
Nutrici ó n
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Breastfeeding appears to protect the onset of obesity in infants. The aim is to know whether breastfeeding duration is associated with the risk of obesity in infants and toddlers aged 12 and 24 months.
    METHODS: Prospective longitudinal study in a cohort of children born in Spain between April 2017 and March 2018 (LAyDI study) in the paediatric primary care system conducted in the framework of the PAPenRed research network. Analysis of breastfeeding duration (group 1: fewer than 6 months; group: more than 6 months) and its association with anthropometric variables.
    RESULTS: A total of 1495 patients attended the 12 months preventive child health visit and 1073 patients the 24 months visit. We found a statistically significant association between breastfeeding duration and weight-for-age, BMI-for-age and weight-for-length/height at 12 and 24 months; breastfeeding duration of less than 6 months was significantly associated with overweight and obesity (based on BMI-for-age and weight-for-length/height) at ages 12 and 24 months. Maternal pre-pregnancy BMI acted as a modifier on the association between breastfeeding duration and overweight and obesity (based on BMI-for-age).
    CONCLUSIONS: A breastfeeding duration of less than 6 months is associated with a higher percentage of overweight and obesity at ages 12 and 24 months, although maternal pre-pregnancy BMI modifies this relationship at 24 months.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    Intestinal parasitic diseases constitute a cosmopolitan public health concern, with greater prevalence in developing countries, and mainly affecting children. The aim of this study was to develop an educational intervention aimed at mothers/guardians of children attending three child development centers (CDI) in Santa Fe, Argentina, during 2018. An educational intervention was conducted using a descriptive, quasi-experimental design, with pre- and post-intervention assessment. This intervention included 36 mothers, and was carried out in three stages: diagnosis, intervention and final evaluation. Simultaneously, a coproparasitological study was performed on 48 children under 5 years of age, who were assisted in the CDI, with the aim to understand and address the parasitic infections prevalent in the child population. It was possible to compare the correct answers before and after the educational intervention, observing a statistically significant increase (p=0.008742) in the average number of correct answers. Enteroparasites were identified in 54% of the population of children analyzed, 10% were biparasitized and 6% had more than two parasitic species. The most frequently detected parasites were Blastocystis spp., Giardia intestinalis and Ascaris lumbricoides. The educational intervention was positive, resulting in an improvement in the level of knowledge related to intestinal parasitosis and its prevention. This educational intervention experience highlights the importance of ongoing education in promoting a healthy lifestyle and preventing parasitosis in vulnerable populations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Adherence to the Mediterranean diet (Dietmed) exerts protective effects on cardiovascular disease (CVD). In the Lower Extremity Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD) there are fewer studies that analyze these data.
    OBJECTIVE: To determine adherence to Dietmed and dietary habits in patients with PAD, according to a history of CVD (coronary and/or cerebral ischaemic pathology) and according to the ankle-brachial index (ABI ≥ or <0,5).
    METHODS: Cross-sectional analytical study carried out in a tertiary hospital. The sample was collected consecutively. Sociodemographic and clinical history, ankle-brachial index (ABI) and a 14-point Dietmed adherence dietary questionnaire were included. The analysis of categorical variables was carried out using the Pearson\'s Chi-Square test, the T-Student\'s statistic test for independent samples was used for parametric variables and the U. Mann-Whitney test for non-parametric variables.
    RESULTS: Of the 97 patients, 87,6% had low adherence to Dietmed, with no differences according to the severity of PAD. However, when we analysed the data according to whether or not they had a history of CVD, we observed a high adherence to some items included in Dietmed, specifically, in the CVD group, the consumption of lean meat (95,5% vs 64%; P=.004). In addition, we observed a significant difference in the consumption in the group without a history of CVD (32% vs 9,1%; P=.033).
    CONCLUSIONS: In our population, patients with PAD, regardless of the stage of the disease and whether they had associated coronary or cerebral ischaemic pathology, had low adherence to Dietmed. Therefore, it is important to implement nutritional education programmes in patients with PAD in all stages, as well as in those patients who have already suffered a vascular event, so that they maintain adherence to healthy dietary habits in the long term.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Endocrinology and Nutrition (EyN) is an outpatient and hospital medical specialty. This study aims to understand the evolution of the activity of interdepartmental consultation (IC) carried out by EyN in hospitalization floor of a third level hospital, comparing its evolution with other medical specialties, and comparing endocrine IC with nutritional IC.
