Orientation, Spatial

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Uni- or bilateral peripheralvestibular impairment causes objective spatial orientation deficits, which can be measured using pen-and-paper-tests or sensorimotor tasks (navigation or pointing). For patients\' subjective orientation abilities, questionnaires are commonly used (e.g., Santa Barbara sense of direction scale [SBSODS]). However, the relationship between subjective assessment of spatial skills and objective vestibular function has only been scarcely investigated.
    METHODS: A total of 177 patients (mean age 57.86 ± 17.53 years, 90 females) who presented in our tertiary Center for Vertigo and Balance Disorders underwent neuro-otological examinations, including bithermal water calorics, video head impulse test (vHIT), and testing of the subjective visual vertical (SVV), and filled out the SBSODS (German version). Correlation analyses and linear multiple regression model analyses were performed between vestibular test results and self-assessment scores. Additionally, groupwise vestibular function for patients with low, average, and high self-report scores was analyzed.
    RESULTS: Forty-two patients fulfilled the diagnostic criteria for bilateral vestibulopathy, 93 for chronic unilateral vestibulopathy (68 unilateral caloric hypofunction and 25 isolated horizontal vestibulo-ocular reflex deficits), and 42 patients had normal vestibular test results. SBSODS scores showed clear sex differences with higher subjective skill levels in males (mean score males: 4.94 ± 0.99, females 4.40 ± 0.94; Student\'s t-test: t-3.78, p < .001***). No stable correlation between objective vestibular function and subjective sense of spatial orientation was found. A multiple linear regression model could not reliably explain the self-reported variance. The three patient groups with low, average, and high self-assessment-scores showed no significant differences of vestibular function.
    CONCLUSIONS: Self-reported assessment of spatial orientation does not robustly correlate with objective peripheral vestibular function. Therefore, other methods of measuring spatial skills in real-world and virtual environments are required to disclose orientation deficits due to vestibular hypofunction.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The central complex of insects contains cells, organised as a ring attractor, that encode head direction. The \'bump\' of activity in the ring can be updated by idiothetic cues and external sensory information. Plasticity at the synapses between these cells and the ring neurons, that are responsible for bringing sensory information into the central complex, has been proposed to form a mapping between visual cues and the heading estimate which allows for more accurate tracking of the current heading, than if only idiothetic information were used. In Drosophila, ring neurons have well characterised non-linear receptive fields. In this work we produce synthetic versions of these visual receptive fields using a combination of excitatory inputs and mutual inhibition between ring neurons. We use these receptive fields to bring visual information into a spiking neural network model of the insect central complex based on the recently published Drosophila connectome. Previous modelling work has focused on how this circuit functions as a ring attractor using the same type of simple visual cues commonly used experimentally. While we initially test the model on these simple stimuli, we then go on to apply the model to complex natural scenes containing multiple conflicting cues. We show that this simple visual filtering provided by the ring neurons is sufficient to form a mapping between heading and visual features and maintain the heading estimate in the absence of angular velocity input. The network is successful at tracking heading even when presented with videos of natural scenes containing conflicting information from environmental changes and translation of the camera.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Humans orient to their sensory world through foveation of target location or through covert shifts of attention. Orienting provides primacy to the selected location and in humans improves the precision of discrimination. Covert orienting appears to arise separately from the mechanisms involved in saccadic eye movements. Covert orienting can serve to prioritize processing the target even increasing its subjective intensity and its acuity. However, this network does not appear to be involved in the operations related to binding and segmentation. Cells exist in the early visual cortex that are activated by both color and form features without attention, however, color and form appear to remain independent even when oriented to the target that is required to be reported. An understanding of the pathways that connect attention networks to memory networks may allow us to understand more complex aspects of spatial cognition and enhance orienting and thus improve spatial cognition.