Organic enrichment

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The organic enrichment effects on the meiofauna and nematofauna were assessed for field sediment and other experimental ones enriched with organic matters conducted in the laboratory for 4 weeks. Also, dissolved oxygen (DO) and pH were monitored for each one. The abundance and diversity of meiofaunal groups and nematofauna varied. Strong significant correlations were found between DO and the studied items. Nematoda was the most abundant group in the field sediment and other experimental ones; their counts increased with the increase in organic enrichments and were dominated by deposit feeders. Amphipoda, Ostracoda and predator/omnivore nematodes disappeared in highly organic-enriched sediments. Changes in DO and organic enrichments might be the more attributable reasons for the alteration of the meiobenthic assemblages. The generic compositions of Nematoda provide a good indicator for environmental alterations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    As deposit feeders contribute to bioremediation and nutrient recycling in sediments, positively impacting water and sediment quality, holothurians are candidate organisms for multitrophic aquaculture. This study aimed to investigate the potential of Holothuria poli to reduce the environmental footprint of fish farms through a benthocosm experiment. The experimental setup included four benthocosms with holothurians(H+) and four without (H-). The 58-day experiment included two phases: constant organic enrichment and recovery. In order to simulate the organic enrichment sediment conditions under a typical fish farm, a mixture of fish feces and fish feed pellets was added. Results showed that holothurians effectively reduced organic matter and H2S and increased redox, RPD depth and sediment oxygenation, thereby preventing anoxic conditions. Also, during the recovery phase, holothurians facilitated rapid sediment recovery, while the sediments without holothurians remained organic-enriched until the end of the experiment. The study emphasizes the significance of holothurians in mitigating the impacts of aquaculture on sediment conditions and so promoting environmental sustainability.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Eutrophication is a worldwide issue that can disrupt ecosystem processes in sediments. Studies have shown that macrofauna influences sediment processes by engineering environments that constrain microbial communities. Here, we explored the effect of different sizes of the Sydney cockle (Anadara trapezia), on bacterial and archaeal communities in natural and experimentally enriched sediments. A mesocosm experiment was conducted with two enrichment conditions (natural or enriched) and 5 cockle treatments (small, medium, large, mixed sizes and a control). This study was unable to detect A. trapezia effects on microbial communities irrespective of body size. However, a substantial decrease of bacterial richness, diversity, and structural and functional shifts, were seen with organic enrichment of sediments. Archaea were similarly changed although the magnitude of effect was less than for bacteria. Overall, we found evidence to suggest that A. trapezia had limited capacity to affect sediment microbial communities and mitigate the effects of organic enrichment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Submarine outfalls are an effective alternative for the final discharge of wastewater. The aim was to evaluate the subtidal macrobenthic community\'s responses and the changes in bottom sedimentary dynamics due to submarine outfall (SO) location. Sampling stages were: before SO (BSO), after SO (ASO) and after treatment plant (AEDAR). Sampling sites were determined at different distances from the coastline (coastal, oceanic, and reference) on both sides of the pipe (North and South). Species shifts (from tolerant to sensitive) were observed along with a decrease in organic matter in the AEDAR Stage. There were changes in the sedimentary dynamic with sediment accumulation on the South side of the SO (finest sediments) and erosion on the North side (coarsest sediments) in the ASO and AEDAR Stages. Species turnover was higher than nesting in all stages. Functional trait analysis allowed the identification of temporal variations in benthic communities. The body size, development mode, feeding mode, habit, adult mobility and tolerance to pollution were useful functional traits to detect changes through Stages (BSO, ASO, and AEDAR). Biotic indices classified the sites as slightly disturbed, indicating a slight improvement in the AEDAR Stage.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Organic enrichment associated with marine finfish aquaculture is a local stressor of marine coastal ecosystems. To maintain ecosystem services, the implementation of biomonitoring programs focusing on benthic diversity is required. Traditionally, impact-indices are determined by extracting and identifying benthic macroinvertebrates from samples. However, this is a time-consuming and expensive method with low upscaling potential. A more rapid, inexpensive, and robust method to infer the environmental quality of marine environments is eDNA metabarcoding of bacterial communities. To infer the environmental quality of coastal habitats from metabarcoding data, two taxonomy-free approaches have been successfully applied for different geographical regions and monitoring goals, namely quantile regression splines (QRS) and supervised machine learning (SML). However, their comparative performance remains untested for monitoring the impact of organic enrichment introduced by aquaculture on marine coastal environments. We compared the performance of QRS and SML using bacterial metabarcoding data to infer the environmental quality of 230 aquaculture samples collected from seven farms in Norway and seven farms in Scotland along an organic enrichment gradient. As a measure of environmental quality, we used the Infaunal Quality Index (IQI) calculated from benthic macrofauna data (reference index). The QRS analysis plotted the abundance of amplicon sequence variants (ASVs) as a function to the IQI from which the ASVs with a defined abundance peak were assigned to eco-groups and a molecular IQI was subsequently calculated. In contrast, the SML approach built a random forest model to directly predict the macrofauna-based IQI. Our results show that both QRS and SML perform well in inferring the environmental quality with 89% and 90% accuracy, respectively. For both geographic regions, there was high correspondence between the reference IQI and both the inferred molecular IQIs (p < 0.001), with the SML model showing a higher coefficient of determination compared to QRS. Among the 20 most important ASVs identified by the SML approach, 15 were congruent with the good quality spline ASV indicators identified via QRS for both Norwegian and Scottish salmon farms. More research on the response of the ASVs to organic enrichment and the co-influence of other environmental parameters is necessary to eventually select the most powerful stressor-specific indicators. Even though both approaches are promising to infer environmental quality based on metabarcoding data, SML showed to be more powerful in handling the natural variability. For the improvement of the SML model, addition of new samples is still required, as background noise introduced by high spatio-temporal variability can be reduced. Overall, we recommend the development of a powerful SML approach that will be onwards applied for monitoring the impact of aquaculture on marine ecosystems based on eDNA metabarcoding data.