Objective structured clinical examination

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Video-recordings review of patient encounters is reported to improve the clinical performance of medical students. However, evidence on specific remediation strategies or outcomes are lacking. We aimed to implement videorecording-based remediation of standardized patient encounters among medical students, combined with preceptor one-on-one feedback or peer group discussion, and evaluate the effectiveness of the two remediation methods using objective structured clinical examination (OSCE).
    UNASSIGNED: Following standardized patient encounters, 107 final-year medical students were divided into two groups based on different remediation methods of video review: (1) precepted video review with preceptor feedback (N = 55) and (2) private video review and subsequent peer group discussion under supervision (N = 52). All students underwent twelve-stations of OSCE both before and after the video review. Students\' pre- and post-remediation OSCE scores, self-efficacy level in patient encounters, and level of educational satisfaction with each method were assessed and compared between different video-based remediation methods to evaluate their respective effects.
    UNASSIGNED: After remediation, the total and subcomponent OSCE scores, such as history taking, physical examination, and patient - physician interaction (PPI), among all students increased significantly. Post-remediation OSCE scores showed no significant difference between two remediation methods (preceptor module, 79.6 ± 4.3 vs. peer module, 79.4 ± 3.8 in the total OSCE score). Students\' self-efficacy levels increased after remediation in both modules (both p-value <0.001), with no difference between the two modules. However, students\' satisfaction level was higher in the preceptor module than in the peer module (80.1 ± 17.7 vs. 59.2 ± 25.1, p-value <0.001). Among students with poor baseline OSCE performance, a prominent increase in PPI scores was observed in the preceptor-based module.
    UNASSIGNED: Video-based remediation of patient encounters, either through preceptor review with one-on-one feedback or through private review with peer discussion, was equally effective in improving the OSCE scores and self-efficacy levels of medical students. Underperforming students can benefit from precepted video reviews for building PPI.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    BACKGROUND: On the occasion of the General stage meeting of Internal Medicine, the National College of Internal Medicine Teachers (CEMI) conducted a survey on teaching activity among all French university hospital (HU) internal medicine specialists.
    METHODS: The survey was carried out in September 2023 by sending an email to 101 hospital practitioners university professors (PU-PH) and 18 hospital practitioners assistant professors (MCU-PH) of internal medicine in subsection 53-01 of the National council of universities (CNU), as well as to the 11 HU internists working in immunology (subsection 47-01) or therapeutics (subsection 48-04).
    RESULTS: Seventy-three HUs (56.1%) responded to the survey, including 65 PU-PH, 7 MCU-PH and 1 university hospital practitioner (PHU). Internal medicine HUs participate in faculty teaching: 80% are responsible for teaching, 30% are responsible for the year or cycle or lead committees and 40% have had or have an elected mandate at the faculty or at university. Internal medicine HU are involved in the teaching of semiology during the first cycle of medical studies, but also in pharmaceutical sciences, dentistry, midwifery and in paramedical training. They are very invested in the implementation of the second cycle reform and 80% are involved in the preparation of Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (ECOS), mainly as examiners (90%). They also participate in teaching using simulation (60%), teaching advanced practice nurses (IPA) (25%), and writing CEMI books (75%). For ECOS, 90% participate as examiners, 60% participate in teaching using simulation, 25% are involved in teaching advanced practice nurses (IPA), 75% participated in the writing of CEMI works. Eight (12%) internal medicine HUs co-facilitate training with patients and 26 (38%) participate in master\'s courses at the Faculty of Sciences. Finally, 94% are affiliated with a research unit and 48% supervise university theses students.
    CONCLUSIONS: Internal medicine universities teachers have a strong educational commitment, particularly in semiology and in the reform of the second cycle of medical studies with ECOS and simulation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Utilizing the objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) ensures objectivity when it comes to the assessment of nursing students\' skills and competency. However, one challenge in OSCE integration is rater and examinee training and orientation.
    OBJECTIVE: This study employed a quasi-experimental design to evaluate the effectiveness of different instructional methodologies in training and preparing raters and examinees for the OSCE.
    METHODS: Participants were divided into three group of training methodologies: online, simulation, and traditional lecture (six raters and 18 examinees were assigned to each group). A total of 18 raters and 54 examinees partook.
    RESULTS: The study found that raters trained through simulation exhibited a slight agreement with their rates, compared to those who were trained online and in traditional lectures. Moreover, examinees who were trained through the simulation methodology performed better compared to those trained via the other methodologies.
    CONCLUSIONS: The study findings indicate that using simulation by training raters and examinees in the OSCE is the most effective approach.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: The objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) is used extensively in health and medical education to assess clinical competence. While OSCEs are not primarily designed for individual feedback, they provide an opportunity to generate meaningful and constructive feedback that students can use to reflect on areas of weakness (and strength). The most timely and effective way to incorporate individual feedback following a summative OSCE continues to be explored.
    UNASSIGNED: This paper describes a novel OSCE feedback model which uses readily available summative assessment data to calculate 10% index scores. This provides information about relative station difficulty and relative individual student performance.
