Organophosphate ester

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Organophosphate esters (OPEs) are one of the emerging environmental threats, causing the hazard to ecosystem safety and human health. Yet, the toxic effects and metabolic response mechanism after Escherichia coli (E.coli) exposed to TDCIPP and TEHP is inconclusive. Herein, the levels of SOD and CAT were elevated in a concentration-dependent manner, accompanied with the increase of MDA contents, signifying the activation of antioxidant response and occurrence of lipid peroxidation. Oxidative damage mediated by excessive accumulation of ROS decreased membrane potential and inhibited membrane protein synthesis, causing membrane protein dysfunction. Integrative analyses of GC-MS and LC-MS based metabolomics evinced that significant perturbation to the carbohydrate metabolism, nucleotide metabolism, lipids metabolism, amino acid metabolism, organic acids metabolism were induced following exposure to TDCIPP and TEHP in E.coli, resulting in metabolic reprogramming. Additionally, metabolites including PE(16:1(5Z)/15:0), PA(17:0/15:1(9Z)), PC(20:2(11Z,14Z)/12:0), LysoPC(18:3(6Z,9Z,12Z)/0:0) were significantly upregulated, manifesting that cell membrane protective molecule was afforded by these differential metabolites to improve permeability and fluidity. Overall, current findings generate new insights into the molecular toxicity mechanism by which E.coli respond to TDCIPP and TEHP stress and supply valuable information for potential ecological risks of OPEs on aquatic ecosystems.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Tris(1,3-dichloro-2-propyl) phosphate (TDCIPP) is a widely used organophosphate ester that can adversely affect animal or human health. The intestinal microbiota is critical to human health. High-dose exposure to TDCIPP can markedly affect the intestinal ecosystem of mice, but the effects of long-term exposure to lower concentrations of TDCIPP on the intestinal flora and body metabolism remain unclear. In this study, TDCIPP was administered to Sprague-Dawley rats by gavage at a dose of 13.3 mg/kg bw/day for 90 days. TDCIPP increased the relative weight of the kidneys (P = 0.017), but had no effect on the relative weight of the heart, liver, spleen, lungs, testes, and ovaries (P > 0.05). 16 S rRNA gene sequencing revealed that long-term TDCIPP exposure affected the diversity, relative abundance, and functions of rat gut microbes. The serum metabolomics of the rats showed that TDCIPP can disrupt the serum metabolic profiles, result in the up-regulation of 26 metabolites and down-regulation of 3 metabolites, and affect multiple metabolic pathways in rat sera. In addition, the disturbed genera and metabolites were correlated. The functions of some disturbed gut microbes were consistent with the affected metabolic pathways in the sera, and these metabolic pathways were all associated with kidney disease, suggesting that TDCIPP may cause kidney injury in rats by affecting the intestinal flora and serum metabolism.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Flame retardants (FRs) are added to vehicles to meet flammability standards, such as US Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard FMVSS 302. However, an understanding of which FRs are being used, sources in the vehicle, and implications for human exposure is lacking. US participants (n = 101) owning a vehicle of model year 2015 or newer hung a silicone passive sampler on their rearview mirror for 7 days. Fifty-one of 101 participants collected a foam sample from a vehicle seat. Organophosphate esters (OPEs) were the most frequently detected FR class in the passive samplers. Among these, tris(1-chloro-isopropyl) phosphate (TCIPP) had a 99% detection frequency and was measured at levels ranging from 0.2 to 11,600 ng/g of sampler. TCIPP was also the dominant FR detected in the vehicle seat foam. Sampler FR concentrations were significantly correlated with average ambient temperature and were 2-5 times higher in the summer compared to winter. The presence of TCIPP in foam resulted in ∼4 times higher median air sampler concentrations in winter and ∼9 times higher in summer. These results suggest that FRs used in vehicle interiors, such as in seat foam, are a source of OPE exposure, which is increased in warmer temperatures.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Takeaway food has become a prominent component of the diet in urban areas of China, especially for young people. Although dietary intake is a major pathway to contaminants for human exposure, studies on emerging organophosphite antioxidants (OPAs) and organophosphate esters (OPEs) in food are scarce. Here, we investigated four OPAs and 19 OPEs in takeaway foods (n = 99) and paired takeaway food packaging (n = 50) in China. AO168=O (mean: 14.9 ng/g ww), TPPO (mean: 1.05 ng/g ww), and TCIPP (mean: 0.579 ng/g ww) were dominant in the takeaway food. Some OPEs had significant correlations in takeaway food. Emerging OPAs and OPEs in takeaway food varied significantly depending on the packaging materials and food types. AO168 and AO168=O were widespread in the paired takeaway food packaging. The migration efficiencies of emerging OPAs and OPEs were low in takeaway food packaged in aluminum foil. Although the actual contamination of emerging OPAs and OPEs in takeaway food significantly differed from those of in food simulants migrated from paired takeaway food packaging, the results imply that food itself and takeaway food packaging are potential contamination sources of emerging OPAs and OPEs in takeaway food. The average estimated dietary intakes of emerging OPAs and OPEs were 465 ng/kg body weight (bw)/day and 91.9 ng/kg bw/day, respectively. The exposure risk of emerging OPAs and OPEs through takeaway food intake is low in China.