
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This article follows an increased interest in the octopus in both popular science and fiction. Octopuses have long held fascination and are commonly tied to processes of aging: Even though their life expectancy tends to be lower than that of humans, they are often framed as \"old\", not only by appearing as mythical creatures from an unknown past but also by appearing wise and intelligent. Whereas the octopus has been framed as Other, prominently by inspiring the aesthetics of alien life forms, recent examples have underlined the possibility of inter-species contact and communication. This article traces these moments of contact and investigates the role of aging in such fictional encounters. By focusing on two recent examples, Shelby Van Pelt\'s Remarkably Bright Creatures (2022) and Gina Chung\'s Sea Change (2023), it illustrates the ways that contemporary fiction narratively links the octopus to older age and discusses forms of non-human aging.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study aimed to investigate whether plaque characteristics derived from intravascular optical coherence tomography (IVOCT) could predict a long-term cardiovascular (CV) death. This study was a single-center, retrospective study on 104 patients who had undergone IVOCT-guided percutaneous coronary intervention. Plaque characterization was performed using Optical Coherence TOmography PlaqUe and Stent (OCTOPUS) software developed by our group. A total of 31 plaque features, including lesion length, lumen, calcium, fibrous cap (FC), and vulnerable plaque features (e.g., microchannel), were computed from the baseline IVOCT images. The discriminatory power for predicting CV death was determined using univariate/multivariate logistic regressions. Of 104 patients, CV death was identified in 24 patients (23.1%). Univariate logistic regression revealed that lesion length, calcium angle, calcium thickness, FC angle, FC area, and FC surface area were significantly associated with CV death (p < 0.05). In the multivariate logistic analysis, only the FC surface area (OR 2.38, CI 0.98-5.83, p < 0.05) was identified as a significant determinant for CV death, highlighting the importance of the 3D lesion analysis. The AUC of FC surface area for predicting CV death was 0.851 (95% CI 0.800-0.927, p < 0.05). Patients with CV death had distinct plaque characteristics (i.e., large FC surface area) in IVOCT. Studies such as this one might someday lead to recommendations for pharmaceutical and interventional approaches.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this report, passive elasticity properties of Octopus rubescens arm tissue are investigated using a multidisciplinary approach encompassing biomechanical experiments, computational modeling, and analyses. Tensile tests are conducted to obtain stress-strain relationships of the arm under axial stretch. Rheological tests are also performed to probe the dynamic shear response of the arm tissue. Based on these tests, comparisons against three different viscoelasticity models are reported.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Amphioctopus neglectus is a species of octopus that is favored by consumers due to its rich nutrient profile. To investigate the influence of different thawing methods on the quality of octopus meat, we employed four distinct thawing methods: air thawing (AT), hydrostatic thawing (HT), flowing water thawing (FWT), and microwave thawing (MT). We then explored the differences in texture, color, water retention, pH, total volatile basic nitrogen (TVB-N), total sulfhydryl content, Ca2+-ATPase activity, and myofibrillar protein, among other quality indicators in response to these methods, and used a low-field nuclear magnetic resonance analyzer to assess the water migration that occurred during the thawing process. The results revealed that AT had the longest thawing time, leading to oxidation-induced protein denaturation, myofibrillar protein damage, and a significant decrease in water retention. Additionally, when this method was utilized, the content of TVB-N was significantly higher than in the other three groups. HT, to a certain extent, isolated the oxygen in the meat and thus alleviated protein oxidation, allowing higher levels of Ca2+-ATPase activity, sulfhydryl content, and springiness to be maintained. However, HT had a longer duration: 2.95 times that of FWT, resulting in a 9.84% higher cooking loss and a 28.21% higher TVB-N content compared to FWT. MT had the shortest thawing time, yielding the lowest content of TVB-N. However, uneven heating and in some cases overcooking occurred, severely damaging the protein structure, with a concurrent increase in thawing loss, W value, hardness, and shear force. Meanwhile, FWT improved the L*, W* and b* values of octopus meat, enhancing its color and water retention. The myofibrillar protein (MP) concentration was also the highest after FWT, with clearer subunit bands in SDS-PAGE electrophoresis, indicating that less degradation occurred and allowing greater springiness, increased Ca2+-ATPase activity, and a higher sulfhydryl content to be maintained. This suggests that FWT has an inhibitory effect on oxidation, alleviating protein oxidation degradation and preserving the quality of the meat. In conclusion, FWT outperformed the other three thawing methods, effectively minimizing adverse changes during thawing and successfully maintaining the quality of octopus meat.