Obturator hernia

  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Obturator hernia, an uncommon type of abdominal wall hernia, predominantly occurs in elderly, multiparous women and often presents with nonspecific symptoms. The preoperative diagnosis of obturator hernia is particularly challenging due to its vague clinical manifestations. The clinical picture consists of intestinal blockage, abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting. The treatment is only surgical. Delayed diagnosis can result in intestinal necrosis, thereby increasing the risk of mortality. This report discusses the case of a 73-year-old woman who experienced abdominal pain and restricted extension of her right leg. Computed tomography confirmed the presence of a right obturator hernia. The hernia was successfully repaired without necessitating resection of the small intestine. Postoperatively, the patient recovered well and experienced no complications.






  • 文章类型: Letter






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Obturator hernias are rare, occur mainly in slender people and predominantly in females. Underlying pathology of the obturator hernia is a weakening of the obturator membrane. The obturator hernia is situated between the pubic and ischial bones and is therefore clinically occult. Patients predominantly present with symptoms of bowel obstruction, but can also present with sensory disturbance, leg pain and hip pain. Due to the usually delayed diagnosis, the obturator hernia is associated with increased morbidity and mortality.
    METHODS: A 71-year-old female patient with hip pain underwent a protracted diagnostic work-up and was referred to the surgical department by the treating orthopedic surgeon. An incarcerated obturator hernia with a fistula in the adductor ligament was finally diagnosed via CT. The operation included laparoscopic reduction, hernia repair, open small bowel segment resection, local surgical exploration, lavage and antibiotic treatment. The primary hernia repair was performed by direct suture due to the contamination, and a post-primary mesh repair was indicated. However, after complete recovery and no remaining symptoms, the patient refused this despite the indication for definitive laparoscopic hernia repair.
    CONCLUSIONS: Hip pain can have multiple causes. Taking physical characteristics into account can lead to the correct diagnostic pathway. The CT scan revealed the fistula which led to the laparoscopic surgery. Due to the intestinal damage and contamination, the surgical steps were adapted.
    CONCLUSIONS: Obturator hernias should be considered as a reason for atypical symptoms in slender, older patients. Adequate surgical management can be chosen after correct diagnosis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Intestinal obstruction is a common surgical emergency with high morbidity and mortality. Patients presenting with features of small bowel obstruction need urgent evaluation to avoid complications such as bowel gangrene, perforation, or peritonitis. Imaging is necessary in most cases of suspected bowel obstruction, to take an appropriate decision, for apt patient management. Among the common causes of small bowel obstruction, adhesions, external herniae, malignancies, and Crohn\'s disease top the chart. Imaging helps in determining the presence of obstruction, the severity of obstruction, transition point, cause of obstruction, and associated complications such as strangulation, bowel gangrene, and peritonitis. This review is based on the cases with unusual causes of bowel obstruction encountered during our routine practice and also on the extensive literature search through the standard textbooks and electronic databases. Through this review we want our readers to have sound knowledge of the imaging characteristics of the uncommon yet important causes of bowel obstruction. We have also revisited and structured a checklist to simplify the approach while reporting a suspected case of small bowel obstruction. Imaging plays a key role in the diagnosis of small bowel obstruction and in determining the cause and associated complications. Apart from the common causes of small bowel obstruction, we should also be aware of the uncommon causes of small bowel obstruction and their imaging characteristics to make an accurate diagnosis and for apt patient management.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The current study aimed to identify the indications for manual reduction in incarcerated obturator hernias (OH). Further, whether time to symptom onset and manual reduction outcomes can be predictors of bowel viability and the need for bowel resection in incarcerated OH were examined. This retrospective study included 26 patients with incarcerated OH who underwent surgery. All patients underwent manual reduction, and computed tomography scan after manual reduction confirmed hernia release. Multivariate analyses were performed to determine the predictors of bowel resection. The bowel resection group had a significantly longer average time to symptom onset than the nonbowel resection group (88 vs 36 h). Further, the bowel resection group was more likely to have failed manual reduction than the nonbowel resection group. A time to symptom onset of ≥ 72 h and failed manual reduction were significant predictors of bowel viability. Age, sex, hernia localization, American Society of Anesthesiologists physical status score, and laboratory findings did not differ significantly between the bowel resection and nonbowel resection groups. Time to symptom onset and manual reduction outcomes are significant predictors of bowel viability in incarcerated OH. Patients with a time to symptom onset of ≥ 72 h and failed manual reduction require surgical evaluation due to a high risk of bowel nonviability. Therefore, a cautious approach is required in the management of OH, and further research on optimized treatment protocols should be conducted.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    UNASSIGNED: The presentation of a strangulated obturator hernia is rare, with it accounting for less than 0.04% of all hernias. Delay in presentation and diagnosis results in complications like bowel ischemia, necrosis, perforation, and peritonitis, thereby increasing morbidity and mortality.