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Although traditional organophosphate esters (OPEs) in soils have attracted widespread interest, there is little information on novel OPEs (NOPEs), especially in facility agriculture soils. In this work, we surveyed 11 traditional OPEs, four NOPEs, and four corresponding organophosphite antioxidant precursors (OPAs) for the NOPEs in soil samples collected from facility greenhouses and open fields. The median summed concentrations of traditional OPEs and NOPEs were 14.1 μg/kg (range: 5.38-115 μg/kg) and 702 μg/kg (range: 348-1952 μg/kg), respectively, in film-mulched soils from greenhouses. These concentrations were much higher than those in soils without mulch films, which suggests that OPEs in soils are associated with plastic mulch films. Tris(2,4-di-tert-butylphenyl) phosphate, which is a NOPE produced by oxidation of (2,4-di-tert-butylphenyl) phosphite, was the predominant congener in farmland soils, with concentrations several orders of magnitude greater than those of traditional OPEs. Comparisons of OPEs in different mulch films and the corresponding mulched soils revealed that degradable and black films caused more severe pollution than polyethylene and white films. Traditional OPEs, including tris(2-ethylhexyl) phosphate and tricresyl phosphate, exhibited moderate risks in farmland soils, especially in film-mulched soils. NOPEs, including trisnonylphenol phosphate, posed high ecological risks to the terrestrial ecosystem. Risk evaluations should be conducted for a broad range of NOPEs in the environment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Herein, the trapping effectiveness of N95, filter KN95, medical surgical masks (MSMs), and disposable medical masks (DMMs) against 19 airborne traditional and novel organophosphate esters (OPEs) was evaluated. Laboratory simulations (n = 24 for each type of mask) showed that time-dependent accumulation of ∑19OPEs on the four types of masks ranged between 30.1 and 86.6 ng in 24 h, with the highest and lowest median amounts trapped by the N95 masks (53.3 ng) and DMMs (43.2 ng), respectively. The trapping efficiency of the four types of masks for ∑19OPEs decreased over time from 84 % to 39 % in 24 h, with N95 masks showing the highest median efficiency (70 %). Further, field investigations were conducted in five types of microenvironments (train, hospital, bus, supermarket, and canteen), and an analysis of 200 samples showed that ∑19OPEs were accumulated in the masks with a variable amount from 3.7 to 117 ng/mask. Consistent with the laboratory simulations, the N95 masks (29.0 ng/mask) exhibited the highest hourly median amount of trapped OPEs, followed by the KN95 masks (24.5 ng/mask), MSMSs (17.4 ng/mask), and DMMs (15.8 ng/mask). Triethyl phosphate (TEP), tris(1-chloro-2-propyl) phosphate (TCIPP), tri-n-butyl phosphate (TNBP), and cresyl diphenyl phosphate (CDP) as well as 4-isopropylphenyl diphenyl phosphate (4IPPDPP) and 2,4-diisopropylphenyl diphenyl phosphate (24DIPPDPP) were the most commonly detected traditional and novel OPEs. Based on the amount of OPEs trapped on the masks, we estimated the concentration of ∑19OPEs in the train microenvironment to be the highest (222 ng/m3), which is approximately 2-5 times higher than that in the other microenvironments. The results of this study prove that masks can effectively protect humans from exposure to OPEs and act as low-cost indicators of indoor contamination.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    As a new class of organophosphate ester, cresyl diphenyl phosphate (CDP) has been widely monitored in environmental matrices and human samples, nonetheless, its toxicity is not fully understood. Here we described an in-depth analysis of the disruptions in lipid homeostasis of zebrafish following exposure to CDP concentrations ranging from 2.0 to 313.0 μg/L. Nile red staining revealed significant alterations in lipid contents in 72 hpf zebrafish embryos at CDP concentrations of 5.3 μg/L and above. Lipidomic analysis unveiled substantial disruptions in lipid homeostasis. Notably, disruptive effects were detected in various lipid classes, including phospholipids (i.e. cardiolipin, lysophosphatidylcholine, and phosphatidylethanolamine), glycerolipids (triglycerides), and fatty acids (fatty acids (FA) and wax esters (WE)). These alterations were further supported by transcriptional changes, with remarkable shifts observed in genes associated with lipid synthesis, transport, and metabolism, encompassing phospholipids, glycerolipids, fatty acids, and sphingolipids. Furthermore, CDP exposure elicited a significant elevation in ATP content and swimming activity in embryos, signifying perturbed energy homeostasis. Taken together, the present findings underscore the disruptive effects of CDP on lipid homeostasis, thereby providing novel insights essential for advancing the health risk assessment of organophosphate flame retardants.