Nucleosome sliding

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Chromatin dynamics is deeply involved in processes that require access to DNA, such as transcriptional regulation. Among the factors involved in chromatin dynamics at gene regulatory regions are general regulatory factors (GRFs). These factors contribute to establishment and maintenance of nucleosome-depleted regions (NDRs). These regions are populated by nucleosomes through histone deposition and nucleosome sliding, the latter catalyzed by a number of ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling complexes, including ISW1a. It has been observed that GRFs can act as barriers against nucleosome sliding towards NDRs. However, the relative ability of the different GRFs to hinder sliding activity is currently unknown.
    RESULTS: Considering this, we performed a comparative analysis for the main GRFs, with focus in their ability to modulate nucleosome sliding mediated by ISW1a. Among the GRFs tested in nucleosome remodeling assays, Rap1 was the only factor displaying the ability to hinder the activity of ISW1a. This effect requires location of the Rap1 cognate sequence on linker that becomes entry DNA in the nucleosome remodeling process. In addition, Rap1 was able to hinder nucleosome assembly in octamer transfer assays. Concurrently, Rap1 displayed the highest affinity for and longest dwell time from its target sequence, compared to the other GRFs tested. Consistently, through bioinformatics analyses of publicly available genome-wide data, we found that nucleosome occupancy and histone deposition in vivo are inversely correlated with the affinity of Rap1 for its target sequences in the genome.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our findings point to DNA binding affinity, residence time and location at particular translational positions relative to the nucleosome core as the key features of GRFs underlying their roles played in nucleosome sliding and assembly.






  • 文章类型: Editorial
    To find nucleosomes, chromatin remodelers slide and hop along DNA, and their direction of approach affects the direction that nucleosomes slide in.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Chromatin remodelers are ATP (adenosine triphosphate)-powered motors that reposition nucleosomes throughout eukaryotic chromosomes. Remodelers possess autoinhibitory elements that control the direction of nucleosome sliding, but underlying mechanisms of inhibition have been unclear. Here, we show that autoinhibitory elements of the yeast Chd1 remodeler block nucleosome sliding by preventing initiation of twist defects. We show that two autoinhibitory elements-the chromodomains and bridge-reinforce each other to block sliding when the DNA-binding domain is not bound to entry-side DNA. Our data support a model where the chromodomains and bridge target nucleotide-free and ADP-bound states of the ATPase motor, favoring a partially disengaged state of the ATPase motor on the nucleosome. By bypassing distortions of nucleosomal DNA prior to ATP binding, we propose that autoinhibitory elements uncouple the ATP binding/hydrolysis cycle from DNA translocation around the histone core.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Chromatin remodelers are ATP-driven motors that pump double-stranded DNA around the histone core of the nucleosome. Recent work by Chen and coworkers (Li et al., Nature, 2019 and Yan et al., Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol., 2019) has revealed an unexpected intermediate where initial translocation involves only one of the two DNA strands.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The acidic patch is a functionally important epitope on each face of the nucleosome that affects chromatin remodeling. Although related by 2-fold symmetry of the nucleosome, each acidic patch is uniquely positioned relative to a bound remodeler. An open question is whether remodelers are distinctly responsive to each acidic patch. Previously we reported a method for homogeneously producing asymmetric nucleosomes with distinct H2A/H2B dimers (Levendosky et al., 2016). Here, we use this methodology to show that the Chd1 remodeler from Saccharomyces cerevisiae and ISWI remodelers from human and Drosophila have distinct spatial requirements for the acidic patch. Unlike Chd1, which is equally affected by entry- and exit-side mutations, ISWI remodelers strongly depend on the entry-side acidic patch. Remarkably, asymmetry in the two acidic patches stimulates ISWI to slide mononucleosomes off DNA ends, overriding the remodeler\'s preference to shift the histone core toward longer flanking DNA.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the ATP-dependent chromatin remodeler, Chd1p, globally affects nucleosome positioning at coding regions, where nucleosomes are specifically and directionally aligned with respect to the transcription start site (TSS). Various auxiliary domains of remodelers play critical roles by performing specialized functions that are unique to the type of remodeler. Here, we report that yeast Chd1p directly binds to acetylated histone H3K36 (H3K36Ac) via its chromodomain, and that H3K36Ac stimulates the nucleosome sliding activity of Chd1p in vitro. Furthermore, we use genome-wide analysis to demonstrate that H3K36Ac promotes the remodeling activity of Chd1p to maintain chromatin stability at the 5\' ends of genes in vivo. Our work linking Chd1p with H3K36Ac provides novel insights into how the nucleosome remodeling activity of Chd1p is controlled near the TSS.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Chromatin remodelers are ATP-dependent enzymes that are critical for reorganizing and repositioning nucleosomes in concert with many basic cellular processes. For the chromodomain helicase DNA-binding protein 1 (Chd1) remodeler, nucleosome sliding has been shown to depend on the DNA flanking the nucleosome, transcription factor binding at the nucleosome edge, and the presence of the histone H2A/H2B dimer on the entry side. Here, we report that Chd1 is also sensitive to the sequence of DNA within the nucleosome and slides nucleosomes made with the 601 Widom positioning sequence asymmetrically. Kinetic and equilibrium experiments show that poly(dA:dT) tracts perturb remodeling reactions if within one and a half helical turns of superhelix location 2 (SHL2), where the Chd1 ATPase engages nucleosomal DNA. These sequence-dependent effects do not rely on the Chd1 DNA-binding domain and are not due to differences in nucleosome affinity. Using site-specific cross-linking, we show that internal poly(dA:dT) tracts do not block the engagement of the ATPase motor with SHL2, yet they promote multiple translational positions of DNA with respect to both Chd1 and the histone core. We speculate that Chd1 senses the sequence-dependent response of DNA as the remodeler ATPase perturbs the duplex at SHL2. These results suggest that the sequence sensitivity of histones and remodelers occur at unique segments of DNA on the nucleosome, allowing them to work together or in opposition to determine nucleosome positions throughout the genome.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Chromatin remodelers use a helicase-like ATPase motor to reposition and reorganize nucleosomes along genomic DNA. Yet, how the ATPase motor communicates with other remodeler domains in the context of the nucleosome has so far been elusive. Here, we report for the Chd1 remodeler a unique organization of domains on the nucleosome that reveals direct domain-domain communication. Site-specific cross-linking shows that the chromodomains and ATPase motor bind to adjacent SHL1 and SHL2 sites, respectively, on nucleosomal DNA and pack against the DNA-binding domain on DNA exiting the nucleosome. This domain arrangement spans the two DNA gyres of the nucleosome and bridges both ends of a wrapped, ∼90-bp nucleosomal loop of DNA, suggesting a means for nucleosome assembly. This architecture illustrates how Chd1 senses DNA outside the nucleosome core and provides a basis for nucleosome spacing and directional sliding away from transcription factor barriers.





