
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: This study aims to verify Bolton\'s values for tooth size ratios and to evaluate possible relationships to different occlusal traits using precise digital measurement methods.
    METHODS: Including 1000 consecutively selected patients from three study centres a digital, partially automated model analysis was performed utilizing the software OnyxCeph. The measurements comprised tooth width for calculation of anterior (AR) and overall ratio (OR) as a percentage, arch width, length, perimeter, overjet, overbite, space analysis in millimetre and the assessment of the angle classification.
    RESULTS: AR and OR were significantly increased compared to Bolton\'s ratios of 77.2% (AR) and 91.3% (OR). In the gender comparison, male patients showed larger tooth size ratios, especially in the OR. Patients with Angle Class II/1 and II/2 had smaller tooth size ratios than patients with Angle Class III and I. Thus, patients with Angle Class II/1 had the largest tooth diameters in all maxillary teeth and with Angle Class II/2 the smallest tooth sizes in the mandible. The largest tooth widths in the lower jaw were observed in the Angle Class III patient group. Furthermore, a negative correlation from AR/OR to overjet, overbite, and available space in lower jaw as well as a positive correlation to available space in upper jaw was detected.
    CONCLUSIONS: There is a clear correlation between the tooth size ratios and the present dysgnathia as well as other orthodontically relevant occlusal traits. This prior knowledge about our patients is extremely important to create an individualized treatment plan and enable sufficient occlusion. To achieve a functionally good occlusion with correct overjet and overbite, it is essential that the maxillary and mandibular teeth are proportional in size. Any deviation from the ideal patient in terms of tooth size, number, shape, or arch must be considered in the pre-therapeutic treatment plan in combination with the existing dysgnathia in order to be able to achieve a stable anterior and posterior occlusion with appropriate adjustments to the therapy post-therapeutically.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: To evaluate the accuracy of the electronic apex locators (EALs), and Cone-Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) scanning, both in working length (WL) determination and in the detection of root canal perforations in retreatment cases.
    METHODS: Sixty human mandibular premolars were selected. After crown removal partially and canal access, root canals were instrumented and irrigated. The obturation process utilized gutta-percha and sealer with warm vertical compaction. Two groups were distinguished: one without perforation (Group 1) and the other with an apical third perforation (Group 2). Retreatment included filling removal, apical preparation, and irrigation. Actual working lengths (AWL) were determined using a stereomicroscope. CBCT images were used to measure CBCT working length (CWL), with adjustments for optimal views. Propex II and Dentaport ZX were used to measure electronic working length (EWL). Differences between EWL and AWL, as well as CWL, were analyzed to gauge accuracy. Data underwent Two-way ANOVA analysis. Measurements within ± 0.5 and ± 1 mm tolerance ranges were deemed successful for each device, followed by applying the Pearson Chi-square test.
    RESULTS: The study reveals no significant inter-group variations in device performance (p > .05). Dentaport ZX missed detecting perforation in two Group 2 (apical perforation) cases. For ± 1 mm tolerance, Propex II displayed the highest success in Group 2 (apical perforation).
    CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrates the comparable performance of Propex II, Dentaport ZX, and CBCT in endodontic retreatment, providing insights into diagnostic reliability.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: This study aimed to investigate the perspectives, preferences, and clinical experiences regarding using electronic apex locator and apex locator integrated instrumentation of dentists and endodontists.
    METHODS: A web-based questionnaire consisting of 3 parts and 23 closed-ended questions to achieve the objective of the study was carried out in ethical conditions between August and October 2023. The first part of survey included demographic information, while the second part was about evaluating electronic apex locator usage. In the last part, only participants\' use of apex locator-integrated instrumentation was evaluated. Data were analyzed at a significance level of p < 0.05.
    RESULTS: A total of 297 clinicians, including 59 endodontists and 34 endodontic residents/Ph.D. students participated in the questionnaire. Endodontists and endodontic residents/Ph.D. students perform statistically significantly more root canal treatments per week on average (p = 0.001). For the working length determination method (multiple option question), 78.5% of participants use an electronic apex locator and 39.7% apex locator-integrated engines. However, the preference rate for electronic apex determination technique was generally 95.6%, with the full rate confirmation of endodontists and endodontic residents/Ph.D. students (100%). A total of 21 endodontists out of 59 prefer apex locator integrated engine-driven instrumentation. Although many of these specialized clinicians use this technique, they stated that they measure electronic working length passively for confirmation of the working length before (90.5%) and after the preparation (66.7%).