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The effect of heat exchange area on the componential evolutions of biomass pyrolysis vapors was visualized through an innovative combining method of bio-oil composition inversion and function fitting. As the maximal diameter of condenser at 340 K increased from 35 mm to 55 mm, the fitted heat maps showed that the recovery of organics increased in the top of condenser and remained steady in the bottom, whereas the water recovery only increased in the top but decreased in the bottom. The recovery proportion of furfural and phenolic compounds increased by 20-40% with unvaried water recovery, and the content enrichment of high value-added components increased by 30-45% at 37 wt% of bio-oil yield. Heat exchange area exhibited a finer regulation effect on the condensation of pyrolysis vapors than traditional condensing adjustment methods, which first provided a remarkable promotion for the recovery and enrichment of organic components without improving water recovery.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We assessed how multi- and univariate models reflect marine environmental health based on macrobenthic community responses to three environmental stressor categories: hydrodynamics, organic enrichment and metal contamination. We then compared the models with the benthic index AMBI (AZTI Marine Biotic Index). Macrobenthic community and physicochemical variables were sampled at 35 sites along Babitonga Bay, a subtropical estuary in Southern Brazil. Distance-based linear modelling identified depth, grain size and organic matter as well as Cu and Zn as key stressors affecting the macrobenthos. Using canonical analysis of principal coordinates (CAP), we developed three multivariate models based on the variability in community composition, creating stress gradients. The metal gradient showed better correlation with the benthic community. Sediment quality indices (Geoaccumulation Index and Contamination Factor) showed a low to moderate contamination status, with higher concentrations for Cr, Ni and Zn at the inner areas of the bay. According to AMBI, Babitonga Bay has a \"good\" environmental health status, and the AMBI values show stronger correlations with the hydrodynamic and organic enrichment gradients (r = 0.50 and r = 0.47) rather than the metal gradient (r = 0.29). Lumbrineridae polychaetes (not included in the AMBI list) and Scoloplos sp. were negatively related to the metal contamination gradient and were considered sensitive, while Sigambra sp., Magelona papillicornis, the gastropod Heleobia australis and species of the crustacean order Mysida were positively related to the gradient and considered tolerant to higher concentrations of metals in the sediment. Despite the inconsistency in the ecological classification provided by AMBI and its relationship with the metal gradient, our results suggest that the environmental quality was satisfactory for the studied gradients. The metal gradient showed the weakest correlation to AMBI. In such cases, the ecological classification of taxa by the index should be evaluated under the perspective of the action of inorganic genotoxic contaminants represented by metals.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Marine aquaculture is expanding offshore, where the environmental interactions are not yet fully understood. We performed a benthic environmental assessment of an offshore fish farm on unconsolidated sediment. The physicochemical variables showed marked changes just under the fish farm, although the structure of the community and its bioturbation potential were not influenced. Under no or minimum influence from the fish farm, the physicochemical variables, including acid-volatile sulphides and redox, were notably different to those found in unaffected coastal areas. For this reason, classifications of the environmental status based on physicochemical variables should be adapted to offshore areas. Despite the low degree of impact detected, the organic matter carrying capacity should be carefully determined to avoid environmental drawbacks in terms of fine-grained offshore sediments. Offshore aquaculture could have a lower environmental impact than other types of aquaculture located closer to the coast, but further research is needed to obtain conclusive results.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The analysis of benthic bacterial community structure has emerged as a powerful alternative to traditional microscopy-based taxonomic approaches to monitor aquaculture disturbance in coastal environments. However, local bacterial diversity and community composition vary with season, biogeographic region, hydrology, sediment texture, and aquafarm-specific parameters. Therefore, without an understanding of the inherent variation contained within community complexes, bacterial diversity surveys conducted at individual farms, countries, or specific seasons may not be able to infer global universal pictures of bacterial community diversity and composition at different degrees of aquaculture disturbance. We have analyzed environmental DNA (eDNA) metabarcodes (V3-V4 region of the hypervariable SSU rRNA gene) of 138 samples of different farms located in different major salmon-producing countries. For these samples, we identified universal bacterial core taxa that indicate high, moderate, and low aquaculture impact, regardless of sampling season, sampled country, seafloor substrate type, or local farming and environmental conditions. We also discuss bacterial taxon groups that are specific for individual local conditions. We then link the metabolic properties of the identified bacterial taxon groups to benthic processes, which provides a better understanding of universal benthic ecosystem function(ing) of coastal aquaculture sites. Our results may further guide the continuing development of a practical and generic bacterial eDNA-based environmental monitoring approach.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A combination of biotic indices, geo-accumulation (Igeo) index, and a multivariate approach were applied to assess the anthropogenic influence on the benthic community at five stations from 2018 to 2019 in the Swarnamukhi river estuary, Nellore, India. Non-metric multidimensional scaling and cluster analysis indicated that the Buckingham canal (BC) station showed azoic conditions and formed a separate cluster. Strong positive factor loadings of Cd (0.96), Al (0.93), Zn (0.91), Fe (0.90), Co (0.89), Cu (0.89), Ni (0.87), Pb (0.85), Cr (0.77), organic matter (0.94), Silt (0.92), and clay (0.93) and negative loading of sand (-0.90) showed the variability in sediment. AMBI results illustrated the disturbance status of each station and classified BC station as \'extremely disturbed\' class, and M-AMBI assessed the ecological status as \'bad\'. The Igeo index also revealed metal (Cd) contamination. The present study illustrated that the combined approach is effective for ecological assessment of coastal ecosystem.





