Oil spill response

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Numerous anthropogenic stressors, such as habitat alteration and nutrient enrichment, affect coastal and marine ecosystems around the globe. An additional threat to these ecosystems is accidental oil pollution. The proactive planning of efficient oil spill response actions requires a firm understanding of the spatiotemporal distribution of ecological coastal values at stake, and how these values can be protected in case of an oil spill. In this paper, literature and expert knowledge regarding the life history attributes of coastal and marine species were used to build a sensitivity index to assess the differences in the potential of species and habitat types to be safeguarded from oil. The developed index prioritizes sensitive species and habitat types based on 1) their conservation value, 2) the oil-induced loss and recovery potential, and 3) the effectiveness of oil retention booms and protection sheets to safeguard these entities. The final sensitivity index compares the predicted difference in the state of populations and habitat types five years after an oil spill with and without protective actions. The higher the difference, the more worthwhile the management actions are. Hence, compared to other oil spill sensitivity and vulnerability indexes presented in the literature, the developed index considers the usefulness of protective measures explicitly. We apply the developed index to a case study area in the Northern Baltic Sea to demonstrate the approach. It is noteworthy that the developed index is applicable to other areas as well, as the approach is based on the biological attributes of species and habitat types instead of individual occurrences.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The coastal waters of Namibia and South Africa have an extensive history of oil spills, with 71 recorded up to 2021. Thirty-nine spills reportedly affected 83,224 seabirds, with African penguins (Spheniscus demersus; 91.0 %) and Cape gannets (Morus capensis; 8.5 %) most affected. Spills affecting seabirds were caused by unknown sources (46 %), bulk/cargo carriers (43 %), tankers (38 %) and ship-to-ship transfers (14 %). The number of penguins oiled was predicted by the breeding population size within 25 to 75 km, but not the volume of oiled spilled, the month or the year. Rehabilitation records from penguins oiled in spills since 2001 reveal that the day of admission (relative to the start of the spill) was predictive of packed cell volume, body mass, and plasma total solids, with the latter two being predictive of rehabilitation success. Our results highlight the importance of rapid monitoring at colonies to locate oiled birds in the event of spills.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Chemical dispersion is an oil spill response strategy where dispersants are sprayed onto the oil slick to enhance oil dispersion into the water. However, accidental application could expose seabirds to dispersants, thereby negatively affecting their plumage. To understand the possible impacts on seabirds, feathers from common eider (Somateria mollissima) and thick-billed murre (Uria lomvia) were exposed to different dosages of the dispersant Dasic Slickgone NS. For all exposure dosages the feathers increased in weight, and mostly for common eider. Analysing the feather microstructure, e.g., the Amalgamation Index, showed that larger damages were found on thick-billed murre than common eider. A no-sinking limit was established at 0.109 ml/m2. Relating this value to desktop simulations of potential sea-surface dosages in real-life situations, and to published accounts of response operations, showed that the limit is likely to be exceeded. Thus, our results show that chemical dispersants in realistic dosages could impact seabirds.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Conventional PAH analytical methods are time-consuming and expensive, limiting their utility in time sensitive events (i.e. oil spills and floods) or for widespread environmental monitoring. Unreliable and inefficient screening methods intended to prioritize samples for more extensive analyses exacerbate the issue. Antibody-based biosensor technology was implemented as a quantitative screening method to measure total PAH concentration in adult oysters (Crassostrea virginica) - a well-known bioindicator species with ecological and commercial significance. Individual oysters were analyzed throughout the historically polluted Elizabeth River watershed (Virginia, USA). Significant positive association was observed between biosensor and GC-MS measurements that persisted when the method was calibrated for different regulatory subsets of PAHs. Mapping of PAH concentrations in oysters throughout the watershed demonstrates the utility of this technology for environmental monitoring. Through a novel extension of equilibrium partitioning, biosensor technology shows promise as a cost-effective analysis to rapidly predict whole animal exposure to better assess human health risk as well as improve monitoring efforts.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Oil is a major source of energy in the industrial world. Exploitation of oil and rigging activities, transportation via sea, and many other mechanical failures lead to oil spills into the marine environment. In view of these, the suitability and effectiveness of oil spill response methods have always been a topical discussion worldwide. It has become necessary, now than ever, for existing spill response methods used to remove oil from the environment to be improved upon and more importantly, develop new response materials that are sustainable and environmentally friendly. There exist surfactants in nature that are non-toxic and biodegradable, which can be explored to produce potential dispersants to help remove oil safely from the surface of marine water. This review comprises of the works and resourceful materials produced by various researchers and agencies in the field of oil spill response, placing emphasis on the use of dispersants in the marine environment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In situ burning (ISB) hasn\'t been widely used for offshore oil spill response for various