    METHODS: Longitudinal and retrospective study which analyzes IC notes of EyN and other medical specialties between 01-01-2013 and 31-12-2022.
    RESULTS: A total of 76093 IC notes (12623 patients) were performed by the EyN service (average age 65.4 years; 59% male) with an average of 4.8 notes per patient. Average annual growth was 7% in notes and 4% in patients (versus 6% and 3% of all other medical services, differences statistically significant). Of all patients hospitalized for 4 or more days, EyN went from attending 7.9% (2013) to 12.3% (2022). 66% of the IC performed by EyN was for nutritional cause and 34% for other pathologies.
    CONCLUSIONS: The EyN service is the one that most patients attend in hospital IC activity, with growth over the last few years greater than other medical specialties. Nutritional pathology is the main reason for IC.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To explore the needs, motivations, and limitations related to healthy eating and digital materials, as well as to identify patterns for their design as a strategy aimed at Mexican families.
    METHODS: A qualitative observational study of the phenomenon through focus group sessions.
    METHODS: A public primary education center in the city of Querétaro, Mexico.
    METHODS: Children aged 9 to 11 years and parents, mothers, or caregivers with children in primary education.
    METHODS: Twelve sessions were conducted with three groups of students and two sessions with parents, mothers, or caregivers using an interview guide. Various digital materials, developed based on social cognitive theory, were presented during the sessions. The sessions were recorded with the participants\' or their guardians\' prior consent and transcribed for analysis. Coding was performed for key points of analysis, and information saturation was confirmed.
    RESULTS: Students expressed motivation towards digital material that promotes play and experimentation, especially within the family context. The main perceived barrier was the caregivers\' resistance to change. Parents expressed motivation and a need for explanatory material on diseases, with economic and time-related barriers.
    CONCLUSIONS: Digital material based on social cognitive theory, designed to improve nutrition, can be an effective strategy in nutritional education if it considers the circumstances of the target population. It is advisable to include affective and behavioral elements to achieve meaningful learning within households.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Advances in endocrinology and nutrition (E&N) and the importance of its associated disorders require that its teaching within the medical degree meets adequate standards of quality and homogeneity Our objective was to expand the data on E&N undergraduate teaching in Spain.
    METHODS: We designed an observational, cross-sectional web-based study addressed to the coordinators of E&N teaching at the 42 faculties of medicine that had taught the subject during the 2020-2021 academic year.
    RESULTS: One in three faculties had a professor who was an E&N specialist, but less than half had a full professor of E&N. There is great variability in teaching programmes, although most of them dedicate 6 ECTS credits to the subject. Over two-thirds of the faculties maintain theoretical lessons with over 50 students per class. Most programmes dedicate between four and six hours to hypothalamic pituitary disorders, thyroid diseases and adrenal gland disorders. However, there is great variability in the time dedicated to diabetes and nutrition. In one-third of the faculties, students are not required to do a rotation in the E&N department. Teachers at the universities widely participate in undergraduate/master\'s students\' final projects and master\'s degree studies.
    CONCLUSIONS: The E&N specialty maintains a good position within universities, but there is still great heterogeneity in the teaching structure of the subject.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The critical patient affected by SARS-CoV-2 is at risk of malnutrition. The need to avoid volume overload and manoeuvres that delay reaching nutritional requirements such as pronation make the nutritional approach to these patients complex. To ensure adequate treatment, a nutritional support protocol was developed as a clinical practice guideline adapted to the COVID-19 patient.
    To describe and analyse the results of introducing a nutritional support protocol aimed at SARS-CoV-2 patients admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU) of the Consorcio Hospital General Universitario de Valencia (CHGUV) from March to May 2020.
    Observational, descriptive, retrospective and longitudinal design to evaluate compliance with a nutritional support protocol.
    Thirty-one consecutive patients were included but nutritional follow-up could not be performed in eight. Of the remaining 23 patients, only eight reached 80% of caloric requirements before the tenth day after starting treatment (good compliance group) and 15 after the eleventh day (poor compliance group). In the group with «good compliance» 75% (n=6) were discharged and 25% died (n=2), compared to the group with «bad compliance» where 53% (n=8) were discharged and 47% (n=7) died (Chi square test, p-value=0.019). Those patients who reached 80% of caloric needs during ICU stay had a shorter length of stay compared to those who did not (median days of admission=14, IQR=10-16 and median days of admission=22, IQR=13-39, p-value=0.025).
