Nontarget terrestrial plants

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The registration of herbicides in the European Union requires an assessment of risks to nontarget terrestrial plants (NTTPs). Regulatory plant studies are performed to determine risk-assessment-relevant endpoints (50% effect rate) for quantitative parameters, mostly biomass and survival. Recently, the European Food Safety Authority stated that endpoints for qualitatively assessed plant visual injuries (PVIs) such as necrosis, chlorosis, and so forth should be considered for the risk assessment as equal to endpoints derived from quantitatively determined parameters. However, the lack of guidance in the NTTP test guidelines on how to assess PVI and how to derive a statistically meaningful endpoint for PVI makes their use in risk assessments challenging. To evaluate and improve the reliability, reproducibility, and regulatory relevance of PVI assessments in NTTP studies, the PVI Working Group was formed in 2022 within the SETAC Plant Interest Group. In a first exercise, research needs, guidance gaps, and shortcomings in current methodologies were identified and are presented together with recommendations for a future, validated, and harmonized method for the assessment of PVI. Survey results revealed a high variability in how PVI are currently assessed, and that the reliability of these data is unclear. Under current conditions, the PVI data can rather be seen as supportive information instead of using the data for the statistically sound determination of a regulatory endpoint. Consequently, standardization and harmonization of procedures for the assessment of PVI are needed. An improved scoring methodology should be developed that allows for a precise, statistically sound endpoint determination. Regarding the regulatory relevance of PVI, further research is required to assess the biological meaning of PVI data and how this is connected to the regulatory requirements and protection goals. Last but not least, guidance is required on how to evaluate the historically available PVI data that are based on various assessment methodologies. Integr Environ Assess Manag 2024;20:915-923. © 2023 The Authors. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of Society of Environmental Toxicology & Chemistry (SETAC).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Spray drift buffers are often required on herbicide labels to prevent potential drift effects to nontarget plants. Buffers are typically derived by determining the distance at which predicted exposure from spray drift equals the ecotoxicology threshold for sensitive plant species determined in greenhouse tests. Field studies performed under realistic conditions have demonstrated, however, that this approach is far more conservative than necessary. In 2016, the US Environmental Protection Agency estimated that isoxaflutole (IFT), a herbicide used to control grass and broadleaf weeds, could adversely affect downwind nontarget dicot plants at distances of ≥304 m from the edge of the treated field due to spray drift. This prediction implies that a buffer of at least 304 m is required to protect nontarget plants. To refine the predicted buffer distance for IFT, we conducted a field study in which sensitive nontarget plants (lettuce and navy bean, two to four leaf stage) were placed at various distances downwind from previously harvested soybean fields sprayed with Balance® Flexx Herbicide. The test plants were then transported to a greenhouse for grow out following the standard vegetative vigor test protocol. There were three trials. One had vegetation in the downwind deposition area (i.e., test plants placed in mowed grass; typical exposure scenario) and two had bare ground deposition areas (worst-case exposure scenario). For both plant species in bare ground deposition areas, effects on shoot height and weight were observed at 1.52 m but not at downwind distances of ≥9.14 m from the edge of the treated area. No effects were observed at any distance for plants placed in the vegetated deposition area. The field study demonstrated that a buffer of 9.14 m protects nontarget terrestrial plants exposed to IFT via spray drift even under worst-case conditions. Integr Environ Assess Manag 2021;00:1-13. © 2021 Bayer. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of Society of Environmental Toxicology & Chemistry (SETAC).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Herbicide drift may cause adverse effects on natural and seminatural plant communities, and it has been debated whether the current ecological risk assessments are adequate to protect nontarget terrestrial plant species. In the present study, 9 nontarget terrestrial plant species with different lifespans (3 annual/6 perennial) belonging to 6 different plant families were exposed to 4 herbicides with different modes of action at the vegetative (6-8 leaf) and reproductive (bud) stages separately. The plant tests were conducted under controlled conditions in 2 greenhouses, 1 located in Denmark and 1 in Canada. For both growth stages, effects were recorded on vegetative (above-ground biomass 3 wk after treatment) and reproductive endpoints (number and germinability of seeds). In most cases, responses following exposure at the juvenile stage were greater than responses following exposure at the reproductive stage. For the combinations of herbicides and plant species included in the present study, we found that the sensitivities of vegetative and reproductive endpoints were equal, or else vegetative endpoints were more sensitive than reproductive endpoints. We also found that annual species were more sensitive than perennial species. The overall conclusions cover many different response patterns, and it is evident that some effects may not be found in the currently used standard tests. Generally, more pronounced effects were obtained in Denmark compared with Canada, highlighting the fact that even under standardized test conditions and following common guidelines, several uncontrollable factors can still induce variable results. Environ Toxicol Chem 2021;40:1389-1404. © 2021 SETAC.