Ocean anoxia

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Decline of the dissolved oxygen in the ocean is a growing concern, as it may eventually lead to global anoxia, an elevated mortality of marine fauna and even a mass extinction. Deoxygenation of the ocean often results in the formation of oxygen minimum zones (OMZ): large domains where the abundance of oxygen is much lower than that in the surrounding ocean environment. Factors and processes resulting in the OMZ formation remain controversial. We consider a conceptual model of coupled plankton-oxygen dynamics that, apart from the plankton growth and the oxygen production by phytoplankton, also accounts for the difference in the timescales for phyto- and zooplankton (making it a \"slow-fast system\") and for the implicit effect of upper trophic levels resulting in density dependent (nonlinear) zooplankton mortality. The model is investigated using a combination of analytical techniques and numerical simulations. The slow-fast system is decomposed into its slow and fast subsystems. The critical manifold of the slow-fast system and its stability is then studied by analyzing the bifurcation structure of the fast subsystem. We obtain the canard cycles of the slow-fast system for a range of parameter values. However, the system does not allow for persistent relaxation oscillations; instead, the blowup of the canard cycle results in plankton extinction and oxygen depletion. For the spatially explicit model, the earlier works in this direction did not take into account the density dependent mortality rate of the zooplankton, and thus could exhibit Turing pattern. However, the inclusion of the density dependent mortality into the system can lead to stationary Turing patterns. The dynamics of the system is then studied near the Turing bifurcation threshold. We further consider the effect of the self-movement of the zooplankton along with the turbulent mixing. We show that an initial non-uniform perturbation can lead to the formation of an OMZ, which then grows in size and spreads over space. For a sufficiently large timescale separation, the spread of the OMZ can result in global anoxia.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The marine losses during the Permo-Triassic mass extinction were the worst ever experienced. All groups were badly affected, especially amongst the benthos (e.g. brachiopods, corals, bryozoans, foraminifers, ostracods). Planktonic populations underwent a fundamental change with eukaryotic algae being replaced by nitrogen-fixing bacteria, green-sulphur bacteria, sulphate-reducing bacteria and prasinophytes. Detailed studies of boundary sections, especially those in South China, have resolved the crisis to a ∼55 kyr interval straddling the Permo-Triassic boundary. Many of the losses occur at the beginning and end of this interval painting a picture of a two-phase extinction. Improved knowledge of the extinction has been supported by numerous geochemical studies that allow diverse proposed extinction mechanisms to be studied. A transition from oxygenated to anoxic-euxinic conditions is seen in most sections globally, although the intensity and timing shows regional variability. Decreased ocean ventilation coincides with rapidly rising temperatures and many extinction scenarios attribute the losses to both anoxia and high temperatures. Other kill mechanisms include ocean acidification for which there is conflicting support from geochemical proxies and, even less likely, siltation (burial under a massive influx of terrigenous sediment) which lacks substantive sedimentological evidence. The ultimate driver of the catastrophic changes at the end of the Permian was likely Siberian Trap eruptions and their associated carbon dioxide emissions with consequences such as warming, ocean stagnation and acidification. Volcanic winter episodes stemming from Siberian volcanism have also been linked to the crisis, but the short-term nature of these episodes (






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The latitudinal diversity gradient (LDG) is recognized as one of the most pervasive, global patterns of present-day biodiversity. However, the controlling mechanisms have proved difficult to identify because many potential drivers covary in space. The geological record presents a unique opportunity for understanding the mechanisms which drive the LDG by providing a direct window to deep-time biogeographic dynamics. Here we used a comprehensive database containing 52,318 occurrences of marine fossils to show that the shape of the LDG changed greatly during the Permian-Triassic mass extinction from showing a significant tropical peak to a flattened LDG. The flat LDG lasted for the entire Early Triassic (∼5 My) before reverting to a modern-like shape in the Middle Triassic. The environmental extremes that prevailed globally, especially the dramatic warming, likely induced selective extinction in low latitudes and accumulation of diversity in high latitudes through origination and poleward migration, which combined together account for the flat LDG of the Early Triassic.






