Nucleic Acid Denaturation

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Transformation, the uptake of DNA directly from the environment, is a major driver of gene flow in microbial populations. In bacteria, DNA uptake requires a nuclease that processes dsDNA to ssDNA, which is subsequently transferred into the cell and incorporated into the genome. However, the process of DNA uptake in archaea is still unknown. Previously, we cataloged genes essential to natural transformation in Methanococcus maripaludis, but few homologs of bacterial transformation-associated genes were identified. Here, we characterize one gene, MMJJ_16440 (named here as ecnA), to be an extracellular nuclease. We show that EcnA is Ca2+-activated, present on the cell surface, and essential for transformation. While EcnA can degrade several forms of DNA, the highest activity was observed with ssDNA as a substrate. Activity was also observed with circular dsDNA, suggesting that EcnA is an endonuclease. This is the first biochemical characterization of a transformation-associated protein in a member of the archaeal domain and suggests that both archaeal and bacterial transformation initiate in an analogous fashion.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    PCR is tolerant to single nucleotide mismatches. Therefore, genotyping of point mutations by PCR requires special conditions for the amplification of allele-specific PCR fragments. MS-PCR (mutagenically separated PCR) is an improved version of ARMS (amplification refractory mutation system) in which additional nucleotide mismatches near the mutation site are used to separate the wt fragments from the mutant fragments in a single-tube PCR. In the originally described procedure, the resulting fragments are resolved on agarose gels according to differences in size introduced by different lengths of the allele-specific primers. In order to evaluate the PCR fragments by melting curve analysis, we enlarged the difference in the melting temperatures of the fragments of the two alleles by increasing the GC content of the longer allele-specific primer resulting in a higher melting temperature of the corresponding fragment. Using the murine retinal degeneration mutations rd1 and rd8 as an example, we show that such primers result in an easy to handle genotyping procedure: qPCR followed by melting curve analysis. In summary, MS-PCR is a simple and easy-to-use method for detecting single nucleotide variants.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Soon after its introduction in 1987, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) has become a technique widely employed in diagnostic medical devices and forensic science with the intention of amplifying genetic information. PCR prescribes that each of its cycles must include a heating subprocess at 95 °C or more (denominated DNA denaturation and provided for allowing a claimed orderly separation of the two complementary nucleotides strands), which can produce significant damage to DNA, caused by high-speed collisions with surrounding molecules. Since such disruption should be prevented in order to reliably employ PCR, a study of the mechanics of such loss of structural integrity is herein presented, preceded by a review of the fundamental literature which has elucidated the effects of molecular agitation on DNA fragmentation. The main conclusion of this retrospective survey is that the body of examined theoretical and experimental evidence consistently and redundantly confirms scarce resilience and significant loss of structural integrity when DNA is heated at temperatures above 90 °C, even for 1 minute. Such conclusion contradicts the claimed paradigm of PCR fidelity and raises the concern that, at least for long sequences, if PCR can amplify some information, such amplified information may be unreliable for diagnostic or forensic applications, since it originates from sequences of nucleotides subjected to random fragmentation and reaggregation. Such a low-reliability scenario should be preventively considered in the various fields where DNA amplification methodologies are employed which provide for high-temperature heating under conditions equal to or similar to those prescribed by the PCR protocols reviewed in this study.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    With the help of the one-dimensional random Potts-like model, we study the origins of fine structures observed on differential melting profiles of double-stranded DNA. We theoretically assess the effects of sequence arrangement on DNA melting curves through the comparison of results for random, correlated, and block sequences. Our results re-confirm the smearing out of the fine structure with the increase in chain length for all types of sequence arrangements and suggest that the fine structure is a finite-size effect. We have found that the fine structures on melting curves of chains comprised of blocks with correlations in sequence are more persistent, probably because of increased sequence disorder the blocks introduce. Many natural DNAs show a well-expressed fine structure of melting profiles. Our results for block sequences may suggest the existence of such sequence motifs in natural DNA sequences.