    UNASSIGNED: The authors report the case of an 85-year-old multiparous woman who presented with a 3-day history of abdominal pain and vomiting. Upon examination, she exhibited hypotension, altered sensorium, and a distended abdomen with visible peristalsis. An abdominal pelvic computed tomography scan confirmed the diagnosis of \'intestinal obstruction secondary to an incarcerated obturator hernia\'. Subsequently, a lower midline laparotomy was performed, successfully reducing the bowel and repairing the hernial orifice. The patient was discharged on the fourth postoperative day, and there has been no hernia recurrence as of her 3-month follow-up.
    UNASSIGNED: The presentation of a strangulated obturator hernia can be elusive. During clinical examination, both the Howship-Romberg sign and the Hannington-Kiffs sign tests may be negative. Laparoscopic obturator hernia repair has been shown to reduce hospital stay and morbidity. A midline laparotomy has the advantage of easy manual reduction, minimizing bowel trauma, accurately accessing the bowel, and facilitating bowel resection.
    UNASSIGNED: Obturator hernias constitute rare subtypes of abdominal hernias. They typically occur in older women, and patients often present with poor functional status and multiple comorbidities. The clinical diagnostic tests are uncertain, even in patients with a high index of suspicion. Timely diagnosis and appropriate surgical management are crucial for a favorable outcome.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Concurrent direct and indirect inguinal, femoral, and obturator hernias are rare. This case report describes a rare case treated using the laparoscopic approach. A 68-year-old female patient presented with a moving left inguinal lump and pain. Physical examination and abdominal computed tomography scan revealed the coexistence of a left inguinal hernia or Nuck canal hydrocele and a left femoral hernia. The patient underwent laparoscopic transabdominal preperitoneal repair, and all four orifices were covered with one mesh. The patient was discharged on the second postoperative day without any complications. The concurrent presence of four hernias on the same side is rare and has not been previously reported. The laparoscopic approach is useful in such cases because it allows visualization of multiple hernia orifices from the intra-abdominal cavity.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    UNASSIGNED: Obturator hernia accounts for less than 1 % of all documented cases of pelvic hernias. It most commonly presents as an obstructive syndrome in elderly, multiparous, slim women, characterized by a wider pelvis that facilitates the passage of the hernia sac through the obturator foramen alongside the obturator nerve. In this case, adhering to the SCARE (Updating Consensus Surgical CAse REport) checklist criteria, we present a typical scenario involving an elderly woman who was initially misdiagnosed with a fecaloma, concealing an obturator hernia.
    METHODS: An 85-year-old patient, displaying prodromal signs of senile disease, presented for medical attention with incapacitating abdominal pain in the right iliac fossa, accompanied by nausea and vomiting. Rectal examination revealed the presence of a fecaloma, and glycerin administration was performed rectally. The patient\'s condition worsened with the development of mental confusion and hyperactive delirium. Abdominal Computer tomography scan (CT scan) revealed right obturator hernia with enteral segment insinuation and dilation of the proximal bowel. An infraumbilical laparotomy was performed. The herniation of an ileal segment and the right ovary through the obturator foramen was identified. The content proved irreducible to manual maneuvers, leading to obturator muscle section following the dissection of the Retzius space. The right round ligament of the uterus was sectioned, and we manage to preserve the Obturatory branch of the lumbar plexus throughout dissection. A polypropylene mesh was positioned and secured with non-absorbable sutures on the Cooper\'s ligament, iliac crest, and obturator muscle and segmental enterectomy with primary anastomosis using a linear stapler was performed.
    UNASSIGNED: This demanding case brings to the spotlight the importance of reevaluating even the usual cases. We provide our experience bringing together an unusual diagnosis after the conduction of a once diagnosed fecaloma that almost went down to a perforated acute abdomen. Hence the importance of suspect obturator hernia in unknown obstructive abdomen in elderly women.
    CONCLUSIONS: With this report we aim to raise awareness of careful propaedeutic inquiry of acute abdomen. We provide our experience bringing together the diagnosis that agrees with our literature review. Elderly patients commonly challenge the clinical evaluation, especially those with signs of senile disease. Thereby, inkling hidden diagnosis in typical scenarios can improve the patient\'s care in emergency settings.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Obturator hernias (OHs) are a rare cause of bowel obstruction that requires immediate surgical intervention to prevent morbidity and mortality. Patients with OHs present with acute intestinal obstruction secondary to incarceration, with a high morbidity and mortality rate due to delayed diagnosis and treatment. Although several surgical approaches have been reported, a standard approach for OH treatment has not yet been established. Here, we report the case of a 74-year-old woman who presented with bilateral OHs. The patient presented at our institution with pain in the left lower quadrant. Computed tomography revealed preperitoneal fat in both obturator foramen. Robotic transabdominal preperitoneal (R-TAPP) bilateral OH repair was performed, and a mesh was placed over both obturator foramen. The patient recovered without postoperative complications and was discharged on postoperative day 2. This suggests that the R-TAPP approach is safe for OH repair without incarceration.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Obturator hernias are rare with an incidence of less than 1% of all hernias and are most common in frail, elderly females. They are difficult to diagnose and even more difficult to repair. They often present with a small bowel obstruction from the incarcerated bowel. We report a case of a recurrent obturator hernia after a laparoscopic repair using a patch of omentum. The recurrence was repaired laparoscopically with a trans-abdominal preperitoneal repair (TAPP) with mesh. Given the rarity of the disease, there is scarce literature on the ideal method of repair, especially in patients with recurrence. However, with recent trends toward minimally invasive preperitoneal mesh hernia repairs for inguinal and ventral hernias, this type of repair should be strongly considered for patients with obturator hernias as well.





