Online proctoring

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In recent years, the pandemic situation has forced the education system to shift from traditional teaching to online teaching or blended learning. The ability to monitor remote online examinations efficiently is a limiting factor to the scalability of this stage of online evaluation in the education system. Human Proctoring is the most used common approach by either asking learners to take a test in the examination centers or by monitoring visually asking learners to switch on their camera. However, these methods require huge labor, effort, infrastructure, and hardware. This paper presents an automated AI-based proctoring system- \'Attentive system\' for online evaluation by capturing the live video of the examinee. Our Attentive system includes four components to estimate the malpractices such as face detection, multiple person detection, face spoofing, and head pose estimation. Attentive Net detects the faces and draws bounding boxes along with confidences. Attentive Net also checks the alignment of the face using the rotation matrix of Affine Transformation. The face net algorithm is combined with Attentive-Net to extract landmarks and facial features. The process for identifying spoofed faces is initiated only for aligned faces by using a shallow CNN Liveness net. The head pose of the examiner is estimated by using the SolvePnp equation, to check if he/she is seeking help from others. Crime Investigation and Prevention Lab (CIPL) datasets and customized datasets with various types of malpractices are used to evaluate our proposed system. Extensive Experimental results demonstrate that our method is more accurate, reliable and robust for proctoring system that can be practically implemented in real time environment as Automated proctoring System. An improved accuracy of 0.87 is reported by authors with the combination of Attentive Net, Liveness net and head pose estimation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE:  Technology is pervasive in medicine, but we too rarely examine how it shapes assessment, learning, knowledge, and performance. Cultures of assessment also shape identities, social relations, and the knowledge and behavior recognized as legitimate by a profession. Therefore, the combination of technology and assessment within medical education is worthy of review. Online proctoring services have become more prevalent during the Covid-19 pandemic, as a means of continuing high-stakes invigilated examinations online. With criticisms about increased surveillance, discrimination, and the outsourcing of control to commercial vendors, is this simply \"moving exams online\", or are there more serious implications? What can this extreme example tell us about how our technologies of assessment influence relationships between trainees and medical education institutions?
    METHODS:  We combine postdigital and postphenomenology approaches to analyze the written component of the 2020 online proctored United Kingdom Royal College of Physicians (MRCP) membership exam. We examine the scripts, norms, and trust relations produced through this example of online proctoring, and then locate them in historical and economic contexts. We find that the proctoring service projects a false objectivity that is undermined by the tight script with which examinees must comply in an intensified norm of surveillance, and by the interpretation of digital data by unseen human proctors. Nonetheless, such proctoring services are promoted by an image of data-driven innovation, a rhetoric of necessity in response to a growing problem of online cheating, and an aversion, within medical education institutions, to changing assessment formats (and thus the need to accept different forms of knowledge as legitimate).
    CONCLUSIONS:  The use of online proctoring technology by medical education institutions intensifies established norms, already present within examinations, of surveillance and distrust. Moreover, it exacerbates tensions between conflicting agendas of commercialization, accountability, and the education of trustworthy professionals. Our analysis provides an example of why it is important to stop and consider the holistic implications of introducing technological \"solutions\", and to interrogate the intersection of technology and assessment practices in relation to the wider goals of medical education.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    There have been giant leaps in the field of education in the past 1-2 years.. Schools and colleges are transitioning online to provide more resources to their students. The COVID-19 pandemic has provided students more opportunities to learn and improve themselves at their own pace. Online proctoring services (part of assessment) are also on the rise, and AI-based proctoring systems (henceforth called as AIPS) have taken the market by storm. Online proctoring systems (henceforth called as OPS), in general, makes use of online tools to maintain the sanctity of the examination. While most of this software uses various modules, the sensitive information they collect raises concerns among the student community. There are various psychological, cultural and technological parameters need to be considered while developing AIPS. This paper systematically reviews existing AI and non-AI-based proctoring systems. Through the systematic search on Scopus, Web of Science and ERIC repositories, 43 paper were listed out from the year 2015 to 2021. We addressed 4 primary research questions which were focusing on existing architecture of AIPS, Parameters to be considered for AIPS, trends and Issues in AIPS and Future of AIPS. Our 360-degree analysis on OPS and AIPS reveals that security issues associated with AIPS are multiplying and are a cause of legitimate concern. Major issues include Security and Privacy concerns, ethical concerns, Trust in AI-based technology, lack of training among usage of technology, cost and many more. It is difficult to know whether the benefits of these Online Proctoring technologies outweigh their risks. The most reasonable conclusion we can reach in the present is that the ethical justification of these technologies and their various capabilities requires us to rigorously ensure that a balance is struck between the concerns with the possible benefits to the best of our abilities. To the best of our knowledge, there is no such analysis on AIPS and OPS. Our work further addresses the issues in AIPS in human and technological aspect. It also lists out key points and new technologies that have only recently been introduced but could significantly impact online education and OPS in the years to come.