reasons. We present a feasibility study for a new ISB method - the Burning Tongue (BT) concept. We conducted scaled experiments in the Ohmsett wave tank to demonstrate its feasibility. We produced a 35-m long \"tongue\" of burnable oil (average oil thickness 4.2 mm - above the thickness needed for ISB) by towing a conventional boom (with a 12″ (0.3 m) deep skirt) partially filled with crude oil and then released the oil through a 6″ (0.15 m) wide opening at the apex. We found that the boom movement produced a convergence zone just downstream that kept released oil thick and also pulled oil that entrained under the boom skirt into the thick \"tongue\" of oil. CFD modeling was performed to explain the flow hydrodynamics and the formation of the convergence zone, which indicates the phenomenon is universal. We used small harbor boom only partially filled with oil for this study and believe that a full-scale marine boom filled with oil would achieve an even thicker \"burning tongue.\" The BT concept could make ISB more widely used for oil spill response in offshore areas.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Recent completion of oil fate modeling and a mass budget of the Deepwater Horizon (DWH) oil spill allows for a counter-historical study using quantitative Comparative Risk Assessment (CRA) methodology. Novel application of subsea dispersant injection (SSDI) during the response reduced surfacing oil, volatile organic carbon emissions, and oil on shorelines. The effectiveness of that application, and potential alternatives had dispersant not been used or been used more aggressively, were evaluated by modifying and comparing the validated oil fate model under different SSDI strategies. A comparison of mass balance results, exposure metrics, and CRA scoring for Valued Ecological Components (VECs) shows the value of SSDI in achieving risk reduction and tradeoffs that were made. Actual SSDI applied during the DWH oil spill reduced exposures to varying degrees for different VECs. Exposures and relative risks across the ecosystem would have been substantially reduced with more effective SSDI.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Chemical herders may be used to sequester and thicken surface oil slicks to increase the time window for performing in situ burning of spilled oil on the sea surface. For herder use to be an environmentally safe oil spill response option, information regarding their potential ecotoxicity both alone and in combination with oil is needed. This study aimed at assessing if using herders can cause toxicity to cold-water marine organisms. Our objective was to test the two chemical herders Siltech OP-40 (OP-40) and ThickSlick-6535 (TS-6535) with and without oil for toxicity using sensitive life stages of cold-water marine copepod (Calanus finmarchicus) and fish (Gadus morhua). For herders alone, OP-40 was consistently more toxic than TS-6535. To test herders in combination with oil, low-energy water accommodated fractions (LE-WAFs, without vortex) with Alaskan North Slope crude oils were prepared with and without herders. Dissolution of oil components from surface oil was somewhat delayed following herder application, due to herder-induced reduction in contact area between water and oil. The LE-WAFs were also used for toxicity testing, and we observed no significant differences in toxicity thresholds between treatments to LE-WAFs generated with oil alone and oil treated with herders. The operational herder-to-oil ratio is very low (1:500), and the herders tested in the present work displayed acute toxicity at concentrations well above what would be expected following in situ application. Application of chemical herders to oil slicks is not expected to add significant effects to that of the oil for cold-water marine species exposed to herder-treated oil slicks.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In-situ burning (ISB) has been an oil combat technique studied since the 1950s. However, burning of the oil on the sea surface along the coastline, coastline ISB (cISB), is novel and was tested for the first time in the Arctic along a rocky coast in the summer 2017. A light crude oil was burned and effects of the cISB operation on the littoral zone communities investigated. The impact on macroalgal vegetation and associated fauna was analysed in three littoral zone levels. The analyses revealed limited effects on the littoral community, and that variation between sample plots and years in macroalgal biomass and coverage, as well as fauna biomass and abundance was higher than the impact from cISB. Therefore, it is concluded that cISB in the Arctic along a rocky shore may be an oil spill response option with relatively low environmental side effects for the specific oil type used.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Effective marine oil spill management (MOSM) is crucial to minimize the catastrophic impacts of oil spills. MOSM is a complex system affected by various factors, such as characteristics of spilled oil and environmental conditions. Oil spill detection, characterization, and monitoring; risk evaluation; response selection and process optimization; and waste management are the key components of MOSM demanding timely decision-making. Applying robust computational techniques based on real-time data (e.g., satellite and aerial observations) and historical records of oil spill incidents may considerably facilitate decision-making processes. Various soft-computing and artificial intelligence-based models and mathematical techniques have been used for the implementation of MOSM\'s components. This study presents a review of literature published since 2010 on the application of computational techniques in MOSM. A statistical evaluation is performed concerning the temporal distribution of papers, publishers\' engagement, research subfields, countries of studies, and selected case studies. Key findings reported in the literature are summarized for two main practices in MOSM: spill detection, characterization, and monitoring; and spill management and response optimization. Potential gaps in applying computational techniques in MOSM have been identified, and a holistic computational-based framework has been suggested for effective MOSM.





