
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Geobacter sulfurreducens profoundly shapes Earth\'s biogeochemistry by discharging respiratory electrons to minerals and other microbes through filaments of a two-decades-long debated identity. Cryogenic electron microscopy has revealed filaments of redox-active cytochromes, but the same filaments have exhibited hallmarks of organic metal-like conductivity under cytochrome denaturing/inhibiting conditions. Prior structure-based calculations and kinetic analyses on multi-heme proteins are synthesized herein to propose that a minimum of ~7 cytochrome \'nanowires\' can carry the respiratory flux of a Geobacter cell, which is known to express somewhat more (≥20) filaments to increase the likelihood of productive contacts. By contrast, prior electrical and spectroscopic structural characterizations are argued to be physiologically irrelevant or physically implausible for the known cytochrome filaments because of experimental artifacts and sample impurities. This perspective clarifies our mechanistic understanding of physiological metal-microbe interactions and advances synthetic biology efforts to optimize those interactions for bioremediation and energy or chemical production.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Electrobiocorrosion, the process in which microbes extract electrons from metallic iron (Fe0 ) through direct Fe0 -microbe electrical connections, is thought to contribute to the costly corrosion of iron-containing metals that impacts many industries. However, electrobiocorrosion mechanisms are poorly understood. We report here that electrically conductive pili (e-pili) and the conductive mineral magnetite play an important role in the electron transfer between Fe0 and Geobacter sulfurreducens, the first microbe in which electrobiocorrosion has been rigorously documented. Genetic modification to express poorly conductive pili substantially diminished corrosive pitting and rates of Fe0 -to-microbe electron flux. Magnetite reduced resistance to electron transfer, increasing corrosion currents and intensifying pitting. Studies with mutants suggested that the magnetite promoted electron transfer in a manner similar to the outer-surface c-type cytochrome OmcS. These findings, and the fact that magnetite is a common product of iron corrosion, suggest a potential positive feedback loop of magnetite produced during corrosion further accelerating electrobiocorrosion. The interactions of e-pili, cytochromes, and magnetite demonstrate mechanistic complexities of electrobiocorrosion, but also provide insights into detecting and possibly mitigating this economically damaging process.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The modification of inorganic two-dimensional (2D) materials with organic functional motifs is in high demand for the optimization of their properties, but it is still a daunting challenge. Organic metal chalcogenides (OMCs) are a type of newly emerging 2D materials, with metal chalcogenide layers covalently anchored by long-range ordered organic functional motifs, these materials are extremely desirable but impossible to realize by traditional methods. Both the inorganic layer and organic functional motifs of OMCs are highly designable and thus provide this type of 2D materials with enormous variety in terms of their structure and properties. This Minireview aims to review the latest developments in OMCs and their bulk precursors. Firstly, the structure types of the bulk precursors for OMCs are introduced. Second, the synthesis and applications of OMC 2D materials in photoelectricity, catalysis, sensors, and energy transfer are explored. Finally, the challenges and perspectives for future research on OMCs are discussed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Geobacter sulfurreducens is a good candidate as a chassis organism due to its ability to form thick, conductive biofilms, enabling long-distance extracellular electron transfer (EET). Due to the complexity of EET pathways in G. sulfurreducens, a dynamic approach is required to study genetically modified EET rates in the biofilm. By coupling online resonance Raman microscopy with chronoamperometry, we were able to observe the dynamic discharge response in the biofilm\'s cytochromes to an increase in anode voltage. Measuring the heme redox state alongside the current allows for the fitting of a dynamic model using the current response and a subsequent validation of the model via the value of a reduced cytochrome c Raman peak. The modeled reduced cytochromes closely fitted the Raman response data from the G. sulfurreducens wild-type strain, showing the oxidation of heme groups in cytochromes until a new steady state was achieved. Furthermore, the use of a dynamic model also allows for the calculation of internal rates, such as acetate and NADH consumption rates. The Raman response of a mutant lacking OmcS showed a higher initial oxidation rate than predicted, followed by an almost linear decrease of the reduced mediators. The increased initial rate could be attributed to an increase in biofilm conductivity, previously observed in biofilms lacking OmcS. One explanation for this is that OmcS acts as a conduit between cytochromes; therefore, deleting the gene restricts the rate of electron transfer to the extracellular matrix. This could, however, be modeled assuming a linear oxidation rate of intercellular mediators.IMPORTANCE Bioelectrochemical systems can fill a vast array of application niches, due to the control of redox reactions that it offers. Although native microorganisms are preferred for applications such as bioremediation, more control is required for applications such as biosensors or biocomputing. The development of a chassis organism, in which the EET is well defined and readily controllable, is therefore essential. The combined approach in this work offers a unique way of monitoring and describing the reaction kinetics of a G. sulfurreducens biofilm, as well as offering a dynamic model that can be used in conjunction with applications such as biosensors.