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    During herbicide spray application, nontarget terrestrial plants (NTTPs) growing in the off-field area need to be protected from unacceptable effects of herbicide drift. The risk of such unintended effects is assessed in order to establish whether a particular use can be approved, possibly in combination with mitigation measures. In Europe, the risk of herbicide treatment to NTTPs is assessed on the basis of tier 2 studies done under controlled conditions in greenhouses. Following the concept of a tiered testing approach, higher tier field studies under more realistic conditions could be used to refine the risk assessment. No current guideline for conducting higher tier NTTP field studies is available. We developed an NTTP higher tier field study method done on an experimental plant community established by sowing of a seed mixture. The setup was optimized in 3 pilot field studies and subsequently used for a definitive study testing effects of the herbicide iofensulfuron-sodium. Results show that the method can be regarded as a suitable higher tier option for assessing effects of herbicides on NTTPs. Growth of species from the soil seed bank cannot be avoided and has to be carefully considered when evaluating results. Adaptations of the study design may be necessary when testing different herbicides. Community-level endpoints were at the same level as single-species endpoints. Results of the field study were compared to standard greenhouse study results for the same herbicide. No observed effect rates (NOERs) in the field were about a factor of 10 higher and show that the current tier 2 risk assessment for NTTPs can be regarded as protective in this case. Whether the present field study design and the assessed endpoints can be used in higher tier risk assessment of NTTPs depends on selection of the specific protection goal and requires further discussion. Integr Environ Assess Manag 2020;16:691-705. © 2020 Bayer AG. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of Society of Environmental Toxicology & Chemistry (SETAC).







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Current herbicide risk assessment guidelines for nontarget terrestrial plants require testing effects on young, vulnerable life stages (i.e., seedling emergence [and subsequent growth] and vegetative vigor [growth and dry wt]) but not directly on the reproduction of plants. However, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has proposed that effects on reproduction might be considered when evaluating the potential effects on plants. We adapted the plant community model for grassland (IBC-grass) to give insight into the current debate on the sensitivity of reproductive versus vegetative endpoints in ecological risk assessment. In an extensive sensitivity analysis of this model, we compared plant attributes potentially affected by herbicides and the consequences for long-term plant population dynamics and plant diversity. This evaluation was implemented by reducing reproductive as well as vegetative endpoints by certain percentages (e.g., 10-90%) as a theoretical assumption. Plant mortality and seed sterility (i.e., inability of seeds to germinate) were the most sensitive attributes. Our results indicated that effects on seed production at off-field exposure rates must be very strong to have an impact on the risk assessment. Otherwise, effects on seed production are compensated for by the soil seed bank. The present study highlights the usefulness of community level modeling studies to support regulators in their decisions on the appropriate risk assessment endpoints and provides confidence in their assessments. Environ Toxicol Chem 2018;37:1707-1722. © 2018 SETAC.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nature of exposure is a fundamental driver in nontarget terrestrial plant risk assessment for pesticides; consequently a novel study was designed to generate field-based drift exposure and evaluate corresponding biological effects of the herbicide mesotrione. The approach used a combination of US guideline drift reduction technology and vegetative vigor approaches. In each of 3 independent replicate spray application trials, 10 pots each of lettuce and tomato were placed at distances of 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50 ft (∼3, 6, 9, 12, and 15 m) from the downwind edge of the spray boom. Each application was conducted using a commercial 60-ft (18-m) boom sprayer fitted with TeeJet® Technologies TTI110025 nozzles, with a nominal application rate of 0.2 lb a.i./A (224 g a.i./ha). The environmental conditions required by the protocol (air temperature 10-30 °C and wind perpendicular to the swath (±30°) blowing toward the plants at a mean wind speed of ≥10 mph [≥4.5 m/s] measured at 2.0 m above the ground) were met for each application. Following exposure, plants were transferred to a greenhouse for the 21-d vegetative vigor phase of the study. Symptoms of phytotoxicity and plant height were assessed at 7, 14, and 21 d after treatment. On completion of the 21-d after treatment assessment, all plants were harvested and dried in an oven to determine shoot dry weight. The biological data indicated that no statistically significant effects were observed at a distance of 30 ft (∼9 m) from mesotrione drift at wind speeds of ≥10 mph (10.9-12.4 mph); this endpoint (30 ft) is defined as the no observed effects distance (NOED). Environ Toxicol Chem 2017;36:2465-2475. © 2017 SETAC.





