); enrolment year into CCLAD (aHR 23.93, 95% CI 4.66 to 123.05) and virological failure (aHR 3.41, 95% CI 2.51 to 4.63). Of 22 clients interviewed, 8 were positive deviants. Positive deviants were characterised by prolonged retention in CCLADs, improved clinical outcomes and practised uncommon behaviours that enabled them to find better solutions than their peers. Positive deviant practices included fostering family-like settings, offering financial or self-development advice, and promoting healthy lifestyles.
    CONCLUSIONS: Findings underscore the importance of addressing factors contributing to attrition and leveraging positive deviant practices to optimise retention and long-term engagement in HIV care.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Human-centred design (HCD) is an approach to problem-solving that prioritises understanding and meeting the needs of the end-users. Researchers and designers practice empathic listening as users share their perspectives, thereby enabling a variety of stakeholders to cocreate effective solutions. While a valuable and, in theory, straightforward process, HCD in practice can be chaotic: Practitioners often struggle to navigate an excess of (often conflicting) ideas and to strike a balance between problem-understanding and problem-solving. In this practice paper, we outline our own experiences with HCD, which ultimately resulted in the development of a successful video-based intervention to bolster vaccine confidence in the Philippines. We highlight the use of \'radical circles\' to overcome roadblocks and navigate tensions. Radical circles entail groups of individuals with divergent opinions and identities engaging in critical analysis of a given idea, actively challenging standard ways of thinking, and ultimately, generating solutions. Employing radical circles enabled us to innovate and adapt to new perspectives that emerged along the non-linear HCD pathway. Our incorporation of radical circles into HCD methodology demonstrates its potential as a powerful complementary step in the meaning-making process. In our view, radical circles could enrich HCD processes and provide a solution to design overcrowding, leading to meaningful, transformative and successful interventions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Equitable inclusion of low-income and middle-income country (LMIC) researchers and women in research authorship is a priority. A review of progress in addressing WHO-identified priorities provided an opportunity to examine the geographical and gender distribution of authorship in herpes simplex virus type-2 (HSV-2) research.
    METHODS: Publications addressing five areas prioritised in a WHO workshop and published between 2000 and 2020 were identified. Data on author country, gender, authorship position and research funding source were collected by manuscript review and internet searches and analysed using IBM SPSS V.26.
    RESULTS: Of, 297 eligible papers identified, (n=294) had multiple authors. Of these, 241 (82%) included at least one LMIC author and 143 (49%) and 122 (41%) had LMIC first and last authors, respectively. LMICs funded studies were more than twice as likely to include an LMIC first or last author as high-income country-funded studies (relative risk 2.36, 95% CI 1.93 to 2.89). Respectively, 129 (46%) and 106 (36%) studies had female first and last authors. LMIC first and last authorship varied widely by HSV-2 research area and increased over time to 65% and 59% by 2015-2020.
    CONCLUSIONS: Despite location of the research itself in LMIC settings, over the 20-year period, LMIC researchers held only a minority of first and last authorship positions. While LMIC representation in these positions improved over time, important inequities remain in key research areas and for women. Addressing current and historical power disparities in global health research, research infrastructure and how it is funded may be key addressing to addressing these issues.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Following India and Pakistan gaining independence from British colonial rule, many doctors from these countries migrated to the UK and supported its fledgling National Health Service (NHS). Although this contribution is now widely celebrated, these doctors often faced hardship and hostility at the time and continue to face discrimination and racism in UK medical education. This study sought to examine discursive framings about Indian and Pakistani International Medical Graduates (IPIMGs) in the early period of their migration to the UK, between 1960 and 1980.
    METHODS: We assembled a textual archive of publications relating to IPIMGs in the UK during this time period in The BMJ. We employed critical discourse analysis to examine knowledge and power relations in these texts, drawing on postcolonialism through the contrapuntal approach developed by Edward Said.
    RESULTS: The dominant discourse in this archive was one of opportunity. This included the opportunity for training, which was not available to IPIMGs in an equitable way, the missed opportunity to frame IPIMGs as saviours of the NHS rather than \'cheap labour\', and the opportunity these doctors were framed to be held by being in the \'superior\' British system, for which they should be grateful. Notably, there was also an opportunity to oppose, as IPIMGs challenged notions of incompetence directed at them.