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    High-resolution melt (HRM) analysis is a closed-tube technique for detecting single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). However, it has limited use in high-resolution melting devices, even those with high thermal accuracy (HTA). In addition to the cost of switching to these specialized devices, the presence of nearest neighbour neutral changes (class III, IV SNPs and small indels) made HRM-based assays a challenging task due to reduced sensitivity. This study aimed to design a common modified competitive amplification of differently melting amplicons (CADMA)-based assay to address these challenges by generating allele-specific qPCR products that are detectable on most qPCR platforms. For this study, SNPs were selected from all four classes of SNPs (class I: C/T or G/A mutation; class II: C/A or G/T mutation; class III: G/C mutation; class IV: A/T mutation). A single base pair and 19 bp indels were also chosen to simulate how CADMA primers could be designed for indels of varying lengths. The melting temperatures (Tm) were determined using IDT oligoAnalyzer. qPCR and melt data acquisition were performed on the CFX96 qPCR platform, and the melt curve data were analyzed using Precision Melt software (Bio-Rad, USA). The clusters for different genotypes were successfully identified with the aid of the control samples, and Tm predictions were carried out using the uMelt batch and Tm online tools for comparison. Using HRM-qPCR assays based on the modified CADMA method, genotyping of various SNPs was successfully carried out. For some SNPs, similarly shaped melt curves were observed for homozygotes and heterozygotes, making shape-based genotype prediction difficult. The Tm values calculated via the Blake and Delcourts (1998) method were the closest to the experimental Tm values after adjusting for the salt concentration. Since HRM assays usually depend on the ΔTm caused by mutations, they are prone to a high error rate due to nearest neighbour neutral changes. The technique developed in this study significantly reduces the failure rates in HRM-based genotyping and could be applied to any SNP or indel in any platform. It is crucial to have a deep understanding of the melt instrument, its accuracy and the nature of the target (SNP class or indel length and GC content of the flanking region). Furthermore, the availability of controls is essential for a high success rate.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We investigate the melting transition of non-supercoiled circular DNA of different lengths, employing Brownian dynamics simulations. In the absence of supercoiling, we find that melting of circular DNA is driven by a large bubble, which agrees with the previous predictions of circular DNA melting in the presence of supercoiling. By analyzing sector-wise changes in average base-pair distance, our study reveals that the melting behavior of circular DNA closely resembles that of linear DNA. Additionally, we find a marked difference in the thermal stability of circular DNA over linear DNA at very short length scales, an effect that diminishes as the length of circular DNA increases. The stability of smaller circular DNA is linked to the occurrence of transient small bubbles, characterized by a lower probability of growth.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Peptide nucleic acids (PNAs) are charge-neutral synthetic DNA/RNA analogues. In many aspects of biology and biotechnology, the details of DNA and PNA melting reaction coordinates are crucial, and their associative/dissociative details remain inadequately understood. In the current study, we have attempted to gain insights into comparative melting pathways and binding affinity of iso-sequences of an 18-mer PNA-DNA-PNA triplex and the analogous DNA-DNA-DNA triplex, and DNA-DNA and PNA-DNA duplexes. It is intriguing that while the DNA-DNA-DNA triplex melts in two sequential steps, the PNA-DNA-PNA triplex melts in a single step and the mechanistic aspects for this difference are still not clear. We report an all-atom molecular dynamics simulation of both complexes in the temperature range of 300 to 500 K with 20 K intervals. Based on the trajectory analysis, we provide evidence that the association and dissociation are dictated by the differences in fraying-peeling effects from either terminus to the center in a zipper pattern among the PNA-DNA-PNA triplex and DNA-DNA-DNA triplexes. These are shown to be governed by the different characteristics of H-bonding, RMSD, and Free Energy Landscape (FEL) as analyzed by PCA, leading to the DNA-DNA-DNA triplex exhibiting sequential melting, while the PNA-DNA-PNA triplex shows cooperative melting of the whole fragment in a single-step. The PNA-DNA-PNA triplex base pairs are thermodynamically more stable than the DNA-DNA-DNA triplex, with the binding affinity of PNA-TFO to the PNA : DNA duplex being higher than that of DNA-TFO to the DNA : DNA duplex. The investigation of the association/dissociation of PNA-TFO to the PNA-DNA duplex has relevance and importance in the emerging effective applications of oligonucleotide therapy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The wide use of mono- or bis-styryl fluorophores in biomedical applications prompted the presented design and study of a series of trimeric and