Noble gases

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We revisit the numerical solutions of vibrational eigenstates of weakly bound homonuclear and heteronuclear noble gas pairs by applying a Fortran program based on the Numerov method. The harmonic, Lennard-Jones (LJ), Morse, Tang-Toennies (TT), and Improved Lennard-Jones (ILJ) potential models have been implemented to represent the potential energy curves (PECs). The obtained vibrational energies spectrum was tested on the experimental data and accurate ab initio calculations at CCSD(T)/CBS level. The vibrational eigenvalues and eigenfunctions can be reproduced accurately within the ILJ potential model. Moreover, considering the calculated lifetime of van der Waals (vdW) complexes, the implementation of ILJ rather than standard LJ potential model has a significant impact on the systems dynamics by providing more representative atomic trajectories when the function is incorporated in force fields for molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. Overall, the ILJ function is the best suited potential model for the representation of vibrational motions and the determination of vibrational energy levels of weakly bound systems, both at equilibrium and non-equilibrium conditions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study aims to investigate how inert gas affects the partial pressure of alveolar and venous blood using a fast and accurate operator splitting method (OSM). Unlike previous complex methods, such as the finite element method (FEM), OSM effectively separates governing equations into smaller sub-problems, facilitating a better understanding of inert gas transport and exchange between blood capillaries and surrounding tissue. The governing equations were discretized with a fully implicit finite difference method (FDM), which enables the use of larger time steps. The model employed partial differential equations, considering convection-diffusion in blood and only diffusion in tissue. The study explores the impact of initial arterial pressure, breathing frequency, blood flow velocity, solubility, and diffusivity on the partial pressure of inert gas in blood and tissue. Additionally, the effects of anesthetic inert gas and oxygen on venous blood partial pressure were analyzed. Simulation results demonstrate that the high solubility and diffusivity of anesthetic inert gas lead to its prolonged presence in blood and tissue, resulting in lower partial pressure in venous blood. These findings enhance our understanding of inert gas interaction with alveolar/venous blood, with potential implications for medical diagnostics and therapies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Despite recent progress, ischemic heart disease poses a persistent global challenge, driving significant morbidity and mortality. The pursuit of therapeutic solutions has led to the emergence of strategies such as ischemic preconditioning, postconditioning, and remote conditioning to shield the heart from myocardial ischemia/reperfusion injury (MIRI). These ischemic conditioning approaches, applied before, after, or at a distance from the affected organ, inspire future therapeutic strategies, including pharmacological conditioning. Gasotransmitters, comprising nitric oxide, hydrogen sulfide, sulfur dioxide, and carbon monoxide, play pivotal roles in physiological and pathological processes, exhibiting shared features such as smooth muscle relaxation, antiapoptotic effects, and anti-inflammatory properties. Despite potential risks at high concentrations, physiological levels of gasotransmitters induce vasorelaxation and promote cardioprotective effects. Noble gases, notably argon, helium, and xenon, exhibit organ-protective properties by reducing cell death, minimizing infarct size, and enhancing functional recovery in post-ischemic organs. The protective role of noble gases appears to hinge on their modulation of molecular pathways governing cell survival, leading to both pro- and antiapoptotic effects. Among noble gases, helium and xenon emerge as particularly promising in the field of cardioprotection. This overview synthesizes our current understanding of the roles played by gasotransmitters and noble gases in the context of MIRI and cardioprotection. In addition, we underscore potential future developments involving the utilization of noble gases and gasotransmitter donor molecules in advancing cardioprotective strategies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Attributing the sources of legacy contamination, including brines, is important to determine remediation options and to allocate responsibility. To make sound remediation decisions, it is necessary to distinguish subsurface sources, such as leaking oil and gas (\"O&G\") wells or natural upward fluid migrations, from surface releases. While chemical signatures of surface and subsurface releases may be similar, they are expected to imprint specific dissolved noble gas signatures, caused by the accumulation of terrigenic noble gases in subsurface leaks or re-equilibration of noble gases following surface releases. We demonstrate that only a historic surface release influenced the dissolved noble gas signature of groundwater in monitoring wells contaminated with brine near an abandoned O&G well, rather than subsurface leakage from the well. Elevated brine concentrations were associated with lower terrigenic helium concentrations, indicating re-equilibration with atmospheric helium at the surface during the release. Geophysical surveying indicating elevated salinity in surficial soils upgradient of the wells further supported the interpretation of the noble gas data. Eliminating the possibility that subsurface leakage was the source of the plume was critical to selecting the proper remedial action at the site, which otherwise may have included an unnecessary and costly well re-abandonment. This study demonstrates the use of noble gas analysis to compare potential sources of brine contamination in groundwater and to exclude subsurface leakage as a potential source in an oilfield.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This work originated from the demand presented by an electric power transmission company and addresses a possible solution for the sector by exploring alternatives to extend the flight time of drones in the inspection of transmission lines. This original article demonstrates the use of the electromagnetic field of a transmission line to generate useful electrical power at the terminals of a bulb containing argon gas. It is an unprecedented application in power transmission. In this work, the tests based on a proof of concept are documented, where the results obtained were satisfactory and still allowed to connect an LED through the constructed arrangement. It is observed that the continuity of this research can provide scalability for applications whose main source of ion excitation is given from the energy dissipated as electric field loss in high-voltage lines.