
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Patient derived organoids (PDOs) are 3D in vitro models and have shown to better reflect patient and tumor heterogeneity than conventional 2D cell lines. To utilize PDOs in clinical settings and trials for biomarker discovery or drug response evaluation, it is valuable to determine the best way to optimize sample selection for maximum PDO establishment. In this study, we assess patient, tumor and tissue sampling factors and correlate them with successful PDO establishment in a well-documented cohort of patients with head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC).
    METHODS: Tumor and non-tumorous adjacent tissue samples were obtained from HNSCC patients during routine biopsy or resection procedures at the University Medical Center Utrecht. The tissue was subsequently processed to establish PDOs. The sample purity was determined as the presence of epithelial cells in the culture on the day of organoid isolation as visualized microscopically by the researcher. PDO establishment was recorded for all samples. Clinical data was obtained from the medical records and was correlated to PDO establishment and presence of epithelial cells.
    RESULTS: Organoids could be established in 133/250 (53.2%) primary tumor site tissues. HNSCC organoid establishment tended to be more successful if patients were younger than the median age of 68 years (74/123 (60.2%) vs. 59/127 (46.5%), p = 0.03). For a subset of samples, the presence of epithelial cells in the organoid culture on the day of organoid isolation was recorded in 112/149 (75.2%) of these samples. When cultures were selected for presence of epithelial cells, organoid establishment increased to 76.8% (86/112 samples).
    CONCLUSIONS: This study found a trend between age and successful organoid outgrowth in patients with HNSCC younger than 68 years and emphasizes the value of efficient sampling regarding PDO establishment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Diabetes mellitus, a significant global public health challenge, severely impacts human health worldwide. The organoid, an innovative in vitro three-dimensional (3D) culture model, closely mimics tissues or organs in vivo. Insulin-secreting islet organoid, derived from stem cells induced in vitro with 3D structures, has emerged as a potential alternative for islet transplantation and as a possible disease model that mirrors the human body\'s in vivo environment, eliminating species difference. This technology has gained considerable attention for its potential in diabetes treatment. Despite advances, the process of stem cell differentiation into islet organoid and its cultivation demonstrates deficiencies, prompting ongoing efforts to develop more efficient differentiation protocols and 3D biomimetic materials. At present, the constructed islet organoid exhibit limitations in their composition, structure, and functionality when compared to natural islets. Consequently, further research is imperative to achieve a multi-tissue system composition and improved insulin secretion functionality in islet organoid, while addressing transplantation-related safety concerns, such as tumorigenicity, immune rejection, infection, and thrombosis. This review delves into the methodologies and strategies for constructing the islet organoid, its application in diabetes treatment, and the pivotal scientific challenges within organoid research, offering fresh perspectives for a deeper understanding of diabetes pathogenesis and the development of therapeutic interventions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cyclosporine A (CsA) has shown efficacy against immunity-related diseases despite its toxicity in various organs, including the liver, emphasizing the need to elucidate its underlying hepatotoxicity mechanism. This study aimed to capture the alterations in genome-wide expression over time and the subsequent perturbations of corresponding pathways across species. Six data from humans, mice, and rats, including animal liver tissue, human liver microtissues, and two liver cell lines exposed to CsA toxic dose, were used. The microtissue exposed to CsA for 10 d was analyzed to obtain dynamically differentially expressed genes (DEGs). Single-time points data at 1, 3, 5, 7, and 28 d of different species were used to provide additional evidence. Using liver microtissue-based longitudinal design, DEGs that were consistently up- or down-regulated over time were captured, and the well-known mechanism involved in CsA toxicity was elucidated. Thirty DEGs that consistently changed in longitudinal data were also altered in 28-d rat in-house data with concordant expression. Some genes (e.g. TUBB2A, PLIN2, APOB) showed good concordance with identified DEGs in 1-d and 7-d mouse data. Pathway analysis revealed up-regulations of protein processing, asparagine N-linked glycosylation, and cargo concentration in the endoplasmic reticulum. Furthermore, the down-regulations of pathways related to biological oxidations and metabolite and lipid metabolism were elucidated. These pathways were also enriched in single-time-point data and conserved across species, implying their biological significance and generalizability. Overall, the human organoids-based longitudinal design coupled with cross-species validation provides temporal molecular change tracking, aiding mechanistic elucidation and biologically relevant biomarker discovery.