Observational methodology

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Many conventional research methods employed in randomized controlled trials were not possible during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. In particular, behavioral observations are nearly universally gathered in-person. Observational methods are valued for the rich, informative data they produce in comparison to non-observational methods and are a cornerstone of parenting and family research. COVID provided the opportunity to, and indeed necessitated, the transition to fully remote observation. However, little to no studies have investigated whether remotely collected observational data are methodologically sound. This paper assesses the feasibility of remote data collection by describing the transition between in-person and fully remote observational data collection during a Sequential, Multiple Assignment, Randomized Trial (SMART) of a parenting program that took place both before and during the pandemic. Using mixed-methods data from coders, the overall quality of video-recorded data collected both before and during COVID was examined. Coder reliability over time was assessed with intraclass correlation coefficients. Results suggest that the frequency of audio problems, the severity of visual problems, and the level of administration challenges decreased after transitioning to remote data collection. Additionally, coders showed good to excellent reliability coding remotely collected data, and reliability even improved on some measured tasks. Although challenges to remote data collection exist, this study demonstrated that observational data can be collected feasibly and reliably. As observational data collection is a key method to assess parenting practices, these findings should improve researcher confidence in utilizing remote observational methods in prevention science.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Recently, several studies on the 7 vs. 6 \"empty goal\" (EG) in handball have produced different and even contradictory results. The aim of the present study was to investigate the behavior of teams and players in the 7 vs. 6 EG attack in the European (Euro) and World Championships (WCh) between 2020 and 2023 and characterize the coaches\' perceptions.
    UNASSIGNED: A mixed-methods approach was used, consisting of the following: (i) an observational methodology and instrument developed and validated to collect observational data on player and team behavior; and (ii) a developed and validated questionnaire to coaches on their perceptions of the 7 vs. 6 game. Observational data were collected during the Euro 2020 and 2022 games (n = 62) and the WCh 2021 and 2023 games (n = 70). A total of 132 games and 391 situations of 7 vs. 6 attacking sequences were observed. In total, 156 coaches participated (146 men), with a mean age 42.33 ± 11.87 years, 19 nationalities, and with 12.77 ± 9.45 years of experience.
    UNASSIGNED: The choice of 7 vs. 6 offensive play was mostly made in the second half (>73%). The effectiveness of 7 vs. 6 offensive sequences was higher in the top six teams than in the team\'s ranked 7th to 12th (Euro 2020 51.6%-50.0%; WCh 2021 52.0%-50.0%; Euro 2022 53.1%-41.7%; WCh 2023 50.0%-43.8%). Some patterns of association were found (p < 0.05 and with values >±1.96): (i) scoring a goal with a breakthrough shot was significantly associated with the effectiveness of the 7 vs. 6 attack (Euro 2020 2.61; WCh 2021 2.87; Euro 2022 2.68; WCh 2023 2.32); (ii) teams in the top six significantly used 7 vs. 6 when they were winning (Euro 2020 2.17; WCh 2021 3.52; Euro 2022 5.88; WCh 2023 2.54); and (iii) teams in the bottom six used it when they were losing by at least four goals (Euro 2020 7.56; Euro 2022 6.64; WCh 2023 4.37) or when they were winning by four goals or more (WCh 2021 2.58). Coaches that agree with the possibility of playing 7 vs. 6 (74.4%), rarely or never do so (55.6%) because it brings little or no advantage (52.6%). The results of the analysis confirmed the perception of the coaches, the low use of 7 vs. 6, the low advantage associated with it, and the influence of the result and the moment of the game on its use.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study aimed to examine the effect of goalkeeper distribution on offensive team performance, during the 2018/2019 and 2019-2020 seasons of the Women Spanish La Liga. A total of 10,868 distributions, during 376 matches were analyzed by systematic observation. Two UEFA PRO coaches designed an ad hoc observation instrument \"GOALDFOOT\" and one observer coded the data after a training process. An intra-observer reliability kappa index of 0.94 was established. Results show how the offensive effectiveness of the goalkeepers was similar to outfield players, with 0.4% of possessions ending in a goal, 2.2% ending in an attempt on goal, with 79.4% ending unsuccessfully. The goalkeeper lost possession from their distribution 32.5% of the time. Multivariate analysis identified several predictors of goalkeepers\' distributions. The results show that teams classified in the middle zone of the final classification of the regular league had 1.2 times more probability of being successful compared with the lowest ranked teams (p < 0.05). Goalkeeper\'s distribution beginning during Open play after a transition, represented an increase success rate of almost 3 times compared to being performed from a free kick (p < 0.05). Passes from outfield players to a goalkeeper made from distant zones to the own goal, decreased the probability of success (p < 0.001). The pitch location of the distribution outcome near to the opponent goal offered the best probability of success. In conclusion, the most effective offensive sequences occur with dynamic transitions initiated with short passes. This information can provide coaches and players with insights to improve the offensive performance of goalkeepers.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Scientific knowledge about the criteria that determine success in women\'s football is beginning to develop.
