
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Agricultural nitrogen (N) contributes a dominant percentage to global N pollution in the coastal zone. Emerging research on N isotopes in bivalve shells has shown value for reconstructing historical increases in estuarine wastewater inputs. However, applications for fertilizer N are understudied. Here, we integrate the study of organic N isotopes, in concert with δ18O and δ13C, in estuarine bivalve shells to investigate spatial and long-term changes in nitrogen inputs and sources. Modern, museum-collected, and subfossil specimens of the genera Mytilus and Ostrea were profiled in a California estuary with an intensely agricultural watershed. Spatial patterns in bivalve isotopic composition reflected gradients in watershed nutrient inputs and productivity parameters. Furthermore, a comparison between modern and historical periods revealed changes in nutrient source or processing over the last 1,000 years. The N isotope values from shells offer perspective on agricultural pollution in estuaries.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Fried oyster is a popular aquatic food product in East Asia, but nutrient loss during thermal processing become a significant concern. The goal of this research was to examine the impact of distinct frying techniques, including deep frying (DF), air frying (AF), and vacuum frying (VF), on the nutritional, textural and flavor characteristics of oysters. The VF method demonstrated superior retention of beneficial properties and flavor, and reduced protein and lipid oxidation compared to the DF and AF methods. Furthermore, proteomic analysis of oysters was attempted to explain the molecular mechanisms governing the influence of key differential proteins. 20 major differential proteins, including actin-2 protein, tryptophan 2,3-dioxygenase and 1-alph, involved in oyster protein oxidation were identified, annotated and analyzed to elucidate their influence mechanisms. This research provides a deeper understanding of intricate interactions between frying techniques and oyster biochemistry, which offers valuable implications for enhancing food quality in seafood industry.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Lysozyme, an antimicrobial agent, is extensively employed in the food and healthcare sectors to facilitate the breakdown of peptidoglycan. However, the methods to improve its catalytic activity and secretory expression still need to be studied. In the present study, twelve lysozymes from different origins were heterologously expressed using the Komagataella phaffii expression system. Among them, the lysozyme from the European flat oyster Ostrea edulis (oeLYZ) showed the highest activity. Via a semi-rational approach to reduce the structural free energy, the double mutant Y15A/S39R (oeLYZdm) with the catalytic activity 1.8-fold greater than that of the wild type was generated. Subsequently, different N-terminal fusion tags were employed to enhance oeLYZdm expression. The fusion with peptide tag 6×Glu resulted in a remarkable increase in the recombinant oeLYZdm expression, from 2.81 × 103 U mL-1 to 2.11 × 104 U mL-1 in shake flask culture, and eventually reaching 2.05 × 105 U mL-1 in a 3-L fermenter. The work produced the greatest amount of heterologous oeLYZ expression in microbial systems that are known to exist. Reducing the structural free energy and employing the N-terminal fusion tags are effective strategies to improve the catalytic activity and secretory expression of lysozyme.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Classified as marine debris, man made materials are polluting the world\'s oceans. Recently, glass reinforced plastic (GRP) has been shown to degrade and contaminate the coasts. In this pioneering study, fibreglass particles have been detected in the soft parts of oysters and mussels collected from natural populations, in front of an active boatyard. The presence of particulate glass, with concentrations up to 11,220 particles/kg ww in Ostrea edulis and 2740 particles/kg ww in Mytilus edulis, was confirmed by micro Raman spectroscopy. The results showed higher accumulation during the winter months, when boat maintenance activities are peaking and, through repair work, the release of glass fibres in the environment is more likely. Bivalves are considered high risk species due to their sessile nature and extensive filter feeding behaviour. The microparticle inclusion may contribute to adverse impacts on physiological processes and eventually to a decline in the overall health and subsequent death of the animal. The high costs involved in the proper GRP disposal and the lack of recycling facilities worldwide lead to boat abandonement and further contamination of the coasts. For the first time this study presents the extensive fibreglass contamination of natural bivalve populations, in a popular South England sailing harbour, designated a biological and geological site of specific scientific interest (SSRI).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Enhancement of shellfish populations has long been discussed as a potential nutrient reduction tool, and eastern oyster aquaculture was recently approved as a nutrient reduction best management practice (BMP) in Chesapeake Bay, USA. This study addressed BMP-identified data gaps involving variation in nutrient concentration related to ploidy, effects of reproductive development, and a paucity of phosphorus concentration data. Diploid and triploid oysters were collected from farms in Maryland and Virginia across the typical local reproductive cycle. The nutrient concentration of tissue and shell was consistent with the currently implemented BMP. Minor variation observed in nitrogen and phosphorus concentration was within the previously reported range, for farm location, ploidy, and reproductive cycle timing. Ploidy-based differences in tissue dry weight were not observed at either farm, which contrasts with current nutrient reduction estimates. These results suggest separate crediting values for diploids and triploids may need further investigation and potential re-evaluation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bivalves are among the marine organisms most influenced by climate change. Despite the flat oyster\'s Ostrea edulis high economic value, its culture is developed on a very small scale, since this species possesses a strong susceptibility to abiotic stressors. Due to climate change, temperature is one of the most critical environmental parameters for the welfare of the Mediterranean basin\'s marine