    Introducing a nutritional protocol during the first weeks of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic could improve clinical outcomes by promoting healing and reducing associated complications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pseudohypoparathyroidism (PHP) is a spectrum of diseases characterized by insensitivity of target tissues to the action of parathyroid hormone and, consequently, by the presence of hyperphosphatemia and hypocalcaemia of varying severity. Early-onset obesity is a feature of PHP type 1A. This article discusses the need to establish uniform criteria to guide the nutritional management of patients with PHP. A decrease in energy expenditure calls for an adjustment of the energy content of the diet. Reducing the intake of foods rich in inorganic phosphorus helps to manage hyperphosphataemia. Targeted nutrition should be part of the treatment plan of children and adolescents with PHP, since it contributes to modulating the calcium and phosphorus metabolism imbalances characteristic of these patients.






  • 文章类型: Observational Study
    BACKGROUND: One of the main characteristics of Prader Willi syndrome (PWS) is hyperphagia and obesity. This study sought to evaluate behaviours related to hyperphagia in individuals with PWS under a non-pharmacological transdisciplinary approach.
    METHODS: This observational study included PWS patients under a traditional non-pharmacological nutritional approach immersed within a regular transdisciplinary treatment (RTT) and a control group of PWS individuals without RTT. All individuals were evaluated using the Hyperphagia Questionnaire for Clinical Trials (HQ-CT).
    RESULTS: Forty-three individuals were evaluated. The mean age at baseline (treatment onset) was 18.4±8.3 years in the RTT group and 19.1±6.9 years in the control group (p=0.74). Hyperphagia-related behaviours were significantly lower among those under RTT (RTT 5.7±3.7 vs control 13.1±7.5, p<0.0001). This was also identified within the three categories: arguing or manipulating to obtain food (2.71±2.1 vs 5.41±3.2, p=0.003), sneaking food (1.33±1.5 vs 3.55±3.3, p=0.007), and anger or tantrums related to food (1.67±1.8 vs 4.09±2.7, p=0.001). After a mean treatment duration of 41.0 months, the RTT group had a reduction in body mass index (baseline 38.7±17.1kg/m2 vs follow-up 29.2±9.2kg/m2; p<0.0001). A significant association between RTT duration and BMI reduction (p=0.037) was identified.
    CONCLUSIONS: We observed a positive impact on behaviours related to hyperphagia and a BMI reduction in PWS individuals in a context of a non-pharmacological nutritional approach as part of an RTT.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    comprobar la influencia de los conocimientos y los hábitos alimenticios en la sobrecarga ponderal según el ámbito de residencia (urbano o rural).
    se administró un cuestionario a 451 personas, residentes en la zona básica de salud de Villaviciosa (Asturias, España), entre 35 y 65 años, distribuidas en zona rural y urbana, formulario compuesto por preguntas sobre datos sociodemográficos, hábitos y conocimientos nutricionales. Se calcularon frecuencias relativas (%) para las variables cualitativas, y medias aritméticas (desviaciones estándar) para las cuantitativas. Se empleó la correlación de Pearson para comprobar o descartar la relación entre la puntuación en el cuestionario de conocimientos sobre nutrición y el índice de masa corporal (IMC). Para estudiar la relación entre cada pregunta del cuestionario de hábitos y el ámbito de residencia se empleó la prueba chi-cuadrado. Para comparar las medias del IMC por ámbito se aplicó la prueba t para muestras independientes. Se realizaron regresiones logísticas para calcular las odds ratio (OR) entre la variable dependiente (sobrecarga ponderal) y las variables sociodemográficas.
    la edad media de los encuestados fue de 49.96 años y el IMC promedio de 26.87 kg/m2, presentando sobrecarga ponderal el 57.6 % total. No leer las etiquetas nutricionales aumenta el riesgo de tener sobrecarga ponderal (OR = 2.2; p = 0.001); quienes consideran que comen en exceso muchas veces presentan mayor probabilidad de sobrecarga ponderal (OR = 8.6; p < 0.001); comer fuera de casa varias veces por semana (OR = 11.6; p = 0.019), así como el consumo de refrescos o zumos procesados (OR = 3.3; p = 0.013) y alcohol de baja graduación (OR = 2.8; p = 0.003) durante las comidas aumentan la probabilidad de sobrecarga ponderal.
    los hábitos alimenticios y los patrones de actividad física son los principales responsables de sobrecarga ponderal. El adecuado conocimiento en la población puede ayudar a la elaboración de un plan preventivo que permita frenar el crecimiento del sobrepeso y la obesidad.