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Organophosphate esters (OPEs) as substitutes for PBDEs have been widely detected in the marine environment, while little is known about the pollution characteristics and variation of OPEs in estuarine environments with complex hydrodynamic conditions and land-based input. Yangtze River Estuary (YRE) is a typical highly urbanized and industrialized estuary, with a complex hydrological environment and geochemical behavior. This study found that the concentrations of OPEs in both seawater and sediments in the YRE were higher in spring than in summer. Alkyl OPEs were the first contributor, with TnBP and TiBP as the main components, where the contribution of alkyl OPEs had exceeded 75 % in both seawater and sediments in spring, and 60 % in summer seawater, and even 80 % in sediments. In spring, OPEs peaked in the central to southern region near the YRE. In summer, OPEs were mainly concentrated in the southern branch waterway and southern nearshore area of the YRE and showed a decreasing trend to the northeast. The OPEs in the sediments were mainly concentrated in the Yangtze River Mud Area (YREMA) and the Zhe-Min Coastal Mud Area (ZMCMA). Based on the fugacity model and principal component analysis, sediments could be released into the aquatic environment as an endogenous source, and exogenous sources were mainly municipal and industrial sewage discharge sources, urban and marine traffic discharge sources, and atmospheric deposition sources. The ecological risk analysis showed that the Σ14OPEs had exhibited a low to moderate ecological risk in the southern branch waterway and the south-central region offshore.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sixty-eight paired samples of urban surface dust and soil as well as four samples of atmospheric dustfall were collected from the arid city of Urumqi in Northwest China. Thirteen organophosphate esters (OPEs) in these samples were analyzed for the characteristics, sources, bio-accessibility, and health risks of OPEs. The studied OPEs were widely detected in the urban surface dust, soil, and dustfall, with Σ13OPEs (total concentration of 13 OPEs) of 1362, 164.0, and 1367 ng/g, respectively, dominated by tris(2-chloroethyle) phosphate (TCEP), tri(2-chloroisopropyl) phosphate (TCiPP), tri(1, 3-dichloroisopropyl) phosphate (TDCiPP) and tris(2-butoxyethyl) phosphate (TBOEP), TBOEP and tri(2-ethylhexyl) phosphate (TEHP), and TCEP, TCiPP, TBOEP, triphenyl phosphate and TEHP, respectively. The low and high frequency magnetic susceptibility of surface dust and urban soil might indicate the pollution of OPEs in them. Elevated levels of the Σ13OPEs in the surface dust and urban soil were found in the west, south, and northeast of Urumqi city. The total deposition flux of dustfall-bound 13 OPEs ranged from 86.5 to 143 ng/m2/day, with a mean of 105 ng/m2/day. OPEs in the surface dust and urban soil were associated with the emissions of indoor and outdoor products containing OPEs, the dry and wet deposition of atmosphere, and the emissions of traffic. Trimethyl phosphate, triethyl phosphate, tripropyl phosphate, tri-isobutyl phosphate, TCEP, TCiPP, TDCiPP, and TBOEP in surface dust and urban soil had relatively high bio-accessibility. The bio-accessibility of OPEs was mainly affected by the physio-chemical properties of OPEs. The non-cancer and cancer risks of human exposure to OPEs in surface dust and urban soil were relatively low or negligible. The current research results may provide scientific supports for prevention and control of pollution and risks of OPEs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Organophosphate esters (OPEs) have replaced flame retardant polybrominated diphenyl ethers as flame retardants in consumer products, but few longitudinal studies have characterized childhood OPE exposure.
    OBJECTIVE: We aimed to examine the exposure pattern of urinary OPE metabolites in children.
    METHODS: We quantified three urinary OPE metabolites five times in children (1, 2, 3, 5, 8 years) from 312 mother-child pairs in the Health Outcomes and Measures of the Environment (HOME) Study, a prospective pregnancy and birth cohort in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. We examined the associations of average maternal OPE metabolite concentrations with OPE metabolite concentrations in childhood, characterized childhood OPE trajectories with latent class growth analysis (LCGA), and examined factors related to trajectory membership.
    RESULTS: Bis(2-chloroethyl) phosphate (BCEP) had the lowest median concentrations over time (0.66-0.97 mg/L) while the median concentrations of bis(1,3-dichloro-2-propyl) phosphate (BDCIPP) increased with age (1.44-3.80 mg/L). The median concentrations of diphenyl phosphate (DPHP) fluctuated between 1.96 and 2.69 mg/L. Intraclass correlation coefficients for urinary metabolites measured at five time points indicated high variability within individuals (0.13-0.24). Average maternal urinary BCEP and BDCIPP were associated with concentrations in early childhood. Maternal education, the birth year of the child, and having a carpet in the main activity room were associated with BCEP and BDCIPP trajectory while none of the factors were associated with DPHP trajectory.
    CONCLUSIONS: The trajectory analysis showed different patterns of urinary OPE metabolite concentrations, suggesting the need to collect multiple samples to adequately reflect OPE exposure.
    UNASSIGNED: In this well-established cohort, we evaluated the patterns of urinary OPE metabolites in children ages 1-8 years. The number of repeated measures over childhood has not been achieved in prior studies. Our results suggested the high variability of urinary OPE metabolites within individuals. Maternal metabolite concentrations during pregnancy were related to child concentrations at ages 1-3 years. BCEP, BDCIPP, and DPHP demonstrated different trajectories in children, which suggests that multiple samples may be required to capture OPE exposure patterns in childhood.