inhabitants. The present study\'s purpose was to investigate the physiological performance of the Mediterranean\'s native O. edulis as it faces exposure to different temperatures. Since juveniles are more susceptible to abiotic stressors, this experimental procedure was focused on young individuals. The seawater temperatures studied included a standard control temperature of 21 °C (often observed in several marine areas throughout the Mediterranean), as well as increased seawater temperatures of 25 °C and 28 °C, occasionally occurring in shallow Mediterranean waters inhabited by bivalve spat. These were selected since the tissues of O. edulis becomes partly anaerobic in temperatures exceeding 26 °C, while cardiac dysfunction (arrhythmia) emerges at 28 °C. The results demonstrate that temperatures above 25 °C trigger both the transcriptional upregulation of hsp70 and hsp90, and the antioxidant genes Cu/Zn sod and catalase. Enhancement of thermal tolerance and increased defense against increased ROS production during thermal stress, were observed. As the intensity and duration of thermal stress increases, apoptotic damage may also occur. The increased oxidative and thermal stress incurred at the highest temperature of 28 °C, seemed to trigger the switch from aerobic to anaerobic metabolism, reflected by higher pepck mRNA expressions and lower ETS activity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    European oyster (Ostrea edulis) can be used for biological monitoring of water and sediment quality and serve as a conduit of trace elements to humans via consumption. Trace element concentrations in seawater, sediment, O. edulis edible tissues and shells from Boston Harbor were studied and found to be elevated relative to comparative studies in native ecosystems in the Adriatic Sea and Bay of Biscay. Average edible oyster tissues concentrations (mg/kg) were: arsenic 6, cadmium 1.7, cobalt 3.1, chromium 1.9, copper 153, mercury 0.265, nickel 1.8, lead 3.3, and zinc 2390. Arsenic was elevated in seawater and oyster shells. Mercury was elevated in sediments and oyster tissues. Lead was elevated in suspended sediments. Total Hazard Quotient (THQ) was < 1 but when summed across trace elements, THQ was nominally > 1 for all sites. Further study is warranted to determine mechanisms and spatial extent of bioaccumulation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Olympia oyster, Ostrea lurida, is the target of many restoration projects along estuaries on the North American Pacific coast, while the non-native Pacific oyster, Magallana gigas, dominates oyster aquaculture globally. Both species provide filtration functions that were investigated in three California bays using a whole-habitat, in situ approach, a laboratory particle selection experiment, and a regional physiological comparison. Measurements of chlorophyll α, temperature, salinity, and turbidity upstream and downstream, as well as point samples of seston total particulate matter and organic content to estimate habitat clearance rates (HCR, L hr-1 m-2) were collected. From February 2018 to June 2019, twenty-two trials were conducted across four sites. HCRs were highly variable within and among sites, ranging from site averages of -464 to 166 L hr-1 m-2, and not significantly different among sites, indicating field filtration performance of O. lurida habitat and M. gigas aquaculture is similar. Using a random forest regression, site was the most important predictor of HCR, with a variable importance score of 25.7 % (SD = 4.6 %). O. lurida and M. gigas had significantly different particle size selection preferences, likely affecting the quality of their filtration. This study\'s findings suggest that restoring O. lurida habitat may provide similar filtration benefits as M. gigas aquaculture, but the unique hydrodynamics and food quality of individual bays, as well as regional differences in filter feeder communities, must be considered in managing oyster habitat for filtration functions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study aimed to improve postharvest management of flat oysters reared in a longline system in the mid Adriatic Sea, using short-term storage and package in an innovative closed-circuit system. For the trial, 870 oysters were employed, divided into three experimental groups (A, B, and C), N = 270 oysters each group, whereas the remaining 60 oysters were used for the 2 controls. Each group differed in relation to the time spent in the depuration tank and the time of packaging: group A was packed and immediately transferred to the cell; group B was depurated in a tank for 48 h, then packed and transferred to the cell; group C was depurated in a tank for 48 h and then packed, depurated for another 24 h and transferred to a cell. Samples of each group were sampled at different times of permanence in cell (t0) up until 12 days (t12) for biomorphometric, sensorial, nutritional, and microbiological analysis. Although the nutritional and sensorial quality of the oysters was more pronounced in group A, B and C groups also showed good results. In these two groups, thanks to the use of the modern water recirculation system the quality and safety of oysters was improved by reducing the presence of sludge and eliminating fecal contaminants completely than A treatment and seawater control. These results were also confirmed by the tank control, where a more extended depuration period positively influenced the same parameters emphasizing the importance of the adequate depuration processes in oyster production.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A bottleneck in restoring self-sustaining beds of the European oyster (Ostrea edulis) is the successful development and settlement of larvae to bottom habitats. These processes are largely governed by temperature but a mechanistic understanding of larval performance across ecologically relevant temperatures is lacking. We reared larvae at low (20-21 °C) and high (20-24 °C) fluctuating temperatures and applied short-term exposures of larvae to temperatures between 16 and 33 °C to assess vital rates and thermal coping ranges. Larval thermal preference was between 25 and 30 °C for both rearing treatments which corresponded with optimum temperatures for oxygen consumption rates and locomotion. Larvae had 5.5-fold higher settling success, however, when reared at the high compared to the low fluctuating temperatures. Higher mean and periods of increased temperature, as projected in a future climate, may therefore enhance recruitment success of O. edulis in northern European habitats.





