Origin of Life

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the boundless landscape of scientific exploration, there exists a hidden, yet easily accessible, dimension that has often not only intrigued and puzzled researchers but also provided the key. This dimension is chirality, the property that describes the handedness of objects. The influence of chirality extends across diverse fields of study from the parity violation in electroweak interactions to the extremely large macroscopic systems such as galaxies. In this opinion piece, we will delve into the power of chirality in scientific exploration by examining some examples that, at different scales, demonstrate its role as a key to a better understanding of our world. Our goal is to incite researchers from all fields to seek, implement and utilize chirality in their research. Going this extra mile might be more rewarding than it seems at first glance, in particular with regard to the increasing demand for new functional materials in response to the contemporary scientific and technological challenges we are facing. This article is part of the theme issue \'Celebrating the 15th anniversary of the Royal Society Newton International Fellowship\'.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The core autocatalytic cycle of the formose reaction may be enhanced or eroded by the presence of simple molecules at life\'s origin. Utilizing quantum chemistry, we calculate the thermodynamics and kinetics of reactions both within the core cycle and those that deplete the reactants and intermediates, such as the Cannizzaro reaction. We find that via disproportionation of aldehydes into carboxylic acids and alcohols, the Cannizzaro reaction furnishes simple catalysts for a variety of reactions. We also find that ammonia can catalyze both in-cycle and Cannizzaro reactions while hydrogen sulfide does not; both, however, play a role in sequestering reactants and intermediates in the web of potential reactions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The emergence of life from nonlife, or abiogenesis, remains a fundamental question in scientific inquiry. In this article, we investigate the probability of the origin of life (per conducive site) by leveraging insights from Earth\'s environments. If life originated endogenously on Earth, its existence is indeed endowed with informative value, although the interpretation of the attendant significance hinges critically upon prior assumptions. By adopting a Bayesian framework, for an agnostic prior, we establish a direct connection between the number of potential locations for abiogenesis on Earth and the probability of life\'s emergence per site. Our findings suggest that constraints on the availability of suitable environments for the origin(s) of life on Earth may offer valuable insights into the probability of abiogenesis and the frequency of life in the universe.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    ConspectusThe origin of life remains one of the most profound mysteries in science. Over millennia, theories have evolved, yet the question persists: How did life emerge from inanimate matter? At its core, the study of life\'s origin offers insights into our place in the universe and the nature of life itself. By delving into the chemical and geological processes that led to life\'s emergence, scientists gain a deeper understanding of the fundamental principles that govern living systems. This knowledge not only expands our scientific understanding but also has profound implications for fields ranging from astrobiology to synthetic biology.This research employs a multidisciplinary approach, combining a diverse array of techniques, from space missions to wet laboratory experiments to theoretical modeling. Investigations into the formation of the first proto-biomolecules are tailored to explore both the complex molecular processes that underpin life and the geological contexts in which these processes may have occurred. While laboratory experiments are aimed at mimicking the processes of early planets, not every process and sample is attainable. To this end, we demonstrate the use of molecular modeling techniques to complement experimental efforts and extraterrestrial missions. The simulations enable researchers to test hypotheses and explore scenarios that are difficult or impossible to replicate in the laboratory, bridging gaps in our understanding of prebiotic processes across vast time and space scales.Minerals, particularly layered structures like clays and hydrotalcites, play diverse and pivotal roles in the origin of life. They concentrate organic species, catalyze polymerization reactions (such as peptide formation), and provide protective environments for the molecules. Minerals have also been suggested to have acted as primitive genetic materials. Nevertheless, they may lack the ability for long-term information replication. Instead, we suggest that minerals may act as transcribers of information encoded in environmental cyclic phenomena, such as tidal or seasonal changes. We argue that extensive protection of the produced polymer will immobilize it, making it inactive for any further function. Therefore, in order to generate a functional polymer, it is essential that it remains mobile and chemically active. Furthermore, we suggest a route to the identification of pseudobiosignatures, a polymer that was polymerized on the same mineral surface and consequently retained through overprotection.This Account presents a comprehensive evaluation of the current understanding of the role of layered mineral surfaces on life\'s origin and biosignature preservation. It highlights the complexity of mineral-organic interactions and proposes pathways for proto-biomolecule emergence and methods for identifying and interpreting potential biosignatures. Ultimately, the quest to uncover the origin of life continues to drive scientific exploration and innovation, offering profound insights into the fundamental nature of existence and our place in the universe.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    How did specific useful protein sequences arise from simpler molecules at the origin of life? This seemingly needle-in-a-haystack problem has remarkably close resemblance to the old Protein Folding Problem, for which the solution is now known from statistical physics. Based on the logic that Origins must have come only after there was an operative evolution mechanism-which selects on phenotype, not genotype-we give a perspective that proteins and their folding processes are likely to have been the primary driver of the early stages of the origin of life.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This article proposes an evolutionary trajectory for the development of biological energy producing systems. Six main stages of energy producing system evolution are described, from early evolutionary pyrite-pulled mechanism through the Last Universal Common Ancestor (LUCA) to contemporary systems. We define the Last Pure Chemical Entity (LPCE) as the last completely non-enzymatic entity. LPCE could have had some life-like properties, but lacked genetic information carriers, thus showed greater instability and environmental dependence than LUCA. A double bubble model is proposed for compartmentalization and cellularization as a prerequisite to both highly efficient protein synthesis and transmembrane ion-gradient. The article finds that although LUCA predominantly functioned anaerobically, it was a non-exclusive anaerobe, and sulfur dominated metabolism preceded phosphate dominated one.