    CONCLUSIONS: As IPIMGs in the UK continue to face discrimination, we shed light on how their cultural positioning has been historically founded and engrained in the imagination of the British medical profession by examining discursive trends to uncover historical tensions and contradictions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Between 2000 and 2017/2018, Morocco reduced its maternal mortality ratio by 68% and its neonatal mortality rate by 52%-a higher improvement than other North African countries. We conducted the Exemplars in Maternal and Neonatal Health study to systematically and comprehensively research factors associated with this rapid reduction in mortality over the past two decades.
    METHODS: The study was conducted from September 2020 to December 2021 using mixed methods, including: literature, database and document reviews, quantitative analyses of national data sets and qualitative key-informant interviews at national and district levels. Analyses were based on a conceptual framework of drivers of health and survival of mothers and neonates.
    RESULTS: A favourable political and economic environment, and a high political commitment encouraged prioritisation of maternal and neonatal health (MNH) by aligning evidence-based policy and technical approaches. Five main factors accounted for Morocco\'s success: (1) continuous increases in antenatal care and institutional delivery and reductions socioeconomically-based inequalities in MNH service usage; (2) health-system strengthening by expanding the network of health facilities, with increased uptake of facility birthing, scale-up of the production of midwives, reductions in financial barriers and, later in the process, attention to improving the quality of care; (3) improved underlying health status of women and changes in reproductive patterns; (4) a supportive policy and infrastructure environment; and 5) increased education and autonomy of women.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our study provides evidence that supportive changes in Morocco\'s policy environment for maternal health, backed by greater political will and increased resources, significantly contributed to the dramatic progress in reducing maternal and neonatal mortality. While these efforts were successful in improving MNH in Morocco, several implementation challenges still require special attention and renewed political attention is needed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Global health foregrounds trust as a key requirement for the achievement of international health initiatives, but it remains an elusive concept that is often mobilised without consideration of its dimensions, drivers and downstream behavioural consequences. This paper aims to contribute to the conceptual development and measurement of \'patient trust in primary healthcare\' from the lower middle-income country perspective of rural Lao PDR.
    METHODS: A two-phase mixed-method research design was implemented between January 2021 and April 2023. Phase 1 involved exploratory qualitative research to understand the local expressions and dimensions of patient trust in primary healthcare, with 25 semistructured interviews and 17 focus group discussions (120 participants) in eight villages in Bokeo Province. Phase 2 involved explanatory research to assess patterns of trust systematically at scale in 14 villages across four provinces, wherein 26 cognitive interviews, 17 expert interviews and non-participant community observations informed a community census survey with 1838 participants. We analysed qualitative data through content-oriented thematic analysis and developed an 8-item trust scale on that basis. Quantitative data analysis used descriptive statistical and regression analysis.
    RESULTS: We found that trust in primary healthcare is readily understood and intrinsically valuable in rural Lao PDR. Key dimensions included communication, respectful care, relationship, fairness, integrity, reputation, assurance of treatment and competence. The survey highlighted that reputation, competence, integrity and respectful care had the lowest trust scores. Health centre operations predicted the local expressions of trust. The behavioural consequences of trust were limited to a positive statistical association with antenatal care uptake among pregnant women but outweighed by alternative measures that also captured the availability of healthcare facilities.
    CONCLUSIONS: Overall, the development of our quantitative trust scale offers a process model for future researchers. We conclude that interpersonal, institutional and service-related trust require more explicit recognition in health system development and integration into health policy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Countries use the WHO Joint External Evaluation (JEE) tool-part of the WHO International Health Regulations (2005) Monitoring and Evaluation Framework-for voluntary evaluation of global health security (GHS) capacities. After releasing the JEE first edition (E1) in 2016, WHO released the JEE second edition (E2) in 2018 with language changes to multiple indicators and associated capacity levels. To understand the effect of language changes on countries\' ability to meet requirements in each edition, we conducted a Delphi study-a method where a panel of experts reach consensus on a topic through iterative, anonymous surveys-to solicit feedback from 40+ GHS experts with expertise in one or more of the 19 JEE technical areas.
