Non-smoked bacon

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The aroma profiles in non-smoked bacon were investigated via GC-O-MS, GC × GC-TOFMS, and GC-IMS. GC-O-MS is advantageous for detecting aldehydes. GC × GC-TOFMS is more sensitive to hydrocarbons and alcohols, while GC-IMS detects a balanced range of categories. Only 9 of the 239 detected volatiles were identifiable by all three methods. Therefore, the combination of all three methods proved to be the most effective way to comprehensively analyze the aroma profiles of bacon. Recombination and omission tests were performed using aroma compounds with a flavor dilution (FD) factor greater than 27; five volatiles were identified as key aroma compounds in non-smoked bacon, including hexanal, (E,E)-2,4-decadienal, 1-octen-3-ol, dihydro-5-pentyl-2(3H)-furanone, and 3-methyl-butanoic acid. Among these, hexanal and 1-octen-3-ol exhibited relatively high FD factors and odor activity values (OAVs), so they were confirmed as the primary contributors. Meanwhile, seven volatiles contributed to the unique aroma of non-smoked bacon in different regions. The difference in the aroma of bacon in different regions is mainly due to the content of various volatiles rather than the type. A comprehensive analysis of the aroma in non-smoked bacon can reveal theoretical information for improving the process and quality control of the product.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Heme proteins and their derivatives play important roles in inducing lipid oxidation to produce volatile compounds during bacon drying. This study investigated the effects of heme proteins and their derivatives (hemoglobin, myoglobin, nitrosylmyoglobin, hemin, Fe2+, and Fe3+) on lipid and volatiles profiles in the washed pig muscle (WPM) model. The results of the study indicated that the inducers primarily caused the oxidation of glycerophospholipids. Furthermore, hemoglobin and myoglobin had the most significant impact, and their potential substrates may include PE (O-18:2/20:4), PE (O-18:1/20:4), PC (16:0/18:1), and PE (O-18:2/18:2). Nitrosomyoglobin has limited ability to promote lipid oxidation and may protect ether phospholipids from oxidation. The analysis of the volatiles in the model revealed that heme proteins and their derivatives have the ability to induce the production of key aroma compounds. The descending order of effectiveness in inducing the production of aroma compounds is as follows: hemoglobin, myoglobin, hemin, and nitrosylmyoglobin. The effectiveness of Fe2+ and Fe3+ is similar to that of nitrosylmyoglobin.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The effect of drying on the lipid profiles of the lean (LN) and fat (FT) portions of non-smoked bacon was investigated based on a lipidomic approach. The study identified 989 lipids belonging to 26 subclasses in bacon, with triglyceride and phosphatidylethanolamine being the most abundant. Triglycerides, phosphatidylcholines, and phosphatidylethanolamines were significantly decreased, whereas diglycerides, free fatty acids, and lysophospholipids were increased after drying. TG (16:1/18:1/18:2) and TG (16:0/18:1/18:1) were the primary lipids responsible for the binding of volatiles. Based on VIP > 1 and P < 0.05, 355 and 444 differential lipids were observed in the FT and LN portions, respectively. In total, 26 lipids were screened as key precursors for the production of key aroma compounds of bacon in the FT portion, while 127 were screened in the LN portion. PE (18:0/18:2) is believed to be the primary lipid molecule precursors responsible for the development of aroma in both lean and fat portions. This research has enhanced the comprehension of the generation of key aroma compounds derived from lipid oxidation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study explored the evolution of key aroma compounds and their lipid precursors in the lean (LN) and fat (FT) portions of non-smoked bacon during hot air drying. The results showed that the LN portion contained most of the aroma compounds in the bacon (>88%). The volatile content of the FT portion increased as the drying time increased, whereas that of the LN portion reached a maximum within 24 h and then decreased. Based on the highest volatile contents (4889.48 ± 202.06 µg/kg) and sensory scores, 24 h was considered the optimal drying time. For key aroma compounds, hexanal and 2,3-octanedione were derived from free fatty acids and polar lipids. Notably, 1-octen-3-ol was generated only from polar lipids in the FT and LN portions. The 2-undecenal and (E, E)-2,4-decadienal were produced by the oxidation of neutral lipids in the FT portion. Dihydro-5-pentyl-2(3H)-furanone was derived from polar lipids in the LN portion. Altogether, these findings provide theoretical insights into improving the aroma of bacon by optimizing raw material selection and processing methods.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Non-smoked traditional Chinese bacon is popular in China. However, the aromas of the non-smoked bacon from Eastern China (EC bacon) and Southwestern China (SW bacon) differed significantly. This study investigated these differences and the key volatile compound formation mechanisms. A total of 175 volatile compounds were detected in the bacon samples, while 32 key aroma compounds were screened based on odor activity values (OAVs). Multivariate statistical analysis showed that ten odorants could be considered discriminative compounds, including hexanal, octanal, and 1-octen-3-ol, etc. The fatty aroma of EC bacon was mainly attributed to a higher aldehydes content, which is due to more oxidation of fatty acids. Meanwhile, the SW bacon smelled sweeter since there was more ester in the sample. The correlation analysis between the fatty acid profiles and key aroma compounds indicated that the discriminative aldehyde formation in the EC bacon was primarily attributed to oleic and linoleic acid oxidation, which were both potential biomarkers.