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    ConspectusThe origin of the single chirality of the chemical building blocks of life remains an intriguing topic of research, even after decades of experimental and theoretical work proposing processes that may break symmetry and induce chiral amplification, a term that may be defined as the enhancement of enantiomeric excess starting from prochiral substrates or from a racemic mixture or a small imbalance between enantiomers. Studies aimed at understanding prebiotically plausible pathways to these molecules have often neglected the issue of chirality, with a focus on the stereochemical direction of these reactions generally being pursued after reaction discovery. Our work has explored how the stereochemical outcome for the synthesis of amino acids and sugars might be guided to rationalize the origin of biological homochirality. The mechanistic interconnection between enantioenrichment in these two groups of molecules provides insights concerning the handedness extant in modern biology. In five separate examples involving the synthesis of life\'s building blocks, including sugars, RNA precursors, amino acids, and peptides, kinetic resolution emerges as a key protocol for enantioenrichment from racemic molecules directed by chiral source molecules. Several of these examples involve means not only for chiral amplification but also symmetry breaking and chirality transfer across a range of racemic monomer molecules. Several important implications emerge from these studies: one, kinetic resolution of the primordial chiral sugar, glyceraldehyde, plays a key role in a number of different prebiotically plausible reactions; two, the emergence of homochirality in sugars and amino acids is inherently intertwined, with clear synergy between the biological hand of each molecule class; three, the origin story for the homochirality of enzymes and modern metabolism points toward kinetic resolution of racemic amino acids in networks that later evolved to include sophisticated and complete catalytic and co-catalytic cycles; four, a preference for heterochiral ligation forming product molecules that cannot lead to biologically competent polymers can in fact be a driving force for a route to homochiral polymer chains; and five, enantioenrichment in complex mixtures need not be addressed one compound at a time, because kinetic resolution induces symmetry breaking and chirality transfer that may lead to general protocols rather than specific cases tailored to each individual molecule. Such chirality transfer mechanisms perhaps presage strategies utilized in modern biology.Our latest work extends the study of monomer enantioenrichment to the ligation of these molecules into the extended homochiral chains leading to the complex polymers of modern biology. A central theme in all of these reactions is the key role that kinetic resolution of a racemic mixture of amino acids or sugars plays in enabling enantioenrichment under prebiotically plausible conditions. This work has uncovered important trends in symmetry breaking, chirality transfer, and chiral amplification. Kinetic resolution of racemic mixtures emerges as a general solution for chiral amplification in prebiotic chemistry, leading to the single chirality of complex biological molecules and genetic polymers.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Thioamide bonds are important intermediates in prebiotic chemistry. In cyanosulfidic prebiotic chemistry, they serve as crucial intermediates in the pathways that lead to the formation of many important biomolecules (e.g., amino acids). They can also serve as purine and pyrimidine precursors, the two classes of heterocycle employed in genetic molecules. Despite their importance, the formation of thioamide bonds from nitriles under prebiotic conditions has required large excesses of sulfide or compounds with unknown prebiotic sources. Here, we describe the thiol-catalyzed formation of thioamide bonds from nitriles. We show that the formation of the simplest of these compounds, thioformamide, forms readily in spark-discharge experiments from hydrogen cyanide, sulfide, and a methanethiol catalyst, suggesting potential accumulation on early Earth. Lastly, we demonstrate that thioformamide has a Gibbs energy of hydrolysis ( Δ G r ∘ ) comparable to other energy-currencies on early Earth such as pyrophosphate and thioester bonds. Overall, our findings imply that thioamides might have been abundant on early Earth and served a variety of functions during chemical evolution.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ichthyosporea is an underexplored group of unicellular eukaryotes closely related to animals. Thanks to their phylogenetic position, genomic content, and development through a multinucleate coenocyte reminiscent of some animal embryos, the members of Ichthyosporea are being increasingly recognized as pivotal to the study of animal origins. We delve into the existing knowledge of Ichthyosporea, identify existing gaps and discuss their life cycles, genomic insights, development, and potential to be model organisms. We also discuss the underestimated diversity of ichthyosporeans, based on new environmental data analyses. This review will be an essential resource for researchers venturing into the study of ichthyosporeans.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The ability of living organisms to persist, grow, evolve and invade environments seemingly challenges physical laws. Emerging Autonomous Systems representing autocatalytic cycles constituted of energized components in a state of Dynamic Kinetic Stability feature some of these properties. These simple theoretical models can grow, can be transferred but need an initiation to emerge and can collapse. Moreover, they can undergo kinetic selection in a way consistent with Darwinian behaviour, though they lack the ability to undergo change. The mere existence of these systems and their open-ended growth potential are proposed to constitute a transmissible factor of a non-coded kind. The onset and selection of epigenetic factors may therefore have preceded that of genetic polymers. Here is addressed the question of how these systems may arise from the diversity exhibited by abiotic organic matter, sometimes associated with intractable mixtures, which may actually be useful in providing initiators. The Darwinian description of evolution may therefore be merged without critical discontinuity within an origin scenario. Accordingly, such a theory would rests solely on physicochemical laws beginning with the potential of emerging autonomous systems to compete and invade the space dimension, and to further develop along other available dimensions including variability and, possibly, cognition.