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Polarity-dependent orientation illusions constitute a class of illusions in which the impression of orientation does not depend only on geometrical relations between its elements, but also on the relations between their luminances. Several examples of such figures are presented in the paper. Todorović (2021a) presented a simple computational model of such phenomena. Simulations of the model indicated that a common feature of the neural basis of these illusions is the presence of certain neural structures called \'oblique clusters\'. A limitation of the model was that it used a restricted set of parameters. In this paper a generalization of the model is introduced involving types of receptive fields, their orientation sensitivity and their size or spatial frequency tuning. The simulations of the new model indicated that oblique clusters were present in the reaction patterns under a much wider set of conditions, though not all. The original hypothesis that oblique clusters constituted the neural foundations of impressions of tilt in this class of illusions was vindicated.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Perceiving verticality is crucial for accurate spatial orientation. Previous research has revealed that tilted scenes can bias verticality perception. Verticality perception bias can be represented as the sum of multiple periodic functions that play a role in the perception of visual orientation, where the specific factors affecting each periodicity remain uncertain. This study investigated the influence of the width and depth of an indoor scene on each periodic component of the bias. The participants were presented with an indoor scene showing a rectangular checkerboard room (Experiment 1), a rectangular aperture on the wall (Experiment 2), or a rectangular dotted room (Experiment 3), with various aspect ratios. The stimuli were presented with roll orientations ranging from 90° clockwise to 90° counterclockwise. The participants were asked to report their subjective visual vertical (SVV) perceptions. The contributions of 45°, 90°, and 180° periodicities to the SVV error were assessed by the weighted vector sum model. In Experiment 1, the periodic components of the SVV error increased with the aspect ratio. In Experiments 2 and 3, only the 90° component increased with the aspect ratio. These findings suggest that extended transverse surfaces may modulate the periodic components of verticality perception.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Without visual references, nonpilots exposed to coordinated flight turns underestimate the bank angle, because of discordant information of the roll-angular displacement from the otoliths, consistently signaling vertical position, versus the semicircular canals, enabling detection of the displacement. Pilots may also use their ability to perceive the G load and knowledge of the relation between load and angle to assess the bank angle. Our aim was to investigate whether the perception of bank angle can be improved by spatial orientation training in a centrifuge. Sixteen pilots/pilot students assessed their roll tilt, in complete darkness, during both real coordinated flight turns and gondola centrifugation, at roll tilts of 30° and 60°. The experiments were repeated after a 3-wk period, during which eight of the subjects performed nine training sessions in the centrifuge, comprising feedback on roll angle vs. G load, and on indicating requested angles. Before training, the subjects perceived in the aircraft and centrifuge, respectively: 37 (17)°, 38 (14)° during 60° turns and 19 (12)°, 20 (10)° during 30° turns. Training improved the perception of angle during the 60° [to 60 (7)°, 55 (10)°; P ≤ 0.04] but not the 30° [21 (10)°, 15 (9)°; P ≥ 0.30] turns; the improvement disappeared within 2 yr after training. Angle assessments did not change in the untrained group. The results suggest that it is possible to, in a centrifuge, train a pilot\'s ability to perceive large but not discrete-to-moderate roll-angular displacements. The transient training effect is attributable to improved capacity to perceive and translate G load into roll angle and/or to increased reliance on semicircular canal signals.NEW & NOTEWORTHY Spatial disorientation is a major problem in aviation. When performing coordinated flight turns without external visual cues (e.g., flying in clouds or darkness), the pilot underestimates the aircraft bank angle because the vestibular system provides unreliable information of roll tilt. The present study demonstrates that it is possible to, in a long-arm centrifuge, train a pilot\'s ability to perceive large but not discrete-to-moderate roll-angular displacements.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Reorientation, the process of regaining one\'s bearings after becoming lost, requires identification of a spatial context (context recognition) and recovery of facing direction within that context (heading retrieval). We previously showed that these processes rely on the use of features and geometry, respectively. Here, we examine reorientation behavior in a task that creates contextual ambiguity over a long timescale to demonstrate that male mice learn to combine both featural and geometric cues to recover heading. At the neural level, most CA1 neurons persistently align to geometry, and this alignment predicts heading behavior. However, a small subset of cells remaps coherently in a context-sensitive manner, which serves to predict context. Efficient heading retrieval and context recognition correlate with rate changes reflecting integration of featural and geometric information in the active ensemble. These data illustrate how context recognition and heading retrieval are coded in CA1 and how these processes change with experience.