    METHODS: We asked experts first to compare the language changes for each capacity level within each indicator and identify how these changes affected the indicator overall; then to assess the ability of a country to achieve the same capacity level using E2 as compared with E1 using a Likert-style score (1-5), where \'1\' was \'significantly easier\' and \'5\' was \'significantly harder\'; and last to provide a qualitative justification for score selections. We analysed the medians and IQR of responses to determine where experts reached consensus.
    RESULTS: Results demonstrate that 14 indicators and 49 capacity levels would be harder to achieve in E2.
    CONCLUSIONS: Findings underscore the importance of considering how language alterations impact how the JEE measures GHS capacity and the feasibility of using the JEE to monitor changes in capacity over time.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Information systems for community health have become increasingly sophisticated and evidence-based in the last decade and they are now the most widely used health information systems in many low-income and middle-income countries. This study aimed to establish consensus regarding key features and interoperability priorities for community health information systems (CHISs).
    METHODS: A Delphi study was conducted among a systematically selected panel of CHIS experts. This impressive pool of experts represented a range of leading global health institutions, with gender and regional balance as well as diversity in their areas of expertise. Through five rounds of iterative surveys and follow-up interviews, the experts established a high degree of consensus. We supplemented the Delphi study findings with a series of focus group discussions with 10 community health worker (CHW) leaders.
    RESULTS: CHISs today are expected to adapt to a wide range of local contextual requirements and to support and improve care delivery. While once associated with a single role type (CHWs), these systems are now expected to engage other end users, including patients, supervisors, clinicians and data managers. Of 30 WHO-classified digital health interventions for care providers, experts identified 23 (77%) as being important for CHISs. Case management and care coordination features accounted for more than one-third (14 of 37, 38%) of the core features expected of CHISs today, a higher proportion than any other category. The highest priority use cases for interoperability include CHIS to health management information system monthly reporting and CHIS to electronic medical record referrals.
    CONCLUSIONS: CHISs today are expected to be feature-rich, to support a range of user roles in community health systems, and to be highly adaptable to local contextual requirements. Future interoperability efforts, such as CHISs in general, are expected not only to move data efficiently but to strengthen community health systems in ways that measurably improve care.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Neonatal mortality is a global public health challenge. Guatemala has the fifth highest neonatal mortality rate in Latin America, and Indigenous communities are particularly impacted. This study aims to understand factors driving neonatal mortality rates among Maya Kaqchikel communities.
    METHODS: We used sequential explanatory mixed methods. The quantitative phase was a secondary analysis of 2014-2016 data from the Global Maternal and Newborn Health Registry from Chimaltenango, Guatemala. Multivariate logistic regression models identified factors associated with perinatal and late neonatal mortality. A number of 33 in-depth interviews were conducted with mothers, traditional Maya midwives and local healthcare professionals to explain quantitative findings.
    RESULTS: Of 33 759 observations, 351 were lost to follow-up. There were 32 559 live births, 670 stillbirths (20/1000 births), 1265 (38/1000 births) perinatal deaths and 409 (12/1000 live births) late neonatal deaths. Factors identified to have statistically significant associations with a higher risk of perinatal or late neonatal mortality include lack of maternal education, maternal height <140 cm, maternal age under 20 or above 35, attending less than four antenatal visits, delivering without a skilled attendant, delivering at a health facility, preterm birth, congenital anomalies and presence of other obstetrical complications. Qualitative participants linked severe mental and emotional distress and inadequate maternal nutrition to heightened neonatal vulnerability. They also highlighted that mistrust in the healthcare system-fueled by language barriers and healthcare workers\' use of coercive authority-delayed hospital presentations. They provided examples of cooperative relationships between traditional midwives and healthcare staff that resulted in positive outcomes.
    CONCLUSIONS: Structural social forces influence neonatal vulnerability in rural Guatemala. When coupled with healthcare system shortcomings, these forces increase mistrust and mortality. Collaborative relationships among healthcare staff, traditional midwives and families may disrupt this cycle.