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A light-weight actuator developed in this work belongs to a class of soft robots, and in a sense, resembles an octopus. Its main function is in the attachment or detachment to a solid surface driven by an electro-thermopneumatic mechanism. In this study, a suction cup similar to that of an octopus is manufactured from an elastomer, which is actuated by an electro-thermopneumatic system, mimicking the movement of the octopus\' acetabular muscle. Accordingly, the adhesion force generated by such an actuator is regulated by releasing the inner air or adjusting the cup\'s elasticity. This actuator is designed to be an assistive device that facilitates the individual\'s physical strength in case of conditions related to aging or cerebellar disease, or a person who lost limbs. In this study, the actuator capabilities are demonstrated in the form of a grip-assisting glove and prosthetic attacher. Moreover, the adhesion mechanism is quantified by numerical simulations and verified experimentally.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Suction is a highly evolved biological adhesion strategy for soft-body organisms to achieve strong grasping on various objects. Biological suckers can adaptively attach to dry complex surfaces such as rocks and shells, which are extremely challenging for current artificial suction cups. Although the adaptive suction of biological suckers is believed to be the result of their soft body\'s mechanical deformation, some studies imply that in-sucker mucus secretion may be another critical factor in helping attach to complex surfaces, thanks to its high viscosity. Inspired by the combined action of biological suckers\' soft bodies and mucus secretion, we propose a multiscale suction mechanism which successfully achieves strong adaptive suction on dry complex surfaces which are both highly curved and rough, such as a stone. The proposed multiscale suction mechanism is an organic combination of mechanical conformation and regulated water seal. Multilayer soft materials first generate a rough mechanical conformation to the substrate, reducing leaking apertures to micrometres (~10 µm). The remaining micron-sized apertures are then sealed by regulated water secretion from an artificial fluidic system based on the physical model, thereby the suction cup achieves long suction longevity on complex surfaces but minimal overflow. We discuss its physical principles and demonstrate its practical application as a robotic gripper on a wide range of complex dry surfaces. We believe the presented multiscale adaptive suction mechanism is a powerful unique adaptive suction strategy which may be instrumental in the development of versatile soft adhesion.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We present the description of defensive behavior in wild Octopus vulgaris against conger eel (Conger conger) attacks based on three video sequences recorded by recreational SCUBA divers in the eastern Atlantic off the coast of Galicia (NW Spain) and in the Cantabrian Sea (NW Spain). These records document common traits in defensive behavior: (1) the octopuses enveloped the conger eel\'s head to obscure its view; (2) they covered the eel\'s gills in an attempt to suffocate it; (3) they released ink; (4) the octopuses lost some appendages because of the fight. In the third video, the octopus did not exhibit the defensive behavior described in the first two videos due to an inability to utilize its arms in defense, and the conger eel\'s success in capturing octopuses is discussed. Additionally, both the cost that the octopus could face by losing some arms during the fight and whether the experience it acquires can be an advantage for future encounters are analyzed. The defensive behavior exhibited by octopuses in this study highlights their ability to survive in a hostile environment and serves as an example of the extensive repertoire of anti-predator strategies employed by these cephalopods.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bioinspired and biomimetic soft grippers are rapidly growing fields. They represent an advancement in soft robotics as they emulate the adaptability and flexibility of biological end effectors. A prominent example of a gripping mechanism found in nature is the octopus tentacle, enabling the animal to attach to rough and irregular surfaces. Inspired by the structure and morphology of the tentacles, this study introduces a novel design, fabrication, and characterization method of dielectric elastomer suction cups. To grasp objects, the developed suction cups perform out-of-plane deflections as the suction mechanism. Their attachment mechanism resembles that of their biological counterparts, as they do not require a pre-stretch over a rigid frame or any external hydraulic or pneumatic support to form and hold the dome structure of the suction cups. The realized artificial suction cups demonstrate the capability of generating a negative pressure up to 1.3 kPa in air and grasping and lifting objects with a maximum 58 g weight under an actuation voltage of 6 kV. They also have sensing capabilities to determine whether the grasping was successful without the need of lifting the objects.