    UNASSIGNED: This study was carried out with the aim of detecting regularities in the offensive success in elite women\'s football, as well as carrying out an interrelational analysis of linked behaviors, based on in-depth interviews with professional coaches and players. Eight in-depth interviews were conducted with professional Spanish coaches and players. The interviews were analyzed by indirect observation from a process of \"quantitizing,\" through the construction of an indirect observation ad hoc instrument. The segmentation of the transcription of the interviews was carried out in textual units, and the creation of a matrix of codes. Two types of analysis were performed: first, a lag sequential analysis (LSA) was performed and, then, a polar coordinates analysis (PCA), which allowed to find, respectively, a wide number of established communicative patterns with offensive performance in women\'s football, as well as an interrelational map between the established codes.
    UNASSIGNED: The results obtained allowed us to suggest a statistically significant association between success in women\'s football and criteria such as the physical characteristics of a particular player, the individual action space, the duration of the attack, the type of dynamic start, individual and collective technical and tactical aspects, decision making and the type of attack used.
    UNASSIGNED: Based on these results, the influence of these criteria on performance in women\'s soccer can be studied in future studies. In addition, with the aim of increasing the validity of these conclusions, new studies on this subject may be carried out following strategies such as the Delphi Method.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: The recent generalization of early childhood schooling has given rise to a need for the development of rigorous, specific training programs aimed at early education professionals (0-3 years of age). This work emanates from the unique nature of Pikler-Lóczy education as a reference for early childhood education centers, and its expertise in providing quality care in an everyday classroom situation. The aim of the study is to use T-pattern detection and analysis, within the framework of observational methodology, to identify relevant aspects of the choreography followed by Pikler educators during breakfast, and thus provide substantial material with a view to creating a training plan.
    UNASSIGNED: Two expert educators in Pikler-Lóczy education were directly and systematically observed in their own classrooms, following a nomothetic, follow-up and multidimensional design. The observation instrument underwent a molarization process so that the detected elements would be more significant and understandable for novice educators.
    UNASSIGNED: Using THEME, the invariant aspects of the educators\' behavior were analyzed. The significance level for the critical interval was the THEME default (α = 0.005). The results show: on the one hand, changes expected in T-patterns in accordance with the observation instrument molarity; and on the other hand, stability in terms of the comparison between the two educators.
    UNASSIGNED: These results help us to identify the complex structure of the breakfast choreography, and how educators establish interaction with children. In addition to specific issues pertaining to Pikler-Lóczy education, the conclusions highlight the advantages of using T-pattern analysis within the framework of observational methodology, in order to dissect a mealtime routine in its natural context, and explain components of early childhood education intervention that satisfy basic childhood needs. This constitutes a starting point from which to generate instructive material for the training of professionals working in early education.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The aim of this paper was to explore the effects of age and playing tactics on the individual tactical behavior and performance in young soccer players. A total of 1247 individual possessions during 16 knockout matches from LaLiga Promises U12 tournament (n = 621) and LaLiga U10 Iscar Cup (n = 626) were analyzed by observational methodology. Multilevel and multivariate logistic regression models were created to explain the interdependent effects of age category and playing tactics on the individual tactical behavior and performance. Youth players performed most of their actions against defensive pressure (72.5%), during offensive support (91.3%) and receiving the ball facing forward (62.6%). The most frequent action was to receive and pass the ball (69.6%) and the level of offensive success was 56.9%. The multilevel mixed models revealed that U10 players presented higher odds of running with the ball vs. passing the ball (OR = 1.823; 95% CI: 1.333−2.493; p < 0.001) and lower odds of achieving offensive success (OR = 0.698; 95% CI: 0.525−0.928; p < 0.05) than U12 players. Regarding playing tactics, technical-tactical dimensions such as the players’ body shape when receiving the ball, offensive support, defensive pressure, collective type of attack and type of technical action presented a significant and combined effect on the offensive success regardless of age category, playing position and match status. This study found tactical differences between U10 and U12 age categories and revealed important interactive effects of multiple tactical dimensions on the individual offensive behavior and performance in youth soccer players.