    UNASSIGNED: An individualised feedback report was provided to every student after the OSCEs. This enables identification of stronger and weaker performance areas and composite skills, which can be utilised by all students to direct future learning.
    UNASSIGNED: Providing timely, individual actionable feedback to every student following a summative OSCE is possible without impacting the examination process or examiner burden.
    UNASSIGNED: A study is planned to determine the utilisation of this feedback by students and it\'s impact as a qualitative self-assessment exercise.






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    文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Soft tissue masses are commonly encountered in surgical and general medical practice. The graduating medical student should therefore be competent in the physical examination of a lump. Paucity of real patients makes it paramount that models be used for teaching and evaluation. This study purposed to describe the perception of graduating medical students to the use of a low-cost lump model for Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE).
    UNASSIGNED: This was a cross-sectional survey of final year medical students who participated in a surgery OSCE utilizing an innovative low-cost lump model.
    UNASSIGNED: One hundred and sixty students undertook the OSCE examination while 130 (81.3%) students completed the survey questionnaire. One hundred and forty students (87.5%) passed (score 3 5) the skills assessment using the lump model. The median age of the students who completed the questionnaire was 25 (range 24-27) years. There were more males N=84 (65.6%) than females N= 44 (34.4%). Two thirds (67.2%; n=84) of the students said the model simulated a true lump. Nearly all the students agreed that the signs of site (97.6%; n=127), size (97.6%; n=127), shape (95.4%; n=124) and transillumination (95.4%; n=124) were clearly demonstrable with the model. A lower proportion of agreements were seen with signs such as tenderness (64.6%; n=82), attachment (77.7%; n=80) and warmth (58.6%; n=75) while more students disagreed with pulsatility (51.5%; n=67).
    UNASSIGNED: The medical students had a positive perception to the use of the model. However, further refinements would be needed for more signs to be demonstrable.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    While objective clinical structured examination (OSCE) is a worldwide recognized and effective method to assess clinical skills of undergraduate medical students, the latest Ottawa conference on the assessment of competences raised vigorous debates regarding the future and innovations of OSCE. This study aimed to provide a comprehensive view of the global research activity on OSCE over the past decades and to identify clues for its improvement. We performed a bibliometric and scientometric analysis of OSCE papers published until March 2024. We included a description of the overall scientific productivity, as well as an unsupervised analysis of the main topics and the international scientific collaborations. A total of 3,224 items were identified from the Scopus database. There was a sudden spike in publications, especially related to virtual/remote OSCE, from 2020 to 2024. We identified leading journals and countries in terms of number of publications and citations. A co-occurrence term network identified three main clusters corresponding to different topics of research in OSCE. Two connected clusters related to OSCE performance and reliability, and a third cluster on student\'s experience, mental health (anxiety), and perception with few connections to the two previous clusters. Finally, the United States, the United Kingdom, and Canada were identified as leading countries in terms of scientific publications and collaborations in an international scientific network involving other European countries (the Netherlands, Belgium, Italy) as well as Saudi Arabia and Australia, and revealed the lack of important collaboration with Asian countries. Various avenues for improving OSCE research have been identified: i) developing remote OSCE with comparative studies between live and remote OSCE and issuing international recommendations for sharing remote OSCE between universities and countries; ii) fostering international collaborative studies with the support of key collaborating countries; iii) investigating the relationships between student performance and anxiety.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: This paper reflects on the experience of one Scottish University in conducting a face-to-face Objective Structured Examination (OSCE) for large cohorts of student nurses. It outlines the challenges experienced and learning gained. Borton\'s model of reflection frames this work due to its simplicity, ease of application and cyclical nature.
    BACKGROUND: The theoretical framework for the OSCE is critical thinking, enabling students to apply those skills authentically. OSCE\'s are designed to transfer classroom knowledge to clinical practice and offer an authentic work-based assessment.
    METHODS: Validity and robustness are key considerations in any assessment and in OSCE, the number of stations that students encounter is important and debated. We used a case-study based OSCE approach initially over four stations and following reflection, changed to one long station with four phases.