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Shallow waters are characterized by fluctuating environmental conditions, modulating marine life cycles and biological phenomena. Multiple variations in water temperature could affect eggs and embryos during spawning events of many marine invertebrate species, yet most of the findings on embryonic development in invertebrates come from experiments based on the constant temperature. In this study, to examine the effects of temperature variation on octopus embryos, Amphioctopus fangsiao, a common shallow-water octopus along the coast of China, was exposed to the constant temperature (18 °C, in situ temperature of the seawater in Lianyungang), ramping temperatures (from 18 to 24 °C), diel oscillating temperatures (18 °C and 20 °C for 12 h each day), and acute increasing temperatures (the temperature increased sharply from 18 °C to 24 °C at embryonic development stage XIX) for 47 days (from embryogenesis to settlement). The results demonstrated that the temperature variations accelerated the development time of A. fangsiao embryos. Temperature fluctuations could cause embryonic oxidative damage and disorder of glycolipid metabolism, thereby affecting the growth performance of embryos and the survival rate of hatchings. Through transcriptome sequencing, the mechanistic adaption of the embryo to environmental temperature variations was revealed. The pathways involved in the TCA cycle, DNA replication and repair, protein synthesis, cell signaling, and nervous system damage repair were significantly enriched, indicating that the embryo could improve heat tolerance to thermal stress by regulating gene expression. Moreover, acute warming temperatures posed the most detrimental effects on A. fangsiao embryos, which could cause embryos to hatch prematurely from the vegetal pole, further reducing the survival of hatchings. Meanwhile, the diel oscillating temperature was observed to affect the normal morphology of the embryo, resulting in embryo deformities. Thus, the constant temperature is critical for balanced growth and defense status in octopuses by maintaining metabolism homeostasis. For the first time, this study evaluates the effects of multiple temperature fluctuations on embryos of A. fangsiao, providing new insights into the physiological changes and molecular responses of cephalopod embryos following dynamic temperature stress.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Growing knowledge of the host-microbiota of vertebrates has shown the prevalence of sex-specific differences in the microbiome. However, there are virtually no studies assessing sex-associated variation in the microbiome of cephalopods. Here we assess sex-specific variation in the common octopus (Octopus vulgaris) skin microbiome using amplicon sequencing targeting the V4 hypervariable region of prokaryote 16S rRNA genes. Skin and mantle-associated mucus was collected from wild adult individuals of common Octopus (Octopus vulgaris) (9 males and 7 females of similar size). There were no significant differences in the alpha diversity of microbial communities associated with skin or mantle mucosa between sexes. However, our results clearly indicate that adult octopus males and females have a distinct microbial community composition in both skin and mantle associated mucus communities, with female microbiome being dominated by Firmicutes (48.1%), while that of males contained a majority of Proteobacteria (60.5%), with Firmicutes representing only 3.30%, not finding significant differentiation in the microbial communities between the tissues explored. The dominance of different taxa in the skin of O. vulgaris females and males (e.g., Mycoplasmatales and Lactococcus in females and Rhizobiales and Rhodobacteriales in males) suggests a sex-specific symbiosis in which those microbes benefit from easy access to distinct substrates present in female and male skin, respectively. Given the lack of differences in size between specimens of both sexes in this study, we hypothesize differences in hormone profile, as well as behavioral or ecological differences between sexes in the wild, as the main drivers of microbiome differentiation between sexes. Most knowledge of cephalopod microbiota is limited to the digestive tract and the reproductive system. However, cephalopod skin is an organ with a plethora of functions. This is a first attempt to characterize cephalopod skin microbiota and determine sex influence on it.