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The aim of this study was to examine the effects of a notational analysis-based intervention on coaches\' verbal behaviour considering their physiological activation during competition and game actions. Verbal behaviour, physiological activation (heart rate), and game actions of 4 handball coaches were recorded for a total of 28 matches. Each coach was recorded in 7 matches, three pre-interventions, two post-intervention, and two retention. Verbal behaviour was assessed using the Coach Analysis and Intervention System (CAIS: Cushion et al., 2012), and game actions were coded as positive or negative depending on their outcome. In total, 15223 verbal behaviours and 3780 game actions were recorded. The intervention programme sought to help coaches to provide constructive information (corrective feedback and instructions) after negative events or actions, encourage players (especially when the team is losing or playing badly), reduce the protests to the referee, and reduce or eliminate punishment to players. Chi-square analysis suggested that the intervention stimulated the intended changes in coaches\' behaviour, and that these changes were retained for subsequent games. Verbal behaviour changed depending on the physiological activation. This study suggests that a brief (two-session) notation-based intervention can elicit changes in coaches\' verbal behaviour during competition.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Despite the great development of match analysis in professional soccer during the last decade, very few studies have assessed the individual technical and tactical behaviors of youth soccer players. The purpose of this paper was to design and assess the reliability of an observational instrument to evaluate the INDIvidual offensive behavior in competitive 7 and 11-a-side SOCcer (INDISOC). A total of eight experts in soccer training and analysis were included in the design of the tool by means of meetings and exploratory observations. This process involved design and re-design steps of the INDISOC tool to its final format which includes twelve dimensions related to the spatial, technical, and tactical constraints of individual behavior in soccer. The unit of analysis was the individual ball possession (IBP), described as the time that starts when a player can perform an action with the ball, and which ends when the IBP for another player begins. In the INDISOC tool, the IBP is analyzed taking into account three temporal moments: (1) receiving the ball, (2) processing the ball, and (3) culminating the individual action. Inter-observer and intra-observer analyses were performed and the kappa (K) coefficients were calculated to test the instrument reliability. The K values showed optimal inter (7-a-side: 0.73-0.95; 11-a-side: 0.76-0.98) and intra-observer (7-a-side: 0.84-1;11-a-side: 0.79-1) reliability levels. These results support the notion that the INDISOC observational tool could be a suitable instrument for analyzing the individual offensive behavior in competitive youth (7-a-side), junior and senior (11-a-side) soccer.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) present deficiencies in interference control processes. The main aim of this pilot study was to analyze the efficacy of an educational intervention designed to optimize the interference control of eight ASD children, attending to their ASD severity level. A mixed-methods approach grounded in systematic observation and nomothetic/follow-up/multidimensional observational designs was used. An observation instrument was developed to code data, which were grouped according to the ASD severity level (Group 1, requires support; Group 2, requires substantial support) and were analyzed using a lag sequential analysis. The results show that, although both groups progressed during the intervention and could have continued to improve, each group evolved differently. Group 1 performed relatively well from the onset and increased and developed their interference control strategies throughout the intervention, while Group 2, despite also acquiring new interference control strategies, took more time to show improvements. One month after the intervention ended, both groups were unable to consolidate the strategies learned. A mixed-methods approach allowed for real interference control deficits in ASD children to be captured in a natural context. To conclude, it would be necessary to lengthen this intervention and adapt it to the needs of each group.






  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    Emotional self-regulation in childhood and adolescence constitutes a growing interest in the scientific community, highlighting in recent years the need to observe its development in their daily life. Therefore, the objective of this systematic review is to characterize publications referring to the development of emotional self-regulation of people under 18 years-old, in natural contexts. Based on the PRISMA guidelines, searches are carried out in the Web of Science, Scopus and PsycINFO databases, and in Google Scholar until May 2020. After reviewing the full text of 376 publications, 14 works are selected that are observed in their extrinsic, substantive and methodological characteristics based on the GREOM and MQCOM guidelines, by two independent evaluators. Most of the studies correspond to the last 20 years, increasing the interest in observing older children, in interaction with adults and/or in different cultures. They apply mixed methodologies, not always ascribing to a low intensity design. Strengths are observed regarding the collection and analysis of the quality of the data; and weaknesses related to the failure to record the duration and sequence of behaviors, highlighting the use of guidelines as guides for future research.