    CONCLUSIONS: Dentists, as well as endodontists, are skeptical about apex locator-integrated engine-driven instrumentation. Using this technique as a supporter rather than a primary way for preparation within safe limits may give safer results in terms of treatment outcomes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Determining the working length (WL) in root canal treatment facilitates the treatment prognosis. The introduction of apex locators and new CBCT devices in dentistry influenced this consideration. This comparative study evaluated the accuracy of working length measurement by cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) in three fields of view (FOVs), conventional radiography, and the apex locator Raypex 5.
    The descriptive-analytical study was performed on 40 lower premolar teeth that met the inclusion criteria. Direct observation under the microscope was considered the gold standard and compared with measurements by the electronic apex locator, CBCT, and periapical images.
    The results were analyzed by paired t-tests and Wilcoxon tests. A significance level of 0.05 was considered in this study. CBCT 5×5 FOV with a p-value of 0.733 and analog radiography with a p-value of 0.001 achieved the working lengths with the highest and lowest accuracy, respectively. In addition, the difference between actual and measured working length using analog radiography was significant (p-value <0.05).
    According to the results of this study, CBCT images at different FOVs and those taken by the apex locator Raypex 5 can be used as a reliable method for estimating the working length. (EEJ-2023-10-141).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study aimed to assess the reliability of predictive models for sex estimation based on permanent canine size. A systematic literature review was performed by following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses (PRISMA). Six electronic databases were searched as the primary source of information. As a secondary source of information, a manual search was performed to identify additional relevant studies not captured in the initial search. After assessing the methodological quality and risk of bias with the Joanna Briggs Institute Critical Appraisal Tools for Systematic Reviews, the data were subjected to statistical tests for a meta-analysis of diagnostic test accuracy and Higgin\'s I2 statistic to evaluate the heterogeneity between the eligible studies. The systematic search resulted in 21 studies for qualitative synthesis, and 13 of them were selected for quantitative analysis. The analysis of 25 univariate predictive models showed an estimated sensitivity of 77.2 % and specificity of 67.1 %. Meta-regression analyses were performed for dental arch, the type of diameter and dental region outcomes for these univariate predictive models. Dental arch (p = 0.029) and the dental region of measurement (p = 0.001) were significant modifiers. The analysis of 25 multivariate predictive models showed an estimated sensitivity of 82.6 % and specificity of 70.1 %. There were significant methodological limitations and substantial heterogeneity among the included studies. Based on the results, there is insufficient high-quality scientific evidence to support the safe use of predictive models based on permanent canine measurements as the exclusive method for sex estimation in forensic settings.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Although apex locators are generally effective tools for determining root canal working length, they may produce inaccurate results in some cases. The present study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of ultrasonography as an alternative method for measuring root canal length.
    METHODS: Forty-seven anterior teeth with apical lesions were selected for the study. Initially, an electronic apex locator was used to measure the working length. Subsequently, ultrasonography was employed to visualize the root apex and determine the working length. During ultrasound imaging, a K-file No. 15 was inserted into the root canal until its tip was visible on the ultrasound monitor. Measurements obtained from both methods were compared using an independent sample t-test. Correlations were assessed with the Pearson correlation coefficient, and agreement was determined using the Bland‒Altman plot.
    RESULTS: The mean working canal length was 19.9 mm for the apex locator and 20.6 mm for the ultrasonography-guided method. No significant differences were observed between the data obtained using the apex locator method and the data obtained using the ultrasonography guidance method. Furthermore, a high level of agreement was identified between the two techniques.
    CONCLUSIONS: Ultrasonography can be used to visualize the apex effectively and determine canal length, especially when canal length determination is uncertain for various reasons.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the validity of the Golden Proportion, Golden Percentage, and Recurring Esthetic Dental (RED) Proportion among Kenyans of African descent with naturally well-aligned teeth.
    METHODS: Standardized frontal photographic images of the smiles of 175 participants aged 18-35 years were obtained, and Adobe Photoshop was used to analyze and measure the frontal widths of the maxillary central and lateral incisors and canines in triplicate. The average teeth widths were calculated to determine the existence of the Golden Proportion, Golden Percentage, and RED Proportion, and their validity using independent sample t-tests to compare the differences in the mean teeth widths at α < 0.05.