tetrameric homo-analogues, styryl moieties arranged around a central aromatic core. The interactions with the most common biorelevant targets, ds-DNA and ds-RNA, were studied by a set of spectrophotometric methods (UV-VIS, fluorescence, circular dichroism, thermal denaturation). All studied dyes showed strong light absorption in the 350-420 nm range and strongly Stokes-shifted (+100-160 nm) emission with quantum yields (Φf) up to 0.57, whereby the mentioned properties were finely tuned by the type of the terminal cationic substituent and number of styryl components (tetramers being red-shifted in respect to trimers). All studied dyes strongly interacted with ds-DNA and ds-RNA with 1-10 nM-1 affinity, with dye emission being strongly quenched. The tetrameric analogues did not show any particular selectivity between ds-DNA or ds-RNA due to large size and consequent partial, non-selective insertion into DNA/RNA grooves. However, smaller trimeric styryl series showed size-dependent selective stabilization of ds-DNA vs. ds-RNA against thermal denaturation and highly selective or even specific recognition of several particular ds-DNA or ds-RNA structures by induced circular dichroism (ICD) bands. The chiral (ICD) selectivity was controlled by the size of a terminal cationic substituent. All dyes entered efficiently live human cells with negligible cytotoxic activity. Further prospects in the transfer of ICD-based selectivity into fluorescence-chiral methods (FDCD and CPL) is proposed, along with the development of new analogues with red-shifted absorbance properties.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The analysis of nucleic acids is one of the fundamental parts of modern molecular biology and molecular diagnostics. The information collected predominantly depends on the condition of the genetic material. All potential damage induced by oxidative stress may affect the final results of the analysis of genetic material obtained using commonly used techniques such as polymerase chain reaction or sequencing. The aim of this work was to evaluate the effects of high temperature and pH on DNA structure in the context of the occurrence of oxidative damage, using square-wave voltammetry and two independent research protocols. We resulted in visible oxidation damage registered in acidic conditions after the thermal denaturation process (pH 4.7) with changes in the intensity of guanine and adenine signals. However, using phosphate buffer (pH 7.0) for DNA denaturation negatively affected the DNA structure, but without any oxidized derivatives present. This leads to the conclusion that oxidation occurring in the DNA melting process results in the formation of various derivatives of nucleobases, both electrochemically active and inactive. These derivatives may distort the results of molecular tests due to the possibility of forming complementary bonds with various nucleobases. For example, 8-oxoguanine can form pairs with both cytosine and adenine.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Digital PCR (dPCR) technology allows absolute quantification and detection of disease-associated rare variants, and thus the use of dPCR technology has been increasing in clinical research and diagnostics. The high-resolution melting curve analysis (HRM) of qPCR is widely used to distinguish true positives from false positives and detect rare variants. In particular, qPCR-HRM is commonly used for methylation assessment in research and diagnostics due to its simplicity and high reproducibility. Most dPCR instruments have limited fluorescence channels available and separate heating and imaging systems. Therefore, it is difficult to perform HRM analysis using dPCR instruments.
    OBJECTIVE: A new digital real-time PCR instrument (LOAA) has been recently developed to integrate partitioning, thermocycling, and imaging in a single dPCR instrument. In addition, a new technique to perform HRM analysis is utilized in LOAA. The aim of the present study is to evaluate the efficiency and accuracy of LOAA dPCR on HRM analysis for the detection of methylation.
    METHODS: In this study, comprehensive comparison with Bio-Rad qRT-PCR and droplet-based dPCR equipment was performed to verify the HRM analysis-based methylation detection efficiency of the LOAA digital PCR equipment. Here, sodium bisulfite modification method was applied to detect methylated DNA sequences by each PCR method.
    RESULTS: Melting curve analysis detected four different Tm values using LOAA and qPCR, and found that LOAA, unlike qPCR, successfully distinguished between different Tm values when the Tm values were very similar. In addition, melting temperatures increased by each methylation were about 0.5℃ for qPCR and about 0.2 ~ 0.6℃ for LOAA. The melting temperature analyses of methylated and unmethylated DNA samples were conducted using LOAA dPCR with TaqMan probes and EvaGreen, and the result found that Tm values of methylated DNA samples are higher than those of unmethylated DNA samples.
    CONCLUSIONS: The present study shows that LOAA dPCR could detect different melting temperatures according to methylation status of target sequences, indicating that LOAA dPCR would be useful for diagnostic applications that require the accurate quantification and assessment of DNA methylation.