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Noble gases, oxygen-hydrogen isotope ratios, and ion compositions were measured at three sampling points (KUM, OTN, and ASO) from December 2013 to July 2021. The 3He/4He values at the three sampling points remained stable in the range of 3-4 Ra throughout the observation period, suggesting that the supply of deep-seated gases to the aquifer was stable. The 4He/20Ne values of KUM and OTN indicate that the supply of surface-source fluids to the aquifer decreased relative to that of deep-seated fluids at KUM and OTN. In contrast, in the ASO site, both the surface- and deep-seated fluids supplied to the aquifer were stable. The δD-δ18O relationship indicated the supply of deep-seated water to the KUM and OTN aquifers but not to the ASO aquifer. Nevertheless, the δD-δ18O relationship remained stable throughout the observation period, suggesting that the supply of deep-seated water to the three stations was stable. The Li/Cl and 1/Cl relationships for the three sampling points were plotted within a narrow range throughout the observation period, suggesting that the groundwater recharge was stable. Neither spikes nor step changes owing to the 2016 Kumamoto earthquake were observed in any of the data. These results indicate that the KUM and OTN aquifers are constantly supplied with deep fluids from the fluid-rich zone beneath the Kumamoto region, and that only deep-seated gas was supplied to the ASO aquifer. We also confirmed that these supply conditions were unaffected by the 2016 Kumamoto earthquake or the subsequent aftershock activity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Single-atom dynamics of noble-gas elements have been investigated using time-resolved transmission electron microscopy (TEM), with direct observation providing for a deeper understanding of chemical bonding, reactivity, and states of matter at the nanoscale. We report on a nanoscale system consisting of endohedral fullerenes encapsulated within single-walled carbon nanotubes ((Kr@C60)@SWCNT), capable of the delivery and release of krypton atoms on-demand, via coalescence of host fullerene cages under the action of the electron beam (in situ) or heat (ex situ). The state and dynamics of Kr atoms were investigated by energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS), electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS), and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). Kr atom positions were measured precisely using aberration-corrected high-resolution TEM (AC-HRTEM), aberration-corrected scanning TEM (AC-STEM), and single-atom spectroscopic imaging (STEM-EELS). The electron beam drove the formation of 2Kr@C120 capsules, in which van der Waals Kr2 and transient covalent [Kr2]+ bonding states were identified. Thermal coalescence led to the formation of longer coalesced nested nanotubes containing more loosely bound Krn chains (n = 3-6). In some instances, delocalization of Kr atomic positions was confirmed by STEM analysis as the transition to a one-dimensional (1D) gas, as Kr atoms were constrained to only one degree of translational freedom within long, well-annealed, nested nanotubes. Such nested nanotube structures were investigated by Raman spectroscopy. This material represents a highly compressed and dimensionally constrained 1D gas stable under ambient conditions. Direct atomic-scale imaging has revealed elusive bonding states and a previously unseen 1D gaseous state of matter of this noble gas element, demonstrating TEM to be a powerful tool in the discovery of chemistry at the single-atom level.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Noble gases are very rare elements in most relevant samples in geochemistry and cosmochemistry. Noble gases may perhaps also look rather boring to chemists, as they do not form any stable compounds. However, it is just their rarity and chemical inertness which makes noble gases versatile elements in a very wide range of fields, such as oceanography, climatology, environmental sciences, meteorite studies, rock dating, early solar system and early Earth history, and many others. Mass spectrometry is by far the main analytical tool in noble gas geochemistry and cosmochemistry, partly because the rarity of noble gases often allows researchers to recognize in the same sample different noble gas \"components\" of different origin and hence different isotopic composition. This contribution attempts to illustrate the wide range of applications of noble gas mass spectrometry in the Earth sciences with selected examples.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Contamination from acid mine drainage affects ecosystems and usability of groundwater for domestic and municipal purposes. The Captain Jack Superfund Site outside of Ward, Boulder County, Colorado, USA, hosts a draining mine adit that was remediated through emplacement of a hydraulic bulkhead to preclude acid mine drainage from entering nearby Lefthand Creek. During impoundment of water within the mine workings in 2020, a diverse and novel dataset of stable isotopes of water, sulfate, and carbon (δ2H, δ18OH2O, δ18OSO4, δ34S, δ13CDIC), rare earth elements, and environmental tracers (noble gases and tritium) were collected to understand groundwater recharge and mixing, mechanisms of sulfide oxidation and water-rock interaction, and the influence of remediation on the hydrologic and geochemical system. Water isotopes indicate that groundwater distal from the mine workings has seasonally variable recharge sources whereas water within the workings has a distinctive composition with minimal temporal variability. Sulfate isotopes indicate that sulfide oxidation occurs both within the mine workings and in adjacent igneous dikes, and that sulfide oxidation may occur under suboxic conditions with ferric iron as the oxidant. Carbon isotopes track the neutralization of acidic waters and the carbon mass budget of the system. Rare earth elements corroborate stable isotopes in indicating groundwater compartmentalization, and additionally illustrate enhanced mineral weathering in the mine workings. Environmental tracers indicate mixing of modern and pre-modern groundwater and inform timelines that active remediation may be needed. Together these datasets provide a useful template for similar investigations of abandoned mine sites where physical mixing processes, sources of solute loading, or remediation timeframes are of importance.