    RESULTS: The number of male and female participants was 107 (61.1%) and 68 (38.9%), respectively. The Golden Proportion between the maxillary central and lateral incisors was found in 4.0% on the right and 2.8% on the left of all the participants, but between the maxillary lateral incisors and canines was found in only 0.6% on the right of male participants (p < 0.0001). The RED Proportion between the maxillary lateral and central incisors was in the range of 67%-70%, and between the canines and lateral incisors was 82%-84% (p < 0.0001). The proportion of RED was not constant, and gradually increased distally. The Golden Percentage of 15% was observed in the lateral incisors bilaterally; however, in the central incisors and the canines, the Golden Percentage was 22% and 12%, respectively.
    CONCLUSIONS: The Golden and RED Proportions were invalid determinants of anterior teeth proportions. The Golden Percentage existed only in the lateral incisors. The Golden Proportion, RED Proportion, and Golden Percentage theories may not be applicable to all populations when designing smiles. Racial and ethnic backgrounds are important considerations to establish objective quantifiable values of anterior tooth proportions that are beneficial for esthetic restorations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Teeth are biological structures with a high degree of hardness, density, calcification, and capacity to adapt to extrinsic factors at physical, biological, and physiological levels. Subsequently, they resist for a longer period in deteriorating environmental conditions. With dental analysis, it is possible to acquire biographical data about a person. The aim of this scoping review was to identify publications using human teeth tissues to estimate sexual dimorphism.
    METHODS: The scoping review was carried out in the following databases: Jstor, Scielo, Science Direct, PubMed, and Scopus, using ten search strategies in English and guaranteeing completeness and reproducibility of the phases stipulated in the PRISMA guide.
    RESULTS: 143 studies on sexual dimorphism based on dental tissue traits were included, of which 40.6% (n = 58) were done in Asia and 27.2% (n = 39) in America. 80% of the studies (equivalent to 114 articles) focused their observations and measurements on the dental crown; 4.2% in enamel, dentin, and pulp together; 3.5% in dental pulp; 2.1% in the entire tooth; 2.8% in enamel, root, and the enamel-cementum junction, and only 0.7% in dentin and pulp. In addition, 92.3% of the studies used metric methods, while only 4.9% and 2.8% used biochemical and non-metric method respectively.
    CONCLUSIONS: For sexual dimorphism establishment, enamel has been the most analyzed dental tissue in permanent canines and molars mainly. Likewise, the most widely and accurately used methods for this purpose are the metrics, with the odontometry as the most implemented (intraoral or by using dental plaster models, digital scanning or software) with prediction percentages ranging from 51% to 95.9%. In contrast to biochemical methods, that can achieve the highest precision (up to 100%), the non-metric methods, to a less extent, reported prediction percentages of 58%.






  • 文章类型: Letter






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: This paper investigates whether deciduous upper molars and lower canines have sexual dimorphic features, exploring these teeth\' dimensions and the presence of Zuckerkandl\'s tubercle and Carabelli\'s cusp on the first and second upper molars.
    METHODS: We analyzed 64 pairs of dental plaster casts from 34 females and 30 males aged between 3 and 12 years. We measured the first and second deciduous upper molars and the lower deciduous canines (maximum mesiodistal and buccolingual length), and we registered the presence of the Zuckerkandl\'s tubercle and the Carabelli\'s cusp on the first and second upper molars, respectively.
    RESULTS: Regarding the differentiation between sexes using Carabelli\'s cusp and Zuckerkandl\'s tubercle, the classification was not independent of Carabelli\'s cusp presence only for tooth 65 (p = 0.035). In all other teeth, whether for Carabelli\'s cusp or Zuckerkandl\'s tubercle, their presence was similar for both sexes. There were statistically significant differences between sexes (p < 0.05) for the buccolingual measurements of both upper second molars, the first right upper molar, and the right canine. The developed model allowed for a 64.1% accuracy in sex estimation.
    CONCLUSIONS: The study suggests that while Carabelli\'s cusp and Zuckerkandl\'s tubercle in upper deciduous molars don\'t consistently differ between sexes, tooth size, particularly the buccolingual measurements of certain teeth, including upper deciduous molars and lower canines, may provide a more reliable criterion for sex estimation. The developed model depicted moderate accuracy, underscoring the need for a multifactorial approach when estimating sex from skeletal remains. It suggests that while dental features can contribute to sex estimation, they should be used in conjunction with other skeletal or molecular markers to improve accuracy.