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Dental pulp stem cells (DPSCs) originate from the neural crest and the present mesenchymal phenotype showed self-renewal capabilities and can differentiate into at least three lineages. DPSCs are easily isolated with minimal harm, no notable ethical constraints, and without general anesthesia to the donor individuals. Furthermore, cryopreservation of DPSCs provides this opportunity for autologous transplantation in future studies without fundamental changes in stemness, viability, proliferation, and differentiating features. Current approaches for pulp tissue regeneration include pulp revascularization, cell-homing-based regenerative endodontic treatment (RET), cell-transplantation-based regenerative endodontic treatment, and allogeneic transplantation. In recent years, a novel technology, organoid, provides a mimic physiological condition and tissue construct that can be applied for tissue engineering, genetic manipulation, disease modeling, single-cell high throughput analysis, living biobank, cryopreserving and maintaining cells, and therapeutic approaches based on personalized medicine. The organoids can be a reliable preclinical prediction model for evaluating cell behavior, monitoring drug response or resistance, and comparing healthy and pathological conditions for therapeutic and prognostic approaches. In the current review, we focused on the promising application of 3D organoid technology based on DPSCs in oral and maxillofacial tissue regeneration. We discussed encountering challenges and limitations, and found promising solutions to overcome obstacles.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Organoid systems have revolutionised various facets of biological research by offering a three-dimensional (3D), physiologically relevant in vitro model to study complex organ systems. Over recent years, testicular organoids have been publicised as promising platforms for reproductive studies, disease modelling, drug screening, and fertility preservation. However, the full potential of these systems has yet to be realised due to inherent limitations. This paper offers a comprehensive analysis of the current challenges associated with testicular organoid models. Firstly, we address the inability of current organoid systems to fully replicate the intricate spatial organisation and cellular diversity of the in vivo testis. Secondly, we scrutinise the fidelity of germ cell maturation within the organoids, highlighting incomplete spermatogenesis and epigenetic inconsistencies. Thirdly, we consider the technical challenges faced during organoid culture, including nutrient diffusion limits, lack of vasculature, and the need for specialised growth factors. Finally, we discuss the ethical considerations surrounding the use of organoids for human reproduction research. Addressing these limitations in combination with integrating complementary approaches, will be essential if we are to advance our understanding of testicular biology and develop novel strategies for addressing reproductive health issues in males.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Population aging has increased the global prevalence of aging-related diseases, including cancer, sarcopenia, neurological disease, arthritis, and heart disease. Understanding aging, a fundamental biological process, has led to breakthroughs in several fields. Cellular senescence, evinced by flattened cell bodies, vacuole formation, and cytoplasmic granules, ubiquitously plays crucial roles in tissue remodeling, embryogenesis, and wound repair as well as in cancer therapy and aging. The lack of universal biomarkers for detecting and quantifying senescent cells, in vitro and in vivo, constitutes a major limitation. The applications and limitations of major senescence biomarkers, including senescence-associated β-galactosidase staining, telomere shortening, cell-cycle arrest, DNA methylation, and senescence-associated secreted phenotypes are discussed. Furthermore, explore senotherapeutic approaches for aging-associated diseases and cancer. In addition to the conventional biomarkers, this review highlighted the in vitro, in vivo, and disease models used for aging studies. Further, technologies from the current decade including multi-omics and computational methods used in the fields of senescence and aging are also discussed in this review. Understanding aging-associated biological processes by using cellular senescence biomarkers can enable therapeutic innovation and interventions to improve the quality of life of older adults.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Recent years have ushered in a transformative era in in vitro modeling with the advent of organoids, three-dimensional structures derived from stem cells or patient tumor cells. Still, fully harnessing the potential of organoids requires advanced imaging technologies and analytical tools to quantitatively monitor organoid growth. Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is a promising imaging modality for organoid analysis due to its high-resolution, label-free, non-destructive, and real-time 3D imaging capabilities, but accurately identifying and quantifying organoids in OCT images remain challenging due to various factors. Here, we propose an automatic deep learning-based pipeline with convolutional neural networks that synergistically includes optimized preprocessing steps, the implementation of a state-of-the-art deep learning model, and ad-hoc postprocessing methods, showcasing good generalizability and tracking capabilities over an extended period of 13 days. The proposed tracking algorithm thoroughly documents organoid evolution, utilizing reference volumes, a dual branch analysis, key attribute evaluation, and probability scoring for match identification. The proposed comprehensive approach enables the accurate tracking of organoid growth and morphological changes over time, advancing organoid analysis and serving as a solid foundation for future studies for drug screening and tumor drug sensitivity detection based on organoids.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Activation of neural stem cells (NSCs) correlates with improved functional outcomes in mouse models of injury. In the murine brain, NSCs have been extensively characterized and comprise (1) primitive NSCs (pNSCs) and (2) definitive NSCs (dNSCs). pNSCs are the earliest cells in the NSC lineage giving rise to dNSCs in the embryonic and adult mouse brain. pNSCs are quiescent under baseline conditions and can be activated upon injury. Herein, we asked whether human pNSCs and dNSCs can be isolated during the maturation of human cerebral organoids (COs) and activated by drugs known to regulate mouse NSC behavior. We demonstrate that self-renewing, multipotent pNSC and dNSC populations are present in human COs and express genes previously characterized in mouse NSCs. The drug NWL283, an inhibitor of apoptosis, reduced cell death in COs but did not improve NSC survival. Metformin, a drug used to treat type II diabetes that is known to promote NSC activation in mice, was found to expand human NSC pools. Together, these findings are the first to identify and characterize human pNSCs, advancing our understanding of the human NSC lineage and highlighting drugs that enhance their activity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Recent advancements in stem cell biology and tissue engineering have revolutionized the field of neurodegeneration research by enabling the development of sophisticated in vitro human brain models. These models, including 2D monolayer cultures, 3D organoids, organ-on-chips, and bioengineered 3D tissue models, aim to recapitulate the cellular diversity, structural organization, and functional properties of the native human brain. This review highlights how these in vitro brain models have been used to investigate the effects of various pathogens, including viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites infection, particularly in the human brain cand their subsequent impacts on neurodegenerative diseases. Traditional studies have demonstrated the susceptibility of different 2D brain cell types to infection, elucidated the mechanisms underlying pathogen-induced neuroinflammation, and identified potential therapeutic targets. Therefore, current methodological improvement brought the technology of 3D models to overcome the challenges of 2D cells, such as the limited cellular diversity, incomplete microenvironment, and lack of morphological structures by highlighting the need for further technological advancements. This review underscored the significance of in vitro human brain cell from 2D monolayer to bioengineered 3D tissue model for elucidating the intricate dynamics for pathogen infection modeling. These in vitro human brain cell enabled researchers to unravel human specific mechanisms underlying various pathogen infections such as SARS-CoV-2 to alter blood-brain-barrier function and Toxoplasma gondii impacting neural cell morphology and its function. Ultimately, these in vitro human brain models hold promise as personalized platforms for development of drug compound, gene therapy, and vaccine. Overall, we discussed the recent progress in in vitro human brain models, their applications in studying pathogen infection-related neurodegeneration, and future directions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The NLRP3 inflammasome plays a crucial role in the inflammatory response, reacting to pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) and damage-associated molecular patterns (DAMPs). This response is essential for combating infections and restoring tissue homeostasis. However, chronic activation can lead to detrimental effects, particularly in neuropsychiatric and neurodegenerative diseases. Our study seeks to provide a method to effectively measure the NLRP3 inflammasome\'s activation within cerebral organoids (COs), providing insights into the underlying pathophysiology of these conditions and enabling future studies to investigate the development of targeted therapies.