    RESULTS: In OSCE examinations, interrater reliability is a necessity, and students expect equity of approach. We identified that despite clear marking criteria, marks were polarised, with students achieving high or low marks with little middle ground. Review of examination papers highlighted that although students\' overall performance was good, some had failed in at least one station, suggesting a four-station approach may skew results. On reflection we hypothesised that using a one station case study-based, phased approach enabled the examiner to build up a more holistic picture of student knowledge and skills. It also provided the student opportunity to develop a rapport with the examiner and standardised patient, thereby putting them more at ease. We argue that this approach is holistic, authentic and student centred.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our experience highlights that a single station, four phase OSCE is preferrable, enabling students to integrate all aspects of the assessment and provides a holistic view of clinical skills and knowledge.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: A significant component of Canadian medical education is the development of clinical skills. The medical educational curriculum assesses these skills through an objective structured clinical examination (OSCE). This OSCE assesses skills imperative to good clinical practice, such as patient communication, clinical decision-making, and medical knowledge. Despite the widespread implementation of this examination across all academic settings, few preparatory resources exist that cater specifically to Canadian medical students. MonkeyJacket is a novel, open-access, web-based application, built with the goal of providing medical students with an accessible and representative tool for clinical skill development for the OSCE and clinical settings. This viewpoint paper presents the development of the MonkeyJacket application and its potential to assist medical students in preparation for clinical examinations and practical settings. Limited resources exist that are web-based; accessible in terms of cost; specific to the Medical Council of Canada (MCC); and, most importantly, scalable in nature. The goal of this research study was to thoroughly describe the potential utility of the application, particularly its capacity to provide practice and scalable formative feedback to medical students. MonkeyJacket was developed to provide Canadian medical students with the opportunity to practice their clinical examination skills and receive peer feedback by using a centralized platform. The OSCE cases included in the application were developed by using the MCC guidelines to ensure their applicability to a Canadian setting. There are currently 75 cases covering 5 specialties, including cardiology, respirology, gastroenterology, neurology, and psychiatry. The MonkeyJacket application is a web-based platform that allows medical students to practice clinical decision-making skills in real time with their peers through a synchronous platform. Through this application, students can practice patient interviewing, clinical reasoning, developing differential diagnoses, and formulating a management plan, and they can receive both qualitative feedback and quantitative feedback. Each clinical case is associated with an assessment checklist that is accessible to students after practice sessions are complete; the checklist promotes personal improvement through peer feedback. This tool provides students with relevant case stems, follow-up questions that probe for differential diagnoses and management plans, assessment checklists, and the ability to review the trend in their performance. The MonkeyJacket application provides medical students with a valuable tool that promotes clinical skill development for OSCEs and clinical settings. MonkeyJacket introduces a way for medical learners to receive feedback regarding patient interviewing and clinical reasoning skills that is both formative and scalable in nature, in addition to promoting interinstitutional learning. The widespread use of this application can increase the practice of and feedback on clinical skills among medical learners. This will not only benefit the learner; more importantly, it can provide downstream benefits for the most valuable stakeholder in medicine-the patient.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To analyze the satisfaction levels, perceptions of developing clinical competencies through objective structured clinical examination and to explore the experiences, challenges, and suggestions of undergraduate dental students.
    METHODS: The study adopted a mixed-method convergent design. Quantitative data were collected from 303 participants through surveys, evaluating satisfaction levels with objective structured clinical examination (OSCE). Additionally, qualitative insights were gathered through student focus group interviews, fundamental themes were developed from diverse expressions on various aspects of OSCE assessments. The Chi-Square tests, was performed to assess associations between variables. Data integration involved comparing and contrasting quantitative and qualitative findings to derive comprehensive conclusions.
    RESULTS: The satisfaction rates include 69.4% for the organization of OSCE stations and 57.4% for overall effectiveness. However, a crucial challenge was identified, with only 36.7% of students receiving adequate post-OSCE feedback. Furthermore, a majority of students (50%) expressed concerns about the clinical relevance of OSCEs. The study showed a significant associations (p < 0.05) between satisfaction levels and years of study as well as previous OSCE experience. Student focus group interviews revealed diverse perspectives on OSCE assessments. While students appreciate the helpfulness of OSCEs, concerns were raised regarding time constraints, stress, examiner training, and the perceived lack of clinical relevance.
    CONCLUSIONS: The students anticipated concerns about the clinical relevance of OSCEs, highlighting the need for a more aligned assessment approach. Diverse perspectives on OSCE assessments reveal perceived helpfulness alongside challenges such as lack of feedback, examiner training, time constraints, and mental stress.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Appropriate communication with dental patients enhances treatment outcomes and patient satisfaction. Implementing simulated patient interviews courses can improve patient-centered care and reduce conflict during clerkship training. Therefore, this study explored the relationship among student participation in a situational simulation course (SSC), academic performance, clerkship performance, and objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) performance.
    METHODS: This study was conducted with a sample of fifth-year dental students undergoing clerkship training. After implementing a situational simulation course to investigate the relationship among participation in SSC, academic performance, clerkship performance, and OSCE performance, a path analysis model was developed and tested.
    RESULTS: Eighty-seven fifth-year dental students were eligible for the SSC, and most (n = 70, 80.46%) volunteered to participate. The path analysis model revealed that academic performance had a direct effect on OSCE performance (β = 0.281, P = 0.003) and clerkship performance (β = 0.441, P < 0.001). In addition, SSC teaching had a direct effect on OSCE performance (β = 0.356, P < 0.001).
    CONCLUSIONS: SSCs can enhance dental students\' non-operational clinical competency and OSCE performance effectively. Simulated patient encounters with feedback, incorporated into the dental curricula, have led to improved communication. Based on our findings, we suggest implementing SSC teaching before the OSCE to improve communication and cognitive skills.