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Area V4 is an intermediate-level area of the macaque visual cortical hierarchy that serves key functions in visual processing by integrating inputs from lower areas such as V1 and V2 and providing feedforward inputs to many higher cortical areas. Previous V4 imaging studies have focused on differential responses to color, orientation, disparity, and motion stimuli, but many details of the spatial organization of significant hue and orientation tuning have not been fully described. We used support vector machine (SVM) decoding of intrinsic cortical single-condition responses to generate high-resolution maps of hue and orientation tuning and to describe the organization of hue and orientation pinwheels in V4. Like V1 and V2, V4 contains maps of orientation that are organized as pinwheels. V4 also contains maps of hue that are organized as pinwheels, whose circular organization more closely represents the perception of hue than is observed in antecedent cortical areas. Unlike V1, where orientation is continuously mapped across the surface, V4 hue and orientation pinwheels are organized in limited numbers of pinwheel sequences. The organization of these sequences and the distance between pinwheels may provide insight into the functional organization of V4. Regions significantly tuned for hue occupy roughly four times that of the orientation, are largely separated from each other, and overlap by roughly 5%. This spatial organization is largely consistent with segregated inputs arising from V2 thin and interstripes. This modular organization of V4 suggests that further integration of color and shape might occur in higher areas in inferotemporal cortical.NEW & NOTEWORTHY The representation of hue and orientation in macaque monkey area V4 was determined by intrinsic cortical imaging of responses to isoluminant hues and achromatic grating stimuli. Vector summation of support vector machine (SVM) decoded single-condition responses was used to generate hue and orientation maps that, like V1 orientation maps, were both characterized by distinct pinwheel patterns. These data suggest that pinwheels are an important structure to represent different stimulus features across multiple visual cortical areas.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The aerial flocking of birds, or murmurations, has fascinated observers while presenting many challenges to behavioral study and simulation. We examine how the periphery of murmurations remain well bounded and cohesive. We also investigate agitation waves, which occur when a flock is disturbed, developing a plausible model for how they might emerge spontaneously. To understand these behaviors a new model is presented for orientation-based social flocking. Previous methods model inter-bird dynamics by considering the neighborhood around each bird, and introducing forces for avoidance, alignment, and cohesion as three dimensional vectors that alter acceleration. Our method introduces orientation-based social flocking that treats social influences from neighbors more realistically as a desire to turn, indirectly controlling the heading in an aerodynamic model. While our model can be applied to any flocking social bird we simulate flocks of starlings, Sturnus vulgaris, and demonstrate the possibility of orientation waves in the absence of predators. Our model exhibits spherical and ovoidal flock shapes matching observation. Comparisons of our model to Reynolds\' on energy consumption and frequency analysis demonstrates more realistic motions, significantly less energy use in turning, and a plausible mechanism for emergent orientation waves.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A large body of literature has examined specificity and transfer of perceptual learning, suggesting a complex picture. Here, we distinguish between transfer over variations in a \"task-relevant\" feature (e.g., transfer of a learned orientation task to a different reference orientation) and transfer over a \"task-irrelevant\" feature (e.g., transfer of a learned orientation task to a different retinal location or different spatial frequency), and we focus on the mechanism for the latter. Experimentally, we assessed whether learning a judgment of one feature (such as orientation) using one value of an irrelevant feature (e.g., spatial frequency) transfers to another value of the irrelevant feature. Experiment 1 examined whether learning in eight-alternative orientation identification with one or multiple spatial frequencies transfers to stimuli at five different spatial frequencies. Experiment 2 paralleled Experiment 1, examining whether learning in eight-alternative spatial-frequency identification at one or multiple orientations transfers to stimuli with five different orientations. Training the orientation task with a single spatial frequency transferred widely to all other spatial frequencies, with a tendency to specificity when training with the highest spatial frequency. Training the spatial frequency task fully transferred across all orientations. Computationally, we extended the identification integrated reweighting theory (I-IRT) to account for the transfer data (Dosher, Liu, & Lu, 2023; Liu, Dosher, & Lu, 2023). Just as location-invariant representations in the original IRT explain transfer over retinal locations, incorporating feature-invariant representations effectively accounted for the observed transfer. Taken together, we suggest that feature-invariant representations can account for transfer of learning over a \"task-irrelevant\" feature.





